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Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
<blockquote>It was time to get things moving. Rhysis had been waiting patiently for Aeylen to return with information after their first meeting, but it seemed she had either fogotten or had been busy. He hadn't expected much, not many wolves would do such a favour for a stranger and whilst he had been hopeful, he had not left himself without other options. It appeared the best to way proceed was just to walk right up to their doors. He had hoped that Aeylen would be the one to greet him but there was gaurentee as to whom he was going to bump into. He had been close enough to the territory to leave his mark of interest and now, as he paced towards the strongly marked borders he took a moment to reflect.

By tomorrow he could be a pack wolf. Something he had hoped never to be again unless it had been on his own terms. There was cold logic as to why he was here; he needed the support a pack could offer to get him ready for adulthood, and more silently, ready to run his own pack and alongside that, he needed to hurt Volkan, not physically but emotionally as she had done to him. With a final snort at the very acitions he was taking, he threw his head back and allowed his melodic howl to slip into the evening sky, a calling for any member close by.

This was going to be tough, there was no doubt about it and he had to play it cool. He was going to have to keep his Mr.Nice Guy routine up all of the time, even his dreams had to be of unicorns and rainbows rather then the death and destruction that normally filled his head. He never had trouble with his manners but he knew there were going to be times ahead when he was going to have to bite his tongue, to follow orders like a mindless drone and take actions he knew were illogical. It was the joys of being a pack wolf... a subordinate position was no doubt what he was going to be handed out, but he had to deal with that and remember he was doing all of this for a reason. Who knows, perhaps the experience would be the making of him, a change in his character, it might suck the darkness from him.... ha, what a stupid idea.

He allowed his leathery pads to push him forwards, he took only a single step over the border before he lowered himself to sit. His defenses were high, ghostly grey gaze continuiously scanned the terrain around him whilst his ears moved and twitched in all directions- he was not going to be caught off guard. With his body tense,ready to move and senses primed for movement, he threw his head back once more and let another cry fill the air.

Now, it was a waiting game.</blockquote>
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by kckc1289 who has 75 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Willie Lylla Tomek
Do you mind if I join? :)

Another day, another patrol. The borders were now getting familiar with her. The endless walking around, made her pads accustomed to the way, and it seemed as if they had their own mind of their own. Walking by the spring, where once she had too joined, she remembered how much pride had filled her every being to have a feeling of acceptance, to have family. The warm air that indicated she was getting closer mingled with another thing: a howl.

Ah, now was her time once more. She needed to do this more often as she was the second. Her belly roared with hunger. Obviously the <span class='word'>morceau</span> wasn't enough for her food. She immediately dismissed the thought, as she began to believe her belly hadn't enough discipline. How could a belly have no discipline, you ask? Well, here were Wille's thoughts. When she was a lone wolf, when ever she hungered for a hare, then she would go immediately hunt for prey. She didn't have any activities, so she could go for it. Now, she had duties that she had to undergo before she could even eat.

As Wille entered the clearing, there was a large, black wolf with his maw set high, howling. He probably wanted to join. She'd have to wait for one of the leaders to come and decide his fate, but why not get to know him? And she certainly shouldn't leave the brute unguarded. Having a wolf wandering around territories..... Behind him she spoke, <b>"What brings you here stranger?"</b>
(This post was last modified: Feb 21, 2012, 02:24 AM by Wille.)
Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
Not at all! Pleasure to meet you. :)

<blockquote>Time had been standing still around him, but the onyx males mind had been spinning as he waited. Spinning with memories of his old pack, of how he was going to feel fitting into the ranks, how his loss of power was going to affect him and just how long he was going to have to play nice here. All this for the demise of his sister; he hoped she would appreciate it. Despite how preoccupied he had been he had felt the presence of another before he had seen her. A white female had slipped into the area from behind and with a silent, inward sigh to himself he glanced over his shoulder. His wet nose tested the air. She was indeed a Copper Rock Creek pack wolf and the manner in which she moved an stood indicated she had some rank. Inwardly he cringed as he lowered himself to the ground, slowly but forcefully, he fell into submission.

