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A Solo life — Bramble Falls 
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Played by Ashleigh who has 4 posts.
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Solon Bixler
As he forced each paw in front of the other, Solon licked his lips, swallowing any saliva his body tried to produce. He had been walking for a long time yet each time he pressed down his paw, it widened the gap between his old home and his new future.

Solon was hoping to find himself a home, preferably somewhere discreet and secluded, somewhere he could go to without anyone bothering him. It was a long shot, he knew it as Solon was new to the area but he didn't want the hassle of joining a pack right now and he wasn't asking for much. A small piece of territory for himself would be quite sufficient for now.

He heard a rustle in the leaves and stopped short, sniffing the air for any would-be prey or predators. Solon was also trying to catch a meal and although he had come across nothing he could tackle himself on his journey so far, he was sure to find something in the forests ahead.

Satisfied that no predators were around yet disappointed about the lack of food, Solon continued on and reached what seemed like heaven, a long river twisting and turning. He ran almost full speed towards it and jumped, submerging himself in the water. He swam around for a while until his lungs needed air and reached the surface. He took in a long breath and felt something brush against his paw. It felt long but it darted as quickly as it had touched him. His paw twitched and he dived back under and found a huge fish desperately trying to get away to safety.

Solon's skill in the water and his speed proved to great for the fish and it soon found its way into the powerful jaws of Solon. He clutched it tightly between his teeth as he swam to the other side of the river. He dropped it down at his paws and shook off whatever water he could, ending in shaking his thick, bushy tail. Solon licked his lips once more, tasting the flesh of the fish that tantalised his taste buds and began digging into the huge fish. It was large enough to satisfy his hunger for the time being although as the river seemed to be alive with fish, he would come back soon and refill. Anything for an easy meal.

With a long drink to quench his thirst, Solon walked on towards the forest. He wasn't concentrating on the forest floor, he was watching the sky as he saw birds flying around the trees and it was this lack of concentration that caused Solon to step on a sharp stone. He yelped loudly and raised his paw. The stone had embedded itself into the pad of his paw and he had to sit to pull it out with his teeth. He spat it away in disgust and licked his slightly injured paw. He looked up once more but the birds had disappeared, probably due to his noise.

As he walked deeper in the forest, he kept a closer eye on his surroundings. He found several rabbit holes and found one big enough for him to fit into but decided to leave it for now. When it would get dark, he would venture around more for somewhere vacant at the edge of the forest. He enjoyed the river and perhaps there would be a big enough shelter for him to sleep and store food close to it. Solon yawned and he suddenly realised how tired he was. He found a tree and when he was sure no one was about, he curled up and soon drifted off into a deep sleep beneath it.
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Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
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Rebecca Wheatear
Life went well, well enough to say she was happy. No pack was found, but new friends discovered, enemies only few. Too much, but still not as many as she might have been gotten without the help of some important wolves. Rabbit swinging on her jaws, eyes shining, legs carrying her ahead. She ahd no particualr place to go, her den in Thicket could cope few days without her. Okay, maybe few weeks, but anyway. She had no hurries to go back. It wasn't anything taht she wouldn't like her den, it was a gift from heaven, but she wasn't used ot stay in one location more than one night.

Zig-zagging under the trees of the forest, hanging the dead rabbit between her jaws, trotting to find some nice place to finish her dinner. Winter was coming and due her lack of knowledge, she hadn't bulged herself up for winter. Maybe she would survive, who knows, but that wasn't a worry of the moment. Now she was healthy and food was nearby, as near as in her mouth, so everything was fine for now.

Sniffing the air, taking deep breath, enjoyning the cool air, but then a new scent, a scent of brute cought her nose. Wolf was somehwere, not too far. It had walked by here, from the river. Lowering her head, Reba tried to sniff the trail despite the rabbit. It wasn't too easy, but she started to follow it as well as she could. Getting lost a few times, turning in wrong directiona nd then coming back to find the scent again, she finally saw another wolf, sleeping under a tree. Stranger, she had never smelled his scent in Relic Lore before. Who was he? New here most likely, but from where? Walking closer, wagging her tail, ears perched forward, she halted few feet away from the sleeping brute and barked behind the rabbit. It wasn't loud enough, all voice got stuck in the large rabbit hanging from her mouth.

