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Which Way Is Up? — The Wildwood 
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Played by Allie who has 85 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aeylen Onida
On her way home from Lost Lake.

<blockquote>Well, her mini adventure had been sort of fun and sort of productive all the same. Though she was quite literally searching for Rhysis to have a few words with him before their world burned to dust, she'd managed to stumble upon his mate and pack mates instead. They were a bubbly bunch, the lady gang of the pack whose name she didn't know, and while she left Lost Lake with some of what she'd wanted, information, what she wanted far worse now was <i>home</i> and Ruiko, though she had the distinct feeling she'd be scolded for her near irresponsible actions. By no means had she intended her day trip to turn to a few-days trip, an absence that couldn't have possibly gone unnoticed, but here she was, trekking through the wild in obvious explorer fashion. The landscape wasn't one she'd ever seen before, but it was very scenic and with an array of wonderful new sights and smells, which was absolutely refreshing. Her original plan was just to back track her way home, which she believed she was more than capable of doing, but as she made her way she knew eventually that this was <i>not</i> the way she'd come. The tall trees obscured her view of the mountains that were supposed to be her guiding light - if she could follow them she'd be home in no time - and eventually they were no where to be found. What in the hell had she gotten herself into now? Daylight had faded, and, being the bold, fearless hunter that she was, she was now utterly afraid and alone in the dark. The sounds that echoed in the black background of the forest were eerie, and at times she would jump ten feet from the ground, scared by the twigs and things she trampled with her own, rather large paws. <i>How creepy.</i> And just when it seemed things couldn't get any worse, she'd managed to find a trail that had some familiarity...because it was her own. Oh no! She'd been here before! She was walking in circles, how was this possible?! Childlike, honey colored eyes would squeeze tightly together as her head dropped defeatedly. She was starving, as usual, alone, and now she was lost and far from home. There was no hope to be found, and she needed <i>rest</i>. Finding a thick patch of roughage she thought would hide her enough, the Tainn nestled herself in for the night, laying her head upon her paws are she stared sleeplessly into the strange darkness.</blockquote>
Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
8O /ambushed! <3 (*chirps happily*)
I hadn't forgotten my promise to thread, I was just waiting for my trillion of threads to decimate themselves. But I don't mind this anyway 8D

you do not know who is your friend
or who is your enemy
until the   ICE breaks.
He'd never been one to ponder what his heart told him - what his heart wanted - but as of late... He'd begun to wonder who he was besot with, and why, and how... And what he wanted. What it really was that he felt - he couldn't quite decide if he was just an overly affectionate, platonic-to-the-ends-of-the-earth wolf, or if there was something deeper, something - more, to it. But, he knew he couldn't just "figure it out" by himself in a single night, so instead of pondering that, he'd started thinking about why he even thought and cared about it in the first place. Ice'd never been one to think overly much, especially not about things he couldn't affect anyway, and yet here he was, trying to fight the current instead of just going along with it. It was so unlike him, that when he finally gave up and just gave his head a resigned shake, a small quirky smile on his lips, he was far out from the Grove. He'd been here before, though. He was somewhere deep in the heart of the Wildwood, and it was the middle of the night. Not that he minded - he was used to wandering through forests in the dark, and the fact that he passed through the Wildwood most of the time when going anywhere at all north had made him familiar with it. Humming softly under his breath he kept going, not certain why he wasn't turning back.

He guessed it was past midnight, for the sky was uniformly dark, neither horizon hinting at dusk nor dawn. It suited him perfectly, making him a pale ghost that slid quietly through the thick forest. He was content to simply walk, drinking in the richness of life and nature. An owl hooted and flew overhead, thin wisps of clouds glowing with moonlight drifted lazily across the sky, and the stars, those ever-watchful sentinels, looked down on the world in silence. Once you got past how dark it was, you started seeing things... the way the moon cast shadows and tipped still-naked branches in silver, and, ironically, you also saw how damnably little you saw under the thick snarls of vegetation. And so, he trusted his nose to alert him if he came close to wandering into anything...undesirable.

