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Seeing Double — Blackberry Fields 
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Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
<blockquote>She had done it again. Rhysis was going to be pissed but she couldn’t sit around the pack lands forever expecting Ava to collect all she needed. Besides, if they hadn’t gone and gotten themselves into a bloody fight with the River wolves, she wouldn’t need to restock on blackberry leaves so soon. She wouldn’t need to go digging for roots or picking fruits. The leaves worked as wonderful wound dressings and they helped to stop blood from flowing from wounds. Their last little encounter did not reinforce her need for a guard, it only proved to her she needed larger stores.

Sure it would take her several days to make the trip but if he was fine to go gallivanting off poking volatile wolves in the face than she could wander off to make sure she had the tools to patch him up when he was done. All of this had run through her head the first few hours of her journey. Now she was quite content. Enjoying the quiet liberty she could experience free from the scrutiny of her pack mates watchful eyes.

She was not yet showing her pregnancy, though the scent well and truly clung to her now, just like the scent of Rhysis. She couldn’t escape either of them. Her pups had finally begun to move about. Not often, it still took her by surprise when it happened but every time it did it bought a smile to her face once the initial shock wore off.

She had finally reached her destination and took a moment to breath deeply. The fresh air that smelled of nobody in particular was liberating and her gold and silver coat shone in the midday sun. She would need to stop by the cherry orchard on her way home and bask in the blossoms that were soon to blanket the earth. She had needed this mini-escape. Her home was calling to her still, but that pull was not quite strong enough to make her want to hurry back.

Beginning to poke amongst the bushes she was all but oblivious to the world around her. Anybody could have come upon her and she would be none the wiser, so absorbed in her task was she. She moved from bush to bush, collecting a few leaves here, digging for a few roots there. She truly was making quite a ruckus.

Too bad if anyone was trying to hunt.</blockquote>
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Chels who has 217 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Volkan Aquila
<blockquote>Luckily, Volkan had already caught her kill for the evening: a rather large white bird, some sort of crane that had made the fatal mistake of feeding too close to where the gray female had been prowling. Now it hung stiffly from her jaws, its wings splayed out at oddly majestic angles as the wolf carried it, drops of its blood staining its white feathers. She peered forward from beneath her dusty brows at the the mountain in the distance. Looming, it foreshadowed the length of her travels. Hopefully she could make it back to the pack cache by sundown; being far from the Creek with such a bizarre catch, she realized that she was likely to draw attention to herself...

...Or maybe not. Instead, she happened upon a strange female who was digging fervently at the roots of one of the blackberry bushes, and didn't seem to notice that another wolf was nearby. Despite the overwhelming odor of the bird in her mouth, the other wolf's scent hit her like a blow to the face, and stunned, she dropped her kill. Silently, she remained motionless, nose testing the air for the scent she couldn't mistake, the scent she wished she could forget... <i>his</i> scent. She almost retched— but bit back the disgust she felt, pale eyes narrowing on the other wolf as she felt her stomach turn. There was no fucking way this could be a coincidence.

Leaving her kill where it lay, Volkan stepped forward toward the female, heart pounding in her chest, though outwardly she would appear calm and composed. It took deep, mediated breaths to keep her hackles from rising and her wiry fur from standing on end as she involuntarily took in the scent, <i>his</i> scent, again. Still, no matter the feelings she couldn't fight, the Aquila female knew what she needed to do... she needed information. If the Creek pack was going to play <i>his</i> game, then Volkan knew how; as much as the fact appalled her, she and her brother were cut from the same cloth. And so, for fear of seeming insincere, she didn't force a smile, and simply waited where she stood, the white bird abandoned nearby.

