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Three is a party — Riddle Heights 
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Played by Namara who has 66 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kamota Aurora
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/KamotaTable.png);background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top:325px; padding-bottom: 10px; padding-left: 10px; padding-right: 10px;">
Kamota was a fast wolf no doubt. He was faster then every wolf he'd ever met. But he hadn't been around other wolves since... the incident with the former pack he'd been in. For the first time ever, he hated being alone. He wanted a pack, a strong pack. A pack looking for amazing hunting skills he believed he had. Of course he actually had them. But he had no other wolf to support the fact. He was a loyal wolf that could not be willing to betray a pack. But would anyone believe him if he tried?

Kamota was somewhere. It appeared to be the foothills to a mountain. He continued up, his breathing became harder as he adjusted to the higher altitude of air. Less oxygen meant making every breathe could. He was raised on the Rockies near the Canada and United States borders. He could handle this. He'd handled it before hadn't he? Yes, he'd thrived there until the pack turned to chaos. It still haunted his dreams. Memories. Nightmares. Everything he did was haunted by the fact that he'd left his best friend and his pack behind.

Kamota's stamina pushed him further to move. He was becoming more nimble, more quick. Agile. Whatever anyone else called it. He knew the mountains would be dangerous. But a pack of strong wolves lived in high altitudes. He was looking for a strong pack. He was looking for a pack that could handle intruders with ease.

(This post was last modified: Sep 09, 2012, 01:23 AM by Kamota.)
[Image: Kamota-sig01.png]
-Like a phoenix, I rise from the ashes.-
~Anger is a short madness.
Played by Rebel who has 48 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Navar Notie
ooc: I didn't know how far he was up the mountain. Sorry the reply took so long ;x

It wasn’t unlike the fae to be caught wandering. It was part of her nature, almost like an inborn trait that she couldn’t control. She hadn’t come across much while wondering through these parts, aside from a couple wolves, but nothing that tickled her fancy just yet. One foot moved in front of the other in steady motion as she made her way through the woods. Her white fur turned into a pelt of gold underneath the coverage of the trees. A slight bounce in her step as she watched the ground below her feet; she wasn’t exactly paying attention to where she was going. She had been through miles of trees with each few minutes looking the same as the last. Pebbles began to appear under her feet, and then rocks, and then stones. Navar looked up almost confused at what she was seeing. The horizon met her gaze with large extents of mountains, massive mountains.

Amber colored eyes climbed over their valleys and peaks, she sniffed the air in attempt to pick up any scents. A place like this is home to other carnivorous creatures and they are more surefooted on these lands. Movement caught the corner of her eye and she squinted her eyes to try and make out the figure. Another wolf. Something inside of her sparked with curiosity. Why would there be a lone wolf wandering around in a place like this? It really wasn’t her business, but she was feeling particularly nosey this day. She was sure the wolf had not seen her, so she took off up the mountain side in trail behind them. Navar couldn’t imagine any pack living at those altitudes so she felt less threatened being a mere wanderer. Quickly climbing through the rocky banks and occasionally slipping underfoot she passed her nose to the ground to try and figure out vitals of the stranger. It was a dusty trail and she tried to manage but her muzzle emitted an obnoxious sneeze. The lady held her nack craned low to the ground waiting to see if they had heard her..
Played by Namara who has 66 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kamota Aurora
OOC- It's fine!
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/KamotaTable.png);background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top:325px; padding-bottom: 10px; padding-left: 10px; padding-right: 10px;">
Kamota was startled by the scent of another wolf, it had been months, if not a year since he'd come into contact with another wolf. He wasn't sure if to say anything or not. He was rather shy around others, most were mean and cruel about it, no, he'd change his ways. But if this wolf was nice, unlike the hard cruel mean wolves he'd experienced. A slight conversation wouldn't hurt.

He let out the slightest whimper before calling out, "W-wh-who's there?" His timidness showing as Navar came into his view, great, the fae was about his size. This actually intimidated him. Oddly enough, he'd been picked on for being his size by his siblings. Was she a runt too? He'd never seen another wolf his size. He'd been in a packof large wolves, born to a large wolf family.

