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Time for a change — Bramble Falls 
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Played by Jake who has 116 posts.
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Thanatos Rua
Thanatos was walking around in circles aimlessly. He didn't know where to go, all he knew was that he wanted to start fresh and make a new life for himself. One without all the fights, betrayals, and death. All he wanted was to live without all the drama. He still didn't trust other males but he opened up to females easily. Thanatos tended to stay away from other males though to avoid another fight.

He stopped, picking up the scent of a deer. Thanatos knew he would never be able to catch it, but he could also detect a rabbit close by. He silently followed the scent, when he got close he took off for it. It took off as well and as Thanatos chased it, it managed to get into his blind spot. He gave up on the rabbit and slowed back to a walk. 'It really is beautiful here. I only wish you were here with me.' He thought to himself as memories flooded through his mind. His past was filled with grief, sorrow, hatred, and jealousy which lead to all the fights and deaths. He shook his head, trying to force the memories out. Thanatos stopped and sat down, there wasn't anything particularly interesting about that spot he just simply didn't want to walk anymore.
Played by Sneezy who has 55 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Gladius Blacksea
<font style='margin-left:20px;'>Young and new to the world, Glad had no choice but to wander and feed the spirit that rolled around in her belly like a live lick of flame. She had a den site, but it was lonely and small, tucked into a part of the forest that she had explored over and over and was tired of already. She needed action, and decided that the only way to find her kicks would be to go out and get them rather than wait for them to come to her. The falls attracted her because of the water, which reminded her of her homeland. Although fresh water would never compare to the kick and struggle of the ocean, it did fill her with a sense of comfort. Her heavy frame came to a pause by the cool pool, and she leaned down to lap at the surface, gripping the edges with her sturdy paws and swaying her tail with slight praise at the water's welcome down her throat.</font>
<font style='margin-left:20px;'>Suddenly, a noise caught her attention, and she turned and watched a young rabbit run past and almost trip itself over her limbs in frightened exhilaration. She did not hesitate, and jumped upon the small thing, crushing it under her weight and killing it in a gleeful instant. Lucky, she thought, as she looked on to the rabbit's original pursuer, who seemed not to notice her as he made his way away from her and his quarry. She tilted her head, picked up the bundle of meat and fur, a quite small morceau of food in her opinion, and carefully followed the male. Hearing his voice, and the words that seemed to carry sadness along with them, she paused and watched him sit down. Feeling the urge to have some sort of interaction with another, she wagged her tail and trotted up to him, then bounded in front of him and turned on her feet to face him with a smile.</font>
<font style='margin-left:20px;'>The rabbit was still gripped in her maw, and she dipped her head and let the prey creature drop to the ground in front of the male. Her tail raised to medium level, friendly, open, as she regarded him with a bright expression. "Hullo there, I noticed you did not give chase to this- Do you want it? Ah, it is barely a mouthful for someone of your, <i>size</i>, but nevertheless it was yours to begin with. I am quite hungry though- mayhap you'd like to compete for it? Only a friendly competition, I would not want to hurt you." Her words were quick, cheerful, and her tail wagged to emphasize her complete nonchalant at fighting with the much larger male for the rabbit that was obviously his.</font>
Played by Jake who has 116 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Thanatos Rua
OOC: Just so you know, he wasn't speaking, he was thinking to himself.

Thanatos panicked as a female appeared out of no where to stand in front of him. She must have come from the left side, he wouldn't have been able to see her with his blind eye on the left side. He jumped up onto his feet, weary of this newcomer that snuck up on him. She dropped the rabbit he had given up on at her feet and asked if he wanted to fight for it. What was with females and fighting here? First Kainda now this femme.

He struggled to speak, but it was becoming easier to understand. "Ro. It ris you-rs. I'm rot go-ing roo fi-ght you." He sat back down, turning his head so he could get a better look at her. She appeared to be younger than him, probably about two years younger. She was cute. Her eyes drew him in, almost hypnotizing him. He wanted to learn more about this girl. "You-r rame?" Close but not quite right. She would hopefully understand that he was asking her name though.
Played by Sneezy who has 55 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Gladius Blacksea
OOC: Ah sorry, read over it too fast. Thought it was " instead of ' :P

