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away, we wander — Riddle Heights 
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Played by Kaitlin who has 19 posts.
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Mateo Vrikstein
<blockquote>There were packs nearby, other wolves; this could potentially become an issue for him.

He shifted uncomfortably, attempting to ease the tension that riddled his body. He peered out across the pass, westward, watching the rocky terrain turn quickly into a wide expanse of green as his eyes traveled further out. There wouldn't be much he could do to avoid them other than stay out of their territory, and he had been doing that successfully for something like a year. It shouldn't be too difficult now. All he had to do was keep to the higher altitudes and travel away from fresh scents. Most wolves tended to make their homes in the greener areas, but he was all too accustomed to the terrain that surrounded him now. There only difference here was incline as opposed to altitude. He might run into an issue if someone was seeking him out, but in his year of seclusion, he hadn't had that problem yet.

Unfortunately, much as he might like to think it, he was not an unsocial creature. He was as curious as ever about who lay down the other side of the pass, and he hadn't been completely secluded for the year. There had been the odd loner he had come across and even shared pleasantries with; after all, it wasn't individuals he had such a struggle with.

Undecided, he loped northward, retracing a path he had already become accustomed to.

Setting up camp hadn't been a decision he had taken lightly and now that he had, he was sure he would live to regret it. It allowed him to think of some sort of permanence in the territory that surrounded him and he wasn't quite sure how he felt about it all yet. Considering his last place of residence... his nose wrinkled with marked distaste and something like bitterness flashed across his face. Well, let's just say the jury was out.</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Dec 13, 2011, 07:41 PM by Mateo.)
Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
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Rebecca Wheatear
Wandering in Riddle Heights. Rebecca wasn't usually here, but today she had had the feeling that she was locked in one place. Her cure was to explore new areas, and Riddle was something new to her. Rocky terrain, not maybe something she adored, but it was new and that was only thing mattered now. Walking and jumping, making false attacks to little creatures of the ground, she traveled looping around the landscape. Climping on rocks, jumping off rocks, not trying to be quiet. Stones rolled all over as she ran beside them, pushing them down and watching as they went. Playful day, funny day. Lonely day...

What was this? A freash scent of another wolf. Rebecca started following it, still keeping fun and if someone would saw her, making fool out of herslef. But she didn't care, her pup like side had taken over and all she wanted to do was to have fun and not worry about anything. Turning away from the tracks without tahts he even noticed, she went to a large boulder that looked unstable. Pushing it with her whole body weight, Reba managed to push it down. It took larger and smaller rocks with it, causing a rock slide. Giggling Rebecca continued her way trotting without worries, jumping through a bush, rolling on the ground, halting and noticing taht she stared to the eyes of unknown brute.
<img src="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j320/alleybomber/CRC9.png">
Played by Kaitlin who has 19 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Mateo Vrikstein
<blockquote>There was something eerie about walking in a place he’d not yet become accustomed to. Movement wasn't free. He was much more aware of his surroundings... the squirrel that flung itself high from one branch to another a few feet away, the sharp crack as one rock hit another, displaced by some clumsy animal who had a misstep on the already unsettled terrain, the heady scent of the loam where moisture collected to create green areas between the rocks. Such was the case for Mateo; but then, that had been the case for some time now. He become used to his travel weary habits. The way his eyes flickered constantly around the terrain, inhaling deeply every so often in order to test the air for new scents, the little radars that his ears had become, constantly in motion atop his head. He took no note of them now, merely the information they brought to him.

He hadn’t moved too far away from the area that concealed his den. A small outcrop rose low in a nook of a slope where it lay sheltered. Looking down towards it, one would expect it to be nothing more than a pile of rocks, covered by a sparse growth of foilage. He hadn’t been paying particular attention in that direction, pointed as he was north. However, as one might expect, he became rather distracted as the earth began to tremble beneath his feet.

It started suddenly and was just as quickly bone jarring, the roar of rock colliding with rock, earth rolling over itself, consuming his entire body. His eyes widened and he hunched low to the ground, looking wildly about for the sudden impact that he expected. Quickly finding that the earth was not opening beneath him, his eye caught movement as he craned his head around to see what was happening.

It was easy enough to see what had cause the tremors; the rocks that jarred against each other were coming to a slow halt, the roar dying slowly away while his body dealt with the aftershocks of having the earth shake beneath him. His body had turned unconsciously as his head did and he was now facing southwest; the direction his den lay in. Perhaps it was unsightly, but one would have to forgive Mateo for the slack jawed expression that hung on his face. The slide had completely cemented his den into the earth. Not even the telltale foliage could be seen beneath the newly laid grave of rock.

He gaped for an instant longer, blinking dimly at the sight that now lay in front of him.

It was only the loud scuffles and high pitched giggles that brought his jaws together with a click and snapped his head to his left. His body tensed, legs stiffening along with his tail as his eyes narrowed in the direction the noises were coming from. Already on edge, he was quickly working himself into a paranoia. Of course, he didn’t have to wait long before his paranoia became a reality and a darkly colored wolf leapt through the bushes from the south, tumbling about like a rag. His gaze bore into her own, lip curling ever so slightly as a shot of adrenaline rushed belatedly through him. He took in the sight of her, speculative before his gaze shifted momentarily back to the rubble that had killed off the birth of his den.

