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Wild Young Hearts — Sacred Grove 
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Played by Shadow who has 43 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Rissa Tainn
<span style='font-size:7pt;line-height:100%'><i>Early afternoon, warm, clear sky</i>
This thread is strictly for Rais and Rissa! Swift River wolves can hop in in the next thread.</span>

After a pleasant morning spent chasing squirrels, Rissa retired to the pack den, curling up for a nap. It had been an excellent morning! She'd actually managed to catch a squirrel, before realizing that she actually had to kill it, and by then it had already skittered out of her paws. It wasn't like she didn't mind killing it, she hated squirrels, but in all the excitement of catching it...Well, she'd forgotten the most important step. But it wasn't like she was all that hungry anyway. She'd had a big meal the day before, so she wouldn't even have to think about eating until later today.

Comfy in her den, she'd only had her eyes closed for a few moments before decided that she wasn't going to waste her day away napping. Stretching from her curled up position, she then wandered out of the den again, and out of the main Swift River clearing. Her long, lanky legs, and large awkward paws carried her steadily over the grass towards Swift River's border. It was no fun staying "inside" all day, and Mother had taken her to that awesome place called Wildwood. That was a little too far for her to go alone, she was smart enough to know that, but going that far had made Swift River lands look boring, so she wandered over the border and walking many a meter until the scent of her pack wasn't so overwhelming.

She was a big girl, right? Right! And it wasn't as though she expected her pack mates to help her, because she didn't expect to find any trouble. She would watch out for snakes, and listen carefully for big birds, and if a big mean wolf did happen to come along, then she'd certainly cry for help, because she didn't want to get eaten. But there were no big scary wolves around here. So, as far as she was concerned, she was fine. Glancing over her shoulder, she took a big sniff, and decided that she was far enough away. With a dedicated stride, she walked over to a tree and peed on it. "My tree!" She laughed, before wandering over to the other side of it and gave it a nice hard face rub, just to finalize her claim of it. Now no one would bother her, because they would know that this was her territory and they'd stay away. That's how it worked, right?

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Played by Kydnt who has 154 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rais Rose
http://i1081.photobucket.com/albums/j347/holdbacktherain/tables/raistab.png) bottom center no-repeat; background-color: #777b82;">
Like a bad rash, Rais was not something that went away for long. Any attempts at keeping his curious snout out of anything only strengthened his desire to press further. Not once, but twice had he been warded off from Swift River. If his first intrusion to the pack land was gutsy and the second was a death wish, this time was a downright suicide mission. One would think that with his keen mind, he would recognize it as such and keep far, far away from Swift River until they had long forgotten about the boy. But his confidence in his intelligence only had him convinced that he was simply above the law. Borders meant nothing to him, and threats of bodily harm to him were only a game. It was all a puzzle to be solved, danger adding the right touch of excitement.

He had been lurking about the fringe of Swift River for the past three days, plotting his next foray into the territory. He was careful, cautious to stay far enough that he wouldn't be detected by the border patrol. He had brashly marked one of their trees last time, and he knew someone was sure to have caught his scent from it. They wouldn't be happy if they found him camping right outside their land. The boy was trying to see what time of day and how often the River wolves moved at the border. He hadn't quite planned out what sort of havoc he would wreak once he decided to go inside. Maybe he would just eat all their caches and mark everything in sight.

He rolled over onto his back, his orange eyes lazily staring at a spray of purple juniper berries hanging over his head. He had chosen to hide inside the shrub for the cover it gave him, and the fragrant smell of its piney wood disguised his musk well enough. Waiting was sure boring though. He had figured out that usually, someone moved along the border once in the early morning, then later again in the afternoon. He expected that that was the normal pattern, and was just going to wait another day to be sure before he... "My tree!"

He was flipped back over and on his feet before his mind caught up with what he had heard. His breath was caught in his throat and each muscle was tensed for fight or flight. His watch of the border told him that, usually, the pack didn't actually exit or enter from this side. They would patrol past, but never did they actually leave the territory from his location. But, that voice, it was so familiar. The problem with the cover of the aromatic bush was that it blocked his own sense of smell just as well. Very carefully, he poked his head out of the shrub, head twisting as he looked around. He couldn't see anyone, so he stepped carefully out of the bush, scenting the air.

Oh! It was that girl he had run into last time. Rissa, he recalled. She seemed to have as much respect for staying within boundaries as Rais had for staying out of them. Otherwise, he couldn't think of what a pup would be doing so far outside of her home, alone. He had to respect someone, even a pup, who found rules to be just as malleable, or even discardable, as the boy did.

