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Blackberry surprise — Blackberry Fields 
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Played by Lullaby who has 8 posts.
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Caslyn Shae Walker
<blockquote><span style='color:#414A4C'>Morning had come and gone, leaving the sun clinging to the soft blue sky in the mid afternoon. It was different than her normal time of day. Usually she moved around in the early morning or late at night but with the new home of hers she found that maybe there should be another change of patterns. Now she would get up when her eyes lifted instead of staying in her den in fear of something bad might happen for going out at different times than she was use to. Maybe she would take strolls further and further away from the cozy little den she found where the yummy fruit grew.

Yawning lightly the young girl looked up at the blue sky, she almost wished she would have stayed in her little home. She missed the blue surroundings and the twinkling stars, she missed the eyes of her family on her. Though she was getting use to the bright surroundings, her lips curled into a smile as she began to prance along the sparkling snow. Her body wiggling like a puppy that just found the white fluffy stuff for the first time. She could never get over how much she liked the winter time. Sure it was more bland in color than the others but the snow had a pleasing feel to it.

A sharp yelp escaped the overgrown pup as she lifted her front right paw and brought her tongue to the injured area. <span style='color:#704241'><b>"Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow.."</b></span> She whined as she looked down at were a few red drops that had fallen from the new wound. Her eyes spotted the vine of a long dead blackberry bush, she whined as she moved away from the mean vine and sat down to lick where the thorns had hit her black pad. <span style='color:#704241'><b>"Stupid dead vine!"</b></span> She whimpered only to continue licking her tiny wound. Many she hated when she stepped on things...</span></blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Dec 21, 2011, 12:40 PM by Caslyn.)
Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
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Rebecca Wheatear
OOC: Excellent location let me tell you!

Winter had brought snow and Rebecca stayed most of her time near her den. But she sometimes visited in Blackberry Fields, it was good place to find food when thicket seemed empty. Trotting through the sparkling white snow, she enjoyed the cold sun shining on her face and cold ear around her. To black wolf, winter was terrible time, she didn't blend in at all. But she still managed to find food enough for her needs, and that was all that mattered.

Halting to listen the yelping echoing in the Field, her ears turned all aorund to find out where it had started, nose sniffing the air; who was it? The scent was weak, but it was definitely a wolf. Female. Moving again, trotting to the direction she assumed the otehr was, she wa eager to find out what has happened.

Slightly fixing her vector, Rebecca traveled forward until she saw white figure in the distance. There she was, the other wolf she had sniffed. Licking something, probably her paw. Sniffing again, reba found out that she was older than the white wolf in there. Padding closer, she was slightly worried. What if the strenger didn't want anything good? Winter was hard time of the year, she didn't miss company anywhere near her den. Rivals weren't okay when there was snow on ground.

Halting few feets away from the female, she eyed her with great curiosity. Not talking, just wanting to know what her intensions was. Tail low, head on the level off her back, neutral position.
<img src="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j320/alleybomber/CRC9.png">
Played by Lullaby who has 8 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Caslyn Shae Walker
<blockquote><span style='color:#414A4C'>
Whimpers and whines escaped the girl as she acted more and more like a pup, nursing a rather small wound. What a cry baby she was, acting like this would make anyone wonder how she would act to an injury that would leave a scar. Stupid really, just stupid but here she was whining and licking the small cut on her paw pad like it was the worst thing she ever had. Caslyn's ears pinned against her skull as she looked at the stupid vine that caused this whole mess. All she wanted was a stroll through the fluffy snow and what she got was an injury.

<span style='color:#704241'><b><i>"Stupid blackberry vine.."</i></b></span> She mumbling under her breath as she put her paw down to let the cold snow ease her pain, or at least numb it. She hoped it would not turn the pretty snow red, though as small as the cut was it would barely be noticeable by anyone. With a few sighing breaths she decided it was time to test her numbed paw, surly it would be okay to walk on right?

Slowly she shifted her weight only to whine very lightly under her breath, man why did this little cute hurt so bad? Before she could find an answer to her own little question the scent of companion entered the air. Two toned eyes moved to put the black creature in site, again she smelled the air finding the gender of her friend before feeling embarrassed. Had this girl been there the whole time? Had she seen her display of pain?

With a soft shrug as she moved in the stranger's direction, moving slowly to not alarm her. <span style='color:#704241'><b>"Hey!"</b></span> Her yipped, wagging her tail affectionately to show the black girl she meant no harm but feeling of friendliness. Her position lowered lightly as she wanted to show further she meant no harm, something her father taught her when she was just a pup. <span style='color:#704241'><b>"Pretty day isn't it.."</b></span> She asked sweetly before stopping rather close to the black wolf, not really noticing she might be in the girl's "personal space".
Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
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Rebecca Wheatear
Rebecca pulled her head backwards and tilted it when the other came closer, looking very submissive. Speech so sweet, still Rebecca felt irritation inside her. Why she did? Where did her puppy go? Losing her playfullness irritated Reba even more, but she didn't show any signs of aggression. Why was she acting so.. Matured? Grr. Maybe it was the winter?

