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sick of love — Arbol Rosado 
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Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
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Jaysyek Enap Lyall
    You're clearly disturbed, all you want is allegiance.

Quick speed she pounded through the short breaks of snow. Her nostrils flared, ribs rising, and falling with her ragged, and rough breaths. There was no mind to slow, and she arched her body out, stretching further going from trot to a graceful bound. Her target a measly rabbit. She ran through the orchard intent on catching it. While the frightened creature hurried on she only pushed herself further until she gained ground over the small creature at made a lightning strike pouncing on it with paws, jaws, and teeth. A squeal of pain it was forced to the ground, and her fangs put an end to it's high pitched noise. Warm blood drippin' in her mouth she savored the taste before letting go to lick the mess from her pale jaws. Rapidly panting, her crown rose with her ear tips high and she checked her surroundings. She was not quite to the large cherry tree but could see it not to far to her right. The orchard was quiet, and lonely to her mismatched eyes. She inhaled, and exhaled watching the delicate snowflakes dance around with no expression but fatigue on her white mask.

She stood over her kill, soon being covered with a light blanket until her throat no longer stung and she reclined to her haunches. Least she had something to eat today, and she started ripping away fur from flesh gulping down the fresh meat. She wanted to swallow everything up, and try at tracking down another. The late afternoon sun above her, hiding behind a grey curtain of clouds she might have the time. She was sure there were more rabbits around here, hiding round the sleeping brush. Taking another swallow she licked the red liquid from her face between bites. She was ravenous and made quick work of the little thing.

[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
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Rebecca Wheatear
OOC: Is this set before or after Rebecca gets injured? Wasn't sure should I even post, but it was so tempting...

It had been rather good day, she had even managed to catch a rabbit. Now Rebecca traveled over Wild Cherry Orchard, actually stumbling near the large cherry tree that stood alone. It seemed so lonely in the winter. Halting, blue eyes pointed to the tree, giving her regret to the tree in her mind. She would come back at spring and howl out her joy for the tree who lived again, after the winter, growing it's leaves and flourishing again.

Look at that, she wasn't alone. Snffing the balck girl rised ehr snout, when she recognized the scent, froze immediately. Slowly she turned her head, only to notice a white she-wolf, not too far from her. Rebecca couldn't mistake with that scent, oh no, the white wolf over there was Grizzly Hollow leader. Getting a tighter grib from her rabbit, she knew that if the alpha would want it, she would have no chances against her. But the crazy gril wasn't going to give it out that easy, it wasn't only for ehr, it was for everyone back home. Not much, one pitiful rabbit, but if someone was hungry, it would make a greta meal.

Lowering her head, tail heading between her legs. Stubborness in her eyes, ears were pulled back. Reba was afraid, she knew that the white alpha probably thought nothing good about her.
<img src="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j320/alleybomber/CRC9.png">
Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
<i>Dark, no worries it'll be interesting. :) For time it would likely take place after she was injured. Maybe she's sorta on the mend?</i>

    You're clearly disturbed, all you want is allegiance.

Finishing off the last bits, she lifted the remains and tossed them into the untouched snow. Let the birds finish it, or something else. Before she moved further an unsettling, and most familiar scent breezed through the orchard biting her nostrils. She could not ignore the sharp memories nor rage that pressed against her ribcage. Swiftly her hackles rose in sharp ridges along her withers, and spine. Her ears would pin flat to her skull, she would swing her body round from the carcass letting her eyes drop upon the black coated wolf. A warning growl rumbled in the confines of her chest, just daring her to draw closer. Nothing would keep her from tearing into her even the linger scent of Ruiko if the girl made the wrong move. She could care less she had her own catch in her jaws. The only smart move was she held herself lower, a tinge of fear settling from her body. Good. She should be afraid.

A high tail, she stalked closer, keeping her head low, and her shoulders tense against her neck. "If you have a death wish, seek it else where." She said, letting the coldness of her tones rush from her slightly raised lip. If she was here to pick a fight, or harm herself she was not interested in playing her twisted games. She would easily put her mark on her if she became senseless.