As it happened, his trusty nose came across a fresh trail, and surprised, Ice stopped to inspect it. Recent, yes, still smelling faintly of various things. The wind hadn't yet washed it from the world, and since he had nothing of more importance to do, he decided to follow it. In the past, it was something he'd often done for amusement, though since he'd literally jumped into Indru when doing it... he was a bit wary of getting too caught up. While his mind settled into the familiar haze of tracking time passed, though he did not have to track her for long before he could smell her. Pausing, Ice sampled the air. Mostly, she smelled the way Ruiko had, and that slippery she-wolf in the Rise. Copper Rock Creek, then. It seemed that nature was intent on throwing him many opportunities to quiz Volkan's pack-mates about her before actually finding her... though, he wasn't going to just barge in on a stranger and harass her with questions about Volkan! Besides, he had a fair guess he'd been tracking the female part of their leader pair: she smelled of pregnancy. What was she doing out here? And, more importantly, what was she doing out here, hiding under bushes in the dead of night? Her trail led straight into them, and it didn't look as if she'd crawled out the other way of them either. He wasn't certain anyone with a piece of sanity would do that. So, gambling that it was indeed her form hiding under there, he halted about a yard off, head tilted a fraction to the side. "Are you afraid? Followed?" he asked, slightly concerned with her odd behavior.
.ice aesir
let the stars above shine in your soul
Played by Allie who has 85 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aeylen Onida
*hugs* I should have mentioned for you to get around to it whenever you had a chance - It'll be just fine if you take care of your other ones first? I was feeling creative last night so I wanted to put a good one up for you while I had it on my mind :)

<blockquote>Aside from the spectrum of creepy novel sounds here, Aeylen did have one thing to keep her mind off of her fears - an angry stomach, which scolded her every time she'd nearly fallen asleep. So now she was not only lost and hungry, but <i>exhausted</i> as well. Shifting to give the growing, fidgity kids more space (which they now apparently couldn't get enough of), the tawny wolf rolled to her side like a baloon with legs, stretching her neck and laying her wide head on softer, healthy vegetation that wouldn't poke her eye. Snorting in a deep breath, her eyelids would flutter shut as she licked the dryness from her lips and mouth.

To her abrupt horror, however, the sound of paws crunching closer was unmistakable. Was she being followed? Was it even another wolf, or something looking to make a meal of her? Would the being know how to get her the hell out of here? Not wanting to budge even an inch, or perhaps paralyzed by her fears, she froze with her wide eyes staring upward as she listened closely.

The footsteps were coming closer and closer...In a moment of near panic, knowing if needed she would have to protect the life in her womb, she shot up, rolling to her side and anchoring her weight on her right elbow.

<i>"Are you afraid? Followed?"</i>

With a reactive gasp her eyes narrowed upon the ghostly figure who had managed to get closer than she'd guaged. A wolf, thank goodness, who seemingly didn't have eating her alive on his immediate list of priorities. Relief did not wash over her, however, until she recognized what she knew to be the scent of the River wolves - <i>family</i>, though this man didn't share Ruiko's stature or features. Really, the only time she'd encountered her in-laws was when she and her mate had come to collect Volkan and...<i>Kinis</i>, but she was glad to know that maybe she wasn't quite as lost as she'd imagined.

<b>"Both,"</b> she whimpered fragily. She would have liked to have made a greater impression, but how could she now? She was worn, physically and mentally. Gracelessly she rose from her not-so-hidden hiding spot, amber eyes falling upon the man she hoped would help her get out of here, or at least not harm her or her kids. <b>"...Afraid - I don't believe I've been followed..."</b> she corrected, believing he'd been the only one to know she was here. Should she offer her name? She didn't have much choice, whether he was here to help or hinder, or do nothing.

