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we may only have tonight — Thicket of Secrets 
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Played by Kira who has 198 posts.
Inactive No Rank
<b style="font-size:12px; font-family:georgia;"> The black beast would eventually tell her his name when he felt the time was right and that she honestly, truly wanted to know what it was. At the moment, she didn’t think that she really cared about what his name—he didn’t think that anyone cared to know what his name was unless he was going to get in trouble with higher power. Through his point of view, his name would be forgotten on her the moment it touched her ears and he knew that it would more than likely happen with her even if she had shared her name.
Even though he would have preferred creating a pack rather than joining one, it wasn’t what ‘suited his taste’. But he did know that she was expecting an answer and spoke from the deepest, darkest hole of his heart… <b style="font-size:12px; font-family:georgia;">“that’s a good question but I don’t have an answer.”

i'm always looking for threads, so message me if you'd like one!
Played by Rachel who has 27 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lífdís Eyjólfur
His answer left little insight to the creature that he was, and on that fact alone the ivory girl had to keep a smirk of amusement from gracing her features. The conversation was very much like pulling teeth, and while humor danced in her eyes as she glanced over him once more, the slender arctic hybrid stood to her paws. “Well, I wish you luck in that endeavor then,” she mused quietly, her tail sweeping the air leisurely before she took a few steps back toward the thicket.

“I see I have worn out my welcome.” There was a small pause, and giving a small nod of her muzzle, the she-wolf swept back to the devastating maze. “Take care.” While she normally would have tagged a name on the end of such a statement, she didn’t know his.. and held little interest to continuing a one-sided conversation when the male emanated no emotions of welcome or contentment. Perhaps she had found him in a more foul mood – despite such, she needed to be on her way anyway. The sooner she escaped this thicket, the better.