His watch forgotten, he left his post and trotted in the direction of the girl. He was sure it was just her, no other wolves could be scented nearby once free of the juniper's perfume. He moved lightly, nearly skipping and looking quite at ease despite his status as a fugitive. <b style="color:#494b4f">"Oh my. It seems we meet again, little miss." His eyes lit humorously on her newly christened tree, <b style="color:#494b4f">"Are you making yourself a little pack? I think you might need more than one tree for that. And probably more than one wolf."

table by bryony
[Image: LoneCrow1.png]
Played by Shadow who has 43 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Rissa Tainn
With her tree all marked, she settled down against it, skinny shoulders rubbing against the less than comfortable wood. Rissa didn't mind though. It was her tree, after all, and she would pretend that it was the most comfortable tree that ever existed. The Tainn child yawned slightly, head tilting back at such an angle until she was straight against the tree. And when her yawn was done, the tree got that malicious itch that she'd had on the top of her head. See? The best tree ever. Maybe she could convince AIyana and Torrel to join her. Aiyana could be her Second, and Torrel, could be...Well, Third! Which really wasn't "Third", he'd just be normal. Of course, Rissa was certain that Aiyana would never agree to be under her. So perhaps they could just lead together. But only Rissa got to do the real leader stuff.

So caught up in her little illusion, Rissa hadn't noticed the familiar mottled figure come out from behind a bush. All she heard was a voice, and she squeaked, shaking her head free from the clouds, and focused in on her attacker. Well, he wasn't really an attacker at all. It was that funny stranger from before! Rissa was quite thankful for that, especially after her little incident on the snake rocks. Kisla hadn't liked him much. But Rissa certainly didn't see anything wrong with him at all, and it wasn't like he was really intruding, so now she could have fun with him! "I am making my own packs. This is my territory, right here. You can join if you want! I'm the leaders, though." She gave him a threatening look, as if he'd try to usurp her position right here and now. "But waits! I never know your name!" She gasped, and limped over to him, nearly getting in his face, though there was at least a foot between him. "I saids, My name is Rissa Tainn!" She started, suddenly looking very serious. "And then i saids, Now you go...But you never wents!" She narrowed her eyes at him. "You gots a name, right? Everyone gots a name, and you can't join my packs withouts a name."

(This post was last modified: Aug 18, 2012, 03:00 PM by Rissa.)
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Played by Kydnt who has 154 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rais Rose
http://i1081.photobucket.com/albums/j347/holdbacktherain/tables/raistab.png) bottom center no-repeat; background-color: #777b82;">
With a start, the pup looked around, her eyes settling on Rais. He stood still for a moment, letting her decide what to think. It was possible that maybe she'd cry out for her family to come rescue her, so he was a little uneasy. He half expected one of the River wolves to come bursting through the trees any moment, but it never happened. He grinned, a small chuckle rising from his throat as she told him about her territory. As much as Rais fancied himself an adult, he was truly still a child. He did all the things an adult did, he caught his own food, went anywhere, anytime he wanted, and even set his own bedtime. His solitary life made it so that all these things were a necessity, and fun often had to be passed up to spend the day looking for food or water, a safe place to sleep. He wouldn't pass up the chance to be a kid again for just a little while. So he'd go along with her game.

<b style="color:#494b4f">"Of course, if the alphess would only be so kind to take a humble lone wolf like me into her pack." He folded his ears back and crouched down on his forelegs with his head bowed, pretending to cower under her gaze. Though it wasn't very convincing, with his rear stuck up in the air and his tail flopping from side to side. She started to move towards him, dismayed that she still didn't have his name. He rose back to his feet, but his silvery tail was still wagging. He hadn't gotten the chance to give his name the last time they met. Her tiny face was staring right up at him, and he pulled his head back to give himself some room. An assertive little thing, was she? He nearly laughed at how the serious look didn't quite fit on her face, but she probably wouldn't like him laughing at her. <b style="color:#494b4f">"I'm sorry, Rissa. I didn't get the chance last time, but that was pretty rude of me," He met her narrowed eyes with a crooked grin. <b style="color:#494b4f">"Of course I have a name! Let me try again, then. My name is Rais."

table by bryony
(This post was last modified: Aug 25, 2012, 07:37 AM by Rais.)
[Image: LoneCrow1.png]
Played by Shadow who has 43 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Rissa Tainn
She found his silly bow to be quite suitable, but she didn't say anything quite yet. Not until she knew his name. It was quite rude to go around not telling anyone who you were. What were others supposed to call him? She couldn't even think of a name to give him. He seemed too happy, especially with the devilish stare she was trying to cripple him with. She was quite tempted to leap behind him and chew his tail off. It was incredibly distracting, and...Oh wow, she did quite want to chew on it. But he finally spoke again, apologizing for his oversight. Her stare wavered a bit, and when he grinned, she broke into the wiggles, smiling herself. Being serious was too hard. "Rais! Jus' Rais? Dats boring. You can be Rais Tainn. Better sounds." She stopped wiggling, and smiled.