Dropping her prey to the ground in front of her legs, she didn't raise her head much. now barking quietly again, the sound from her throat got away from her mouth and to the surrounding woods. Waiting for the brute to wake up, she hold her tail still as she caught the slight scent of blood.
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Played by Ashleigh who has 4 posts.
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Solon Bixler
Solon sniffed loudly in his sleep and the scent of blood reached his nose. It made his mouth water, despite him dreaming. His dream changed from a peaceful summer's day to a harsh, cold winter. A rabbit had caught his eye and he lunged forward, catching it quickly in his mouth. As he continued to dream, Solon twitched and whined a little. The scent of the blood hadn't disappeared and it was slowly making him hungry again. Then he heard a muffled bark and he shuddered awake.

He immediately stood up, defensive and growling. If there was one thing Solon hated more than being woken up, it was being woken by a stranger, a bitch at that. Then he started to think... Maybe this was part of her territory. He relaxed a little, but still wary of the strange wolf. He looked around, she was on her own. That was strange. If it were her territory and she were hunting, the other pack members would be with her. At that thought, Solon relaxed even more, glad to have found a place that wasn't taken by another pack. At least not for now.

He yawned and sat down, still tired from his travels. He noticed the rabbit hanging from the wolf's jaws and discretely licked his lips. This was not the time for a fight with anyone. He hated to admit it but right now, he wasn't strong enough. At least the area seemed to have a bounty of food, he wouldn't go hungry this winter. He tried to take the scent of his mind and barked a friendly <b>"hello"</b> at the wolf. He didn't mind having company, as long as it didn't lead to any responsibilities with a pack.

Judging the wolf not to be dangerous, Solon got back into his comfortable position of lying down but he kept his head up, not wanting to seem distant. The wolf was intriguing, completely black fur. She looked thin though and he laughed to himself, he wasn't the only one that didn't bulk for winter. He'd make up for it, he was sure of that. Already hungry, he was waiting to go for a hunt. Fish didn't tease his appetite again. He wanted something like that rabbit hanging from her jaws, perhaps something bigger if he could find and manage it.
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Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
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Rebecca Wheatear
The brute woke up, and angry he was. At least first, then he seemed to slowly relax,a nd even layed down. Rebecca wasn't sure what to think. That brute was very stupid, very brave, or very ignorant. She could easily attack and beat him, he didn't look too good. His luck Rebecca never attacked without reasons.

As she saw him watching hrr rabbit, she quickly moved it behind her front legs. Her dinner, and she was going to eat it. That brute was loner and probably hungry, but so was she, and at least as long as they were strangers to wach other, she was ready to fight for her food.It would be whole different story if he would be her friend.

His friendly greeting amde Reba's tail wagg again. <b>"Hello. New in here?"</b> she asked with friendly tone. Eyes wandering all over the brute's body, nose sniffing and making sure this was a new scent to her. Ears waiting for sounds. The scent of fish told her that he had ate fish, but there was also the scent of blood. Was he hurt? She couldn't see any injuries, but he might have some.

Sitting down, keeping her dear dinner behind front legs, Rebecca slightly lowered her head to get her eyes to the smae level as the brute's. Tail still wagging, slowly, but wagging anyway. Left ear turning to listen some distant sounds caused by some small creature of the forest, right ear waiting for the brute's reply.
(This post was last modified: Dec 20, 2011, 06:11 PM by Rebecca.)
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Played by Ashleigh who has 4 posts.
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Solon Bixler
Solon noticed the rabbit being moved between the bitch's legs and stopped looking, she was obviously trying to guard it from him and he left it at that. He leaned the wrong way on his sore paw and yelped a little, licked it and continued eyeing her. He didn't want her to think he was weak. He didn't want any animal to think him weak, or he would be an easy target. Besides, it was only a small stone that cut his paw, it wouldn't hurt for long.

He then noticed her tale wag and her wondering eyes. From what he could judge, she seemed friendly enough not to want to fight with him. Then came her greeting. She had obviously known these parts. Perhaps she even had a den here. He would soon find out. <b>"Yes. I just got here after a long travel. Do you know these parts?"</b> He added subtly.

Solon noticed her ear twitch to the sound of something moving in the forest floor and he immediately stood. He had caught the sound in his ear and he sniffed around, picking up the scent of a small animal. It would have to be left though, he thought it would be good if he had at least one friend around here that could keep him right so he stayed put. He turned his attention back to the bitch and waited on her reply. He wagged his tale a little, joining her friendly stance.

Although he could never be sure, it seemed that Solon had found a home. At least for now. It looked to be quiet enough, it was large, plenty of food available and somewhere to sleep. Anything would be better than where he came from but he wasn't expecting it to be this good. Solon would be happy here and hopefully nothing would complicate that. And on that note, Solon sat down again but continued to wag his tale slightly.
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Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
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Rebecca Wheatear
Looking the other standing up just because of some forest creature, Reba had to wonder did that brute had a strong self-protection or was it something else. She could figure out that later on. Now she wagged her tail little faster as the other seemed frinndly.

