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Doesn't Matter Anymore — Cedarwood Forest 
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Played by Mo who has 33 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Delilah "Murder" Devant
moonlight on my floor shining through the roof
they got the city surrounded as if i needed proof

Sometimes the loneliness got to her and all she wanted to do was curl up next to a tree and wither away into nothingness, letting her father find her moments later and wake her up, only to find that she had grown a pure hatred for him and his heart. She didn't care about him at all anymore, he had left her for a no-good pack bitch, choosing to stray from his own flesh and blood to serve beneath an alpha who knew nothing and would keep him chained to his rank and his duties! She didn't know why he had done so, if she were to ever join a pack it would have to be loosely made, enough so that she could do whatever she wanted whenever she wanted, an alpha wasn't going to reel her in and tie her down to one spot. She was a wolf, proud, free, and brave. Nobody had any right to her body other than herself, and she was hers, and hers only.

It took a few moments with the starlight shining down upon her back to navigate through the forest, finding a large tree with a massive trunk to sit beneath. She let her paws carry her to the base of the behemoth, finding a comfortable position in between her and the roots, and nestled herself closely to the trunk. She rolled into a little ball, her fur fluffy and covering her nose in a feline manner. She was so small she would be sure anyone passing by would do just so, pass by. She was used to that happening, when hidden in one place covered in the stench of the land, it was easy for wolves to walk right on by without noticing that she was there. It was a skill, to be able to stay hidden and in one position for hours on end, just waiting for some sort of juicy story to uncover. Murder remembered those days, wishing that they could become more than just memories again.


i forgot my fear feel it's on the rise
buried by all of the pieces falling from the sky
Played by Debain who has 205 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Weldering Darksidy
The Cedarwood Forest was one of his favourite places within the boundaries of Relic Lore, it just so happened to have been his first stop and entry point almost two weeks ago when he first arrived. After completing a nice circle around the valley and woodlands that was Relic Lore Weldering was satisfied that he knew enough following his excursion. Now returning the the place where it all began His muzzle was kept low to the ground searching for something in particular. In fact he was so focused on trailing after this scent and tracking this item that he was looking for he did not even notice that another wolf happened to be not too far away in the forest.

Finally catching the trail that he was looking for his blackened maw lifted to the sight of a familiar tree as he jolted over. Using his large paws to dig around at the base and undercover some rocks he firmly tugged at something soft until finally it was pulled from it's hiding spot, exactly where he had left it. A heavy sigh escaped his chest laying his token down on the down and affectionately rolling all over it with a grin planted firmly over his face. What was it? Well it happened to be a baby snow leopard pelt, though what it was did not credit it's importance but instead how he got it. The pelt was a mark of his adulthood and had been the reward of completing his yearling trials back home, it was his only memento and he kept it close. Now that Weldering had decided to stay here within the forests of Relic lore he had returned to take it with him on his quest to find a densite for himself.
<center><img src=http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z151/kittykarnage/fishmaster.png></center>
Played by Mo who has 33 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Delilah "Murder" Devant
moonlight on my floor shining through the roof
they got the city surrounded as if i needed proof

It was unexpected that another would pass this way, and as she heard his paw steps coming towards her, she shrunk back against the tree, hoping that his nose would lead him right on by. It did, and as she looked upon the male she noted how handsome he was, the dark fur that was on his body made him look smart, and he smelled like a loner. Murder perked her head up, peering over at what he was digging up to try to see if she could recognize it. What it was, though, she had absolutely no clue. It looked strange, like the pelt of some kind of pup, and it was a shame that it had gotten dirty. As Murder leaned forward more to get a better look, she had to move, and her actions caused a shuffling sound to be made. She didn't notice, though, and her eyes were intent on what he had.

She almost asked what it was, but she was sure that he would attack her, having not known that there was another being around. He was clearly oblivious to her, he had walked right on by without looking her way or even saying anything that made it clear that he had seen her. She was sure he didn't even scent her, with how intent he was on finding this little item. It was strange, how trained he had been on finding this one object, and it made her wonder why something so small and peculiar was so important to a male such as himself. It had to be something very important, maybe reminding him of his past and all that had happened since he had been born. She wondered, and as she wondered, she tried to shrink back into the tree trunk, hoping he would just continue on his merry way and leave her in her solace, her lonely, miserable solace.


i forgot my fear feel it's on the rise
buried by all of the pieces falling from the sky
Played by Debain who has 205 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Weldering Darksidy
His flailing was short lived as Weldering turned himself upright, still laying down and now the snow leopard pelt was laying between his extended ebony socked paws. Though now that he had located his treasure his alertness was once again raised, mainly out of protection for his precious item. With his ears held aloft on the top of his soot coloured mask and muzzle inclined into the sky to catch the breeze it only then dawned on him that there was someone else around and close, perhaps even watching him. His immediate reaction was to allow his lip to curl back slightly though sensing no threat he instead raised himself up onto all four paws leaving his token laying on the ground in front of him, he was not going to let that leave his sight.

Weldering's icy blue gaze glanced around, though the Cedarwood was a maze of large tree trunks and ferns scattered all over the place and obstructing his view of Murder. <b style="color:#0d5b8c; font-family:geogia; font-size:13px">"Who's there?" He finally called out waiting to see if anyone would answer.
<center><img src=http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z151/kittykarnage/fishmaster.png></center>
Played by Mo who has 33 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Delilah "Murder" Devant
moonlight on my floor shining through the roof
they got the city surrounded as if i needed proof

Unfortunately, he had other plans. Murder watched through the brush with a growing interest, a little fearful of the boy only because he was larger than she was, much larger. His fur was a mixture of grays and blacks, a patch on his face growing down onto his chest. It made him look very handsome, and Murder was ashamed of herself for thinking such thoughts. She was not allowed to let herself find others attractive, especially males, and it annoyed her that she was thinking so of a complete stranger. He still couldn't see her, and as he called out she thought briefly about answering, laying there momentarily before standing up and approaching him slowly, stepping through the ferns and stopping there, the plants against her sides.