With ears back, tail between his legs and his belly slightly exposed he remained in that position until she spoke. He felt like such a fool, cowering like that but it was how he had to be... for the time being at least. <b>”I was hoping to find Aeylen. We were to meet here a few nights ago but she never came.”</b> he stated truthfully. He had met the lead female some nights ago and had arranged to reconvene at the pack borders to discuss whether his sister had wanted to meet with him; but he was growing impatient and more than that, he was getting hungry. <b>”I’ve been hoping to join your pack. Offer my skills to your service in exchange for pack security.”</b> he continued on, having rehearsed this all in his head many times over.

He supposed he should come clean about Volkan here and now. He wanted to win over the pack members, have them see him as a friend so he could slowly bring her down, severe her relationships and generally make her life a misery. The best way to start would be to be honest. <b>”My name is Rhysis Aquila and my sister is also a member here. Her name is Volkan.”</b> he said and then fell silent, avoiding eye contact like the coward he had to portray.
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by kckc1289 who has 75 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Willie Lylla Tomek
Pleasure to meet you too, :).

So the male was seeking Aeylen. She had not yet met the female leader, which she then intended to do sometime. The male then <span class='word'> bespeak </span>, showing submission toward her, which then told her the male was aware that to join the pack, he'd have to show respect. Apparently, before she talked to him, he was deep in thought and it was apparent in which his body posture.

Ears back, and tail tucked in, low to the ground, he explained how he waited for Aeylen, and seemed Volkan, his sister. <b>"I am aquinataed with Volkan."</b> she spoke quietly, the words barely coming out in a whisper. And he could offer his loyalty for our pack security. He did look skinny, and within the pack he could use some extra hares that she and Kanosak could catch.

Avoiding eye contact, it seemed to tell Wille he was a little shy, or even aware that some wolves may consider eye contact a challenge. But who would be afraid of the petite lady? Only the shyest would be afraid once the lady burst all her angers and frustrations out. She only attacked a rock once she was frustrated. Maybe wolves would even think of her as a mental. The male then introduced himself as Rhysis.

<b>"I'm Wille Lylla, the second of Copper Rock Creek. I have one more question. Is there anything you would like to tell me before Ruiko or Aeylen comes?"</b>
(This post was last modified: Feb 22, 2012, 05:32 AM by Wille.)
Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
<blockquote>Rhysis remained plastered to the floor a little longer, feeling a fool the entire time. He contained a flinch when he heard that this white female knew of his sister and he could only hope that she believed his good intentions. So far he had done nothing to anyone to indicate anything other then sincerity on his part, he had been most careful when the topic of his sister had cropped up so with any luck they would consider him the genuine fellow he was trying to be.

Though he kept himself to the floor, he rolled slightly but continued to avoid eye contact, he had to come across as soft, perhaps even shy, it could be a good angle to play for the time being. <b>”Might I ask, has my sister been well? Its been so long since I last saw her...”</b> he asked and even added a very light whine to the end- this guy could win an Oscar, that was for sure.

<b>”I don’t believe I have anything more to ask... I just hope your leaders will be as gracious in speaking to me as you have been.”</b> he replied with a light smile and finally cast a glance in her direction, his eerie grey gaze settled on her own for just a brief moment before he looked away again. The gesture looked charming, innocent, but inside he shivered at the thought of having to play nice to such a tiny female.