"Now yous can join my packs, Rais. You be a hunter, and get me lots of food, okay?" Her smile fell, but wasn't replaced by something serious. Merely innocent, and not deceivingly so. She was giving him an important job. "I share wif you, 'kay?" She nodded, reassuring him that he wouldn't go hungry. Jumping to her paws, her tail wagged. "And then we go an' get more land!"

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Played by Kydnt who has 154 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rais Rose
http://i1081.photobucket.com/albums/j347/holdbacktherain/tables/raistab.png) bottom center no-repeat; background-color: #777b82;">
Rais wasn't very fond of his last name, Rose. First of all, he wasn't very fond of the father which it connected him to. He'd left all that behind when he set off to explore the world on his own, and so avoided using the surname unless it was necessary. Even if he liked his father, Rose was a silly, frilly last name anyways. He thought it was much too delicate for a wild rascal such as himself. He agreed with Rissa, though for a different reason. Rais Tainn did sound better. Though the rest of the Tainn's would probably not agree. <b style="color:#494b4f">"Well then, I'm honored to be a Tainn," he chucked.

Normally, he didn't take orders. Yet, the bossy little pup reminded him of something. He remembered all the daring, and oftentimes dangerous, adventures he and his brother would embark on. Or rather, all the adventures Rais would drag his hesitant brother along for. He hadn't had any expeditions like that for quite some time, and even though Rais would swear up and down that Trenzi was an annoying wimp... Well, he really missed the kid now that there was no one at his side to share his experiences with. He'd let Rissa lead the show, or at least, think she was, as long as it meant he would have a friend at his side to explore with.

He was wriggling with excitement, all thoughts of the real pack that this girl belonged to vanishing with the prospect of a game. His head bobbled up and down, <b style="color:#494b4f">"Of course, but, come with me! I know a great spot! Lots of fish, and it looks really neat, too." His paws tramped in place excitedly when she stood, and after galloping in a tiny circle he started trotting off into the woods expecting Rissa would follow.

table by bryony
[Image: LoneCrow1.png]
Played by Shadow who has 43 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Rissa Tainn
Even if she didn't have a clue how he would answer, she decided that his answer was the only one she'd ever expect from someone who had the Tainn last name. It was the best one, and she wouldn't have any arguments. She grinned as he chuckled, very pleased to know that he liked his new name. Plus, his excitement was contagious. She'd already been quite excited, but now could only collect more from all the wriggling he was doing! "Neat place, okay!" Her rump wriggled excitedly, and she took off after him, her long awkward legs doing their best to keep up. "Where is dis place, Rais Tainn?" She called from behind, wondering how long he'd really make her run.
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Played by Kydnt who has 154 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rais Rose
<span style='font-size:7pt;line-height:100%'>(I hope it's ok if I move them along to the river? I can edit it so they're still walking if you'd prefer. Just didn't wanna drag out wolves walking through a forest forever (zzzz). Also <a href='http://www.flickr.com/photos/sunnydazzled/4421231178/' target='_blank'>photo of river pool link</a> is what I had in mind for this)</span>

http://i1081.photobucket.com/albums/j347/holdbacktherain/tables/raistab.png) bottom center no-repeat; background-color: #777b82;">
He looked back over his shoulder as he ambled through the trees, checking that the little Tainn was right behind him. The scent of Swift River's borders were fading away, and while he was mindful of the River cub on his heels, he wasn't particularly concerned. They'd just catch some fishes for lunch and he'd send her back by dinner, before she'd even be missed. <b style="color:#494b4f">"It's not too far," he called back, before returning his eyes to the trail. <b style="color:#494b4f">"It'll put us right on the edge of the Wildwood. You ever been there before?"

Rais would have been able to make the trip quickly on his own, but with Rissa he had to be careful not to leave her in the dust. His excited gallop had been stifled to a steady stride, slow enough that he could walk side by side with his newly appointed "leader". After some time, the susurrus of flowing water could be heard in the distance. <b style="color:#494b4f">"Nearly there," Rais murmured, his tail waving in anticipation. He hoped that Rissa would like the little spot that he'd found on his travels. He considered the place to be one of his secrets, even though he really had no one that he needed to keep secrets from.