Softly, after a deep breath, she cleared her throat. Her words would come softly, conversationally, perhaps more politely than any of Volkan's first encounters ever had. "Hello, I hate to bother you, but... I'm curious as to what you're looking for?" And there she stood, waiting, cold eyes never leaving the stranger who <i>reeked</i> of <i>him.</i></blockquote>
<div style="align: center; margin: 0 auto; width: 79px; height: 15px;"><img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v50/tygerlily/crc_pride_1.png"></div>
Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
<blockquote> Finally, teeth clasped about the root as a polite clearing of the throat caught her attention. Yanking on the bush less than gracefully, the root finally came lose and the triumphant lady turned to face her company with bits of dirt about her face and muzzle, ears forward, alert and cautious but not unfriendly. Adding her latest finding to her quickly growing pile to free her mouth for speech, a small smile tugged at the corners of her mouth as she took in the strangers scent. <b>”Blackberry roots help to settle the stomach, the leaves aid with clotting, the berries can be used for wound dressings as well when crushed, but they also taste pretty good when they’re ripe...”</b> She supposed it had been a little much, and probably recited a little too quickly, but she had asked...

While she was waiting for the girl to make a response, she let her nose go to work. The girl had been hunting and she had managed to get herself quite the catch. Ani had been wonderful at catching birds too, she herself was usually far too slow. <b>”I am Naira.”</b> she finally if foolishly introduced herself. She was just too nice sometimes.</blockquote>

(oh dear, accidentally posted as Val at first :/)
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Chels who has 217 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Volkan Aquila
<blockquote><i>Naira,</i> Volkan repeated in her mind, her icy gaze moving briefly to the pile of roots. Healing materials. What would <i>he</i> want with healing? Wound dressings were a worthwhile harvest in the eyes of the Aquilas, though, so it made sense that he might want them, she reasoned. Especially if he was getting himself into trouble with the packs, or even with loners who happened to somehow see through his expert façade. Did that mean he was making enemies?

The silver female had taken notice of Naira's smile, and could almost swear it had seemed genuine. Perplexed, yet still on guard, Volk's eyes traced her, allowing a small half smile to draw up one side of her own weathered mask. Like clockwork her mind searched for a name to give the female in return— not to give a name would be suspicious, and only an <span class='word'>obtuse</span> idiot would betray her own in a situation like Volkan's. Almost without permission, her response came as cooly as she could've hoped for.

"Sojourn," she replied, the weight of that name hanging on the air. It had been the first name she could think of, yet something with no ties to Relic Lore would've been ideal. Would she recognize it? Had <i>he</i> told her anything of his past? Was this Naira female even affiliated with him? She wore his scent strongly, but that didn't mean it was by choice. After all, with his track record, Volkan knew she couldn't put it past him to repeat his actions with some helpless stranger who didn't know any better. To add to Volk's confusion, there was something off about this female's scent. <i>His</i> stench, but... different somehow.

"I've been through these fields before, but I've never stopped to actually check out the berries," she went on, with really no idea what she was talking about, or why. "I only asked because I've actually taken an interest in healing recently. I mean, it seems to be such a useful skill— your pack must be lucky to have you," Volkan added, allowing her smile to grow wider, her yearning for information now overshadowing her nerves. Suddenly aware that she might have been standing too still, she took to pacing in her usual way, drawing nearer to the pile of roots to sniff them, yet with white-blue eyes still stealing watchful glances at the other.</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Apr 23, 2012, 04:01 AM by Volkan.)
<div style="align: center; margin: 0 auto; width: 79px; height: 15px;"><img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v50/tygerlily/crc_pride_1.png"></div>
Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
<blockquote>Upon closer observation she was taken with how alike her sister Aniu this wolf looked. <i>Sojourn...</i> It was a very unique name to be sure. Her interest in healing only helped the friendly female to relax some more. The squirming forms in her stomach seemed to be resting at the moment, she may as well enjoy the peace while it lasted. <b>”As your pack is lucky to have such a skilled hunter in their midst. Thankfully I haven’t needed to use my skills much yet, but its always better to have supplies you don’t need than being out of the one thing you need the most when something finally happens.”</b> She admitted readily, a small smile still playing on her face and dancing in her eyes. She wasn’t so keen to mention her pack or where they were though, she couldn’t run about breaking her own rules.