His ears lay back across his skull, pinned down by the sheer exasperation he felt suddenly empty from his chest in a deep sigh. Really? Had that really just happened? A few more rocks jittered free from the loose mess of rubble that now lay down the side of the incline, completely covering the path and the entrance to his recently hollowed out den. Live to regret it, he’d thought. He could have mocked himself with ease had he found the situation funny. As it was, he was now without the small sense of familiarity he’d managed to claw out in an unfamiliar terrain and apparently now in the company of an equally unfamiliar wolf. His gaze shifted back to the wolf, a cold glare settling on her. His body remained tense and distinctly unfriendly, hackles raised ever so slightly in his irritation. Even his look said quite plainly: <i>This is you’re doing. Now what are you going to do about it?</i>

Indignant. That is the word to describe this situation. </blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Dec 14, 2011, 09:44 AM by Mateo.)
Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rebecca Wheatear
OOC: I wondered that would it turn like this... Apparently it did o.o

Rebecca's head turned to the direction of the rock slide, then back to the brute. He seemed angry. Had she done something? They just met, what did she do already? Had it something to do with the boulder she had pushed down? Thinking... Maybe it had killed someone? No, that was unlikely... The male would probably attacked by now if someone had died. But he was irritated, that's for sure! Alwasy when she had fun, someone else didn't like her! Odd, odd life. Eyeing the brute she stood up and wagged her tail, keeping head low. She had no idea whats he had done, but the male clearly blamed her for something.

<b>"Err... Hello! Mm... Did I do something?"</b> she asked wagging her tail slowly. Apologizing face already, not wanting to make the brute more angrier. She wasn't on the mood to be all well-mannered, she still had exploration mode on. It was only game with luck would the brute understand her correctly. If it would be fight... She'd rather run and have fun later, than stay and be injured or killed.
<img src="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j320/alleybomber/CRC9.png">
Played by Kaitlin who has 19 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Mateo Vrikstein
{OOC}----- <i> Haha, it seemed like a logical thing to happen, given their location. xD</i>

<blockquote>Really, there was no way of knowing for sure that she had caused the rock slide. It wasn’t her he had seen, only the aftermath and her willy-nilly antics moments after it stopped. Unless of course he asked and she actually admitted to it. Regardless of whether she had caused the slide or not, she certainly seemed to be unaffected by it. Lucky her. She probably had a home to wander back to. Either she had mastered the ability of controlling her emotions completely (in which case, hats off) or she was completely ignorant of the danger that either one of them could have been swept away with the slide had they been standing in the wrong spot. Even his higher location wouldn’t have kept him safe had the rocks loosened beneath his feet and followed the others down the slope.

His cool gaze rested on her. Her words conflicted with her actions; one saying she had no idea what the look on his suggested {blame}, while the other was in the midst of cautious apology. Uncertain of what she had done, but already willing to apologize for it before she was even sure she had done it. Or so it appeared.

He was torn. Torn between merely walking away and finding another location to build upon, answering her and letting her know how annoyed he was, or getting rid of some of the adrenaline that was rushing through him and giving him the shakes because it went on unused. If he asked himself honestly what he wanted to do, he really wanted to just walk away and go for a run by himself. That would be the easy thing to do. That’s what he had been doing for months now. Dealing with things on his own. Coming to this area certainly hadn’t changed that. He’d come into contact with wolves and had less interaction than the wolf that stood before him now. It hadn’t bothered him then, so why should it now?

Making up his mind on the spot, he leveled his gaze on her once more more before he turned to move away, moving only to the side in order to keep her, at least, within his peripherals. He didn’t need some sort of sneak attack happening if this wolf was up to no good. Whatever that may entail, he was already convinced she had started the slide, whether one purpose on on accident, he couldn’t say. He also wasn’t entirely sure if she would follow him or not. She seemed harmless enough, given her attitude, but one never could tell. </blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Dec 14, 2011, 07:42 PM by Mateo.)
Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rebecca Wheatear
OOC: Reba is now refers to her first appear in Relic Lore, when she met Ruiko Tainn. Just for information :)

Rebecca knew that behavior. Running away, indecision. Ears went against her head before she could stop them, back up, back down. She had nearly ruined herself with running, could she let it happen to him? The puppy joy desappeared in blink of on eye, eyes turned as cold as their color, teeth almost bared. <b>"Don't you dare to run.."</b> she started before blinking and pulling head up, forcing ears up and shaking her head. This wasn't the right way, it wasn't! It sounded all wrong and evil. She needed to come up with something better!

