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Fated to Pretend — Sacred Grove 
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Played by Mo who has 33 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Delilah "Murder" Devant
moonlight on my floor shining through the roof
they got the city surrounded as if i needed proof

This place almost scared her. The fearless, young female who had ran away from her father when he took a committment to the pack to become Gamma for a female and who had abandoned his daughter, she was afraid of this place. She felt powerless, while she could walk with the grace of a thousand beautiful wolves on other occasions, now she was stumbling over twigs and almost running into trees. She disliked the feeling the place gave her, and she smelled the strong scent of a pack. Was she trespassing on someone's land or just so near to pack territory that the stench was reaching her nose? She wanted to turn around and head back, to flee this place and to never come back again. It was strange, her feeling this. Murder Devant was never afraid of anything. And to be afraid of this Grove? It was alien.

Her eyes grazed over everything here, from the small mushrooms sprouting from the ground between the leaves to the leaves that were falling from the trees with each breeze. She felt it rustling her fur, heard the twitter of insects and strange birds as they moved about their home. How could something live here? Her ears flicked back, her tail flicking in annoyance as she continued walking. Her legs were sore, and while her stomach may have been half full, she wanted to hunt. Her tongue slid over her lips, and she sighed. Loneliness, it was something to get used to and she wanted the pain of her history to leave her. She missed her father, she missed the way they used to train, the constant company of him, when they slept, hunted, trained, everything. She just wished she could find someone like that again, while she was a spy and didn't want to get too attatched to someone, she knew that she needed them. She just wanted this loneliness to leave her.


i forgot my fear feel it's on the rise
buried by all of the pieces falling from the sky
Played by Bryony who has 489 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Borlla Tainn-Argyris
She had a yeuk that she just couldn't scratch. Not today at least. The Tainn pup decided to stick around Sacred Grove today. Not necessarily under anyones command, but after Ruiko had caught her in the Wildwood...Well, she just saw it as another challenge to conquer. She wasn't totally uncontrollable. She knew when she was in trouble. But it was hard to go against her own will to just make a run for it...

While it was her original intention to just stick around Swift River's den site, she decided that wandering off a little bit couldn't hurt. Besides, as long as she stayed near the den, anything big and scary would stay away. Maybe. Wolves were big and strong, minus her. She couldn't imagine anything scary wanting to pick a fight with Indru or Ruiko. Borlla loved the feeling that the ground sent through her. Like a strange electric current. She couldn't quite describe it as such, but she just knew that she loved it.

Sniffing at a couple of toadstools, she heard a faint shuffle, and turned, spotting a wolf a few feet away. The wolf looked...Sad. Did this count as being bad, talking to a strange wolf? Especially one so close to Swift River. Borlla turned back towards the dens, staring through the trees, even though she couldn't see the large rock pile. Then she turned back, but didn't move in. Again, she felt shaky, wanting to just go and do things, but...One day! One day without trouble and she'd be free. At least for a little bit.

<b style="color:#32527a">"Hello?" Borlla wondered for a moment if the wolf was some kind of apparition. A ghost! Her tail wagged at the thought. She'd met a ghost. Well, maybe. It was hard to tell from so far away, but hopefully she'd get some answer.

Lurking until the end of July - Please PM/tag me to get my attention
Played by Mo who has 33 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Delilah "Murder" Devant
moonlight on my floor shining through the roof
they got the city surrounded as if i needed proof

Murder wasn't really sure how long she had been watched by the pup, but as she turned to face th elittle wolf she couldn't help but pull a smile onto her face. She was cold-hearted, yes, but pups just struck a chord in her that nothing else did. She loved seeing their many different expressions and their wide eyes looking back at her, they were adorable and who couldn't love the future of wolf-kind? It was a marvelous thing, to know that she had once been that small and while she wasn't as large as many wolves, she had grown quite a lot from the size that she had been. As her head swiveled to face the little girl, Murder let her tail twitch in a friendly manner, and the smile that tried to cover up the sorrow she had previously been feeling.

She looked at the little one with a longing that was strong. SHe did not have a loved one, but she did someday want to be able to raise a litter of pups, and the little girl reminded her of this will. "Oh, hi there. I didn't realize there was anyone else around." She said softly, walking closer to the girl. She remembered that as a pup she had been fearless, and she still was. As a pup, it was a dangerous attribute to have. There were so many dangers in the outside world, if a pup wandered off then they could be dead within the hour. She wondered if anyone was looking for this girl, and she figured she should return her to where she belonged. "Uhm, are you supposed to be out here? Where's your mom?"


i forgot my fear feel it's on the rise
buried by all of the pieces falling from the sky
Played by Bryony who has 489 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Borlla Tainn-Argyris
The apparently friendliness of this strange near-invading wolf made Borlla instantly more trusting. It was usual. A kind word, a smile, a wag of the tail. Anything kind could draw her right in. There was always the cautious edge though. Well, now there was. Her main goal was not to be eaten, or growled at, or snapped at. That's what Ruiko had said. Anything dangerous wouldn't hesitate to eat her in a second. And that Marsh character had seemed really nice, and...Borlla supposed he was, even though she thought he was gonna eat her too. Her ears flipped back against her head, and she moved in closer to the wolf, who Borlla now identified as a girl. At least she sounded like a girl.

Once the other wolf started walking too, Borlla stopped, instantly sitting like someone had told her to. Her dark blue eyes surveyed the older female, and she wanted to scream. Why was everyone so concerned for her safety? Oh yeah, because she was three months old. Well, she could be a little bit away from home! She'd go as far as she wanted to, when she wanted to. But due to her current vows, she kept her anger to herself, the only evidence of such irritation was in the twitch of her lackluster tail, which could be taken as many different emotions.