<font style='margin-left:20px;'>She noticed his startled reaction, and shook her head in embarrassment at her mistake. He was blind in one eye! Of course! That would explain why he hadn't noticed her, or taken after the rabbit that would have easily been his. She showed no remorse for his injured eye, and instead looked at it intently, curious of how he received such a wound. Battle scars were something to be proud of where she came from, although she could see why they might not be seen so fondly out here. Handicaps were rarely praised in loners, as they meant a slowness in skill, and a slowness in skill meant a slowness in the hunt or in battle, which often meant death.</font>
<font style='margin-left:20px;'>His accent intrigued her, and her head tilted once again, his words thick but easy to understand after running through her head a few times. After the meaning reached her, her shoulders shrugged up and down, slightly disappointed but not affecting her good mood. "Alright, suit yourself then." She reached down and pulled a bit off the rabbit, chewing and gulping it happily as she watched the male curiously. Her name? Right right, introductions. She would have been fine with fighting him for the scrap of meat and never knowing his name, but she supposed if he wasn't up for it that proper conversation was needed instead. How boring. "My name is Gladius, Gladius Blacksea, but I am just Gladius here, or Glad." She puffed her chest slightly, and grinned before pulling at the rabbit again, glancing up at him between bites. "And what, great gentle giant, is your name?" Her words were playful, not at all spiteful or rude, as her nature was not one for venom.</font>
Played by Jake who has 116 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Thanatos Rua
OOC: It's not an accent either. If you look at his description, he has scars covering his muzzle which makes speech difficult. There is a scar over his left eye too.

It seemed Gladius was studying him and was very interested in his eye. He didn't know why, it was just an old injury. She kept looking at him as she ate the rabbit, and seemed a little upset that he wouldn't fight her. At least she hadn't challenged him like Kainda had, he can't back down from a challenge like that. He watched her, curious as to why she seemed so interested in his injuries.

So, Gladius was her name. A bit of an odd name but it was unique so Thanatos loved her name, but him, a "gentle giant"? He may be large but he wasn't very gentle, not usually at least. "Th-ana-tos Rua." He nodded a small greeting to her. "Wh-at bing-s roo rout he-re?" Still having difficulties with speaking, he shook his head. He wished he could speak better so he could actually have conversations with others. Ever since the fight he hadn't been able to say more than a few words correctly unless he slowed down a lot when he spoke.
Played by Sneezy who has 55 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Gladius Blacksea
OCC: Well she still would perceive it as an accent. Just one resulted from injury rather than region. But I suppose I didn't notice that part in his description, my mistake.

<font style='margin-left:20px;'>As she studied his eye she also noticed the scars that covered his muzzle and neck, and realized that perhaps this was the reason for his thick speech. Respect glinted in her bright eyes for the older male, as would be shown for any older wolf with such injuries. She wished she could carry such boasts, but her young hide had so far seen no battles or hunts that would grant her grand scars or war wounds. She had only ever sparred with her family and siblings, nothing serious, and most hunts had her in the sidelines.</font>
<font style='margin-left:20px;'>His name made her smile, unique like hers as she rolled it through her head and made sure to remember it. She sometimes had trouble with names. The rabbit was finished and she sat down, mirroring him but much smaller in comparison as she thought over his inquiry. She looked up and around, almost as if realizing she was somewhere other than her den or homeland, widening her eyes and and breathing deep in, watching the falls and looking dreamy for a moment as she thought again of home. Then she looked back at Thanatos, her eyes taking an intense hue as she focused on his injuries and then him as a whole.</font>
<font style='margin-left:20px;'>"Adventure." Her voice whispered as she leaned in, almost as if it were a secret for only them. She jumped to her feet, tail waving excitedly behind her as she started to pace. "Fighting, hunting, exploring, and conquering! My den gets very lonely, and I grow tired of the same-old same-old, same reason I left my homeland, but better leave that for another conversation. I am here because this is where my paws led me, no other reason, I wish to wander until it too bores me, then maybe a pack or something. Who knows." She stopped pacing and looked at her companion again, flicking her ears and curling her tail joyously. "What about you? Why are you here?"</font>
Played by Jake who has 116 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Thanatos Rua
Thanatos watched as Glad pranced around like an excited pup going on her first hunt. It was cute, until she asked about his story. He looked down, unsure where to start. He had to slow down so he could say everything correctly so it took a few minutes. "My bi-rth pack lived close to an-oth-er. They were ri-vals. One day, one of our pack mem-b-ers came back from a hunt badly injured, her mate killed. Said it was the other pack. My father, our leader, ordered me and the rest of the pack to kill them all. The one I was forced to attack, was a female. Soon after, I learned she had been carrying pups. I asked my father if he knew." Thanatos paused for a moment, trying to calm down. "He did. He said it was for the good of the pack. When I confronted him and told him how wrong it was, he took it as a challenge. He attacked only once, leaving me blind in my left eye. He then ordered the other pack members to kill me...and my mate." He looked down. He couldn't believe he was telling all of this to a stranger. "She was killed before I could reach the den. She was carrying pups as well. I was able to escape, but with quite a few scars so I could always remember what happened."