[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
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Rebecca Wheatear
OOC: Okke, sounds good :)

Great, just magnificent! Seriously, not now! Closing her eyes in pain, feeling the sick insanity taking over. She knew the alpha could hurt her, which would be dangerous... And there it was. Danger. Lifting her high in the air, bringing out the part of ehr she didn't want high ranked to see. It just wasn't something to show to your leaders. And even though the Grizzly alpha wasn't her leader, she was still much highre ranked than Reba was.

Lowering her head even more, body went down as well as the black insane forced her crazy feelings away. No, she wasn't going to play that game right now. Eyes opened, the battle she was going inside her reflecting from them. Fear, pleasure and pure insanity, that carayz shine, they all alternated in her light blue eyes. Letting go from her rabbit, lowering her body, feeling the pain on her neck as she moved it little more. The wounds hadn't healed yet... No they hadn't.

Moving her eye to the alpha's, then quickly turning them away. What to do, what to say? How to behave like you would be sane?

<b>"If I would want to die, I wouldn't be here now"</b> she said, voice reflecting her impish feelings. And she would have wanted ot bite herself for that! No time to play. Pushing her stomach against the snow, trying to look small, but not able to hide the fearlessness caused by the wonderful feeling of danger. Oh how Rebecca would've wanted to grin right now! But the black girl was going to do her best to change the picture of teh white alpha, to little better if just possible.

One thing that really stood on the way of her attemptions was her stupid proudness. Reba was proud wolf wiht no specific reason to it, she wasn't high ranked or strong, not the fastest in the world, nor the smartest. She just was, and that made it hard to show submission in front of alpha from another pack. Not that she was that used ot show submission anyway...
<img src="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j320/alleybomber/CRC9.png">
Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
    You're clearly disturbed, all you want is allegiance.

The wolf before her was unpredictable. Her muscles were taunt just waiting for the wrong move. She did not forget how she had imposed upon her grief, no scared the wits out of her two daughters. If Kade were here she didn't doubt he would have likely grabbed her in his teeth again.

The closer the became she could see the fight within her pale eyes. She would not understand the struggle the dark wolf was going through. She was only aware she did not trust her, and saw no reason too. Why was she still here? Shouldn't she have left at any hint of her? Jaysyek was not happy, and she was very tempted to strike her for the fact she had trespassed into her home not once, but twice.

A sharp laugh of short amusement followed the female's statement. "I seriously doubt that, but then if it's true why are you here?" She said, drawing herself closer, yet keeping some distance between them. She could now see scars running along her neck, who else had she angered? Her behavior she would guess anyone. Her eyes locked to her face, cold, and hard. She hadn't quite decided how she wanted to handle this situation.

[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rebecca Wheatear
Laying on the snow, feeling secure in very, very crazy way. She was safely in danger. That sounds crazy? Remember, the black wolf alying on that white snow IS crazy. Rebecca had to fight the will to wag her tail and smile, this situation was so nice! She started to get high, run among the clouds, feel free and light! Very poor moment to do that, as she was kinda trying to get the alpha think little better about herself...

She doubted it? Reba felt bad for that, almost wanted to growl. She was no liar! But she wasn't going to try her luck. The question the white wolf made, was very tricky though. Sagging into her body, looking a whole lot smaller now, still not too afraid. Eyes were rather emotionless, counting off the friendly look in them. As much as she would ahve not wanted to be, Reba was grateful to the alpha for getting her favourite feeling out of hiding. But what to answer?

<b>"Hm... Too late to leave or something? I don't know."</b> was her reply, apologizing tone with clear smile in it. Though her mouth was hid away under the snow and her smile wasn't visible. Oh, how helpless the black girl was with her insanity!
<img src="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j320/alleybomber/CRC9.png">
Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
    You're clearly disturbed, all you want is allegiance.

