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dream of the nightmare
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Played by Kydnt who has 172 posts.
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Sibyl Balik
(This is set after Sibyl's exit from <a href='http://relic-lore.net/index.php?showtopic=2933' target='_blank'>this thread</a>. As a note, Kiche isn't actually dead, Sibyl just thinks that he is)

http://i1081.photobucket.com/albums/j347/holdbacktherain/tables/sibyltab.png) bottom center no-repeat; background-color: #33353b;">
The russet wolf took little rest as she fled from the forest of willows. That place was cursed, and if her first visit there hadn't convinced her so, the second surely had. Perhaps she could have saved him. As soon as Elettra had lurched towards the man with her fangs bared, Sibyl had run away. The smell of blood and the unsettling silence that had followed had Sibyl convinced that Kiche had been killed upon the first strike. Someone braver than her might have gone back to check or perhaps even avenge his death, but Sibyl had been thinking only of survival. Blind instinct had reigned, and all she knew was that she had to return home, back to pack, to safety.

Yet as she made it nearer and nearer to Cedarwood forest, her wits returned and the void left by panicked fear was replaced by mortified shame. She hadn't seen him die, and guilt burned in her heart for having abandoned him. What if she could have prevented it? She couldn't fight, but perhaps she could have distracted the black wolf, and given Kiche some time to escape. Perhaps she could have even sacrificed her own life to save the man. Whatever he knew about Arlette, he had taken with him to death. Sibyl would never know what he wanted Jaysyek to know about her daughter. But he had asked her one other thing, to let Jaysyek know what had happened to him. Sibyl could at least do that much for him.

The varied foliage of the forest gave way to the uniform trunks of the cedars, and Sibyl felt a little bit safer, but so very tired. She allowed herself to finally stop running, though the slow stride of walking allowed her legs to wobble unsteadily with the effort. She had eschewed proper rest on the journey home, neither wanting to dwell anywhere near that place and finding sleep difficult with her troubled thoughts.

Sibyl kept hobbling onward as long as she could, as she had made it so far and couldn't give up yet. She had made it some way into the territory proper before her limbs finally gave way, casting her in a heap upon the forest floor with her legs sprawled out. She dropped her head to the ground and let it flop sideways, no longer having the effort to hold it up. Her jaws were parted carelessly with her tongue waggling in a frantic pant, bits of dirt and pine needles quickly sticking to its frothy surface as it lolled against the earth. The forest tilted and whirled strangely and the air around her screeched, before everything went black.

table by bryony
(This post was last modified: Oct 05, 2012, 07:42 AM by Sibyl.)
[Image: Sibyl-greysig01b.png]
Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
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Jaysyek Enap Lyall
<blockquote>It was like any other day really. The sun had come up, puppies woke, bellies were fed, and they settled on a new adventure together. When she hoped they were good and worn out they made the journey back to the den, where she would wait till they fell asleep before leaving. She needed a drink, and knew it wa best to try to catch something else. They would be hungry by the time they woke, and keeping the caches full was a priority. Winter could fall upon them any day, and they needed to prepare best they could.

Her long legs shifted beneath her in a steady fashion, both graceful and yet quick as she meandered among the famlliar trees, and earth. It was nice to take a moment to hear the peaceful of the wood, and let her thoughts weigh on the pack of her mind. There wasn't much she worried about, compared to what she had in the past. It did not mean she was care free. Follko's injuries that were slow to heal had her wondering for a better remedy. Trisden she could tell was adjusting, but Jayse could sense there was something that bothered her eldest daughter. What she did not know, but she had yet to find a moment to ask. Vlar had disappeared again, and Jayse was more worried than angry. The white lady had gained some weight, returning to a more proper state it was going to be winter and Jayse would not like to have news of a corpse. Biting the inside of her cheek, she knew she wanted a moment with Borden and pondered how to make it happen.

