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Who is there? — The Wildwood 
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Played by Hope who has 30 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Yela Whitetree
Current Temperature: 48° F/9° C, night.

Yela was still looking for Rolu, in hopes to find him she had left the den she had found in the Cherry Orchard. Now she just made dens as she went, not good ones since she usually only stayed in the area for one night. As she walked the trees seemed to reach out for her, making her fell even smaller than she was. She hopped to find shelter soon it was dark and she was hungry. Sniffing the air she hoped to catch scent of prey.

Yela passed behind a tree and jumped back when a vole ran by. She was a little unsure of what to do at first then she let chase. Dodging trees she was able to finally ponce on the vole. Hoping that the vole was dead she stepped of it. Yela batted at it to see that it had died from the impact of her speed. Grabbing the vole in her jaws she stalked off hoping not to inter fear with other wolves. The scent of wolves where still left on the trees and ground, making it hard to distinguish scents.
(This post was last modified: Feb 19, 2012, 09:09 PM by Yela.)
"I'm not here to fight, just to say goodbye."
Lone Wolf
Played by Courtney who has 39 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Hartt Theos
Hartt had been traveling for a few days since she asked to join Swift River. She was upset that the alpha rejected her and was still unsure why she did. Her ears perked up when she caught the scent of a rabbit close by. Hartt's stomach rumbled at the thought of food. She crept closer to the rabbit and when it noticed her and took off, she chased after it. Slowly she caught up to it. It was just out of reach. Hartt leapt forward, tackling the rabbit and bit into it until it stopped twitching.

She was about to dig into her meal when she picked up the scent of another female wolf close by. Wanting to meet some new wolves, she decided to go introduce herself. She picked up the rabbit and carried it in the direction the wolf's scent was coming from. The she-wolf was about the same size as Hartt and had brown fur and blue eyes like Hartt. She walked closer, making some nose to let the she-wolf know she was there.

Hartt stopped a few feet away, not wanting to intrude on the other wolf's personal space. She dropped the rabbit at her feet and smiled at the she-wolf. "Hello. I'm Hartt. It's nice to meet you." She wagged her tail happily.
Played by Hope who has 30 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Yela Whitetree
Yela continued with her walk in the darkness. She was so absorbed in finding a place to at least stop and eat she didn't even hear the noise the other wolf made. When the wolf spoke Yela jumped in the air, like a scared cat, and dropped her vole. Turning in the air she came to land in the direction of the she-wolf. Yela could already see that the wolf was young and probably had little experience. Yet Yela still shrunk herself trying to look smaller than she was.

She lifted her head and said,<b>"My name is Yela Whitetree. Nice to meet you I guess."</b> She avoided the eyes of the she-wolf and looked at her. The she-wolf was had a pure white coat with blue eyes. She jumped again when the vole landed behind her. Turning her back to the she-wolf she hastily grabbed the vole. Turning around again she dropped the vole.<b>"So what are you doing?"</b> Yela asked.
(This post was last modified: Feb 23, 2012, 07:22 PM by Yela.)
"I'm not here to fight, just to say goodbye."
Lone Wolf
Played by Courtney who has 39 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Hartt Theos
Hartt thought she had made enough noise that she wouldn't scare the other she-wolf. She didn't expect the other to jump like she did. She was confused why she was making herself smaller, Hartt wasn't threatening looking. Yela Whitetree. For a moment she thought she knew the name Whitetree from somewhere but when she couldn't figure out where, she shook her head, dismissing the thought.

Hartt looked Yela over. She seemed to be a couple years older than Hartt. She had a pretty gingery-brown pelt and blue eyes like Hartt's. Trying to be friendly, Hartt wagged her tail and picked up the rabbit she caught and walked up to Yela. She dropped the rabbit in front of Yela and took a few steps back, giving her room. <b>"You can have it. I'm not very hungry anyways."</b> She hoped Yela would warm up to her. She hadn't been successful in making very many friends here yet. <b>"I'm just wandering around at the moment. How about you?"</b>
(This post was last modified: Feb 23, 2012, 07:34 PM by Hartt.)
Played by Hope who has 30 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Yela Whitetree
Yela saw the puzzled look and she tilted her head. She looked over the female,Hartt, and relaxed to her normal size as the female began to wag her tail. She watched as the wolf came closer and dropped the rabbit Hartt had. Yela nudged the rabbit and crouched down to eat both the vole and the rabbit. Chewwing of a chunk she said,<b>"Looking for someone actually, and also looking for a pack to hide in maybe."</b> The last part was quieter than the others. She looked around making sure that Susku wasn't hiding around a tree somewhere.