<b>"Aeylen Tainn..."</b> she spoke softly, still like a true emotional rollercoaster. <b>"I am <i>trying</i> to find my way - home - but I..."</b> Have failed miserably. Her wet gaze pleaded with the man.</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: May 05, 2012, 06:38 PM by Aeylen.)
Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
Don't worry. <3 If you object to me just assuming she's walking with him, just fling me a PM and I'll gladly change it. c:

you do not know who is your friend
or who is your enemy
until the   ICE breaks.
Somehow, it surprised him that she blew her cover entirely when he came close. Blinking, he looked down at her still-lying form, briefly meeting her bright but narrowed eyes before looking aside again. After all, it wouldn't do to stare Ruiko's mate in the eye. In fact.. meeting her in the middle of the night was very suspicious in itself! He gave a disapproving frown. What was she even doing out here? The answer came in a whimper. She was out here being afraid, and followed. The latter was, hopefully, only by Ice. He wasn't sure he wanted to fight someone right now, but still he gave the surrounding trees and bushes a long and hard stare. Neither eyes nor nose nor ears could detect anyone else, so he gave a shrug as she clambered to her feet. Even had his nose been plugged, there was no mistaking the swollen curve of her abdomen, mimicking Corinna's bellyful of pups. She was far from home, and stress likely wouldn't do her nor her future children well. He had to do what he could to help her, he guessed. "...Afraid - I don't believe I've been followed..." Ice gave a lopsided grin. "As far as I'm aware, only followed by me, and I wasn't exactly following you, per se, I just... happened on your trail." His head tilted to the side. "And wondered what on earth you were doing out here, in your current condition."

Slowly he began to take one step forward, but rocked to a stop again when she offered her name. Of course, she wore the Tainn name, being mated to Ruiko. A strong man, but very suspicious of those not-Tainn. Thankfully, Indru, Corinna and Triell had all regarded the pale wolf as family when Ruiko had shared the news of Kinis, but he guessed the tawny brute wouldn't automatically like him everywhere just because of it. No, if he wanted Ruiko's approval, he'd need to spend some time with the man, and with his pack located at the godforsaken other end of Relic Lore, he wasn't about to waste his time with it. Instead, he'd try to help his lost, afraid mate home. Honestly, why was she even here? Giving his head the tiniest shake he offered his name, "Ice,", and continued to walk closer to her, eventually bumping his nose against her cheek. "I've never been to your home, but it's up north, yes?" Naira had said something about it being at the base of the mountains. Unless the female broke down on him, it'd probably be enough to get her out of the Wildwood. Once up on the fields north, she would probably be able to see the mountains again, or at least the stars or sun to navigate by. With a small, encouraging smile he bumped her shoulder and paced forward a couple of paces, eyes on the sky.

Thankfully, the stars were out. Ice had gazed at them so many times during the nights of his life that he was quite familiar with their patterns, and in which direction they led you. It didn't take him long to pick out the pole star - the eternal guide north. Even without stars, his internal compass had always been quite correct, though on a smaller scale he had a flair for getting lost. He'd walked in circles a couple of times in the Grove at the start, but over time he knew that forest as well as he knew the sky. He was fairly well acquaintanced with the Wildwood as well, but obviously his traveling companion wasn't. Satisfied that he had north picked out, he began to lead them both through the forest. Sometimes you came across paths used by animals for no real reason, other than a lot of them had just happened to walk in the same direction in the same place a lot of times. There was no such path here, though, but for the sake of her probably tired self - she looked very worn - and the cubs in her belly, he tried to find the most level and least snarly routes. It wouldn't be fast, though. The Wildwood was large. "So," he said after being silent for a while, turning to briefly look at her face before going back to pick their path. "What brings you out here? Oh, and if you get tired, don't worry about us stopping for a while. There's some nasty predators around here alright, but I think most would think twice before going after two wolves." Unless they decided wolf was very delicious, and that a pregnant Aeylen was an easy target. If they did... they'd better damn well underestimate his guard, for he wasn't about to let anyone get eaten tonight.
.ice aesir
let the stars above shine in your soul
Played by Allie who has 85 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aeylen Onida
It's just fine :) This one is a bit short.

<blockquote>The disapproval written across his face reminded her of her father. While she was in a compromised position, she needed no one's permission, it was her own business, and for a moment her hormones inclined her to abandon civility. But that would be a silly notion, as she was at the mercy of her own folly, now, with he as the knight in shining armor.