Inside he was already wondering how long he could keep this up for- perhaps it would just be best to find her alone and leave her with a few scars so she’d always think of him, but he had to see this through for as long as he could. Alongside the need for revenge he had to build up his strength and a pack was the place to do it and if they would not have him, then he would have to try elsewhere; maybe he could track down Triell, he seemed like a tolerable male. It wouldn’t be ideal, he wanted a place here in Copper Rock Creek but he wasn’t pinning his hopes to it- with his luck his sister would have already rejected the idea of a meeting and warned the alphas to his presence, it would be a matter of proving her impressions of him wrong to them in that instance but for now, all he could do is cower and wait.</blockquote>
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by kckc1289 who has 75 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Willie Lylla Tomek
The male still attached the floor, in an innocent tone inquired about Volkan. Seeing the sparkle in his eyes, she nodded hoping to con vine him to sit normally. He must be getting tired.... How could she fret over this wolf? Possibly a yearling. <b>"Volkan is fine. I haven't seen her much, though...."</b>

How was Volkan? She just had lied. Volkan wasn't too aquinatated with her, just not enough to convey her feelings. She had looked back upon the last time she had seen the yearling. Plump enough, the young female was certainly having fun. Maybe she <i>was</i>fine.

<b>"Yes, fine."</b> She said confirming her theory. Then she studied the male once more. The black brute, still cowering in the ground did seem quite uncomfortable. She blinked slowly, hoping her leaders would arrive soon. It was getting awkward. Maybe she would keep the time running with some small talk. Yes, that ought to do it.

<b>"May I ask, how old are you? Forgive me, I'm not much of an observer."</b> She spoke quietly, offering a tiny smile. Hurry, hurry...
Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
<blockquote>Rhysis glanced to her once more; she seemed to be growing more uncomfortable by the minute and that was not what he was hoping for. Perhaps this pack didn’t appreciate the males to be weak; this female was so small and dainty, perhaps the male should be more of a protector, more formidable. He didn’t have a time machine to change his entrance, but he had to work with it. Slowly, but surely, he got himself up from the floor and shook himself off, all the while listening to her speak. The news of his sister hadn’t surprised him, his previous chat with Aeylen had told him she was well and in this pack, but it was nice to know she hadn’t been picked off yet.

<b>”I’m 2 in a month or so... though it seems to be taking forever. I feel like a wolf trapped in a pup’s body... not that I’m small either.”</b> he said, confusing his own logic to try to dumb himself down a bit. He had to be accepted, to be welcomed and liked by all here. <b>”I’m pretty big but somehow wolves still know that I’m not an adult yet... it’s kinda frustrating as I’m sure you can imagine. I think I might have a pupface or something, you know, one of those faces that never seems to age. Aha.”</b> he said and offered her a kind smile as he lowered himself to sit upon the floor. He ensured there was a good distance between them; he didn’t want to impose himself on her... or touch her. Yuck.

Someone had better hurry up... small talk was occurring and he simply didn’t do well at it. She seemed nice enough and he didn’t fear her as a threat; he was pretty sure a swat of his paw and she’d end up smushed on the floor, she was so very tiny. Quickly he pushed the grim thought to the back of his mind; there was no room for error now. He knew full well that with his sister in the pack he was going to be closely watched. He was almost certain she hadn’t told anyone the truth of their past, or even that he existed, which had been confirmed with his meetings with Triell and Aeylen, but that didn’t mean she wouldn’t have blabbed when Aeylen spoke to her about a meeting between the two. He was going to be closely scrutinized and therefore had to be on his best behaviour- thankfully he was an expert at playing a nice guy and with any luck, this would work out perfectly.
(This post was last modified: Feb 28, 2012, 11:00 AM by Rhysis.)
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
Sorry for the horrendous wait. <3

He had been a bit aways from the pack lands when the call echoed across the skies – Ruiko Tainn halted in his tracks, the raccoon he had killed earlier dangling heavily from his jaws. On the outside of his lands, the tawny male’s hackles bristled instinctively at the idea of having a visitor at his doorstep when he was not there, yet he knew one of the pack members would greet the stranger just as quickly as he would, if not faster. Thus far, he was pleased to see that Copper Rock Creek was not home to lazy wolves who felt no desire to pull their weight around the pack.