The trees had thinned out, letting the two wolves out of the forest and onto the bank of a river. Upstream, jutting rocks churned the river into white foam, before it widened and deepened into a basin of dark, teal water. Rais knew that the seemingly calm surface of the pool was only a veneer, hiding the swift, deep currents that ran below. <b style="color:#494b4f">"Now, don't go charging in there. It's really deep in the middle. If you get swept up in there, you might end up all the way in Timbuktu when the river finally lets you go... If it even lets you go." He warned Rissa. While he could be reckless, he knew that forces of nature were nothing to be questioned. Wolves, one could reason with. There was no reasoning with a river.

The seriousness of his warning melted away as he loped towards the edge of the river, letting the water seep around his paws through the marshy ground when he stopped. While the center of the pool was deep and deadly, there was a decently sized shelf of shallows on which smaller fishes darted through.

table by bryony
[Image: LoneCrow1.png]
Played by Becca who has 177 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cali Swiftpaw
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/Calitable.png);background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 250px;padding-bottom: 20px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px; text-align:justify;">Cali was enjoying the day. The birdsong sounded sweeter than ever, she had a full belly and things had been running well for her. She smiled to herself at the thought of her sister Jessie, who seemed be spending some quality time with the long lost Tainn brother, Hotei. She was glad that Jess might have found love as it didn't seem to be in the cards for herself.

Briefly, she wondered if her only chance at love had died with her dear Grayson. A slight gloom fell over her mood as she remembered her long-passed mate and their unborn pups, who had never been destined to see the light of this beautiful world. A pang of pain sliced through her before she forcefully pushed the memories to the back of her mind, where they were more bearable.

Just then, she caught the scent of a real live pup that should not have been so close to the borders. The adventurous Rissa. With a smile and a shake of her snowy head, Cali set out to follow the trail of the errant girl. She just needed to make sure that the youngster was safe and escort her back to the den. Just another day in Swift River...

As Rissa's scent grew stronger, it was joined by another familiar, yet far less welcom one. That young upstart, Rais, that had trespassed and nearly ran straight into the den of newborn pups. When the two trails met and mingled, Cali let forth a low rumble in her chest. The young man was trouble with a capital 'T' and had an uncanny abilty for finding trouble. And now the impressionable young Rissa was in his highly questionable company. Breaking into the fast, groung-eating stride that she was known for, it took little time to catch up to the pair of youngsters.

She quickly placed herself between Rissa and Rais with a low growl and her bright emerald eyes darkend to a deep forrest green as she glared at the yearling. Without even giving him a chance to speak or react to her indignant appearance, she laid into the boy. "I can't even begin to fathom what was going through your mind taking a young pup so far from her home and inviting her into potential danger! Do you want something to happen to Rissa? Do you care so little for others?" Her heart beat rapidly in her chest and sparks of green fire seemed to shoot out at the yearling as she now waited to see what he had to say, biting her tongue to keep from saying more herself.

Never Underestimate a Heart of Fire...
Played by Kydnt who has 154 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rais Rose
http://i1081.photobucket.com/albums/j347/holdbacktherain/tables/raistab.png) bottom center no-repeat; background-color: #777b82;">
It seemed no lunch would be caught this day when Rais heard the rustle of paws heralding another's approach. Water splashed about his ankles as he whipped around and his bony shoulders hunched in preparation for whatever might emerge from the shrubs bordering the river. He couldn't imagine any friendly beast tromping through the brush in such a way, but he didn't quite think he'd be seeing that green eyed snowy wolf again. His neck jerked up, his round eyes wide with surprise. She looked none too happy, and Rais was sure it had to do with the little adventure he had taken the River pup on.

His ears folded back, nearly looking ashamed from the scolding. He didn't entirely regret doing what he had, though her words seemed to strike something within him. <b style="color:#494b4f">"My, Cali! Ahh, I can't really say I'm pleased to meet you again..." He shifted uncomfortably, unable to really excuse himself. He knew it, and she knew it, Rais was a dirty liar. Unless she were a blatant idiot, Rais was sure their first meeting was enough to convince the woman as such. While the boy was of a dishonest type, he hadn't really meant to put Rissa in danger. It was just an unfortunate coincidence that things that were the most fun were also more dangerous. <b style="color:#494b4f">"It... It was an accident, ah, she wanted me to take her somewhere, I mean, could you say no to that face?" He implored, his voice growing softer as he spoke. For a moment his eyes flicked to Rissa, hidden just behind Cali's limbs. Rais took a small step back, stopping when he realized that there was only more water to retreat into. A regretful smile crossed his features, a small hope blooming that she might let him off easy. <b style="color:#494b4f">"Forgive and forget, huh?"

table by bryony
[Image: LoneCrow1.png]