<b>"I don't know Falls particularly well, but I've been moving all over Relic Lore and I know who's living here. I've never smelled you before"</b> thinking should she tell more about herself, rebecca decided that it wouldn't be bad thing. The brute was a possible friend. Smiling she continued: <b>"I have a den Thicket of Secrets, know where it is? I need to go back there before it snows too much. You're going to stay here?"</b> That was all she was going to tell for now, time to wait his answer.

The rabbit started to cool down, fresh and warm meat was better than cold, so Rebecca layed down pulling the rabbit in front of her and started to eat it, watching the brute most of the time. If he wanted to eat her rabbit... Better to forget or then just ask. Stealing would cause fight. Rebecca wasn't specially aggressive wolf, but she had her boundaries and they were not ment to be crossed by wolves with same or lower level of strength as her.

Ripping the felsh of with great pleasure, swallowing big chunks and splashing blood all around her dinner, Rebecca glanced to the sky. No need to hurry. But she hadn't spent one winter in Relic, and didn't know how badly Thicket would get it's snow cover, would it be impossible to go through or would it's thickedness protect it. She wanted to spend the winter close to her den, not going over Beaver Dam. She knew many food hides made by other animals, so if the winter was going to be tough, Thicket would still be the best place for her, even if that would means he would become a thief.
<img src="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j320/alleybomber/CRC9.png">
Played by Ashleigh who has 4 posts.
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Solon Bixler
Solon thought about the wolf's reply. Was she asking him to follow her to her den? He wasn't sure and didn't want to make assumptions. He noted the name of this strange land, <b>"Relic Lore? Hmm. Sounds interesting enough."</b> He barked out a laugh. He then shook his head, he hadn't seen a wolf den anywhere along his short travels. <b>"I haven't a clue."</b> He was about to end with that but decided he would divulge a little more information about himself. It wouldn't hurt, would it? <b>"I travelled from across the river, sniffed around for a while and then found that tree. I noticed some rabbit holes along my way but nothing big enough for a wolf den. I'm looking for a place to sleep, hopefully somewhere close to food."</b> He hoped that his reply wouldn't seem like he wanted to use her den. Although he would be happy to share a den, it wouldn't make much of a difference if he found his own.

He shivered at the mention of snow. Although Solon loved the winter more than any other time of year, he liked to be able to swim without icicles forming everywhere. This would also be his first winter in Relic Lore, did it snow much here? He needed a suitable den if he wanted to keep himself warm over the winter. He was looking forward to it though. It was a new experience, a new start to his life far away from his past and that made Solon happier than anything. The speed of Solon's wagging tail increased slightly as he basked in his new-found happiness.

He watched slightly as the wolf dug in to her meal. All thoughts of his previous hunger had vanished as he made plans to hunt later, something else he was looking forward to. He noticed how much of a messy eater she was. He liked to take his time when eating, it made him feel full and it lasted longer. He only ate quickly if he was exceptionally hungry or he felt he was in danger. Perhaps the bitch was still wary of himself. Trying to show that he wouldn't steal her food, Solon moved back a little, giving her some space to eat. He heard birds in the sky once more and lifted his head to watch.

Solon almost forgot to answer the bitch's last question, <b>"It looks a nice enough place. Seems to be plenty of food to catch and the river is amazing. I hope I've found home. I've come a long way searching for it."</b> Before his mouth let slip any more, he closed it and rested his head on his paws.
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Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rebecca Wheatear
Rebecca looked as the male gave her more space. Gentleman actions. Slowing down with her eating, her eyes were concentarted to him. Interesting wolf. His name remained mystery as well as where he had came from, but those weren't vital informations. Wagging her tail Rebecca licked her lips. Then she ripped off her big rabbit's hind leg. Picking it to her mouth and standing up, Reba walked few steps closer to the brute and put the leg down. Glancing him under her brows, she pushed the piece of meat towards the brute with her muzzle.

Backing off and returning to the place she had been, she layed down and contnued eating her rabbit, looking the brute time to time. She had nothing to say, at least nothing important. Bramble Falls was a good place to live, as long as you didn't care about the pack living right next to you. Maybe it would be good to tell.

Finsihing her rabbt, Rebecca lifted her head. <b>"You know about the pack living in Swift River? Right next to this area?"</b> She didn't know was the brute going to try in there, at least he the would be with family around him. Rebecca's hopes getting in there were pretty poor, she wasn't going to try. Not now when she had chances to get to the new pack that wasn't yet formed.
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