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Rolu has been thinking of family.
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Played by Hope who has 99 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rolu Whitetree
Rolu walked within the trees as he peeked into the heart of Copper Rock Creek. Stepping out of the trees he stepped into the creek and lapped at the water. He jerked his head up sure he had heard something. As the minutes passed he bent his head back down to lap at the water once more. He took his time and glanced around. Finally, he lifted his head and glanced around,"There is nothing special here," he thought.

Rolu took a last glance around as he slipped between the trees."I thought I smelled pack,"Rolu said stumbling upon a territory marker. He sniffed around, "It smell like the last pack member to come through her was a male," the thought made Rolu chuckle, "I would hate to come upon a male." Rolu looked up and his ears twitched. A bird flew out from a tree cawing loudly. Rolu watched it fly away and a shiver went up his back. He shook his pelt and walked on making himself quiet and unseen among the trees.
"Alas, it falls upon my lot that I should die and you should not."
Copper Rock Creek
Played by becuffin who has 195 posts.
Inactive Deceased

Kano was passing by the creek when he picked up on a strange scent. Male. His hackles rose and his muzzle pulled back, baring his white teeth. Too close. He stalked forward agressively searching for the tresspasser. Anyone with manners would wait outside of the markers and call. He was already worked up with the stress of needing to leave and now this?

We'll see. the rational part of his brain chimed in. He was not usually like this, but his worries about leaving his pack for any length of time had him on edge. What if he hadn't been wandering past? What if the stranger had made it all the way to the dens? What if they had pups to protect and nobody had caught this intruder? He snorted in frustration as the strangers scent got stronger.

The large light tawny male came into sight. He wasn't nearly as big as Kano's brother who he had grew up wrestling, and the pack were just a howl away. He lowered his lips, raised his head and tail high as he walked forwards. "Too close." was all he said to the stranger. He should know better at his age.

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Played by Allie who has 85 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aeylen Onida
<blockquote>There was a certain quietness that hovered about the territory in the mornings. Perhaps it was an affect of the long winter, which the tawny female had come to resent; perhaps the relative silence stemmed from the seclusion the wood offered...She couldn't be sure, but with each new day she watched intently for any sight or sign of spring, and this day she was met by a peculiar sound.

As it were, a chuckling met the leadess' ears, echoing softly through the tanglewood forest. Slowing to an easy halt, the honey of her eyes swept through the landscape, darting toward the general viscinity of the creekway, which she'd come to navigate quite well. Until recently it would have been safe to assume the laughter were of a member of the pack, but Aeylen had managed to put a face to every stranger, and had heard each of their unique voices; <i>this was not one of them</i>.

Though she was certain the scent carried by the breeze did not belong to Rhysis - the only person she really expected to come so close, at this point - it still put her on edge. Ridges of raised hair erected from the base of the female's wide head to the tip of her thick tail, which she now held proudly behind her. Wasting little time, Aeylen stalked through the dry, grey and gold vegetation until she came upon the wayfarer...

Pleased to see that one of the Seconds had intercepted the traveller, the regal wolf approached the pair with a scrutinizing eye; with a to-the-point nod to show her gratitude to Kanosak for his astute patrol, the Tainn was bold in her inquiry.

<b>"What brings you here, stranger?"</b> The naturally sweet tone of her voice was replaced by a hard note as she issued a sideways glance in Kano's direction.</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Feb 13, 2012, 01:38 AM by Aeylen.)
Played by Hope who has 99 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rolu Whitetree
Rolu turned around at the sound of the attacker, or what he thought was the attacker. He was quick to show submission, but was not pleased that the pack member he was meeting was male. Thous make it harder for him to join, in his mind.<b>"I am quite sorry for the intrusion. I was looking for some one of this pack, to ask to join. Though I can see that your not found of strangers," </b>Rolu said looking at the wolf. He was rather not very a mannerly wolf, but he wasn't as stupid as not to come prepared to do battle if it was a must.

Rolu was relieved when a female entered the area, and could feel the dominance of her aura coming of her."Alpha, and maybe an over protective guardian in the making," he thought. He was still in submission and said,<b>"I was only to join this pack. I've found it is the one with most few numbers, because of my calculations. I am also most glad to see you have the most highest security."</b> Rolu at this time was not as relaxed as he had hoped, but was calm enough." They see me as a threat, that's good," he thought,"If only I could get them to accept me. My name would probably be best." Rolu was right to act quickly, but maybe was a little to talkative.<b>"My name is Rolu Whitetree, Lone Wolf, born to the Sencal pack outside of relic lore."</b>he said truthfully.
"Alas, it falls upon my lot that I should die and you should not."
Copper Rock Creek
Played by Allie who has 85 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aeylen Onida
Sorry for shortness. Running late for class :)

<blockquote>Not threatened in the least, the leadess canted her muzzle to the side as she raised her head, looking upon the inquirer's features while listening openly. Born outside of the realm of Relic-Lore, as she was, Aeylen drew something of a parallel. Quite honestly, she was unsure of him as she took note of his tense demeanor, though his body language did convey an air of submission.