"Me," she said tentatively, letting her soft eyes graze him again, wandering over his front and then to his precious blue orbs. They were delicate but fascinating, and she found herself a comfortable little spot within them, something she normally didn't like doing because it showed that she could be attached to someone. Being attached to someone meant not being able to kill them if need be. "I'm sorry, but I was resting and you came by and I didn't want you to hear me but apparently you did. What is that?" she explained, then nodded towards the thing at his feet. She was inquisitive, and if she knew what it was then she could leave, if he didn't want her around anymore.


i forgot my fear feel it's on the rise
buried by all of the pieces falling from the sky
Played by Debain who has 205 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Weldering Darksidy
Apparently he had not been imagining things, which he was beginning to wonder. A voice called out from the greenery of the forest and out emerged a young she-wolf. His blue eyes immediately taking a few moments looking her over before settling his gaze into her own fiery gold eyes. <b style="color:#0d5b8c; font-family:geogia; font-size:13px">"And who's me?" He first of all inquired, not in a demanding way but he was still a bit ruffled up after having been discovered with his prize. For now a single ebony forepaw was rested over the top of the smooth white and black pelt that lay on the ground. It was his way of subtly saying it was his if she had not already guessed it.

He listened to her brief story and soon felt a little guilty himself, if she had been resting nearby then he was the one in the wrong and had disturbed her when all this time he thought it had been the other way around. <b style="color:#0d5b8c; font-family:geogia; font-size:13px">"I'm sorry I disturbed your rest." Hoping she did not mind as finally he traced her gaze down to the unusual pelt below his paw. <b style="color:#0d5b8c; font-family:geogia; font-size:13px">"It's a snow leopard pelt, given to me as a sort of right of passage..." Trailing off as he was sure this was enough for her to understand yet not wishing to bore her with the entire long story, she was just a stranger after all and probably did not want to listen to him all day talking about himself.
<center><img src=http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z151/kittykarnage/fishmaster.png></center>
Played by Mo who has 33 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Delilah "Murder" Devant
moonlight on my floor shining through the roof
they got the city surrounded as if i needed proof

She liked those blue eyes, even sought comfort in them as he asked her who she was. She quietly debated whether or not she should give him her real name, would she be Delilah or Murder this time? She was both, two entities, two wolves, two names. She had never thought of herself as two seperate wolves, for she was not, she was a single being, Murder Devant, birth name Delilah Devant. "I'm Murder, and you?" she replied, quenching all thoughts in her head save for the ones that were focused around the little thing at his feet. It had to be a pelt of some sort, and as he explained what it was she cocked her head to the side. A snow leopard? What in the world was a snow leopard?

"Er, it's fine, rest isn't all that important," she said, with a little smile. She figured that to absquatulate now would be a dumb thing to do, and it took everything she had to cease her anxious muscles and let them relax. Her ears were still quite alert atop her head, pivoting back and forth with the sounds of the birds and insects and everything else in the forest. "Sorry to be so annoying, but what is a snow leopard? I've never heard of such a thing." it was true, she had never even heard of a leopard, let alone a snow leopard before. It amazed her how another wolf could have, until she thought about how everyone traveled around and seemed to be from completely different lands than her. Of course he would know what a snow leopard was, why would he have the pelt if he didn't?


i forgot my fear feel it's on the rise
buried by all of the pieces falling from the sky
Played by Debain who has 205 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Weldering Darksidy
A name for a name, the usual trade. <b style="color:#0d5b8c; font-family:geogia; font-size:13px">"Weldering Darksidy, though usually everyone just calls me Welde." He added with a soft shrug as his shoulders rolled calmly back. But was Murder really her name... really? Before he realised that it may have sounded rude he had already gone and said it. <b style="color:#0d5b8c; font-family:geogia; font-size:13px">"Murder? Did you parents not like you much?" He retorted assuming that it was her birthname of course. His own name he only knew a little about, apparently his grandfather had been an Alpha of one of the many packs within Emberell Forest known as Darkside and his name was very similar. The name Darksidy coming from the original packname.

She still seemed interested in the pelt though, but luckily for Weldering it was not because she seemed to have any intentions on trying to steal it but only because she had never seen one before. But for that matter nor had he. Though he knew a little about them from legends. <b style="color:#0d5b8c; font-family:geogia; font-size:13px">"Well they are cats, like cougars but smaller and white with black spots. I hear they live in mountains far far from here. I've never seen one myself... this was given to me as a prize for winning the first of three yearling trials by the Beta at the time. He had a collection of odd furs and such and everyone that successfully completed the first task got one. The others were fox pelts and the like so I treasure this one even more for its rarity."

His gaze lifting from his paw that was draped over the top of the exotic fur and focusing back on the she-wolf with a soft smile. <b style="color:#0d5b8c; font-family:geogia; font-size:13px">"I was about to find a den in Cedarwood Forest, that's why I was collecting it." He explained, hoping to shed a little more light onto his own situation perhaps to gain more of her trust. Weldering was always a laid back guy and he had nothing to hide. <b style="color:#0d5b8c; font-family:geogia; font-size:13px">"I've decided to make a shelter here in the forest while I wait and decide what to do. I have no intentions of joining the two packs in Relic Lore so maybe something better might come along. How about you?"
<center><img src=http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z151/kittykarnage/fishmaster.png></center>