Borlla merely sighed, <b style="color:#32527a">"My home's not far from here. I live in Swift River. And my mom..." The pup's voice trailed off, unsure of how to answer such a question. <b style="color:#32527a">"She's dead, I guess." There was no emotion present in the girl's voice, only confusion was shown in her expression. That was something Borlla didn't understand. Mom had died...But why? How? Things conflicted within Borlla's mind, until she simply chose not to react. She was still young...In the end, maybe she would even forget mom and dad. Indru would become her father, and Niija her mother, or some other combination of siblings.

Lurking until the end of July - Please PM/tag me to get my attention
Played by Mo who has 33 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Delilah "Murder" Devant
moonlight on my floor shining through the roof
they got the city surrounded as if i needed proof

The little girl was rather cute, and Murder admired her for being able to wander out away from home. She explained to the older girl that she didn't live very far from where they stood now, and that she lived in Swift River. The name sounded familiar, she was sure she had heard it before but she wasn't sure when or where. She smiled and nodded as the girl spoke, like any of the other adults listening to a three month old talking. It had been a long time since Murder had spoken with a pup, she was sure it was even back when she had been a pup, conversing with those of her own age. Was it really that long ago? She couldn't remember any other time when she had talked to a little one, and it made her sad that it was so.

When the girl told her that her mother was dead, Murder frowned. With how young she was, it was sad that she had to be living without a mother. Had she even known her mother? It didn't seem to affect her very much, almost as if the pup didn't quite understand that her mom was dead. Had Murder been as young as this little pup, she would have certainly been upset about it, if she was around her mother much. By the time Murder had grown to the age this pup was, she had already ridden the world of her blind sister and was making an imprint in her father's eyes. "Oh, well I'm sorry to hear that. What's your name? If you want, I can bring you back home. I'm sure whoever looks after you now is worrying about you," she smiled. "I'm," she wanted to tell the pup that her name was Murder, but she was sure that if the girl went home and told everyone that she had met Murder that there would be chaos. "Delilah, my name's Delilah." she used her formal name, the name her mother had given her at birth.

It had been a long time since she had used the name Delilah. It wasn't her as much as the name Murder was, and she felt more comfortable using the latter. It didn't really matter, though, she was sure this little pup would soon become older and would never remember a Delilah, any more than Murder would remember her. Interactions were normally lost with the young female, for it didn't matter to her who was who and what names were cast out into the air, the only thing that mattered if the wolf didn't do something spectacular was if they did something horrible, and it wasn't names that were remembered it was the event. So as she looked down at the little female, Murder realized that she didn't really care what the girl's name was, she was just asking out of politeness and habit.


i forgot my fear feel it's on the rise
buried by all of the pieces falling from the sky
Played by Bryony who has 489 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Borlla Tainn-Argyris
Borlla shook her head swiftly, <b style="color:#32527a">"I'm really close to home actually, I don't need help." The girl attempted to rhapsodize this fact, but it was the plain and simple truth that she didn't find much fun to be had so close to him. There wasn't much adventure. The only good thing she could feel about being so close was that she wouldn't get herself, or anyone else, into trouble by helping her return. Like she really needed it.

<b style="color:#32527a">"I'm Borlla. You have a pretty name." The girl nodded, smiling curiously. <b style="color:#32527a">"Do you want to play a game, Delilah?" Her tail wagged in anticipation, dark blue eyes gleaming and staring, as if she was trying to do some sort of mind control on her new acquaintance.

Lurking until the end of July - Please PM/tag me to get my attention
Played by Mo who has 33 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Delilah "Murder" Devant
moonlight on my floor shining through the roof
they got the city surrounded as if i needed proof

She liked the little female and the courage she displayed. Murder nodded, no, she was Delilah now. Delilah nodded as the girl said she didn't need any help. She believed the pup, she seemed old enough to stray a little way from the den and as long as she was still in the pack's territory she was sure that she was okay. There was nothing wrong with a little adventure, was there? That was how Murder had been when she was younger, adventurous and troublesome. Her mother had hated her, of course, for killing her sister, but her father had let her do whatever the hell she had wanted. That had included wandering around the territory when she was young.

"You have a pretty name, too," Delilah said, and when Borlla called her by her birthname Murder almost corrected her, and it took a few split seconds for her to remember that she was being called by her real name, not her nickname. "Sure, what kind of game?" She may have been cruel and unforgiving when she was a pup, but she had grown into someone who understood. Borlla would tell her what game they were to play, and they would play it. Delilah wondered if she could remember any games from when she was younger, hopefully Borlla could remind her.


i forgot my fear feel it's on the rise
buried by all of the pieces falling from the sky
Played by Bryony who has 489 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Borlla Tainn-Argyris
What game, what game? Borlla made a few circles around her new acquaintance while she pondered. After playing with Junai, Borlla had always been afraid of playing with bigger wolves. They could run faster, and sometimes they didn't like playing by the rules. But Borlla only knew so many games. Tag seemed like the safest bet, since hiding wasn't easy for the bigger grown-up wolves. "Tag. Let's play tag."

She sat down in front of Delilah again, looking up hopefully. "Do you know how to play tag? It's really easy." Whether or not the older girl knew, Borlla would tell her anyway. "I'm gonna be 'it', and if I tag you, then you're it. So you have to run away from me. And if I tag you, then I have to run away from you!" It could be a little back and forth with only two players, but Borlla didn't care much about that. Instant gratification was her middle name.

Lurking until the end of July - Please PM/tag me to get my attention