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None of my problems — Ghastly Woods 
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Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
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Rebecca Wheatear
Maybe here? No, there was better. No, no, it was there! Of course! No, that couldn't be right... It had to be where she had came form. Right...? Spinning and turning around, unsure which way to go. Rebecca wanted to find the bear den she had seen earlier in the winter. Before she had started to enjoy the danger. Now the angry bear she was going to wake up was perfect thing to launch her happines. She just couldn't quite remember where it was...

Turning around once again, letting out an irritated sigh. This was so annoying! Once she wanted ot find something, it no where to be found! Head turning, eyes looking the surroundings with a intelligence shine in them. Rebecca was no stupid wolf, but her insanity was much stronger than that intelligence. And the stronger always took over. Though, sometimes her commong sense was there to do the rescue. This time, it seemed to be on vacation.

Sitting to the snowy ground, closing her eyes, rising her head, letting the forest around her to fill her senses. Calm look came to ehr face as all the smells and voices filled her mind. Concentrating to find her danger.
<img src="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j320/alleybomber/CRC9.png">
Played by Sarah who has 290 posts.
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<blockquote><ul>this is going to be really bad probably. haven't done any roleplaying in FOREVER.</li></ul>
He sank deeper and deeper into the welcoming, cold embrace of the snow with every step, unsure of what he was really doing any more. He had been torn completely in two by nature and God, and no longer knew where it was that he belonged. Civilization had called to him a number of times, and he had run towards it with a desperate hope of stumbling upon his home, but he never found it. Now the call was growing fainter, hushed by the richness of the wilderness that folded in all around him. A number of times now, he had tried to escape Relic Lore, only to find himself borne back to the savage country by forces beyond his understanding. Was it God that brought him back? He couldn't say, he had stopped answering those questions a long time ago. Whenever they resurfaced, he usually just shoved them aside.

Now, however, the forsaken wolf let the question float around in his mind and ricochet of the walls of his skull. <i>Is there a reason for any of this?</i> Kiche didn't want to have to come back to Relic Lore. He longed to leave everything behind, every leaf and tree and face that had belonged to friend or foe. Fear had cast him out the first time, and desperation to return to Aisling had called him back, yet he found himself on the outside looking in again. And now, although he longed to return to the familiar, he feared the few friends he had made most of all. He feared their snarls and sense of abandonment, their blame and their cold shoulders. These thoughts were accompanied by the undertones of habit and self-hatred. <i>You dirty, dirty heathen. You're one of them. You miss them. How dare you. How dare you forsake Pangur and come crawling back... but not for your God, but for your HEATHENS. You disgusting, fallen creature.</i>

"<b>God damn it!</b>" He shouted in an explosive burst of frustration that he could not contain. Kiche spun around, his jowls snapping wildly. His faded orange fur was missing in patches, and the skin sagged like curtain folds on his skeletal frame. What had once been an imposing, looming presence was diminished by the weight loss. All that remained was a thin, long shadow, a pathetic remnant of the creature he'd once been.

[Image: Kiche-porcisig2.jpg]
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Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rebecca Wheatear
Wait. What was that? It ahdn't been there, it kept coming closer. Dangerous? Eyes suddenly opening up, wishful look turned to the direction the noise came from. Nose sniffing the air, desperately trying ot get a scent. it was no more than a wolf, brute. But wait... Wolves could be dangerous too... Maybe he could herlp her with this feeling she wanted to get rid off and replace with that sick pleasantness.