While the wolf's stare seemed to be elsewhere, the end of her tail flicked again. She was posed, ready to pounce at any moment. It was probably good for Rebecca that Jaysyek hadn't been in an awful mood or she would have probably just jumped her with no second thoughts. She doubted this thought would occur to the black female. She may be keeping herself low, and small but Jaysyek was sure it was some kind of ruse. She didn't doubt Rebecca had some mental issues. The Grizzly Hollow leader could not count on her to do the "normal" thing.

With a narrowed gaze, she could feel the heat rising along her spine, her jaws ready to spring. Insolence wasn't a crime, but it was a high irritation even if the female wasn't meaning to be.

"Why don't you run along now then, I'd hate to have to teach you why you should avoid me, and my home," she said in the same hard tone as before. Why the girl stayed talking to her it was she couldn't comprehend. Didn't she know Jaysyek could attack her? Was so close? Or was that what she wanted? Another game of pain?

[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rebecca Wheatear
So... She didn't like her? At all? Not a smallest bit? And nothing she could do about it? How annoying. Rebecca knew that this wasn't situation to let her insanity take over, and she fought back, against that wonderful feelings she so desired. Too bad the alpha didn't appreciate it at all.

Digging deeper into the snow, letting the coolness calm her nerves down. No need to show how good you feel when there is no reasons to feel good to sane wolves. Stupid lineage, living sane life would've been so much nicer. At least Rebecca thought it might be, though she ahdn't actually tried it herself.

<b>"I've avoided your home since I learnt what is tresspassing!"</b> Rebecca spoke, slightly lifting her head from the snow. She wasn't sure would the white alpha appreciate her improved knowledge even a slightest bit or just hate her even more, and blame of stupidness. But hey, she had learnt her lessons!
<img src="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j320/alleybomber/CRC9.png">
Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
    You're clearly disturbed, all you want is allegiance.

There was no reason for Jaysyek to like her. She didn't know her story, and usually she wasn't so judgmental. In fact usually she let the wrong slide by, feeling there had to be good deep down in everyone. That was the old Jayse. She was tired of being a welcome mat that kept getting used, and abused. Besides Rebecca had already made two strikes, and Jayse wasn't about to let her make a third. She was certain this was some kind of sick game, and Rebecca was just bidding her time.

It mattered little Ruiko's scent was on her tinged with other strange scent. In the moment, Jayse wanted her gone. She didn't want to hurt her, but that part of her was starting to get very small. Her patience was quite thin, and the levels of her frustration high.

When Rebecca shifted in the snow, her own body flinched in reaction. The girl only sank further, until Jayse had last coaxed some kind of reply from her. She let out a light snort, and shook her head. The hair pricked on the back of her skull, but she calmed it. "I'd hope so, but didn't you know you don't have to learn the hard way?" She asked as if exasperated by all of this.

(This post was last modified: Feb 17, 2012, 04:38 AM by Jaysyek.)
[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rebecca Wheatear
Laying, laying, trying to look submissive and keep her emotions under control. She really had some issues with this kind of situations when someone think bad about you before even knows you. Rebecca wasn't that <span class='word'>pachyderm</span>, always being mocked and talked and thought bad wasn't nice. Though she wasn't sure did it make her angry, sad or what.

Watching as the alpha shook her head snorting, wondewring what she had saied wrong this time. Telling the truth wasn't that bad, was it? <b>"No one was there to teach me in the easy way. When you don't know rules, you easily break them"</b> was her reply, first time having some kind of wisdom in it. And there she went, thinking with her full brain capacity. It didn't feel good, and sighing the black wolf dag her way down towards the earth. Maybe the ground could swallow her or something?

Closing her eyes, just waiting for the white alpha's killing attack. The wiser Reba was little... Negative, when the young wolf started to think deeper things, everything just staretd to feel so miserable. Her life, world, everything. Maybe it would be even good if the Grizzly leader would end her sufferment in this world? Stop this journey through life too early?
<img src="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j320/alleybomber/CRC9.png">