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So what have you been thinking of? — Secluded Spring 
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Played by Hope who has 99 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rolu Whitetree
Rolu sniffed the air for prey. Hunting for the pack was not a major issue for him. Rolu was sneaky, and a talented hunter, even with his slowness. He picked up the smell of rabbit, "I'm sick of rabbit!" he complained to himself, "Even a vole would be better." At the same time a vole skittered out from the bush. Rolu jumped the sound scarring him. He grunted then started after it, his weight slowing him down. He leaped hoping to get a head, and landed on the vole.

The vole was not to be won so easily. Rolu tried to dodge the sharp teeth of the vole, but it caught his foot. Rolu jumped back and leaned in just enough to catch the vole of guard. The vole toppled over and Rolu attacked the underside of the vole. He lifted it into the air and it squealed loudly. As it feel back down Rolu caught it and snapped its neck. Rolu grabbed the vole and buried it by a tree.

Rolu sniffed the ground tracing the voles tracks. If he could he mite be able to find the nest and get some more voles. he continued and finally found it. Digging furiously, Rolu pulled out two more. Killing them quickly he picked them up and went to where he had buried the last one. As he trotted happily he couldn't help, but be proud of himself. Rolou dug up the other vole and crouched down to eat it, the others lying in a pile next to him.
"Alas, it falls upon my lot that I should die and you should not."
Copper Rock Creek
Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
<blockquote>The long coated tawny female seemed to be far more aware of her surroundings than the cocky lighter tawny wolf who was darting about not three wolf lengths from where she had settled in the bushes to wait, hoping to catch even a glimpse of her brother to be convinced all was well with the golden male. She knew he was doing well, but she had to see for herself.

With the stranger being so preoccupied with the vole at his feet, back to her, a cheeky glint sparked in her honey golden eyes and she contemplated sneaking up on him and trying to steal one without being noticed. With the wind where it was and his apparent self absorption she didn't doubt it was possible but decided against it. It would serve better to introduce herself first. Rising soundlessly from her prone position and stalking forward she sat behind the stranger and playfully batted at his tail in an attempt to get his attention. It would serve him right if she had been a cougar and landed squarely on his back with claws drawn.</blockquote>
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Hope who has 99 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rolu Whitetree
Rolu took his time eating the vole wondering when he should get pack to the pack. He was about to get up and grab the voles and go when he felt a breeze. Some thing was be hind him, a predator, nope smelled like wolf. He relaxed tell he felt a swat at his tail. Trying to be funny he swatted his tail in front of where he thought the wolf's face would be aiming for the nose. He glanced behind him and saw a she-wolf.

<b>"My name is Rolu, from Grizzly Hollow,"</b>Rolu said. Rolu sling a vole behind him and said,<b>"Here, have this. I can get more, probably."</b> He looked at the bones and the little meat that was left on the vole he had been eating. Then he got up and turned around pushing the other vole close to his body with his tail. <b>"So whats your name?"</b>asked Rolu. He hadn't a real chance to look at her yet and did so. She had molted tawny fur, and a pretty honey yellow eyes. She looked a little younger than himself, and yet he actually cared. "Why is it that females always get under my skin, well none of them have gotten as far as Rebecca, but Silver. She was close," he thought.
(This post was last modified: Feb 19, 2012, 06:06 PM by Rolu.)
"Alas, it falls upon my lot that I should die and you should not."
Copper Rock Creek
Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
<blockquote>She giggled at his mention of Grizzly Hollow, either he had been up to no good or had been thinking of defecting maybe? Or perhaps it was just an honest slip of the tongue. <b>"Grizzly Hollow huh? You smell of Copper Rock Creek."</b> she said, the teasing spark back in her eyes. Oh this was too good, finally she could have some fun. <b>"Perhaps I should call to my friends and let them know they have an intruder on their borders?"</b> the young wolf Kashikoi seemed nice enough for a scrap of a wolf, not that he could do much against this brute, but a howl could potentially bring the whole pack down on them... At least she would have a chance to see her brother...

She had been so serious for so long. The pull ripping at her insides until she either wanted to rip somebody's throat out or run until she found where she was meant to be going, but her recent spate of run-ins had been both informative and invigorating. Her stomach was full, her coat was untangled, and the pull had receded to a slight tug while she had been lurking in the general vicinity of her brothers pack, never quiet getting close enough for her scent to be picked up on patrols, deliberately. Her brother didn't need to know she was here.

