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Let the time pass — The Wildwood 
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Played by Ksi who has 35 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Suvah Avani

Eating my wings to make me tame . . .

The wolf took a deep breath. She had been roaming for quite a few hours, a long time for the insufficient breakfast she had managed to catch that morning. That little rodent whose entrails she had swallowed after some struggle here and there wasn’t giving any sign of being in her stomach anymore. Instead, there was some sort of a void, aggravated by the need to rest.

Suvah stopped trotting, sniffing the air of her surroundings. Grass… Wood… Water. Yes, maybe a bit of water would calm her fatigue. She started padding again, quickly enough to witness the little stream that contained the precious liquid. The fae drank enough to feel herself full and refreshed, and decided it was a nice time to take a little rest.

It was strange, Suvah had always been proud of her stamina. It was her strong point, she had always been able to walk miles and miles without feeling any kind of tiredness. Yet for some reason, she was there, having the need to even lay on her belly to recover, just for a few hours of exercise.

“Maybe I’m sick” she thought. “…Nah”. Suvah took another deep breath. Head resting on her paws, she couldn’t resist the temptation to shout her eyes closed for a brief moment. Unable to sleep but still with the need of resting, her mind began to wander. She had decided not to think about her past anymore. It was worthless, she was alone and would be until who knew when; months of searching for her beloved family without any sign of success had taught her not to be so whiny about the matter. In fact, she was almost sure she couldn’t feel anymore. After months of complete avoidance of any other activity that didn’t involve her physical needs or the search for her pack, she was starting to forget what socializing with others was like. She couldn’t even feel the need for playing anymore, oh, how she used to love fighting with her brothers. But she hadn’t felt like playing for too long now…

All she needed now was to let the day pass . . .

(This post was last modified: Dec 20, 2011, 03:11 AM by Suvah.)
Lack of muse warning! Posts may come slow!

<center>Para que en las noches españolas
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los hermosos aullidos del Lobo
Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
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Rebecca Wheatear
Humming a beatiful song while she wandered through the wood, Rebecca didn't feel happy or joyful, instead she felt tired and heavy hearted. Who knows why, but it made her grumpy. She loved playing around, exploring and having fun, but now she couldn't think anything else than the song in her head, her lullaby, and the heartless feeling inside her. It had all started earlier this morning, when she was hunting. Some stupid moose had got on her way and pushed her with it's head. Not her left side felt poor, it was soar and the pain radiated to her whole body. Now days,s he didn't even try to ot care about her pains, she ahd given up, she could never be like her mother.

Long time she had been away from her den in Thicket. She would need to go back soon, when the snow would fall, moving would be much harder and Reba wanted to saty near her beloved den. If someone had taken over it... Death to him.

Water. Maybe that would help. Swimming and water might jsut relax her muscles enough to make the pain less visible. Turning to the directions he knew the creek was, she padded under the trees, searching signs of snowstorm. There were clouds, but it would probably come down as water. She had time. Even though, she accelerated and trotted to get faster to the water source Reba was heading.

It didn't take long to get there. First sniffing, then walking closer, stepping in the water, drinking and walking deeper. The stream wasn't enough for swimming, but she wanted to feel the cool water on her heated ribs. Laying down, she sighed as she felt the cooling water on her fur. It didn't get to her skin, but that was only a good thing, she didn't want to get cold. Taking deep breathe, she stood up again, not even shaking the excess water off, and looked around. Her eyes focused to the lump on the shore, wolf, young fae. Reba could feel her mind working as she sniffed the scent coming from her; had she smelled it before? She... Maybe had... No, it couldn't be... She wasn't sure. Sloshing closer,s he greeted her with friendly voice, halting few feet away from her. <b>"Hello!"</b> Simple and effective, good way to see was the other aggressive or not, that's what Rebecca had found out.
<img src="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j320/alleybomber/CRC9.png">
Played by Ksi who has 35 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Suvah Avani

Little darling, I feel like ice is slowly melting . . .

OOC: Sorry if I'm late replying >_< this table is being one hell of a rebel for some reason.

