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Musing Amusing — Ghastly Woods 
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Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
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Rebecca Wheatear
Rebecca was stunned by how the fae behaved. Like a scared rabbit! Before she could even say anything, the other jsut ran away. Pulling herself to her shaky legs she started to trot after her. Slowly in the beginning, weak legs barely keeping her up. Using all her mental powers she forced her legs to cooperate properly. Gaining speed, soon running. the other female might be small, but she thought it wouldn't be too hard to catch her. Sniffing, following the trail. It didn't take long when she saw the other running ahead.

<b>"Hey, wait!"</b> Rebecca yelled, trying to get her attention, wishing that she wouldn't scare the other even more. <b>"Please?"</b>
<img src="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j320/alleybomber/CRC9.png">
Played by Kori who has 25 posts.
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Dove Takaru
Her sore paws began to slow her down, causing her to run in uneven strides. Soon she grew tired, but that couldn't stop the fear that propelled her onward. As she began to run quickly again, her pelt a blur amongst the plantlife, she heard the distant pleads of the fae she had encountered, telling her to 'wait'. Her ears went flat against her head, unsure whether to stop or not.

Despite her urge to flee, she skidded to a hault in front of a tree and turned fast to face the other wolf as she neared. Her fur was slightly bristling, but not in agressivness of any sort. Her tail went between her legs as she slightly cowered down, trying to make herself smaller. The last thing she wanted was to get into a fight, so she would try her best to seem harmless, even though she really was anyway.
Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
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Rebecca Wheatear
Rebecca ran closer, slowing down when she saw the other halting. Trotting to the scene, Reba made sure not to look scary or aggressive in any way. Frightened wolf might attack, and she wasn't in fighting condition, not at all. So tail low, ears forward looking friendly, head slightly lowered. That should do it.

When she came to a halt in front of the fae, her body made clear that running wasn't a good thing right now. Shaking even more than before she only barely stood, breathing heavily, tongue long from mouth. <b>"Why.... did you.... Moment!"</b> she gasped and turned away, trying to control her breath. Air whined while it traveled thgough her trachea. but it didn't take long before she was back okay, still shaking and feeling exhausted, but now breathing easily.

<b>"Better"</b> she said smiling, trying to break the wall of fear between her and the white female.<b> "Why did you ran away? I must say that I barely saw you before you were gone."</b> Reba said friendly.
<img src="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j320/alleybomber/CRC9.png">
Played by Kori who has 25 posts.
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Dove Takaru
When the other fae spoke friendly and made no aggresive signs, Dove began to calm. Her fur now lie flat and she was standing normally, but her ears were still back and tail still tucked between her hind legs. Her heartbeat slowed from the run through the <span class='word'>boscage</span>, and when the other had finally regained her breath and spoken, Dove felt a bit happy she'd stopped. It was the beginning of a possible conversation, and she could honestly say it made her happy.

Her tail finally went back and began to wag instead of tremble like the rest of her. Dove's fluffy white ears perked forward again as she now felt comfortable around the fae. Remembering the question, she replied. <b>"W-Well um... I guess I was just a bit.... frightened,"</b> Her voice was a mere whisper, possibly a murmur, considering she was still unsure of the stranger before her. The atmosphere about her though seemed good, not bad.
(This post was last modified: Dec 07, 2011, 09:45 PM by Dove.)
Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
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Rebecca Wheatear
Rebecca struggled to hear what the other said and to stand. Eyes wanted to close, she wanted to reest and sleep. But now she had something more important to do. Yawning she wondered the words of the female. Frightened... Well, perhaps everyone weren't as scareless as Rebecca and most wolves she had met. If she would be extremely friendly, maybe she could get a new friend? Wagging her tail she answered with friendly, sure voice: <b>"No need to be scraed! I won't hurt you if you don't hurt me. And now..."</b> she yawned again, forced to sat down when her exhausted legs couldn't carry her anymre. <b>"...you would easily beat me." </b>Having a short moment of total exhaustion, she closed her eyes and fell forward. Before she lost her balance completely, her front paw came under, preventing her fell down. Standing stiffly Reba shook her head trying to get rid of the tiredness.

