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Obscure Reflection — Iridescent Lagoon 
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Played by Evelynne who has 132 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Cessair Lux
(Ooc: Rais is so cute! <3 Okay, I'll send Cessair on her way now.)

As Cessair ate, she decided to rethink her opinion of Rais. He had earlier dealt her a couple of annoying, but harmless pranks. Now, though, with the rabbit growing more and more depleted, he seemed content to leave her alone. What's more, this little meal had been caught for and given to her as a gift. The bright-eyed wolf's jokes from before were all in the name of fun, right? Surely it depended on opinion whether they were more annoying or more friendly.

If nothing else, Cessair enjoyed this wolf's presence. He understood that one can't be all seriousness, all the time -- something she still had yet to learn -- but should instead enjoy whatever in life one can. It's good to have such an acquaintance, Cessair concluded. Rais was the type of wolf who could distract her from her worries and make her enjoy herself. That's why she was glad to have met him. Thus, in her mind, Cessair would let herself call him "friend."

With not a single scrap of meat left on the rabbit, Cessair licked her lips and looked up from the remains, a satisfied look in her eyes. When the grey wolf tried to speak, he seemed to be having a hard time assembling a sentence. Maybe he was just that anxious to get on with his exploring. He tried again a moment later and was able to speak more confidently, echoing Cessair's desire to meet again. She returned his smile and swished her tail just a bit.

<b>"Likewise. I wish you well on your travels."</b> Cessair dipped her head and reluctantly turned away. She stopped after withdrawing a few paces to briefly glance over her shoulder, attempting to solidify the image of the kind grey wolf in her mind so she would not forget him. Then, without allowing herself to hesitate further, she leapt away into the bushes and started north at a steady trot.
Played by Kydnt who has 154 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rais Rose
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/RaisTable2.png); background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 100px; padding-bottom: 20px; padding-left: 20px; padding-right: 20px; text-align:justify;">Rais gave a curt nod at Cessair’s farewell, his nearly perpetual smile dampened slightly. Here he had just found what he could consider a friend, and almost regretted taking his leave so soon, despite how much she could confuse him while being rather un-confusing and straightforward herself. As she hesitantly turned to go, Rais watched her move away and considered following after with a new round of games and tricks. But there were places to go, things to see, trouble to get into, and Rais honestly did hope he would see her again on the course of his exploration.

With one final glance over her shoulder, she disappeared into the brush with not much more than a rustle of leaves. Once she was out of sight, the boy was crestfallen, which only garnered more confusion in his normally sharp mind. With a huff of annoyance at himself he turned the opposite way and slunk off into the woods.

(Ooc: You can go ahead and archive :) It was a pleasure RPing with you, feel free to PM me if you'd ever like another thread)
[Image: LoneCrow1.png]