<i>Ice</i> was his name, and one she would not forget. As he commented on her homestead and its location to the north, she simply nodded, looking him over curiously as he avoided her gaze respectfully. It was after a gentle nudge and a few steps on part of her near-savior that the regal shewolf followed the cream-coated male's lead.

<i>"What brings you out here?"</i> he questioned of her before mentioning that he would willingly stop with her, should she require rest. A soft grin would form upon her drying mask at the notion and mention of hungry predators, but stamina was her forte, and even in her state, the man had instilled enough hope within her to keep her going. All she wanted was to get home, and she would stop at nothing. With a pateint flicker of her plume, her reply was firm. <b>"I have been in search of someone I've yet to find. The trek took me further than I'd intended."</b> She would leave it at that. Her lack of knowledge of the terrain to the south had been her downfall, and as the words were spoken she silently scolded herself. The situation as a whole was playing on the frayed terminals of her nerves as she let the silence resound for some time, taking note of the adept ways of his navigation.

<b>"Thank you."</b> Appreciation was the least she owed her travelling companion, but the words were so very genuine. Perhaps there would be an opportunity in the future for her debt to be repaid.</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: May 20, 2012, 09:20 PM by Aeylen.)
Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
No worries; sorry for the wait, life happened. x_o Sorry if it sucks, I'm having a bit of a hard time with getting back into these older threads. :[ I had a hard time trying to write this post even before my long absence, so, eh, "random poetic/non-serious crap" usually gets the flow up, so... Apologies in advance. :x

you do not know who is your friend
or who is your enemy
until the   ICE breaks.
She nodded, and he led, drifting into the thick forest like a stray moonbeam. Whenever he slipped into shadow his colors grew muted, dull, but when he padded out into the light again, his shadow cast in front of him by the strong moonlight, he seemed to glow an ethereal silver - truly, a wayward angel stalking the earth to bring the lost home safely. Though, despite his rather mysterious appearance, Ice was still a walking ball of, well, goof, and if pitted against a bear, his chances of survival were pretty much zero. But don't worry about that - he didn't. No, he just swept forth as if the breeze itself blew under his paws, tail swaying to the rhythm of his hips as he drifted across the ground, barely looking where he placed his feet. His mind didn't need to focus the eye on the ground to see it and the height differences - it did, however, need to focus the eye on thorny bushes and other nasty things they'd better avoid. Every once in a while he tilted his head to look to the stars, and they reflected on his lens, as if glowing in his soul and not only in the sky.

He wasn't the only one searching for elusive wolves, or information about elusive wolves. It hadn't struck him until now, but Ruiko was Volkan's leader... and Aeylen was Ruiko's mate. Aeylen was Volkan's leader, too. It was a connection he probably should've made before now, but hadn't, and it was like a fist in the gut for Ice, who nearly came to an abrupt halt. Instead, he nearly tripped over his own paws, yelped, leaped forward a step, and then continued to walk as if nothing had happened at all, but the gears in his mind spun and ground away the rust. He barely noticed the fact that he hadn't responded to her answer, and it wasn't until she thanked him that his head snapped around to look at her. He'd nearly forgotten she was there, but gave her a quick smile, a tug of dark lips over worn teeth, before turning back to face the direction of the woods. Some stupid part of him mused that it was bad to thank him before he'd gotten her home - for all she knew, he could be a crazy, psychotic bastard luring her deeper into the woods, where he would... do things to her. Cruel things. Fortunately, he wasn't, and thoughts of Volkan and Triell drowned out the quip that otherwise might've flown off his unbridled tongue. That was a good thing, too.

Ice blinked in the relative darkness, and turned his head to regard Aeylen for a moment. She seemed to be doing well, and recovering from her little breakdown - at least on the surface. A look of thoughtfulness crossed the pale wolf's gaze, and he opened his mouth as if to speak.. But no words tumbled out, and he shut his jaws with a click and frowned. He'd been silent for a long time. Maybe it was rude. Was it? He didn't know. He frowned again, still moving easily across the ground; opened his mouth a second time, and this time a single question poured out.

"What do you know of Volkan?"
.ice aesir
let the stars above shine in your soul