It seemed wherever she went she was bound to run into somebody, be they from the River or the Creek, the family bond between the two packs was clear, even to an outsider. <b>”I have met several Creek wolves before... my brother is amongst them although I haven’t seen him since he left our birth pack. I even have a friend who is quite taken with a young lady from your pack, she would probably be about your age...”</b> she mentioned conversationally. Triell hadn’t given her a description to go from, beyond the fact she meant to world to him. It couldn’t hurt her to get a second opinion on the girl her friend was pining after, especially if one day she may be the bond that tied the pair as true family.</blockquote>
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Chels who has 217 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Volkan Aquila
<blockquote>Gingerly Volkan sniffed at the pile of roots this Naira had been gathering, listening to her reply. At the mention of her kill, she straightened, flashing a brief smile and nod at her, with a glance to the nearby bird splayed on the ground. This wolf seemed so... nice. Her smile, something about it seemed genuine, real. Either she was a damn good actress, or <i>he</i> had managed to do what he did best, and slither his way into someone else's life. As the slender gray wolf watched her smile, her own smile remained, though she couldn't help that it faded a little at the edges, an inexplicable twinge of sympathy tugging at the corners of her mouth. Did this Naira... did she know just whose scent she was wearing?

Wordlessly, thoughtlessly, Volkan nodded as if to agree. Instantly she realized that her attempt to find out which <i>pack</i> this wolf was from had been artfully deflected, purposely or not. The conversation turned quickly to the obvious fact of Ruiko's scent, which Volk wore proudly, yet not so proudly as Naira wore <i>his</i> salty stench. At the mention of the Creek she let her pale eyes light up, tilting her head slightly as though to listen, to consider Naira's words. Those words— they were loaded. Brother in the Creek pack? This wolf wasn't a Tainn. That left... Kanosak. Another sister of his? But it was what Naira said next that caught Volkan admittedly off guard. Nonchalantly, she shrugged, playing it off as though it could've been any female she was talking about... despite the feeling she got that this wolf was somehow referring to Triell. A nagging voice in her mind repeated, <i>she knows, she knows who you are.</i> Her words pointed to it. Yet she seemed so friendly, as though talking simply with a stranger...

The Creek female's icy eyes narrowed slightly, with a smirk. This female seemed to be steering the conversation in Volkan's direction, didn't she?

"Oh?" she replied naturally, brain frantically grasping at which little tidbit to latch on to. "Who's your friend? Is he from your... sorry, I'm not familiar with the name of your pack," she admitted with a small apologetic shrug. The idea that this was Kanosak's other, stranger sister would have to wait— Volk needed her information first, and she wasn't going to back down until she got it. In her mind's eye, she realized as she studied the other female, their polite conversation could turn ugly quick— and if that happened, the Aquila-born wolf wouldn't go down without a fight. Yet, just as <i>he</i> had often showed her, confidence was key. So, she simply stood, face inclined pleasantly, really and truly awaiting an answer.</blockquote>
<div style="align: center; margin: 0 auto; width: 79px; height: 15px;"><img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v50/tygerlily/crc_pride_1.png"></div>
Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
<blockquote>Something about the younger woman’s smile changed, as if she were struggling to hold it in place. A small movement in her stomach, though whether a grumble of hunger or the movement of a pup she was left unsure. Adjusting her stance to accommodate the shift, her attention remained focused on the other female. She seemed engaged in their conversation. So many wolves here were so friendly. In fact, she was yet to meet a big bad wolf since coming here... Rolu seemed to attempt it, but couldn’t seem to decide one way or the other.