Standing on her feet and lazyly walking towards the wolf that was apparently wandering through the snowy land. Trying to keep quiet, to surprise him. It usually made them a lot angrier.
It didn't take long to see the brute walking along the forest floor. Burst of excitment banged her heart as Rebecca collected speed and jumped on open spot few feet in front of him. Gliding to halt, eyes turned to him, open curiosity in them. Staring at the starnger without hesitation, trying ot make him mad with her look. Tail slowly moving from side to side, steadily holding her grounds. Head little above her back, tail low.
<img src="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j320/alleybomber/CRC9.png">
Played by Sarah who has 290 posts.
Inactive No Rank
<blockquote><ul>sorry about the wait, studying for finals and stuff.</li></ul>Nothing could have prepared him for the black specter that manifested in front of him, flitting gracefully through the air and landing in the snow as if eerily weightless. Surprised, Kiche stumbled and reeled backwards, a snarl forming on his lips. No amount of nostaliga could have prepared him to actually <i>see</i> another heathen so soon. He balked, he retreated into the shelter of habit: aggression and blind, fear. All traces of the compassion and understanding he had developed for the savages were washed away by this unexpected shadow, who stared into his eyes. Immediately, a memory resurfaced. <i>Eyes. They control you with their eyes.</i> This devil-worshipper was using voodoo magic. Anxiety churned within his stomach, froze his limps, and he stood like a deer in the headlights. With all the motivation he had left, he screwed his eyes shut and growled, "<b>Don't think I don't know what you're doing, bitch.</b>"
[Image: Kiche-porcisig2.jpg]
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Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rebecca Wheatear
OOC: Zero problem!

Rebecca was happy that the other was hostile and you could see it. Tail rised, grinn widened her mouth. Ears were up and ahead, the rised tail wagging like a flag. Nothing told about her wicked mind, it was just a happy wolf in fornt of him.

<b>"Okay, the tell what I'm doing now!"</b> Reba spoke with joyful voice, turning so that her left side was facing the brute, tail stiffing behind him to the level of her back, head doing the same, light blue eyes locking in one single thing. This time it happened to be a dry branch, but it could've been anything. Left front leg and rigt back leg were in the air. She pretended to be a sniffing dog that had locked it's eyes to the target it had been after, but she wasn't sure would the other understand. Well, at least she could get herself in danger and that was fun enough for her.
<img src="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j320/alleybomber/CRC9.png">
Played by Sarah who has 290 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Drowning in his fear, he abandoned himself — at least, the doubting, hopeful, and agnostic self he had come to be. All he knew was a single desire that consumed him: safety. Cowering and flailing in the dark waters behind his eyelids, he latched on to the first thing that seemed sturdy enough to support his weight in the rising, turbulent tempest: God. It was, after all, the only thing left to him. The waves began to subside. <i>Pangur. Pangur will protect me.</i> Kiche was suddenly and completely reclaimed by all of his old righteousness and ardor for God.

He didn't even think to open his eyes in order to properly respond to her question. As far as he was concerned, he had everything he needed to know. His answer was a simple snap of his jaws, "<b>You're trying to steal my soul.</b>" As he spoke, walls were closing up, and memories were being erased. A happy, laughing white face loomed before his eyes, and was extinguished in a flash. His relapse was destructive, claiming every recollection of happiness or understanding he had worked for in the past year. <i>Heathens,</i> he prayed feverishly, <i>Satanists. Oh, God, save me!</i> Almost childishly, he added, "<b>And you can't have it.</b>"
[Image: Kiche-porcisig2.jpg]
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Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rebecca Wheatear
She was disappointed. He payed no attention to her. And was talking something about stealing soul and stuff. Crazy. <i>'Hello, you're crazy yourself!'</i> she smiled to herself. But this wolf didn't seem to be insane in the same way she was. He seemed to be... Afraid. Something Reba had pretty much forgotten to feel in the outstanding joy of danger she was after most of the day. Fear ment nothing to her, and she couldn't fully understand why he was afraid. But stealing soul sounded awfully lot like messneger from hell. Neither of them she was, but some seemed to think like it. And Reba didn't know why.