Blackberry wine, a cut the girl was licking that Rebecca couldn't even see... What softie that wolf was? Why was she, Rebecca, so judging? Forcing smile to her face, doing her best to dig out the childish side of hers. It didn't come out. Looking at the other, she wondered whats he should say. <b>"Yes it is, but would be better without the snow."</b> Reba said. Tail started wagging, tail came out from mouthm, smile widened to grin. There it was! Her beloved childish behavioir. It wasn't always good, but now it was perfect. But how pup like was the other? If she was some whining, stupid little brat, Reba was ready to fight her off.

Head lower than it had been, tail down, but overall body language more dominant than the white ones. She had two different coloured eyes... Odd. Stepping closer to sniff her rear end, she didn't care about her personal space. She was one of those who couldn't understand it. Sniffing, lifting her head and looking the white female with friendly smile on her face. <b>"You're new in here"</b>
<img src="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j320/alleybomber/CRC9.png">
Played by Lullaby who has 8 posts.
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Caslyn Shae Walker
<blockquote><span style='color:#414A4C'>
She tilted her head in confusion, had she done something wrong? Or maybe she was being too childish for the other wolf to handle? Whatever the reason she felt uncomfortable all of a sudden, her body felt to weird around the black wolf, why did she feel as if she was being judged for her every movement? Clouded breath came in and out, hot air meeting cold every time to create a soft white fog. She stood their awkwardly as if a teenager unsure of what an adult would do if they say them acting like a cry baby.

She listened to the black wolf's words, she did not like snow? Again she tilted her head lightly as she looked over the girl seeing her fur color sticking out of the white surroundings rather easily. So maybe her color made her hate the white fluffy snow, something Caslyn found very comfortable and fun to play in. Just weird, how could a wolf hate the snow. It was something that slowed their prey and made them much easier to catch in the white girl's mind, it was the perfect substance!

<span style='color:#704241'><b>"I have always found the snow to be something helpful but maybe thats because of the color I was born with. I am sorry you don't like it."</b></span> She said softly, looking at the snow before moving her eyes back to her companion. She really was out of practice with others, she had never been a pack wolf and never really able to see others that were outside her family. With them gone she found herself lonely and always trying to find others, even if she did not understand how to socialize with them.

Caslyn felt even more awkward when the wolf came her rear, sniffing. She had been greeted like that before but she never truly understood it. Her parents never taught her of that, maybe there were going to but they were killed before she was told everything about interactions with others. Stupid rogues.. The girl's words struck her as she looked at the woman once more and shifted her weight further on her left paw more than to her lightly injured one.

<span style='color:#704241'><b>"Yes I am, my name is Caslyn Walker. I have been in this area for maybe a month if not less. Have you been here long?"</b></span> She stated then questioned with an almost shy smile. Wanting to know about the girl she was spending time with, maybe she would find out about others around her new home.

Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
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Rebecca Wheatear
"No need to be sorry, I jsut don't fir in the scene if there's snow. But it's fun to play in." rebecca said, looking the other. She seemed... Confused? Somehow like she wouldn't know how to behave. Just like Rebecca when she had came to here... It made her lightly giggle. Looking around, wondering something.

<b>"I came here at fall. So I haven't been very long, but long enough to get know the area. Name is Rebecca"</b> she said with friendly tone. The girl seemed only little lost with manners, not like she would except brat would be.

Rebecca wasn't happy too happy to have company now, not a lot of wolves moved around in Thicket, and she wished this girl wouldn't come there. She wanted too keep it as her own, private place. That's how she could amke sure that food sources in there would be enough for her to get over the winter.

Where was the white wolves den? Somewhere more south? Rebecca would be so happy if that would be the situation. She didn't feel to comfortable with wolf so close to her den. Why was she like this? Why she couldn't just relax and chill out like she used to? Stupid, horrible winter!
<img src="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j320/alleybomber/CRC9.png">
Played by Lullaby who has 8 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Caslyn Shae Walker
<blockquote><span style='color:#414A4C'>
<span style='color:#704241'><b>"Snow is fun to play in, I have always loved it."</b></span> She gave a genuine smile as she thought of the times she had played with her brothers just last winter. God she missed them, she found herself looking up at the sky for a few seconds. Sad that she could not see their eyes in the form of stars twinkling down in the dark sky. Why had she come up here during the day, she couldn't looked to the stars for guidance if there were no stars. Again she sighed but it didn't come out audibly, just a thicker puff a smoke from her lips.

