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tears of ice — Thicket of Secrets 
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Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
And so, despite the fact that her placement had been off track from what she originally planned, she would tear. Her upper half pushing forth into the man, her front paws up, as though to brace herself on him for balance and push, whilst her back legs ground into the dirty, snowy earth below her footing. Her eyes remained in slits, viewing the opening of the fields still before her- the glow of the full moon over the open, snowy landscape, how sense this encounter, the world had grown darker- darker, colder even. The clouds gathered but still, taking hold of the moon, trying to smother her as they wrapped around her. The clouds growled with warning of the coming storm, and so did Elettra Archer.
With whatever grip she held, her head would toss to the left-to the right, and back and forth again, viciously tossing her skull as one might shake prey about to their death. Her front limbs would attempt to scratch dull claws at his body, and in time, a whine would pass her lips, the glistening of her wet cheeks made to reveal new tears to seep from her narrowed pale gaze. After her shaking about, her cry breaking free by a gasp as she released him, did a vicious snarl pass her lips, her jaws open, snapping, seeking to nip and pull at various bits of his shoulders, his chest, his nape, though bothering not to seek any hold as she attempted to do so.
She was wild as she would attempt to tear into him, before as much force, strength and hate she put into the attacks, she would grow tired. In an instant she would push off him and pull backwards, stumbling a good distance away from him, head lowered between her limbs which were spread for balance. She would pant, fresh streams of tears over her cheeks, though she cried no more.
Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
She accepted that he would not roll to his back and expose his stomach to her, but that did not stop her from savaging the areas on him she could reach. He, Elettra and the late night moon were the only ones to bear witness to this event, and as her teeth sank in to the flesh along his back, her muzzle would shake to and fro violently; a manic woman held by despair. It took everything for the male to not leap at her – his claws dug to the ground and his eyes fixated upon the trees not far off, for this offering was not Ruiko Tainn, and he knew his father and family would have frowned upon him. This was the only mercy he knew she would understand.

Finally she released him, and while his back and fur was torn and messed, the blood matting upon his golden and brown pelt, it seemed she had done far less damage than he had expected of such a venomous lady. She pulled back now, and only then did the male see the new trail of tears that had fallen down her cheeks.

Pulling himself up now, the male could feel the sting of where her fangs had been though he disregarded it. Instead, he strode forward now, almost boldly to the face of such a ticking time bomb. Lifting a paw, the male made to place it upon her slender back, his muzzle moving to place a gentle lick to the top of her crown.
Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
Still, still as a board, as he would remain flattened against the cold, icy grounds, staring out amongst the trees, without even a whimper to grow sign of his discomfort, despite how she tore for his flesh, ripped for the hairs of his lush, winter coating coming to life. It would be frustrating, to not feel the heat of a battle, but little did she need to weaken herself now- little did she need wounds, when he pack was in such instability. She would need to remain strong for them and thus, had accepted Ruiko's plea of using him as a more or less beating post despite not being her pack omega, if only to end her internal suffering.
She had far done what all she could have to him, as she had ripped at his shoulders, his chest before he had fallen down- his back. She would not fight for the ability to gain his throat, his vital veins at the side of his neck, his belly, what made him a man, for such cruelty was below her. She was wild, fierce and a proud woman- but she was not cruel, heartless, nor evil.
In her pant, in her wild, pale gaze, she would but watch him in her position, watch as Ruiko had come forth, though in all her preparation for his smart remarks, his threats, his displays of dominance and contortion to care, despite how he said now he did, nothing would prepare her for this. And although he moved easily, was she caught off guard, her limbs once to tremble might lock up at the lifting of his paw, dropped over rounding of her shoulder. And her body would freeze to his lick- affection, passion, a true sign that he might care as opposed to his otherwise churlish behavior.
Her creamy lips would quiver, a low growl echoing from her throat, though even to her it was less then intimidating- less then true. What was this!? Some kind of way to fuck with her, yet still? A test, of how much she may take? "....Why?" The question was but a whisper on her tongue, her hackles standing on end, though her eyes would refuse this time to meet him. She understood him when he was a distant cold, emotionless bastard. But this? It left her in loss! And so by her own defeat, did her limbs bend and she would fall to the ground on her own stomach, head falling and ears back as she might sigh. No witness to this event, savor the moon; not to her tears, her defeat and not to his submission and sacrifice no other of his family might consider understanding.
Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
The plant of a gentle kiss to her crown confused the she-wolf, and the low, seeping growl was not lost on the male though was significantly ignored. Her question seemed to echo in his mind, though he had no true answer. He had once felt lost like this, and not very long ago. The fire that had claimed his home and his family had tore him.. changed him. Still, the false bravado he put on to the world at the time was entertained only to ease the worries of his younger siblings, and begrudgingly he had followed Indru’s lead so as to offer them a life of normalcy. At the time, he had believed in such things. Now, Ruiko Tainn knew that nothing in life was ‘normal.’

“Because sometimes this is all another needs,” he decided with a low rumble, his eyes watching her as she buckled to the ground in her grief. He paused a moment then, disliking the crumbled and defeated look of the unknown woman. The quiet debate to take his leave crossed his mind, but the stoical male pushed these thought aside as he knelt beside her, his own long limbs entangling close to her as he began to smooth his tongue across the top of her head; the back of her nape. He would stay with her for the night if she permitted it.
Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
She would listen to him, though speak not a word in response, but if only the flicker of her ears back upward from their otherwise drooped position. Her head remained down, rested upon her paws, but her hackles would rest and with her perked ears, any sign of defeat would be shattered. She merely rested from her endeavor, breathing in the new smell of his blood, from having torn so viciously into him but moments ago.
She wouldn't look to him, as he might lick along her forehead and nape, her eyes turning to the view just behind him, back to the open field of dead trees and a thin blanket of snow over the grounds. Within the thicket, it would be less likely anyone they knew might find them and in her state, Elettra had no means to go home just yet. She'd accept him, silently, for his licks were nothing of lust, love or undying affection. It was but licks offered in the most basic of wolf behavior, bringing a comfort to her otherwise tense disposition. It was a soothing difference to what she had been raised upon and what she was used to, though there would be no complaints from her through the remainder of he night, if anything spoken significantly from her at all.
Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
And so silence blanketed the thicket around them. Ruiko’s tongue smoothed the velvety dark of her fur in a comforting manner, his own eyes lifting to sweep past the small area they had settled to for the night. No words needed to be spoken, and for that he was grateful.

His ministrations would cease as moments passed, and the large Tainn male placed his muzzle upon one outstretched creamy paw, his eyes gazing off into the darkness. Sleep would come upon him, but not one that offered fitful rest. The tightening of his skin throbbed throughout the night as healing began to take place; the blood drying to scabs from her inflicted injuries. Come morning silence would still be upon him, and he would leave the she-wolf’s side without closure of who she truly was, yet no longer would she haunt him as she had since that day. Perhaps one day a friendship could be forged from the understanding they had toward one another.