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you'll be in my HEART — Whisper Marsh 
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Played by anyu who has 34 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sabretache Ashur
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prayin' for daylight, waitin' for that morning sun
so i can act like my whole life ain't goin' wrong

Clear — Current Temperature: 42° F/6° C

Sabre walked out into the sunlight, leaving the Drooping Willows and stepping out into the open. The ground was dry here, but he could tell that it would become marshy soon. There were cattails poking up above the grass in the distance, along with other plants that preferred the damp marsh to the forest. He could smell water, too, though it hadn't rained for a while. Sabre wasn't sure he wanted to get his paws wet, so he hovered on the edge of the marsh.

As the sun began to warm his dark fur he stretched, then winced in pain as the wound on his side complained. He had forgotten about it and those two males that he had met in the forest. Anger burned in his eyes as he stopped stretching to avoid tearing the wound open again. It was already healing, anyways, and hadn't bled much. The area was just tender.

If it weren't for Rainuh then he might be seeking revenge against those two wolves.

In his youth he had been strong and didn't avoid fighting. Now that he had a mate he needed to be more careful, but something in his mind made him want to get back at the two males. If only he had allies or he could get one of the two alone. Then he would risk injury to take out his anger on them.

He needed to find allies in this land. He needed to start a pack so that he could have a family to support any pups that he brought into the world with Rainuh. After pacing for several minutes, Sabre sat down, his shoulders hunched in anger and his eyes narrowed as he stared out at the marsh.

What was he supposed to do now?
baby come back to me, i swear I'll make it right
don't make me spend another lonely night prayin' for daylight
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Played by Wolfie who has 20 posts.
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Rainuh Shadowstalker
Rainuh, having woken up to find Sabretache missing, stretched and cast about for his scent before heading into the trees to look for him. She'd followed him for hours before she finally found him sitting on the edge of the marsh. Having smelt the two strange males on him and the old dried blood from his wound, she had to bite back a growl. Taking a deep breath, she forced herself to calm down and went over to him, sitting down on her haunches by his side.
Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
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Naira Tainn
<blockquote>The tawny female knew she looked bedraggled and as she stepped into the frozen marsh she knew her appearance wasn't going to improve. She was rapidly loosing condition in the snows and her usually long lush coat was becoming matted and muddy. She grimaced as the knots pulled at her skin and twigs scratched at her hide.

She should stop and groom herself but something was pulling her forwards. She had been experiencing this feeling since she had descended from Riddle Heights, a whisper, a pull. Something was trying to make her move in a specific direction and when she tried to ignore it and go another way, the need to follow it only increased.

It was as a result of her stubborn attempt to ignore the pull that she now found herself tramping through the marsh instead of around it through the trees like it had initially wanted her to go. She was annoyed at herself and so wrapped in her own thoughts she almost missed the scent of two wolves on the breeze. Had they been alone she may have felt more inclined to introduce herself, but as it was she was reluctant to be the first to approach. As the wind shifted she cursed quietly <b>"Shit!"</b> They would know she was here now...</blockquote>
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by anyu who has 34 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sabretache Ashur
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prayin' for daylight, waitin' for that morning sun
so i can act like my whole life ain't goin' wrong
Sabre heard Rainuh's approach from behind. As she took her place beside him he lowered his head and nudged her cheek gently. "Hey," he said softly with a smile. He failed to mention his fight with the two males from several days ago, hoping that she wouldn't notice the wound or the strange smells and yet knowing that she would. He wasn't so sure that he wanted to tell her about that strange encounter.

He was about to speak again when something caught his attention when the wind began to blow in their direction. At first he caught just a hint of the smell, but then it came in stronger. Almost immediately his posture changed from a relaxed (though tense) pose to one of dominance. His ears pricked forward and he raised his head up high. Within moments he was on his feet, his tail held high.

Clearly Sabre saw himself as an alpha, though he wasn't leader of a pack just yet.