Something caught her attention, and Jaysyek would not make it to the creek. The scent of Sibyl reached her nose, and her mismatched eyes sought out the timid lady. She was not standing, she was a lump on the forest floor, blending with the trees discarded leaves, dry pine needles, and dirt. <b>"Sibyl?"</b> She would call out, knowing this was not a usual nap. Here on the edge of the territory was no place to loll around, and so unlike her. She had a place near the den. Running over, she let out a sharp bark before she reached the tawny wolf.

<b>"Sibyl?"</b> She said, much more loudly to try to wake her. White ears pinned to her head, she shoved her muzzle against the cuvred silver skull, and then swiftly ran her tongue over the black nose. <b>"Sybil?"</b> She tried again, and her eyes looked to be greeted wih the rising and falling. Alive, but what had made her drop? No signs of blood, and surely she wouldn't eat anything questionable.</blockquote>
[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Kydnt who has 172 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sibyl Balik
http://i1081.photobucket.com/albums/j347/holdbacktherain/tables/sibyltab.png) bottom center no-repeat; background-color: #33353b;">
Sibyl didn't really remember falling over, nor slipping into unconsciousness. Thus she found it a bit shocking when she was pulled back to awareness by something gently nudging at her head, followed by another something brushing over her snout. She heard a soft voice calling her name, not threatening at all in its tone, but all the same her eyelids popped open and her limbs scrabbled beneath her in an attempt to stand. Like a newborn fawn, her legs trembled before dumping her back to the ground. This time, she at least managed to catch herself with her front legs, so that she was seated yet crouched.

Sibyl's wide eyes found the yellow and blue ones of Jaysyek, and relief briefly smoothed her worried features. She could trust Miss Jaysyek, who was most definitely not a demon from the Willows. Sibyl didn't really seem to notice that she had spent considerable time passed out on the ground, and figured she just tripped and fell whilst distracted. <b style="color:#8a90a1">"Oh! Miss Jaysyek! I- I'm so glad it's you, I was so scared! The worst… The worst thing. I… I came all the way here to tell you... Mister Kiche said to- But he’s... I...” She started quickly then trailed off, her voice strained as if she held not enough breath for her stumbling, panted words. Her frame was wracked with shivers and her ears were flattened down in the most pathetic display. She had been glad to see her leader, but as she thought about the message she was to bare, she feared Jaysyek would see that Sibyl let him die, that it was all her fault. Kiche had to have meant something to Jaysyek, or else he would never have asked to let her know about him anyways. And then there was the matter of Arlette, which she didn’t even know exactly what was the matter, seeing as Kiche never had the chance to say.

She lowered her head, her eyes scrunched closed, to ashamed to even look at Jaysyek. <b style="color:#8a90a1">“P-please don’t be mad… Don’t make me leave, I didn’t mean to, I really didn’t.” She sobbed, forgetting that she should have elaborated on just what it was she didn’t mean to do.

table by bryony
(This post was last modified: Oct 16, 2012, 04:38 AM by Sibyl.)
[Image: Sibyl-greysig01b.png]
Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
<blockquote>Patience, by now she was quite the master. It did not make it any easier, if Sibyl did not awake, she did not want to nip her, or drag her body. What would be next? She tried not to think. Soon enough was met with wide, bright golden eyes. The lump in her chest lessened, a silent breath leaving her nose. Eyes raised, focused intensely she did her best to listen to the rampant speech. Something had scared her, something terrible. Then Kiche? The leader's face would harden, if part of her had went cold. Why was Kiche here, shouldn't Arlette be too? Sibyl could not spit that out. By the way she looked, it was as if the nightmare had re-entered her body. Her ribcage rose and fell in pants, what seemed to be shaking, she had took great effort to stand without falling. <b>"Sibyl,"</b> she firmly, yet kindly stated. <b>"You can tell me. If I'm going to help anyone, you have to tell me. What happened?"</b>