<b>"I am Aeylen Tainn, Rolu,"</b> she replied. After a brief pause, the leadess continued smoothly. <b>"We are, indeed, a strong pack - <i>worthy of the strong</i>..."</b> the females words trailed off on a suspenseful note. Even in all of it's glory, Copper Rock Creek certainly would benefit from such an addition, and it was not in her heart to turn away an eager stranger in the dead of winter.

Her judgment and last say was swift. <b>"...Welcome."</b></blockquote>
Played by Hope who has 99 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rolu Whitetree
Rolu got up and nodded,<b>"Thank you,"</b>he said. Then he cast a curios glance at the male. Coming from a leader he didn't expect the male to object. He relaxed at the females acception of him and then said,<b>'Who is he? Do I need to do anything or can I enter now without being shredded?"</b>he asked more of to the male than her. He respected her, but still felt uneasy about the hostile male.

Rolu bowed his head again to the female before taking a small step forward. He was being accepted into there pack. "I'll talk to Rhysis again later, for now I shall make friends," Rolu thought.
"Alas, it falls upon my lot that I should die and you should not."
Copper Rock Creek
Played by becuffin who has 195 posts.
Inactive Deceased

Kanosak ceded to his leaderess, his coat still rippling in frustration that the stranger had so blatantly ignored the pack borders. He took a few steps back so he was at a shorter distance away, but still close enough to help Aeylen if it was needed.

Teeth bared a little further at his assumption the second wasn't fond of strangers. "On the contrary. It's the rude ones I take offense to." He knew he was out of line with Aeylen now taking the lead but he took the safety of his family very seriously.

He softened up a little when she said he was accepted into the pack. He was usually quick to like others, but the persistent scent of strangers lingering on the borders rather than the usual passing through, and the fact he had so hautily crossed pack lines without a call still had him on edge. He was growing very fond of his family and his impending travels had him more wary of strangers than usual.

"As long as you play nice." he replied to the other males question, ignoring the former requesting introduction with a tight smile. He would need to get to know this one a little more before he decided whether or not to trust him.

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Played by Hope who has 99 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rolu Whitetree
Rolu nodded taking the male's comment into thought. "I'll know your name soon enough," Rolu thought. He looked at the male wondering agian if he was a threat to the plan. The wolf seemed small enough that Rolu decided to pay little mind to the male. He did look at the male and lowered his tail, if he was here before Rolu than he was more of importance.

Rolu looked around again and said swiftly,<b>"Where do I go from here miss Aey, and you sir?"</b>he asked politly tell he got near the end. There, was a hint of sacasum, and rebelion. "I'll stay on the borders of his good side. I'm not a suck up thats for sure," Rolu said to himself.
"Alas, it falls upon my lot that I should die and you should not."
Copper Rock Creek
Played by becuffin who has 195 posts.
Inactive Deceased
<blockquote>The darker blonde wolf gave a smile to the stranger that wasn't nearly as warm as it could have been, and probably showed a little too much teeth. He took a moment to centre himself and a wry smile crossed his face. He was turning into his grandmother. Overprotective to a fault with no patience for fools. Not that there was a problem with that, she was an imposing alpha and very few who crossed her ever lived to do so again, but she was also kind, and it was that part of her he missed the most. He was not an alpha, he was the second.

<b>"I am Kanosak, the second here. I will show you to where we make our dens at the base of the mountains."</b> He said a little more gently than before. He didn't need to make apologies to the new wolf but he should make an effort to keep the peace for everyones sakes. He didn't entirely trust the male at his back but he had to make an effort for the good of them all. After all, there was strength in numbers.</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Feb 15, 2012, 11:21 AM by Kanosak.)
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Played by Hope who has 99 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rolu Whitetree
Rolu took Kanosak's comment as vilipend, but answered.<b>"Thank you,"</b>he said. Rolu kept a conpicous eye on the he-wolf. He listened to the male, and was willing to follow. He followed Kanosak as they walked. The question was to tempting and Rolu wanted to know more about the male.

<b>"So how did you come to be in this pack?"</b>Rolu asked. He turned his head to take a glance at the male. Rolu waited for Kanosak's anwser, paciantly."What will he say," wondered Rolu. Rolu was courious about Kanosak, and what ever he new mite help him in the futer. He turned his head aagain th look at the he-wolf.
"Alas, it falls upon my lot that I should die and you should not."
Copper Rock Creek