Who her friend was was easy enough, she was reluctant to give away the name of her pack, although it would not hurt, but their location she would not reveal. <b>”Oh Triell. We were pack mates for a while until... well...”</b> a small smile crossed her face. Obviously there could only be one breeding pair per pack, and her scent was generally a dead give away. <b>”He’s like a brother to me. I miss him.”</b> genuine sadness had entered her voice. She still felt bad for hurting everyone, but she no longer felt guilty. <b>”I don’t suppose you would have heard of us. My pack is only quite new...”</b> she was casual about brushing the questions off but the girl seemed determined. Well, she could always lie...

<b>"I don't often frequent these parts, it is quite a hike..."</b> Although she did enjoy this area, her first den being in the ghastly woods. The dense trees had always felt like home to her, but now her centre was shifting to the mountainous terrain she left behind. <b>"So what healing have you learned so far?"</b> she questioned happily, hoping to draw the conversation away from her pack.</blockquote>
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Chels who has 217 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Volkan Aquila
<blockquote>Volkan stared, still pleasant-faced, as Naira came back with her answer. She mentioned Triell, and Volk nodded gently, a clouded expression washing over her face, meant to signal a lack of recognition. A friend of his, huh? Anyone could say that about Triell...

Yet again, the name and leadership of the pack expertly dodged— though this time, the deliberateness with which she avoided the topic and deflected the question screamed insecurity. Most wolves were proud of their pack, of their leader, and probably wouldn't bother to hide that information... unless they knew something was wrong, unless they knew it could be dangerous to reveal. The only tidbit she gave was that the pack was new. <i>No shit,</i> she thought to herself, the beginnings of impatience bubbling inside her.

Aaand then another conversation shift. Healing. Whatever. "I'm really into white fir bark right now," she responded simply. Unable to stay still for so long, and becoming antsy, Volk turned away and took to pacing again, a slinky brooding filling her movements. This was getting ridiculous. Should she just... address it? Let Naira know that she wasn't a fucking idiot?

She stopped pacing. Now facing Naira, Volkan waited as simply as she'd spoken, pale eyes narrow, yet an inexplicable little smile on her faded features. There was only so much bullshit she could put up with, ya know?

"So I've noticed that my brother's scent is really strong on you," Volkan finally spoke, surprised at how matter-of-fact her words had come. It wasn't easy to bring <i>him</i> up in conversation, so why did she feel so confident about it now? Her words weren't biting, nor were they polite— in fact, she rather liked Naira so far. She just needed answers, and that fact was clear in her voice. "Is he a part of this pack you won't tell me about?"
(This post was last modified: Apr 24, 2012, 03:57 PM by Volkan.)
<div style="align: center; margin: 0 auto; width: 79px; height: 15px;"><img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v50/tygerlily/crc_pride_1.png"></div>
Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
XD How awkward if they end up being friends...

<blockquote> The girls face went blank at the mention of Triell and a suspicious feeling began to bubble in her gut. The last time she had been poking at Copper Rock Creek borders, admittedly a fair while ago now, back in the dead of winter, she had only smelled four three females. What were the real chances of there being two wolves of the same age about? <i>No need to get paranoid without proof.</i> she told herself as she kept her pleasant smile plastered to her face. She was enjoying the company so far, she found it easy to converse on common ground.

At the mention of white fur bark her tail twitched <b>”I myself am quite favouring scrub pine sap. Works wonders on all sorts of things...”</b> she responded with a smile. The girls pacing was growing more and more impatient. Something was coming, but she knew she should be able to keep her cool. Suddenly she stopped and faced her, so the gold and silver wolf kept her neutral posture in place. She wasn’t about to go sitting down with someone clearly so conflicted.

The smile didn’t go unnoticed and the next question only threw her momentarily. Rhysis had only told her of one sibling. In fact he had said his <i>only</i> sister. <b>”Yes. He is my mate.”</b> she answered matter of factly, it should have been clear from the amount of his scent that cloaked her fur, as hers covered his. Her voice was still gentle. Her posture as non-threatening as she could keep it without being submissive. <b>”Do you often go about calling yourself Sojourn Volkan?”</b> her question was really more of a statement, confusion clear in her tone.