Jaysyek could not be sure if something was terribly wrong, if not. Sibyl wasn't afraid of her own shadow exactly, but was if this was serious? The leader's face contorted by puzzlement. Why would Jayse be mad at her, why would she banish her? It was with those pleas she realized this was deadly serious. The look of shame, hidden eyes, and subdued head, the leader calmly swallowed. <b>"Where is Kiche?"</b> She would ask, hoping to get more pieces of information. <b>"Sibyl Grizzly Hollow is your home, I would not force you to part with that.</b>
[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Kydnt who has 172 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sibyl Balik
http://i1081.photobucket.com/albums/j347/holdbacktherain/tables/sibyltab.png) bottom center no-repeat; background-color: #33353b;">
She gulped around the thick knot that formed in her throat. It would be okay, Miss Jaysyek said she could stay, even through Sibyl wondered if that would change once her message was delivered. Quickly she glanced up at the woman, seeing confusion etched across her white features, before squinting her eyes back shut. What she'd said was right, if anythingwas to be done, Sibyl would just have to say it.

<b style="color:#8a90a1">"I let him die." She whispered with her eyes closed, her voice hitching up to a squeak at the last syllable. Her little frame was wracked by more shivers, both fear and exhaustion gnawing at her. So pathetic, she thought. Any of the other wolves, Follko, Kade, would have been able to save Kiche and make it back quickly without so much as a pant. She had barely accomplished making it back, and certainly she hadn't saved him. <b style="color:#8a90a1">"I saw she was going to hurt him... But, I- I couldn't... I didn't even help! I just ran away, and she killed him... And he said- he said something about Arlette... He didn't tell me in time. But he told me to tell you in case something happened to him." Her voice was tiny and panicked. She wasn't even entirely sure what it was she had witnessed, nor how she could articulate it. Finally her eyes reopened and she snuck another glance towards Jaysyek, wondering if she would be spared.

table by bryony
[Image: Sibyl-greysig01b.png]
Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
<blockquote>Some sense would hopefully sink in to Sibyl, she could hardly believe Jaysyek was cruel with an iron heart. Maybe, one day she would have to understand the hell she had been through to be the judge of anyone's mistakes to rip the good things from their life.

A fleeting glance, she knew it was coming, what Sibyl could hardly dare say. When it fell from her lips, so quiet the white leader had to strain her ears to catch the whispered words. When she realized waht they were Jaysyek was caught being more dumfounded. He? Who did she let die? The children were the first to mind, but she knew they were all safe. The confliction within her subordinate made her want to pull the rest of the information out. The best way was to wait. <b>"Who?"</b> She would steadily ask, wishing she could ease both their troubled hearts. The lady's ramble did not give further light, until she said Arlette. Her Lettie, and it was Kiche who had went after her. <i>Kiche.</i> Surely, how would he be dead? She had seen first hand how he fought, not letting others get the best of him at times. It was true he had looked like death himself many a time. Could it be?

Her own heart seemed to quicken, and she stood taller, <b>"Sibyl who killed Kiche? I must know."</b> There was no promise not to take it out on the lady's hide for her fear, but Jaysyek had bigger issues. And beside she knew quite well doing anything to Sibyl would not change her.</blockquote>
[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Kydnt who has 172 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sibyl Balik
http://i1081.photobucket.com/albums/j347/holdbacktherain/tables/sibyltab.png) bottom center no-repeat; background-color: #33353b;">
Sibyl scooted back an inch when Jaysyek seemed to come alive at the confession. She feared maybe she would be struck, but calmed slightly when nothing of the sort happened. Her assurance in that Jaysyek really wouldn't make her leave was slowly growing, which was at least one less worry on her troubled mind.