[Image: Kamota-sig01.png]
-Like a phoenix, I rise from the ashes.-
~Anger is a short madness.
Played by Rebel who has 48 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Navar Notie
To her surprise Navar was greeted with a wimper and a voice that studdered with insecurity. She lifted her head, her ears swiveled forward. Stepping up and around the rocky trail to meet eyes with a wolf about her size. Her nose caught his male scent on the light breeze but no expression passed over her face.He didn't seem to hold himself too confidently. The fae moved closer to him, but kept a good distance between them, her tail swinging slowly behind her in a relaxed motion.<b>"I'm Navar.."</b> she said softly. Her amber eyes meeting with his. She didn't exactly know what to say, seeing as she probably came off as some kind of stalker following him up the mountain. Truth was she was just had pent up curiosity inside. This place wasn't proving to be very interesting thus far.

<b>"I was passing by and saw you wandering up the mountain. Thought you might be looking for something."</b> she shrugged. Almost entertained at the thought she would have more to do; maybe something to hunt. mmm. mountain goat. Blinking quickly she brought herself back to reality. The sun beat against her tanned coat and warmed her. Dirt from her travel had covered her white paws and turned them a dark brown color. A bath would be in order later if she had nothing else to do she supposed..
Played by Namara who has 66 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kamota Aurora
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/KamotaTable.png);background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top:325px; padding-bottom: 10px; padding-left: 10px; padding-right: 10px;">
Kamota was nervous still. Her calming words only upping the fear. "I'm j-just looking f-for a place to call home." He whimpered. why was he so scared? He didn't know why, she seemed nice enough. From what Kamota knew about her, she had dark brown paws. but the rest of her was a light brown or white. Much like an East Timber wolf like himself. For some reason, he gained confidence. Maybe it was the thought that he could fight if he needed to, but preferred peace. "So Navar, what brings you here?" He said, not completely cured of his fear, but close enough for him to stop stuttering. His daunt like history brining memories back. In a way, she reminded him of Tenzin, Kamota's older brother. Except Tenzin was still mean. But he had had his nice days where Kamota could stand him. She reminded him of Tenzin on his good days.

Kamota continued to observe her, he'd never seen a small wolf. He was the smallest wolf he'd ever seen. Now to see this wolf here, he was in a bit of a shock. Was she just hiding her mean side? Or was she genuinely a nice gal? He couldn't be sure until a bit of time. Ah well, he waited for her to respond to his question. It made him wonder if there was more to life then travel. Perhaps he should settle down, find a pack. But if he didn't want to, then what would he do? Where would he go?

[Image: Kamota-sig01.png]
-Like a phoenix, I rise from the ashes.-
~Anger is a short madness.
Played by Rebel who has 48 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Navar Notie
Amber eyes watched the wolf before her intently as he spoke.She was showing zero agression towards him, but yet his words were still disconnected and stuttering. She was slightly confused, but she didn't smile to reassure him of her kindness. Maybe sitting down would make him feel more comfortable. Placing herself on her rump, her tail wrapped about her tail to warm her toes. It was a bit chilly up here onthe mountainside. He asked her why she had come here.

<b>"I don't know. I was wandering about and didn't expect to see a wolf all the way up here."</b> she admitted with a small shrug.<b>"I guess I was feeling a bit nosey today"</b> she laughed, giving a faint smile. Even though she was trying to appear nonhostile, which is not easy for her usually, she was wary about his composure. Was there a reason this wolf was shaking like a pup? Something up in these mountains she didn't know about? Even though she had thinned greatly from her travels, hersturdy built body wouldn't give in a fight. Her eyes shifted about, but she didn't catch anything out of the norm.

<b>"What are you doing up here, wolf? Since I don't know your name."</b> Her voice's emphisis on the word <i>wolf</i>. She remembered to keep calm and have a <u>tardigrade</u> tone in her voice. Navar didn't want animosity between them yet.
(This post was last modified: Oct 07, 2012, 09:19 PM by Navar.)
Played by Namara who has 66 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kamota Aurora
<i>"I don't know. I was wandering about and didn't expect to see a wolf all the way up here. I guess I was feeling a bit nosey today. What are you doing up here, wolf? Since I don't know your name."</i> He calmed a bit. where were his manners. <b>"S-Sorry, I'm Kamota, Kamota Laylani."</b> He said. His eyes still in pure fear of the wolf in front of him. His eyes calmed a bit, the non-hostileness about her was comforting, but still mistrust and fear in his eyes.