Taking another deep breath, he examined the scent more clearly. It was female and fresh. He had to struggle to suppress a sigh of relief when he knew the gender. He was sick of males right now. However, he did not relax. Whoever was out there in the marsh was a possible thread. With his deep voice he ordered, "Show yourself." Yes, he knew she was there. There was no hiding now.
baby come back to me, i swear I'll make it right
don't make me spend another lonely night prayin' for daylight
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Played by Wolfie who has 20 posts.
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Rainuh Shadowstalker
Rainuh wagged her tail happily when Sabre nudged her cheek. She nuzzled his neck affectionately in return, burying her nose in his fur and taking in his scent for a moment before pulling back to lick his cheek and then turn her gaze to momentarily look aorund the marsh they sat by. She noticed that he hadn't mentioned anything about the scents or wound he had and figured he didn't want to talk about it, so she didn't mention it either, being content to simply sit with him and enjoy his company. She stiffened automatically as the scent of another wolf was carried to her nose by the shifting breeze, and unlike Sabre she didn't relax when she realised it was a female's scent. If anything, she got even more tense.
Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
Just a short one sorry :(

<blockquote> The tawny female fought the urge to shrink into herself. She was borne from a long line of warriors and would not present herself submissively until she determined if these strangers were worth submitting to. She stalked forward from the cover of the marsh, ignoring her dishevelled appearance. She attempted to mimic the way her grandmother would have moved, the haughty look clear in her golden eyes. She was in no mood to be messed with, that feeling was still pulling at her core and she was impatient to see where it would take her.</blockquote>
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by anyu who has 34 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sabretache Ashur
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prayin' for daylight, waitin' for that morning sun
so i can act like my whole life ain't goin' wrong
Sabre kept his dominant stance, moving closer to Rainuh until his fur brushed against hers, clearly protective of his mate. As the female stepped out of the marsh he looked her over. She was quite large, her fur a mottled tawny. He wasn't sure what to make of her just yet, but it was clear that she wasn't submissive or afraid. He wasn't going to be pushing this wolf around any time soon. However, she didn't appear like an immediate threat either. And, as she hadn't threatened him or insulted him in any way, he wasn't about to start swearing at her.

"You're just passing through?" he questioned in an even voice. His posture showed that he wouldn't back down from a challenge, but it wasn't threatening. He also had no intention of ordering her to leave. Clearly she was a loner, and any loners right now may be of some use to him.

"We're not looking for a fight," he added. That was the last thing he wanted right now; he was still sore from the shallow wound on his side, even if it was halfway healed by now.
baby come back to me, i swear I'll make it right
don't make me spend another lonely night prayin' for daylight
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Played by Wolfie who has 20 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rainuh Shadowstalker
Taking her cue from Sabre, Rainuh softened her stance slightly so as to not appear hostile. As she did so, she found it easier to ignore the urge to growl that had been tugging at her earlier. She also felt the fur on her hackles settle and lay flat again. Curious now, she took a good, long glance at the newcomer, taking in her appearance.
Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
<blockquote>She visibly settled when it became clear the two were not going to attack. She settled on her haunches and thought a moment before replying. <b>"I believe so...and I'm not looking for a fight either... Something keeps pulling at me, ever since I got here. Either way, I'm sorry if I'm trespassing."</b> She shifted her gaze to the female at the large dark wolfs side, She looked a lot a lot like her mother with the exception of her eyes and she settled a little, growing more and more comfortable with the pair and the pulling adjusted to a slight tug.</blockquote>
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by anyu who has 34 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sabretache Ashur
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prayin' for daylight, waitin' for that morning sun
so i can act like my whole life ain't goin' wrong
Sabre relaxed quite a bit once he was certain the female wasn't a threat to him or his mate. He still kept his dominant stance, but he relaxed it enough that he looked more like a dominant loner than a wolf who thought he was a leader. "We don't own this place," he said dismissively, in an attempt to dispel any worries she might have about trespassing. Not until he and Rainuh formed a pack and claimed a territory would they worry about trespassing.

"I'm Sabretache - Sabre for short," he said, introducing himself before nodding to Rainuh. "This is my mate, Rainuh." His gold eyes never left the tawny female, just in case she turned out to be more of a threat than she appeared. However, he was certain that she wasn't about to attack two wolves who would most likely fight back.

"Somethings pulling at you?" he repeated for clarification. "Is there anything we can do to help?"
baby come back to me, i swear I'll make it right
don't make me spend another lonely night prayin' for daylight
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