Sighing Rebecca lowered her head, keeping her eyes on the brute. She wasn't going to let him run away, it was harmful, harmful indeed. <b>"I know what you're going to do. Run away from all troubles. Let me tell you, it won't work forever. I've tried."</b> she started and this time finished. Tail low, stiffly pointing to ground. Eyes concentarted to the brute, still cold look in them. Voice was friendlier, but her entire body language told trhats he wouldn't give up with this thing. The male could stay and so would she, or the male could run and so would she. It was up to him.
(This post was last modified: Dec 14, 2011, 07:57 PM by Rebecca.)
<img src="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j320/alleybomber/CRC9.png">
Played by Kaitlin who has 19 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Mateo Vrikstein
{OOC}----- <i>Gotcha. ;)</i>

<blockquote>How amusing. For the years he had spent fighting wolves, his family no less, who wished to keep him in his designated place, he could have no more stopped his reaction than he could have stopped breathing. Clearly, they had left their impression. Mateo was stubborn by nature; he was proud by conditioning and he would not stand aside while someone insulted him for something they knew nothing about. His ears flattened against his skull at the tone of her voice, body already whirling to face her so that she was fully within his sights. A snarl ripped from his throat, hackles raised, and limbs stiff as his lips peeled back. This female was treading on dangerous ground. His eyes flashed, teeth clicking together in the cold air; a clear warning.

Even as his eyes focused on her form, suddenly contrasted with the tone that she held just a moment before, he didn’t alter his stance. A distrust had already started forming the moment she had first spoken to him and she furthered it now. To suggest he was running when she knew nothing more than the sight of him was insulting; Mateo did not run from his problems. He had been thrown from his pack; he had not walked away freely. But this female knew nothing about that. She could only know that where a mildly indignant wolf had stood before, an insulted, angry wolf stood now.

Had their interactions started differently, he would have been curious about her past. He would have asked her what had happened to her. He might even ponder over it in the future. But as it stood now, she had been judged, and none too kindly.

He stood on higher ground than she, slightly elevated as she stood to the south and he in front of her. Already he was calculating the ways in which she might come at him and the ways in which he would react. This was not a new scenario to him; he had been here before. <i>This</i> was familiar. His words were uttered in a growl that reverberated through his chest, harsh and raspy from disuse. <b>“You know nothing. Nothing more than what is in front of you.”</b> He fought the urge to clear his throat and instead turned it into a ragged snarl. <b>“Walk. Away.”</b>

The ‘or else’ should have been clear from his stance.</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Dec 14, 2011, 08:49 PM by Mateo.)
Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rebecca Wheatear
The spectrum of feelings on Rebecca's face was pretty stunning. Shame, anger, fear, hate, friendliness, happines, many, many emotions flahsed through her face, before stopping to amsued self-repulsion. Lowering her front body, pushing her head and neck against the ground, she started to scratch her face with her front paws, pattering <b>"stupid, stupid"</b> at the same time. not too hard to see that she ment herself.

Why did she alwayd end up to this? Making everyone else angry, herself wondering what she had done. No! It wasn't going to happen this time! Still saying <b>"stupid"</b> she hit her head hard to the ground few times. Okay, did she now get the esage? Be POLITE! Nothing else than well mannered, at least until that male would know her better and understand she ment nothing bad with her words. Think before you say, girl!! But she needed to make one thing clear.

<b>"Do not tell me to walk away!"</b> she said standing up. Friendly, but stubborn look, proud voice. Then Rebecca took a deep breath an dlet it out slowly, trying to control her feelings and fins something good to say. <b>"Sorry. Whatever I did, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to."</b> she tried to cool the situation. No more enemies please! Maybe the male could get her message. She kept her voice friendly, still showing that she was serious about what she said. He seemed so much like her. they could probably have great chats about life. <b>"I'm Rebecca, the one always in trouble and making others mad."</b> she said smiling odd, slightly bitter smile. Eyes were fearless, staring to the brute's own. The thing in Rebecca's personality, that most called insanity, was actually just young wolf's stupidness and daredevilism. Yet you couldn't say Reba as brave wolf, she just didn't understand the danger in all situations.
<img src="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j320/alleybomber/CRC9.png">
Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
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Athena Moon
The white female slipped through the rocky terrain with ease. Her paws were built for this. The long stretches, rocky paths, everything. Her petite size, allowed her to slip through tight places, where larger wolves couldn't possibly go through. Athena's amber orbs were lucent as the sun popped out from behind the clouds at times. Her ears were searching for any sound that could be dangerous for her.

Everything was silent. Not a animal moving along the rocky slopes. No creature in sight. Then all of a sudden the ground started to shake and quiver. Athena instinctively jumped back from any boulder she was by. She almost got hit in the head by a rock the size of her head. The white bodied wolf, crouched closer to the ground and ran away from the cliff above her. The rumbles stopped and Athena lifted her head up when she thought all was calm. <i>What was that?</i> The female slowly walked towards the cliff where the rocks were falling from and searched around for the cause.

There standing by the boulders was a black female and a darker brown male. Of course they were both larger than her. Athena crouched lower to the ground and froze watching the two wolves. It didn't look good. The male didn't look too happy. Athena couldn't really see the expression on the female's face, as she had her back to the white female. Athena tried listening to their conversation, trying to decide if she should avoid these two wolves, or go talk to them.
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