It had seemed that the more he talked the better he was able to. Maybe it had something to do with him becoming angry. Either way, he had to calm down. He probably already scarred the poor girl enough. "I've been traveling for a year now and just recently came to Relic Lore. That's it. That's my story." He turned his back on the girl and started walking towards the waterfall. He looked down at his reflection in the water, seeing only a monster. Glad would more than likely run off now, he knew he shouldn't have said anything. He couldn't take it back now though.
Played by Sneezy who has 55 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Gladius Blacksea
<font style='margin-left:20px;'>She sat down, intent on listening to his story, as she always loved stories as a cub, and it had yet to wear off in her as an adult. His words became steadier she noticed as his story went on, and her gaze remained purely focused on him throughout, almost lost of expression as she listened to every detail. His story was sad and brave at the same time, it lent insight to his character and being, and she found herself liking him more as the story went on. Although the story was not one of valor, and mostly of the flaws in wolves not equal to most, her expression of youthful awe did not fall. For she was not hearing the males failures, only his growth and loyalty to good. What he thought was good. She respected that.</font>
<font style='margin-left:20px;'>She watched him stride away, his story finished and her expressions returning. She padded after him, stopping to peer down into the pool where both their reflections were placed. She rolled her heavy shoulders and reached down, stirring the water with a large paw before completely displacing the reflection as she splashed the pool. "Ah your wounds are honorable, though those that delivered them not so much. I am sorry about your mate and pups, they will live on in you as long as you keep their memory. Feel no shame about your past, it wasn't your fault." She sat beside him and looked confident in her own words, not a hint of sorrow on her features, but solemn as she regarded the older male. She suddenly stood and turned back to the forest around them, looking sharp and wild once again. "How are you with hunting? I scented this deer just a bit ago, and although it has scattered since, I am sure we could follow it."</font>
Played by Jake who has 116 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Thanatos Rua
She followed him to the waters edge, shattering the reflection in the smooth water. She said his wounds were honorable, he didn't think there was anything honorable about it. What he didn't mention to her was that he saw any other male as if they were his father, a killer. Whenever another male threatened or challenged him, it turned into a fight to the death. The other was always the one who lost. He was ashamed of what he had done and was hoping to turn over a new leaf. Make a new life for himself, hopefully find a new mate. That part of his past he wanted to stay hidden.

Thanatos looked up at her. "It was my fault the female and her pups are dead. She wasn't a threat, she didn't even fight back. I blindly listened to orders I knew in my gut were wrong. I could have stopped all of it, and I didn't." He looked down, falling silent.

His stomach rumbled when food was mentioned. "I can hunt. As long as I keep it out of my blind side which I'm usually rather good at but I was distracted tonight." He stood up and lightly tugged on Glad's ear. He smiled as he spoke. "Come on, let's go." He was impressed with himself. All he needed to make his speech better was practice.
Played by Sneezy who has 55 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Gladius Blacksea
<font style='margin-left:20px;'>She grinned as he tugged her ear, eager to hunt and leave the past where it was meant to be. It was true that his fault in following orders rather than his own gut made her nature frown, but the rest of his story proved him to be a respectable wolf that deserved the honor he must thought he didn't. She nodded her head and started to trot off in the direction the deer's scent was coming from, pausing to snuff a hoof print in the ground and wagging her tail at how fresh it was. "This way." She called happily as she waited for him to catch up. The trail wound up past the falls, deeper into the woods and unwind from them. Hopefully the deer had not gotten far, and hopefully it would not sense it's pursuers until it was too late.</font>
<font style='margin-left:20px;'>She started up the slope, carefully, but quickly, so that they would not lose their quarry. Speed would not benefit either of them, they would have to find some way to get in front of their prey, then one of them could rush it while the other ambush it. They both had strength, they could bring it down if it did not choose to flee. Gladius had only hunted with her family, a pack hunt was much different than a loner hunt. She was thankful for Thanatos's company, together they had a shot at catching their prey. She again waited when the scent grew strong, and with a squinting of eyes she could almost catch the beast moving about in front of her.</font>