She took another bite out of the rabbit and glanced back at her vole. "At least I could share my vole with her," Yela decided. Yela took up the vole in her mouth and tossed it at Hartt's feet.<b>"Eat!"</b> Yela ordered Hartt. Yela was surprised when she said it that hard, and grinned as she noticed the tension leaving her body. Yela took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Then, Yela digged into the rabbit again, but still keeping an eye on Hartt.
"I'm not here to fight, just to say goodbye."
Lone Wolf
Played by Courtney who has 39 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Hartt Theos
So she was looking for someone. <b>"Do you know where your friend is? What's their name? If I run into them I'll be sure to send them in your direction."</b> She hoped she could help Yela. Hartt had been wanting a friend and perhaps her and Yela could become close. She watched as Yela began to dig into the rabbit she gave her. Yela seemed worried about something though, she kept looking around like she was searching for something. She looked at Yela and cocked her head to the side, curious. <b>"Is everything alright? You seem worried."</b>

Hartt wasn't expecting Yela to give her the vole she caught. She really wasn't very hungry but she could make Yela happy and eat the vole. She lowered her head and tore at its flesh, devouring it quickly. Hartt sat down and licked the bit of blood from her lips.
Played by Hope who has 30 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Yela Whitetree
Yela looked up from the remains of the rabbit surprised a little by the Hartt's question.<b>"He is my brother and his name is Rolu Whitetree. Well I hope its still Whitetree he could have changed it because of him,"</b> Yela paused at the end knowing that she mite have just brought more trouble upon herself. Yela went back to the rabbit and licked the bones, getting off every bit of meat. She looked up at Hartt with a pretended puzzled look,<b>"No, why would I be,"</b> Yela said they question a little to suspiciously, and she scolded herself for it.

Yela tried to make a hopeful smile, but failed misrable.<b>"I have to find Rolu and warn him of something that is coming,"</b> Yela said quietly staring at the bones. Then, she got up and swept the bones away with her tail. She looked back up at Hartt and said,<b>"It is rather dangerous to talk about. Especially when he could be anywhere,"</b> Yela said staring into space. Then, she looked back at Hartt,<b>"Do you know a place to rest in peace?"</b> Yela was rather relaxed now with the conversation she was having with Hartt. Yela thumped her tail hoping to re-sure Hartt that she was fine. Yela knew she probably didn't look like it though.
"I'm not here to fight, just to say goodbye."
Lone Wolf
Played by Courtney who has 39 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Hartt Theos
Rolu. No the name didn't ring any bells. She watched Yela, a concerned look on her face. Something was very wrong, Hartt could tell. <b>"You were looking around like you were looking for something. I just got the feeling you were worried."</b> She forced a smile on her face and moved closer to Yela and nudged the corner of her mouth with her nose, trying to cheer her up.

<b>"Do you know where Rolu is?"</b> So Yela was worried. Something was after her and her brother, but what? And what could be so dangerous that she couldn't talk about it? Hartt was so confused. She wanted to help Yela and try to protect her from whatever was after her. <b>"I just got here so I haven't noticed anywhere to rest but maybe we can dig a den for the night? I'd really like to help you Yela. I don't want you hurt."</b> She knew a yearling like her wouldn't be much help to Yela, but maybe there was something she could do.
Played by Hope who has 30 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Yela Whitetree
-If we do dig a den do you want to continue this thread and just fasforward through the night or make another thread?

Yela sighed and was happy for a new friend. It seemed Hartt had made it to her list. Yela shook her head no. n truth she didn't even know if he was in relic lore. Yela turned her head to lick a spot on her back.<b>"Where do you think a good spot is?" she asked than added," Thanks."</b> Yela got up and waited for Hartt to show the way.

Yela got up and walked a bit towards the way she came. Then turning around she asked,<b>"So which way? We can't stay in this area,"</b> Yela added.
(This post was last modified: Feb 23, 2012, 11:59 PM by Yela.)
"I'm not here to fight, just to say goodbye."
Lone Wolf
Played by Courtney who has 39 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Hartt Theos
OOC: We can fast forward or make another. You started the thread so I'll let you choose.

So Yela didn't know where Rolu was. That would make it difficult to find him. What if he wasn't even in Relic Lore? Either way, Hartt wanted to help her new friend. <b>"I think I saw a fallen log not too far back that we could build a den under."</b> Hartt led Yela in the direction she had seen the log. She hoped she was going the right way, she wasn't sure exactly where it was.

Hartt kept walking as she spoke. <b>"It should be just right up here."</b> She looked around, trying to find it. 'Maybe it was just my imagination.' She turned her head, about to apologize to Yela, when she saw it to the side. It was nestled in a group of trees, perfect for hiding the opening of their den. Hartt ran up to it, the ground was pretty soft, easy to dig out. She began to dig a den for the two of them, making quick work of it with her large paws. After a little while, she had a good sized den made that the two of them could share and have plenty of room.