The girl's giggle threw her off guard, that was strange. The wolf did not seem like the giggling type, but she shrugged it off. The fall must have been pretty, her mind spun off in a new direction when the now named wolf spoke of the fall. Such a colorful season she couldn't help but love, was there a season she didn't like? Nah, though she did not how the seasons changed here. Maybe summer would be to hot and spring too dense with the scent of flowers.

<span style='color:#704241'><b>"So you know of the packs in these parts and the best places to find food?"</b></span> Caslyn's head tilted to the side in question, she needed to know these things if she wished to stay alive. It was only smart to ask these questions right? Or was it stupid, maybe Rebecca would tell her the wrong place to go and she could get attacked by groups of wolves or maybe she would starve!

<span style='color:#704241'><b>"Um.. if you don't mind me asking, do you know anywhere close to the Cherry wood forest to find food?"</b></span> Sure she knew where some food was but she wanted to know the best, hopefully this black wolf would be nice and tell her the truth. Either way she would find it out, by this girl's help or on her own.

Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
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Rebecca Wheatear
Rebecca relaxed even more. It seemed the girl lived near Wild Cherry Orchard. It was far enough from Thicket, even Rebecca had never visited there. <b>"Ghastly Woods is good place to find some prey, and so is Cedarwood Forest. But Grizzly Hollow pack lives there in the forest. And Wildwood is definetely the best place to find food, even that it's only starting to grow up again. Sacred Grove is also under amnagment of an pack."</b> Reba said looking thoughtful, trying to figure out all places where she had eaten and seen lots of prey. Thicket was great place, but there wasn't any large food, and Rebecca was not going to do anything to make Caslyn go in there.

<b>"I'm not any expert"</b> she then continued. She had moved all over Relic Lore, finding food wherever she needed to eat, but Reba didn't have any particular place where she hunted.

Looking Caslyn again, she wanted know for sure: <b>"So you have den in Orchard?"</b> Maybe they could even be friends if she would stya in there at least for winter. Wagging her tail and smiling friendly, she waited for her reply. Soon she would need to go hunting. She didn't even remember why she had came here...
<img src="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j320/alleybomber/CRC9.png">
Played by Lullaby who has 8 posts.
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Caslyn Shae Walker
<blockquote><span style='color:#414A4C'>The white girl listened thoughtfully, trying to map the places her companion listed off. From the ghastly wood, what a weird sounding place, to the wildwoods. She listed places she could find a good amount of food, places she would not have to travel far from her temporary den. She listened to the places where two packs resided and her tail swayed lightly at the thought of joining a pack. I was an experience that she really wanted to well experience. She had been a lone wolf her whole life and she wanted to feel the embrace of a pack.

The girl then asked a direct question, was her den in the place where the yummy fruit grew. Why yes, she thought in her mind but why would this wolf want to know that? She watched as she seemed more relaxed, even her tail wagged lightly. At least Rebecca was getting use to the white girl, she hated the awkward air that surrounded them. She could now breath!

Nodding and then answered with words, <span style='color:#704241'><b>"Yeah I live there for now, I was thinking of joining a pack. I have never been in one and find company rather pleasant so I don't think it would be a bad idea."</b></span> She continued and then offered a friendly smile, her tail wagging at the fact that there was now a friendly aura to their conversation than something that was just too uncomfortable to be around. <span style='color:#704241'><b>"Where is your den, if you don't mind me asking.."</b></span> She smiled taking a slightly leap to see if the woman was okay with revealing that. After all she knew where Caslyn's den was now, it was only fair right?

Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rebecca Wheatear
Rebecca's ears went slightly back when Caslyn asked her question. But yeah, probably she wouldn't come to Thicket if she wanted to get in a pack. Packs were South, Thicket in North. Ears went back up and forward, smile lighting her face. <b>"Not far from here, in Thicket of Secrets"</b> Okay, now the fae knew where her den was and she knew where her den was... Then what?

Looking at Caslyn, Reba wondered what she have came to do in here? She simply couldn't remember. Hunt? What else could it be? Well, then she needed to go hunting. Maybe Caslyn could help her? Assuming she could hunt. At least she had survived alone, so something she had eaten. Time to find out. After that she would be happy to call her friend, Rebecca supposed.

<b>"Want to help me hunt? We could catch bigger prey"</b> she asked looking at the white girl. If she wasn't going to hunt with her, Reba couldn't do anything else than wonder why. It was a great chance to get big, fillling food.
<img src="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j320/alleybomber/CRC9.png">