Her grey brow furrowed in thought as she tried to recall that awful event. She could remember coal dark fur, icy grey eyes and a voice to match, but what was the wolf's name? Again she damned herself for being so useless, having been preoccupied with hiding rather than paying attention to what was going on. Sibyl wasn't sure what Jaysyek would be able to do about a rampant murderer, but if it was so important to her, Sibyl would just have to dig around her memory for an answer. She sat silent for a moment, her gaze unfixed and distant as she tried to remember. A hum of deliberation emerged from her throat before she answered. <b style="color:#8a90a1">"It was a dark female, black with a little bit of grey... Grey eyes, too. And, I think... I think her name was something with an E? Ell... Ellen... No... Ah... Electra? I think Mister Kiche called her Electra." She gave a firm nod, almost sure that was it.

table by bryony
[Image: Sibyl-greysig01b.png]
Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
<blockquote>Rampant thoughts, images configured, who would want to kill him? There was one soul she knew detessed him, but kill? Kiche surely was smart enough, but he was still emotional. Then dear Lettie she had no clue what had happened, what state she was in, and if she would ever know. A captured breath she slowly released it, and flicked her tail to unleash her winding, anxious energy.

Whoever it was it seemed Sibyl had no name, and Jayse tried not to let her eyes bore into the timid female in her wait. Sibyl was colecting her own thoughts, remembering for Jayse's sake. What words would finally fall from the white muzzle made her light brow crease across her eyes. <b>"Elettra?"</b> She would say, not hiding her own confusion. Elettra hated Kiche, but had she really got to the point to break the ginger wolf? Surely not... How could she know. Sibyl seemed quite certain, the way fear still clung upon her.

A grind of her teeth, she began pacing. She needed to go see Elettra and straighten this out. A short pause, her white crown drifted in the other lady's direction. <b>"Sibyl I am going to have to go there, can you make me a promise?"</b> She would ask, knowing she needed to head out right away and by herself.</blockquote>
[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Kydnt who has 172 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sibyl Balik
http://i1081.photobucket.com/albums/j347/holdbacktherain/tables/sibyltab.png) bottom center no-repeat; background-color: #33353b;">
Elettra. Hearing it spoken again, she knew that was it, and Sibyl was surprised that exact name had been picked from her guesses. It didn't seem like a very common name. Unless... They knew eachother? The entire ordeal was growing more confusing to the little wolf by the moment. She supposed that there was much more to this than it had first seemed.

Her eyes bounced back and forth as she bird-dogged the path the white wolf paced before her. The nervous action only served to compound Sibyl's own anxiety, seeing her leader wound up in such a way. Even upon stopping, no alleviation in the tension was awarded when Jaysyek proposed to leave and asked a promise of Sibyl. Clenched teeth prevented Sibyl's objection, though it was evident in her widened eyes that protest was just at the tip of her tongue. Jaysyek seemed to be made of firmer stuff than Kiche had been, yet Sibyl still feared for the lady's life regardless. Would the fiendish monsters of the Willows spare her? In any case, Sibyl couldn't tell her not to go without overstepping her bounds. Sibyl hesitated in answering, after all, wasn't it a promise which had gotten her into this whole mess in the first place? She didn't want to be responsible for anyone else's death. But she would do anything the lady asked of her without question. She tentatively nodded, <b style="color:#8a90a1">"Y-yes? What is it?"

table by bryony
[Image: Sibyl-greysig01b.png]
Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
<blockquote>Jaysyek and Elettra had a history. If it weren't for the silver lady Jayse could only imagine how messed up her life would be without her. The leader knew Elettra had left because of Kiche, and Vlar she couldn't believe murder. Pain, or something, bu not that. She did not explain any of this to Sibyl, though she wondered if she ought to say something. She probably thought Jayse was insane wanting to head off there. <b>"Don't worry Sibyl, she use to be a loyal friend and I'll figure this out."</b> She said, offering a quiet bump to the base of her skull. That was all she could do for now, but she hoped to return to assure Sibyl the ginger man was alive.

<b>"Look after the children, and if Borden wonders where I am tell him I am out hunting okay?"</b> It was important for her to know she would watch the pups, and not inform Borden what had happened. It would only make this worse if he was brought into it. No, she could handle this, and tell them all what transpired. A solid look, she made that Sibyl would do as she asked, letting her eyes hold onto that worry for a moment. Then Jaysyek sprinted away, leaving Sibyl to handle herself.

[Image: 9Py9751.png]