<b>"You didn't even look! I was playing one of those siffing dogs humans use. You know humans? They're ugly, don't you think?"</b> the first part of her words with blaiming tone, with playful laughter behind, the rest just puppy chatting, almost giggling. She placed all her four legs ot ground and turned toface the odd brute. <b>What's soul? Isn't it the same thing as body? What would I do with your body?</b> was her question, honest, asked with tilted head. Eyes shined as she stared him, joyful, playful shine. Grin on her face. If the brute wouldn't calm down, at least he was going to be her danger. Did he want or not. It was a fact that wolves that were afraid attacked more easily. And she was going to freak that male out if he wouldn't show some sanity.
<img src="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j320/alleybomber/CRC9.png">
Played by Sarah who has 290 posts.
Inactive No Rank
So completely absorbed in his own panic attack, he missed the word <i>human</i>. But somehow, as the word floated through the air, it managed to grab a hold of his attention before it was swept away and lost in an empty sea. <i>Humans.</i> Inside the confines of his skull, the word frolicked and romped, touching on old, happy memories of his childhood encased in the four walls of civilization. But the word was not alone. It was followed a question that left him dumbstruck. There was finally another wolf out here, out in the depths of hell and middle of nowhere who had been in the presence of humans. Finally there could be someone who really <i>understood</i> in him. In his excitement, his mind began building wonderful, beautiful thoughts of a brilliant future, and he never even thought to pay attention to the rest of what she said. When had Kiche ever paid attention to anyone besides himself. "<b>Have you seen any?</b>" he exclaimed, before she could even finish speaking. He bounced away a few paces and spanked the snow playfully, sending up flurries of white pinpricks. "<b>Are there any near by?</b>"
[Image: Kiche-porcisig2.jpg]
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Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rebecca Wheatear
Rebecca had no other choice than marvel. He was excited about humans? About the killers? The worse destroyers than her grandparents? Excited? Almost happy? Shaking her head, pointing her eyes to the ground. What an odd brute. Okay, she was now almost sure he was insane. In very different wya than she was. <b>"Yeah, I've seen them. With those sniffing dogs. Hunting down a wolf. I followed them. And then I saw them killing the wolf..."</b> she spoke, almost whispered. That one encounter with them she had tried to forgot. It had been horrible to witness.

<b>"I don't know if there's anywhere near. I hope not. I don't want to die."</b> she then continued sitting down. Nowdys fear didn't involve when she thought about humans, but the desire that drove her to dangers was so small... That was how she knew humans were something she would never go close to. Not again. Her luck that they had been so excited about the wolf they had killes that they ignored the dogs that had spotted her. And she had ran, far from there.

As the horrible memories filled her head, her gaze sticked to the ground. Tail didn't wagg as it usually did. She didn't want danger, she wanted her mother to protect her from thise beasts, devils.
<img src="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j320/alleybomber/CRC9.png">
Played by Sarah who has 290 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Hunting down a <i>wolf.</i> Killing the <i>wolf.</i> A strange rush of emotions overtook him, and he didn't know which he was supposed to feel. Instinctively, his mind grasped for whatever happened to be closer, the old thoughts, the old feelings. <i>Wolf.</i> He knew the word was the heathens own name for themselves. He had never thought of himself as a wolf. Righteous jubilee flooded him as she recounted her human-sighting in a horrified whisper. Killing a wolf. <i>They were defending themselves. They were ridding the world of one more stupid, hedonistic, sinful brute.</i> But... then came the wave of empathy, the new thoughts and beliefs. <i>Killing.</i> At first he couldn't make himself care, it felt like something that happened to someone else in some other time. He felt distant and detached. What did it matter? Killing <i>wolves</i>. Hadn't he been living with heathens for close to a year now? What if it had been someone he had known... like... Like <i>Jayse</i>... Heathens were evil, ugly, creatures... and killing was wrong... But the humans were his <i>masters</i>, they knew right from wrong. Didn't they? Suddenly he wasn't so sure. Unable to decide, he clung to the closest, most familiar thought: my masters would never have killed a wolf, they know that killing is wrong and sinful and all humans are good. This <i>thing</i> before him was, after all, just a heathen. The contradictory, illogical nature of this thought did not occur to him. Kiche was, at this moment, so confused that it was very possible that he could defend the heathens and condemn them all in the same breath without even realizing it. Besides, it wasn't like he knew <i>this</i> heathen. It would have been different, had it been someone like Aisling or Jayse.

"<b>What do you mean you hope there isn't any of them near by? Are you crazy?</b>" His confusion frustrated him, augmented his anger dangerously, bringing him to the brink of insanity. He took a step towards her, his towering frame looming over the smaller heathen, his tone was incredulous and angry. "<b>I NEED TO GET HOME,</b>" he shouted in distress, directing his frustration at her although he was vaguely aware that she had nothing to do with it. Another step. "<b>TELL ME WHERE THEY ARE, YOU DIRTY HEATHEN.</b>" His jaws snapped at her ear, missing intentionally.
[Image: Kiche-porcisig2.jpg]
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