She wouldn’t have admitted it. The deep calm of the forest, only interrupted by the fresh current of clear water and the relaxing sound of soft grass moved by a slight air current was slowly taking her to a deep slumber. Eyes closed, she could feel how grey clouds moved outside of the dense cape of branches and leafs that moved above her tired body, adding to the soft lullaby the forest was dedicating to her. It wasn’t hot, in fact, the cloudy sky had brought some cold air from the mountains, and the temperature was perfect for Suvah’s taste.

With a foot still touching the real world, her mind began to walk among dreams, colors, and deep sounds. The she-wolf could hear the most beautiful of songs, distant, but filling her mind, intoxicating her. Losing all connections with the real world, she floated for who know how much time.

Paws. Paws touching the grass. A dark figure appeared in Suvah’s dreams, intoning the sweet melody that has now turned into an endless and distorted loop. She felt a sudden dizziness, losing the track of time once more. All of the sensations were so familiar, so near, but she couldn’t even think clearly enough to ask herself why.

Suddenly, she felt her black nose painfully cold, and all sounds that filled her mind with the warmest of atmospheres turned into the loudest noise she had ever heard. Amber orbs opened wide at the noisy sound of splashes near her. The young wolf’s hear gave a strong beat inside her chest, reacting to the overwhelming sensation. It just lasted for a brief second, however, and Suvah found herself suddenly staring at a strange presence. She stood up, unsure of what to do. She thought of running away into the forest before the other beast noticed her, but it was probably too late now. Her mind focused on the individual. It was a fae, probably not much older than her; she had a jet black pelt that stood up against the soft colors of the surroundings.

Suvah lowered her ear, and her muscles began to tense as she observed how the other was now pointing directly at her, sniffing the air, staring at her with her icy blue eyes. What if the vixen was aggressive? Although she wasn’t particularly big, she certainly looked impressive. The grey bitch stood her ground. With a front paw lifted instinctively, she started to sniff the air as well, making her best not to look directly at the stranger’s eyes. The scent was clearly familiar, but the adolescent couldn’t put her paw on where had she smelt it before.

“… Hello.” Responded Suvah, feeling more secure as she heard the other’s warm voice tone. Good thing the black figure wasn’t approaching, or else she would have probably attacked her on impulse. Still sniffing at the newcomer, she starting wagging her tail with a slow, confused motion. Who was her? Why was her scent so familiar? Maybe she was going crazy, knowing how much time had passed ever since she had entered in contact with other wolf. “Who…” Suvah paused, there was a much important question to ask first. “Are you from a pack?” she finally said, focusing deeper on the other animal, who seemed as confused as her. The young fae allowed herself to look at the other one’s eyes, still observing every single movement.

Here comes the sun, and I say . . .

It's  a l r i g h t.

Lack of muse warning! Posts may come slow!

<center>Para que en las noches españolas
no dejen de escucharse
los hermosos aullidos del Lobo
Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rebecca Wheatear
OOC: It's totally okay, my first reply took long too.

Good, the grey fae seemed friendly. Little cautious, but who wouldn't be? Reba.

Wagging her tail she still tried to find out where she had scented this smell before. Maybe it would come to her mind later, but now she simply could not rememebr it. For the question of other, she kinda sadly shook her head. <b>"No, I'm not"</b> her smile was friendly, but little distant as she wondered something in her head. Then she shook her head again and eyed the female. <b>"What about you? I assume you're not?"</b> smile was still steady on her face. Moving her weight from right side legs to left side legs, she slightly shivered whens he felt the familiar pain in her ribs. It hadn't fully disappeared. Water seemed so wonderful idea again...

Looking to the water, it's riddles and movement, rocks under the surface, she impatiently waited to feel secure enough to lay down in the stream again. Ears were pointed to the fae, waiting for her reply, but eyes kept feeding her desire. Her soar ribs and stomach from the injured side made their own part of the job. She really wanted to get in the water.
(This post was last modified: Dec 20, 2011, 06:39 PM by Rebecca.)
<img src="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j320/alleybomber/CRC9.png">
Played by Ksi who has 35 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Suvah Avani

Little darling, I feel like ice is slowly melting . . .

The orange-eyed wolf continued wagging her tail, half because of the confusion, half because of her nerves. As the other followed talking, she started to feel more and more trapped. Her body had the desire to escape from that place again, to run to her den and never return to the river. It was the easy way, after all; the way she had been taking for maybe too much time. “No.” She thought, shaking her head a bit as a deny to herself: she had to go through this.