It reminded him of more troubling times. <i>Kamota was born to a pair of Lone Wolves. Suspected to be the 'runt' of the litter compared to his massive siblings. He was looked down upon and shunned by his siblings and sometimes his father too. No matter what he did, it was never good enough.It infuriated him. When he was about a year old, ad his parents had finished teaching the survival basics, he left, ran away with not a simple good-bye. It was too painful for him to have to face them with a good-bye. Even being the runt, he loved his parents and siblings and they loved him back. He continued forward, finding a pack called Lemon Sears. Odd name he'd never encountered, he joined and learned the ways of the pack. One day, a brush fire killed the alphas and they're pups and seconds who tried to help them. A fight for power commenced and Kamota was unwillingly sucked into the fight. He left the pack in fear of being killed and continued on, he left at the age of two years. Exactly one year after leaving his family and 9 months after he joined the pack. He then entered the majestic Relic Lore to begin a new life. Looking for a pack. His new journey.</i>
[Image: Kamota-sig01.png]
-Like a phoenix, I rise from the ashes.-
~Anger is a short madness.
Played by Rebel who has 48 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Navar Notie
Navar gave a half grin. <b>:It's nice to meet you, Kamota Laylani".</b> she said, watching as he seemed to calm a little bit. Eye contact was but a challenge, so she tried to advert her eyes from his and keep a soft expression. He was a rather large wolf, but possessed such a scared aura. It was slightly confusing. Returning to her feet, she moved closer to him, with her eyes still looking about warily for unknown danger. She bent her head down a bit, keeping her voice quiet.<b>"What exactly are you afraid of, wolf? Is there something I don't know?"</b> she said, catching his eyes for only a moment.

Quietly she stood before him, looking him over. He was large, easily the largest wolf she had seen here so far. Why wasn't he proud? Cocky? With his chest puffed out and a cheesy smile on his face? That's what she expected of all large males. Slightly bitter towards them she was. Oddly enough coming across such a large male didn't conjure up thoughts of her brother. Maybe because they were so opposite in nature. Looking at him again she spoke.<b>"If it's me your worried about, don't be. I'm not looking for a fight..today"</b> she said, almost playfully at the end. Wishing his rain cloud would stop raining on her parade!
Played by Namara who has 66 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kamota Aurora
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/KamotaTable.png);background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top:325px; padding-bottom: 10px; padding-left: 10px; padding-right: 10px;">
He looked at her, calming much as she said she was not looking for a fight. "I am so use to wolves towering over me, here, here is so different." He said, he was telling the complete and honest truth with this. Tenzin always towered on him, Namara too. He was a runt, not something to be feared. No, it was going to be a good thing to have more wolves his size and smaller right? He'd be normal here. It's something he's yearned for his entire life. He remembered the haunting face of Tenzin on the mountains, the true words he said to the person he use to call brother.

"I won't let you pick on me Tenzin. your days of beating me up are over. I've become smarter, wiser since you last saw me. You may be stronger, but I am faster. You cannot beat me Tenzin and I cannot beat you. I have a family to protect, not you. Your not family, neither was mother or father. Neither was that blasted Namara. Tenzin, you're going to have problems here. It's not like the Canadian Rockies here. Your use to being loved for this aggressive behavior. Here it will just get you into more shit so good luck brother. Good luck trying to find someone to accept you for who you are." Man, things were so different here. He'd stood up against his brother. The tormentor. No, Tenzin was o longer his brother,

[Image: Kamota-sig01.png]
-Like a phoenix, I rise from the ashes.-
~Anger is a short madness.
Played by Rebel who has 48 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Navar Notie
Quietly she watched him. It seemed as if there was something weighing heavily on his mind. She looked him over once more, unsure what to exactly do with this wolf. The female was at a loss for words. However, she could tell that he was relaxing, his body wasn't so rigid and he lost the stutter in his words when he spoke again. He <span class='word'>disbosomed</span> the fact that he came from an area obviously ruled by large wolves. He was large himself and she didn't know just how big some of those wolves he originated from were. No wonder he was a little shaken.

<b>"Well, the place you come from sounds a tad bit scary."</b> she said. She felt slightly bad for him at this point, but she wasn't going to show a large male pity. Rather ironic she thought. Navar attempted to strike conversation with him one more time.

<b>"You said you're looking for a new home? What could be so promising up here this high on a mountain?"</b> she asked curiously. She didn't want to come off rude, to each his own, but life up here would seem like a daily struggle compared to the woods.<b>"Oh, and by the way.. my name is Navar. Navar Notie."</b> she added with a soft grin, whites slipping out from under her while maw.
(This post was last modified: Nov 13, 2012, 07:07 PM by Navar.)