The girl went onto ranting then, going off on how Elettra didn't know why she was doing this to herself and that, even, if she did knot and the same thing had happened to her, El would find herself doing the same thing. Personally, Elettra didb't give two shits as to why the girl was doing this to herself, or what the outcome may be of it in the long run, however, she was certain of one thing... ”I rather doubt it.” She spoke, in mentioning that perhaps, Elettra would have done the same. The woman prided herself, took care of herself, and would have not been seen as a fool to the eyes of man.
Though she did not know this woman had a mental disorder, even if she had, the matter would not have made the difference. Her lack of respect was something Elettra would not tolerate. After all, throughout the scoffs, her wickedly placed words, Elettra's respect to another wolf as long as it would be shown in turn had never been hindered before. Elettra's defenses had been in place mildly; tense and her head low and tail high, her eyes narrowed. Now, she showed herself a more defensive display to the woman's aggression. Her head would hunch back protectively between her shoulders, offering rolls of fat along the sides and back of her neck for protection. Her usual thick coating (which had always made her resent the summer) was thicker now, in the winter, and rose at her spine with her hackles. As the woman's teeth would bare, Elettra would bare her own in the same manner.
It would seem that not only was Elettra protective of her own rights, but protective of the rights of these lands. After all, Elettra had grown quite fond of this place and although it was not her own, wouldn't stand for it's disrespect as her own, ether. The woman's actions, and words, were oracular reactions to Elettra, whom merely had been watching in interest after having passed through (a place she had passed through numerous times before). Now, there would be no going back. Elettra Archer had offered the unknown woman one warning and this is all she would have. ”Why fuck myself, when I can fuck you.” The words were marred by a growl, ending with the opening of her jaws, which aided in the protection of her neck by her downward chin. The the very instant her final word echoed, Elettra charged.
Coming straight forward in a sprint to kill the distance between them, her body would come in low, limbs bent and splayed with balance. She would come onto the woman head-on (running forward just slightly to the left of Hawke), her weight of one-hundred pounds outmatching the others own of only eighty-five she aimed a ram into her. Elettra's jaws sought to bite down upon the left side of the woman's unprotected neck, to silence her mad ranting once and for all! With her attempt at her neck with her jaws, Elettra's body would push upwards so that perhaps her right shoulder would slam into the woman's chest. Whether or not her bite was successful, she aimed to slam the whole of her weight into Hawke and knock her down to the ground at Elettra's paws- where she belonged.