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Lost like the lake — Lost Lake 
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Played by Debain who has 205 posts.
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Weldering Darksidy
What a tedious thing traveling around was - amusing considering he was a lone wolf and in theory he should have been content with his choice of lifestyle. It was not as though he hadn't had oportunities to join packs after all it was simply because he was far more picky and choosy then he'd ever been before. He could recall in his early days when he first considering joining a pack when he was a yearling, he would have accepted anything. Now there was not a single offer it seemed that did not send his nose up. Well that was a lie, he could think of one pack but the rumours claimed it didn't exist anymore. Wanting to see it with his own eyes the silver and ebony brute strolled through the pass toward the remnants of Midnight Plateau territory and indeed found not a trace. Alexander was gone? Not only his ex-alpha but also his mate, their pups (since he knew from the last meeting he attended they were due some), plus some of his old comrades like Adonia and Atiris. Two lovely she-wolves that actually he had grown quite fond of. Probably long gone now though he huffed to himself with his pace becoming more brisk.

He'd moved away from the Midnight Plateau now and dipping into a small crater was surprised to look down upon a lake. Pleased with the discovery the lone wolf continued down the trail weaving down the rocky cliff path until finally he was at the water's edge and able to step out onto the frozen shore until he reached the ice that wasn't frozen to have a drink.

<center><img src=http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z151/kittykarnage/fishmaster.png></center>
Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
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Athena Moon
Wandering around as all the white fae could do. No family, no friends, no conversation. She's bound to go crazy soon. Her white paws have gotten her to Serpent's Pass. Athena had no idea how she got here, so it might be rather difficult to get back to her den. The fae jumped up upon a small boulder that would give a much better view at where she was going. Her small size has given her many difficulties in her life, but she's learned to deal with it. Gazing down the hill she saw to her left was the Mountain of Dire and to her right was Lost Lake. Thirst was digging at her, so she decided to go in that direction

Padding through the rocky terrain would be difficult for any wolf, but Athena didn't feel it as bad as some would. Getting to the lake quite fast, she soon finally saw a glimpse of the lake. She trotted down the padded down path, sometimes noticing recent meals of wolves that have pasted through her. Many were just <span class='word'>calvous</span> rabbits and squirrels. The white female finally arrived at the lake. The lake was already partially frozen and she's have to walk on the ice to get to the edge. Being a light-weight had it's advantages when it came to walking across very unsafe things. Athena wouldn't have really any problems with getting water. She started again down towards the lake, but stopped suddenly when she spotted something on the ice.

It was a large grey and black wolf. From the smell of the wind, she was seeing a male. <i>Why am I running into so many males, lately?</i> The female sighed and decided to just wait until the male was finished drinking before she went and drank herself. <i>Well he isn't directly in front of my path, so I can still go get a drink, but a ways away from him.</i> The female started forward again, but veered to the right, away from the male. The ice was thick under Athena's paws, so she wasn't worried about breaking though. She kept her amber orbs on the male, just in case. The edge of the ice came quickly and the white fae's neck dipped down to drink.
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