Pointing her fuggy eyes to the other fae she thought all kinds of silly things. They made her smile. <b>"So, what's you name?"</b> Rebecca layed down, wondering should she say her name. Possibly, the scared one would probably feel better if she would know her name. <b>"I'm Rebecca. Just call me Reba, it's shorter."</b> she said smiling friendly and wagging her tail.
<img src="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j320/alleybomber/CRC9.png">
Played by Kori who has 25 posts.
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Dove Takaru
Dove relaxed greatly as the fae said she wouldn't harm her. All too easily, she trusted another without anything at all. That was a strange quality, but good al the same, for the most part. Finally her tail began to wag more, as a smile graced her lips. Blue eyes shining, she watched as the other slightly stumbled over, then caught herself and stood back up. This caused her to slightly giggle, which caught even herself off guard. She hadn't laughed in who knows how long! Happiness seemed to fill her heart again for once.

Seeing her friendly posture, Dove then knew this wolf wasn't of any harm to her. Upon hearing her question, she blinked and slightly tilted her muzzle to the side, shuffling her front paws. Instantly she became a bit shy, as she had never introduced herself before. <b>"H-Hi Reba, I'm Dove. Nice to meet you,"</b> She responded in a shy manner. Already she felt the kind of friendly warm-tingly feeling you get when meeting someone new, and everything seems to be all right. Without her realizing, Dove's posture became a bit pup-like, excited and wiggly.
(This post was last modified: Dec 11, 2011, 12:42 AM by Dove.)
Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
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Rebecca Wheatear
Rebecca watched with amusement as the other started to behave oddly. Kinda like herself. <b>"Nice to meet you too!"</b> she said yawning. How tired can you feel yourself? How tired you need to feel yourself before you fall asleep? Smiling to Dove she wagged her tail. Eyes nearly closed. Not quite before she opened them wide and yawned. Her mind started to disfuction due tiredness, but she did her best to stay focused. <b>"You're okay?"</b> she then asked, thinking that she might had saw Dove moving carefully while running. Maybe, it was a short view...

Yet, as tired as she was, rebecca didn't want to go to sleep before knowing more about this girl. She wanted new relations, she was always after them. Specially friendly ones, they were possible friends. Having someoen to tell secrets was awesome thing.
<img src="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j320/alleybomber/CRC9.png">
Played by Kori who has 25 posts.
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Dove Takaru
Tilting her head, she studied how the other fae struggled to keep her mind awake. Reba had yawned and her vision faultered, Dove was sure. With a small smile, she slightly nodded. <b>"I'm alright. What about you?"</b> Nothing stirred in the forest at this point, calmness surrounding the area. None but a few birds and small fauna, making quick sharp noises as they went about. A gentle sweep of wind also wound its way through the trees, moving the leaves and branches to-and-fro.

Even Dove herself was becoming tired, seeing the evening light washing over the trees. After sweeping at some dirt and dust with her tail, she slowly settled, paws going under her body as she layed upon the ground. Her white fur puffed out from under her, making her look quite silly, but she never cared.
Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
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Rebecca Wheatear
<b>"I'm fine, just little tired..."</b> the end of the sentence drowning in another yawn. She really needed to get some sleep! Watching as the other layed down, apparently going to sleep in that point, Rebecca wondered what was a wolf brave enough to sleep without the protection of a den, but too scared to talk with weak stranger of her own kind? Ah, who cares. Rebecca had done the same. Laying down as well, she rolled to her side and closed her eyes. It didn't take longer than few seconds before she was sleeping...

<i>...dreaming of a lush meadow. Running and jumping, chasing the butterflies, feeling happy and worrieless. Then a distant call. Large, golden wolf standing on the top of the hill nearby. Mom... Then another call, from the opposite hill. Pup, with reddish fur and brown, almost red eyes. Who was he...? Distant memories, memories she thought she didn't have filled her dream. He was foggy,s he couldn't remember his name... but she was sure he had been there, in her past.</i>
<img src="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j320/alleybomber/CRC9.png">
Played by Kori who has 25 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Dove Takaru
Dove watched as Reba slowly drifted off into dreamland, her form becoming peaceful and unmoving. Her eyes began to droop with her own drousiness, but something screamed at her to not fall asleep, though she didn't understand why she couldn't. Often she attempted to stay awake, because she had nightmares about what had happened just a few short months ago. Reluctantly however, she lay her head down and soon found herself drifting in and out of conciousness before fading off...

<i>Tounges of flame flickered about the newly charred trees, smoke still lingering over the air. The scorched bodies of a pack of wolves lay near their densite, eyes widened in their unmoving forms, as they were trying to flee when the silent but deadly fire overtook them. The once beautiful, lush area was now a wasteland. A white shape padded over the hill then froze as frightened blue eyes took in the scene, and with a loud yelp it darted in the opposite direction, leaving her pack and the terrible memory behind her, though it shall always be burned into the depths of her mind...</i>