Why would she have a reason to lie to her? Rhysis had told her he missed his sister, he had come to these lands wanting to kill her, but had simply grown to miss her (in typical sibling fashion, something she herself was not unfamiliar with). <b>”Do you mind telling me <i>your</i> side of events? Triell seems to think it is important. Not that I ever planned on running into you. Others seem to think it would be dangerous to do so...”</b> A tiny grin and a miniscule shift of weight put her on the defensive just in case, but really, she only wanted to help the two resolve whatever it was between them so she could get on with her life without the fear of Creek wolves baying for their blood. One pack after them was enough.</blockquote>
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Chels who has 217 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Volkan Aquila
Sorry for the wait! Writing this in class so it might not be my best :]
<blockquote>So here they were.

Somehow, Volkan was able to stand her ground as Naira's words confirmed her hunch, her fear. There was an odd nervousness in the pit of her stomach, a sick feeling, but the silver wolf pushed it back down, looking at her instead with a sort of... wonder. She was his mate? ...Did she only <i>think</i> she was his mate? Did he have more than one? What, Volkan wondered, was it about Naira that had won him over in such a way? It... fascinated her, despite the imminent danger she now faced at having met such a character, someone so closely affiliated with <i>him</i>...

At her little comment about the name, she cracked a wry grin. No part of her felt guilt or shame for lying— the way she saw it, it was the only thing she could've done. "Sojourn is my sister's name," she responded simply. "I'm surprised you haven't heard it before." So <i>he</i> went around cursing Volkan, yet didn't even bother to mention Ranger, the wolf he'd been ordered by their father to kill? Yet, she guessed that didn't surprise her. They couldn't be expected to follow their father's orders anymore...

Surprised at how calm she found herself in this moment, Volkan remained where she stood, claws spreading and rooting themselves into the soft earth, just in case. Her feathered tail swished lightly at her ankles, and she looked darkly, with a strange gleam in her icy eyes, as she stared back at the wolf who was her brother's mate. "My pack will stop at nothing to protect me," she responded slowly, "I've given Ruiko and the Tainn family my loyalty, and in return, they make sure your... mate doesn't get to do what he set out to do, following me here." Now, her eyes, burning with cold fire, met with Naira's. Her smile faded into a ghostly relic of a smirk. "One way or another you're gonna get yourself killed, staying with... him. But don't worry about me. I won't hurt you, not unless I need to.

"My side of the story... isn't meant for you to hear," she added after a moment. The wheels had been turning in her head as she stared at Naira, an odd peacefulness washing over her. "You deserve to know, but..." she shook her head, apologetically. "...Just know that there's a reason he has so many enemies. I mean, you seem... nice. If it wasn't for that... scent on you I wouldn't have known. That you were his. So I... can't tell you that, I'm sorry. Not today."

She didn't care if Naira needed to know. Somehow, for some inane reason that Volkan couldn't put into words, she <i>couldn't</i> tell her. She pitied her, sure. She felt pain for a wolf who could devote herself to someone who was truly evil. Yet...

"...If you have to know, you'll have to fight it out of me," she joked finally, her tone as simple as ever. It wasn't a threat; it was what Volkan believed to be the honest truth. Standing still, the tall Aquila wolf narrowed her eyes as a gentle breeze rustled her messy coat. However many times she had envisioned bringing <i>him</i> down, this situation had been very unexpected... and now, she didn't know what to do, except stand here, face-to-face.

"...But... be careful. That's all I can tell you."</blockquote>
she miiiight tell if you want her to, but it would take some coaxing xP oh, and I edited this from its original form because I wrote it in class and then looked at it later and went "this sucks..." so. enjoy post 2.0 ;D
(This post was last modified: Apr 26, 2012, 09:27 PM by Volkan.)
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