Loping quickly, his large paws hit the frozen ground with a soft ‘crunch’ each step, his figure weaving through the foliage to the land he called home. Coming upon the borders, there was no sight just yet of their visitor, and so the golden male trailed further down their marked lands.

Finally, a dark ebony form came to view, contrasted by the familiar sight of Wille’s lucid pelt. Stalking forward, Ruiko lifted himself to dominance naturally, his tail arching high above his back limbs as his muzzle lifted. Dropping the prey beside the ivory she-wolf, his eyes were locked upon the features of the unknown male, his own features unreadable. “What is it you seek here?”
Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
I wasn’t sure if you wanted to play this after the CRC meeting or before? I’m trying to save my precious LP which is why I didn’t want to wait much longer but I wasn’t sure how Volk/Aeylen’s meeting was going to end up or if Aeylen would have spoken to Ruiko about Rhysis so yeah... playing this by ear at the moment! Though would love to have him saunter in on that pack meeting, that would be a nice bit of drama haha <3

<blockquote>Upon the breeze a dominating scent suddenly filled the air. Whilst the tiny white female had been easy enough company, he knew the wolf whom was making his way ever closer was the wolf he was after. It was without a doubt that the male scent belonged to the mate of Aeylen. Rhysis didn’t know of his name, but he knew the odour well enough, Aeylen had reeked of it and his memory had made certain to never forget the scent. He’d been patiently enduring the conversation with the small wolf, waiting for this moment to arrive and now that it had he felt a little uncertain how this was going to go. He had no idea if Aeylen had spoken to her mate about Rhysis... if Volkan had decided she did or didn’t want to see Rhysis again. His impatience was always getting him into trouble and he had to ensure that he took this meeting slowly, carefully and play his part well.

As the dominant male came into view, Rhysis threw himself to the floor once more. With his belly on the floor, he turned slowly and exposed the delicate flesh of his belly. With his paws tucked to his chest, tail between his legs he felt like such a dick... but it had to be done. Respect had to be shown and he had to adopt his Mr.Nice Guy persona here and now, forget himself from this moment forwards to ensure that his plan would come to fruition.

<b>”I seek the comfort of a pack, Sir. I wish to offer my services as an able fighter and hunter in return for a place in your ranks.”</b> He spoke strongly, allowing his southern drawl to show that whilst he was submissive and respectful, he was truthful in what he said. He debated for a moment, whether to reveal himself but he supposed honesty from the start would be the best way to go. <b>”My name is Rhysis, Sir... I am Volkan’s littermate.”</b> and like that, he let it hang in the air for a moment before he continued tentativly. <b>"I was told by your mate Aeylen that she resided here... I've been looking for her for so long now, I just couldn't wait any longer to see her."</b> he said and cast his ghostly grey gaze away; looking sorry for himself in every possible way.
(This post was last modified: Mar 06, 2012, 08:51 AM by Rhysis.)
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by kckc1289 who has 75 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Willie Lylla Tomek
The remark about being a pup stuck in a wolf's body. She felt the same, well...no. She was a wolf in a pup's body. When she had come across other wolves, the often began to believe that she was a pup. Poor her. When she had told them she was an avid 2 year old, they would usually be so surprised. I mean, who wouldn't be? With her petite build and her not- so thick pelt clinging to her sides, to eyes of many she was a pup. She looked <span class='word'> oracular </span>. She couldn't help snicker. <b>"I know-" </b> She was about to continue but then Ruiko appeared.

Stuck in mid- sentence, she slowly blinked and clamped her mouth shut, feeling like a fool immediately. She even looked like one. The smell of food filled her nostril as Ruiko dropped fresh-kill beside her. Yum. With her crazy movements, she slowly backed out, with signs of submission. This was none of her businesses to decide whether he would come in or not, but hey, if it was up to her, he seemed nice enough and a good hunter. Heck, she would let him in.
(This post was last modified: Mar 05, 2012, 04:31 AM by Wille.)