<b>"You can keep your rat."</b> She said with a teasing smile. Her stomach was still full from the hunt she had shared with the young male near her new den and she had been returning to it whenever hunger took her. She could scent the males tracks as well but they never seemed to cross paths. Probably for the best. There was no need to be forming any more than an occasional mutually beneficial partnership. She debated whether to make her name a game but knew the stranger would never guess. <b>"Naira."</b> she said with a smile.</blockquote>
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Hope who has 99 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rolu Whitetree
Rolu shook his head and grinned,<b>"I meant Copper Rock Creek. Now Kanosak is going to kill me. He is probably watching me,"</b>Rolu didn't mean to say that but after what had happened, he knew Kanosak didn't trust him. He looked at the tawny female, hoping she would give him a name to go off of. Rolu took a glance around and was about to ask her name, but she said it. He looked back at her and asked,<b>"So what are you doing around here?"</b>

Rolu looked the female up and down, she was pretty. He would say to her how pretty she was, but he also thought about Rebecca, and Ismeme. Again the question poped up, "Why am I meeting all these girls? If Romain was here he would be in heaven," he thought.
"Alas, it falls upon my lot that I should die and you should not."
Copper Rock Creek
Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
<blockquote>She outright laughed at his sudden embarrassment. <b>"Now why would my little brother want to kill you? Unless you were disrespectful or running your mouth... From what I've heard so far he's grown to be rather serious."</b> she said with a twinkle in her eye. She had actually been hoping to catch the female Wille, but this male may be just as informative.

<b>"I'm just passing though."</b> She said as she began to stretch, considering continuing on her way. She had experience with his type before and while it may be fun to play with him she was growing bored. <b>"Anything fun to do around here?"</b></blockquote>
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Hope who has 99 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rolu Whitetree
Rolu was token of guard by the female's laughter. Then she said it, just a few words made Rolu laugh. Breathing in between laughs he said,<b>"Your brother......is....Kanosak!"</b> He looked at Naira with silly grin. Rolu was panting from by the time he stopped laughing. Rolu held in his laughter when she said he was serious. Rolu breathed in slowly trying to contain himself and said,<b>"Oh ya he is serious! Serious when it comes to trying to attack me. I was only trying to give him some advice that's all,"</b> Rolu said. There was a hint of angry in Rolu's voice, but it wasn't anything he wouldn't back up himself.

Rolu turned to Naira and said,<b>"Not if you don't mind getting hurt,"</b> Rolu's eyes started to get brighter in the middle and duller on the sides. He wasn't really for anything like that but his tiny voice came with power. "A tumble would be good now, yes very good," said the tiny voice. Rolu took a small step towards Naira with an insane grin.
(This post was last modified: Feb 25, 2012, 01:58 AM by Rolu.)
"Alas, it falls upon my lot that I should die and you should not."
Copper Rock Creek
Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
<blockquote>She had seen the glint in his eyes more than once before in her short life. Her pack had come under attack more that once and she was no stranger to fighting, but she still couldn't place if this male was being playful or serious. She wasn't surprised he had had a run in with her brother but if he was attempting to get his revenge through her, he would be sadly mistaken.

Her head lowered to protect her throat and her hackles raised instinctively, tail thrashing from side to side. If he was serious, she was ready.</blockquote>
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Hope who has 99 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rolu Whitetree
Rolu was surprised at the female's new stance. Crouching he too protected his vital spots, and growled. Then he started to circle her, like his uncle had taught him. Snarling Rolu nipped at Naira from all directions, and when he couldn't reach the spot he would go for another. Each time trying to catch her of guard. Rolu watched for any signs of weakness in areas.

Rolu continued to test her. Still circling her he decided to try and shift her with his weight. Then stepping back he leaped at her going for any part he could get. It wouldn't be a bite to draw blood or injure, but help Rolu get at her. As he went in he also used his weight to hopefully knock her of balance.
(This post was last modified: Feb 25, 2012, 03:58 AM by Rolu.)
"Alas, it falls upon my lot that I should die and you should not."
Copper Rock Creek
Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
<blockquote>A snarl of her own ripped from her throat in answer to his growl as she dodged several badly timed nips but caught others on her hide. His tactics left her baffled, there didn't seem to be any malice in the attacks, more as if he were testing her. About the only thing he was managing to successfully test was her patience.

She had had enough and she charged the male, aiming the full force of her blow at his flank, but keeping her teeth to herself. This man had nothing on Chulyin in bulk and he had worked hard to make sure his younger siblings were always ready for a fight. At the last possible moment she bunched her muscles and leapt over the wolf who was attempting to block her way. She stopped at the edge of the tree line to look over her shoulder with a giggle and ran. If he decided to follow her it was his own call.</blockquote>
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]