“I’m alone.” The she-wolf stated, almost forcing herself to answer the other’s question, but feeling even slightly proud about it as she reminded how she had managed to survive alone for every single one of those months. It had been so much time since she had talked to anyone, though, and she was starting to doubt whether she had conserved her voice. It was… nice. But she wouldn’t allow herself to relax just yet.

Suvah gave an uncertain gaze at the dark wolf. She was smiling, yet she seemed to have something in her mind. The grey vixen approached a few steps, tail still in tension as her paws splashed through the clear water. There was something wrong about the other beast. Her pitch black ears facing the young one, she stood there, as if she was waiting for Suvah to allow her to do something. Her friendly smile started to become more and more tense as the uncertain adolescent carefully walked towards her, lowering her head as she reached her destination, feeling a tint of impatience in the air. “You fine?” the bitch asked, following a curiosity she hadn’t felt for quite a while. “You seem… nervous.”

The hesitant fae stopped, attentive, yet keeping a distant from the other. Even if she seemed friendly, she still had no idea about her intentions.

Here comes the sun, and I say . . .

It's  a l r i g h t.

Lack of muse warning! Posts may come slow!

<center>Para que en las noches españolas
no dejen de escucharse
los hermosos aullidos del Lobo
Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rebecca Wheatear
Why did she ever tried to make her pain go away with water? now she only wanted to lay there, in that stream and forget about everythign else. Yet she had to keep eye on the other fae, to make sure she wouldn't get injured if she had bad intenstions. She seemed friendly but who knows?

Questions that the grey girl made, put Rebecca to think. What should she tell? If she would be honest, the other may think thats he was weak and attack. It was true that she didn't want to move muscles too much, and in fight situation, that would be necessary. But she wasn't exactly weak... Best to just keep on hoping the other was friendly.

Still, thinking what to say, Rebecca lifted her head and looked to the orange eyes of the younger female. Now or never, she needed to make something up. No lies! <b>"I... had a bad encounter with a moose"</b> she finally told. That wasn't explaining everything, but the fae could probably figure out that the moose had somehow hurt her. Left side started to feel swollen, she wanted to put it under the cool water.

Reba decided, taht the other wasn't too dangerous to do some relaxing at the same time as she talked to her. She layed down in the water, then turned to her side, keeping head above the water and looking the other wolf. Water cooled and relaxed her muscles and deep, joyful sigh escaped from Rebecca's lips. Her tension started to melt away as she enjoyed her water treatment and watched the female standing there. <b>"I just wanted to do this"</b> she said smiling.

<b>"I'm Rebecca"</b>
<img src="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j320/alleybomber/CRC9.png">
Played by Ksi who has 35 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Suvah Avani

Little darling, I feel like ice is slowly melting . . .

OOC: Argh, this sucks, I'm distracted -_-'

This situation was completely new to the inexperienced Suvah. She cocked her head in a quick movement, twitching one of her soft ears as she wondered why the other wolf was acting like that. A piece of her past flashed through her mind, quickly, reminding her how her father had taught her and her siblings to never relax in front of any strange, under any circumstances. Yet, the so-called Rebecca was there, confidently laying her wounded body in front of the younger.

The distorted image of her father appeared again. No matter how hard she had been trying, and no matter for how long, the enormous silhouette of her progenitor would never leave her, always coming back to her mind in the most difficult situations. “You can be the boss here, Su, fight her!” she almost heard him saying. Suvah got lost in thought. As her mental image was trying to tell her - she could have easily dominate over the other fae, and would probably have done so in any other moment; there was only one problem… she didn’t want to. She didn’t want to fight anymore, there was no need to hide. At least for now.

She could always run away if things went bad, after all.

“I’m Suvah” she greeted, voice filled with unwanted shyness. Her big head lowered to the other’s height, sniffing the black beast’s scent again, trying to get as much information as she could, if she could take any more. “Do you need some help?” the grey wolf asked, as kindly as she could. “I’m no healer, but I could try to catch something for you” She continued. “… if you wanted.”

Here comes the sun, and I say . . .

It's  a l r i g h t.

Lack of muse warning! Posts may come slow!

