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Dawn of Friendship — Drooping Willows 
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Played by Caitlyn who has 6 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Melody Breeze
Melody padded with ease through the grass, enjoying the softness. A slight breze ruffled her cream and white pelt, vivid green eyes scanning the cloud-free sky. An evening sun bathed the surrounding view in a veil of yellows and oranges, as the day-time fauna returned to their homes, preparing for the night. Her den was enclosed under the roots of a willow tree, the gnarled roots forming a small hole right in the earth. Soft peat moss covered the dirt, providing soft bedding for when Mel was in dreamland. Long, flowing branches blocked out the annoying rays of the sun at dawn, allowing her to stay asleep as the morning dawn dissappeared. Nothing could ever disturb the peace of the area. A small winding stream also etched its way by her den, the small sounds of water a comfort to her. Such a beautiful place didn't compare to anywhere she'd ever been; She would wander here forever and forever after. Often she even sung her heart out to these very spots.

As Melody trotted past her den, she paused and wondered whether to settle, or go to her favorite clearing and watch as the stars appeared. Nothing captured her admiration more then the night time sky, and it was her favorite thing to sing at nght or watch the stars take their places in the sky. Such a beatiful sky was an <span class='word'>adytum</span> to Melody; Forbidden to anyone to enter. The gracefulness of the sparkling specks didn't compare to anything in her opinion. So, as decided, she kept walking. Soon the great willows' parted into a clearing, a pile of stones forming a table-like structure in it's center. Melody sprang over atop the stones and settled on them, tucking her paws beneath herself, gaze traveling to the sky as evening turned into night. She kept her steady gaze on the sky, waiting, for the stars to appear. Crickets began to chirp, adding to the calmness of the night.
(This post was last modified: Dec 11, 2011, 12:58 AM by Melody.)
Dance First, Think Later.

It's the natural order. =D
Played by Kori who has 25 posts.
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Dove Takaru
The soft grass was like heaven to Dove, who had been wandering for a long time. She hadn't stopped for several days at a time, and her pads were sore and bleeding, leaving patches of blood on the grass. Though worn and hungry, her will told her to keep going, though she had no idea where she was heading. This area, this place, all of it was so beautiful and overwhelming at the same time. It was like a sanctuary, but anything was allowed, yet still it was undisturbed. The willow trees added to the beauty, their gently sloping branches just barely touching the ground. Wildflowers swayed gently in the breeze, and for once, Dove felt at peace.

Such peacefulness was always short lived. A veil of shadows began to cover the land as evening turned to night, and the few signs of life Dove had loved to see vanished with the setting sun. Nighttime had always frightened her; She never liked to imagine what horrid things could leap at her from the darkness. And if that wasn't enough, the scent of another wolf reached her nose, causing her to pause in fear. If she continued, would she run into a felonious creature? Would it attack her and leave her to die? Surely nothing in this area could do such a thing...
She gathered her courage and continued on, not taking her gaze off the few pawsteps before her. She thought she had gone around the other fae, but instead found the scent growing stronger. Just as she stepped into a clearing, the image of a wolf stood as a silhouette atop a pile of stones. Her whole body began to slightly tremble; Her scent would surely be caught by the stranger, and she'd be stupid to flee upon such grounds.
Played by Caitlyn who has 6 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Melody Breeze
As though by magic, a sudden scent caught Mel's attention. It was another wolf's scent, though she could also sense fear within the air, not knowing why. Glancing side to side, she searched the clearing for any signs of the other fae, until a shape came into her vision. It was a small white wolf, and it was now trembling in the darkness. Melody couldn't actually believe the fae was trembling so hard that she could <u>see</u> it. Slowly she stood and turned gracefully on the stones, leaping to the ground and facing the other.

She didn't know how to approach someone as afraid as this. It wasn't like greeting an old friend or eve a hostile sranger, it was a <i>frightened</i> stranger, and Melody didn't want to scare it in any way. Carefully and slowly she advanced, pawstep by pawstep, until she was at least a safe ten feet from the fae. Her haunches went down into a sit, and she lifted a paw up, smiling. <b>"I come in peace,"</b> She said, hoping the other would take it as a friendly joke and calm down. That wasn't how she would usually greet another wolf, but this one looked like she could use some reassurance, no matter how silly the tactic.
Dance First, Think Later.

It's the natural order. =D
Played by Kori who has 25 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Dove Takaru
Suddenly the fae had turned, leaping from it's station atop the stones and facing Dove. She knew the wolf would scent her, but didn't think it would react so suddenly. As the other came closer, she thought her legs and paws would go numb from the cold and so much shaking. Blood rushed to her head making her a bit dizzy, ears laying flat against her skull. What if this stranger wasn't friendly? Dove would almost certainly lose any fight she took on, and wanted to avoid conflict in the first place.

All her fears almost instantly vanished, however, when the wolf sat in front of her and lifted a paw, saying 'I come in peace'. She couldn't help a yip of laughter that escaped her lips, causing her to blink in surprise. If this fae was acting silly upon greeting her, surely she couldn't be all that bad? Still weary, Dove managed a small smile and her tail slightly wagged, her blue eyes meeting the other's vivid green. Wondering what to say next, she tilted her head in deep thought. <b>"I hope so,"</b> was all she could say in response.