<center>Para que en las noches españolas
no dejen de escucharse
los hermosos aullidos del Lobo
Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rebecca Wheatear
OOC: How's that? I can't see. :)

Rebecca glanced the sky, then the young female. Food for her? Friendly as what she was, but Reba didn't want to be treated like invalid. <b>"No, you don't have to, I'm fine enough. Thanks"</b> she said. Fine all by itself would be too much, she wasn't fine. But shew could hunt by herself, at least some small prey. So no worries, no worries.

Still, Rebecca couldn't get rid the feeling that Suvah was thinking something, like she had something to hide. Or then she couldn't figure out what she should do. Anyhow, Rebecca stood up, not shaking her fur. Her muscles would probably heal soon, nothing was broken as far as she knew. Smiling to Suvah, Reba wondered what she should say. Silence fell all around them. Great...

<b>"So... Mmm..."</b> Reba started but nothing came to her mind so she ended before even started, giggling nervously. Tail wagging ass he grinned to Suvah. Well, it went like this too...

Looking at Suvah, wondering should she say something. There wasn't anything she would want to know about her, at least not yet. Too early. And she seemed very friendly and not dangerous at all. What if she was wrong? Reba didn't even think she could be. Body was relaxed, if Suvah would attack... Rebecca wouldn't be ready, but she was agile,a nd maybe, with small chances, she could get out of it.
<img src="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j320/alleybomber/CRC9.png">
Played by Ksi who has 35 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Suvah Avani

Little darling, I feel like ice is slowly melting . . .

OOC: Sorry about Suvah, she's too confused about herself to be friendly with anyone and live with it :P she still needs to get out of her shell. Also, Merry Christmas!

It was soon. Too soon. Suvah shrank at the sole thought of what she had just done. Offering herself like that to some stranger, was she going mad? They had just met; no wolf does that sort of offering to anyone. She looked away, embarrassed at herself, mind filled with secret relief as the other fae declined her proposal. And really was a relief. Not only she would have uncover a side of herself she still had to keep to herself; but she would have most likely failed. The grey animal looked at her still numb body. She was strong, and her paws allowed her to travel for hours, maybe days, without feeling any kind of slumber; at least normally, Still, every creature of nature has their own flaws, and if Suva had to point one of herself, it would be her lack of ability to hunt. The she-wolf shook her dark pelt, with too many things wandering on her mind, she found herself struggling, trying her best to promise herself not to be that foolish anymore.

She was alone. She couldn’t trust anyone.

Orange eyes faced the dark wolf once again, nose pointing at her, as if the young intended to keep Rebecca’s scent on her mind, making sure she wouldn’t forget it. Next time they’d meet in better conditions, Suvah was almost sure of that. But now her mind was demanding something of her, something she had seemed to forget for an instant: she wanted to be alone. No strange wolves, no preoccupations about how to act, no mistakes. Just her and her own business.

Suvah trotted a few steps away from the older vixen. She looked back at her, lowering her head as a sort of reverence, but with her eyes still focused on her face. “Take care, then”. Muscles became stiff as she waited for a response, and then headed back into the denseness of the forest, feeling how the sun had started to touch the soft grass again.

Here comes the sun, and I say . . .

It's  a l r i g h t.

Lack of muse warning! Posts may come slow!

<center>Para que en las noches españolas
no dejen de escucharse
los hermosos aullidos del Lobo
Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rebecca Wheatear
OOC: Don't worry, Reba will make sure they'll meet again ;)

Noticing the other ahd something on her heart, Reba decided to let her go alone. The old Rebecca would go and follow her, but the new one knew better to do that. So she remained on the creek, taking care of her soar muscles. <b>"You too. We'll meet again"</b>. Her words were friendly, their meaning was friendly, but the way she spoke them was somehow threathning. Like Suvah would not have any power to decide would they come true or not.

Smiling slightly wickedly after the grey girl, Rebecca couldn't do anything else than wonder what was going in her. Every day her behavior was less innocent, she started to be somehow... Mysterious. Talking weird things and thinking deeper than ever before. What Reba didn't know, was that she started to be grownup, with the wisdom you could expect. But she had the same insane twist in her mind that her mother had had. How would it effect to Rebecca, would be seen later.

{The End}
<img src="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j320/alleybomber/CRC9.png">