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united we stand — Willow Ridge 
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Played by Bridget who has 62 posts.
Inactive III. Hunter
Reed Acoy
The river he stood by flowed gently. Golden eyes watched the waters in silence as the rustic figure stood still. Within a few moments, though, there was a loud splash. He brought his body forward, almost pouncing like a fox would on a small mammal in the snow. Head jerking upward, a large trout struggled from the man's jaws. He clamped down hard on the scaled creature, and soon the wiggles and squirms slowed. Once they ceased, Reed turned his head as a familiar howl pierced through the air. Elettra.

With the fish in his jaws, Reed breathed heavily through his nostrils as he bound toward the call. His paws thudded against the dirt as he weaved through the willows. Branching bowed to him as he passed; he was close. Through the scent of fish, he could smell his pack. It seemed they had grown quite a bit in numbers recently. Being a man who enjoyed his alone time, Reed had a lot of catching up to do.

The second padded toward the gathered wolves, dipping his head in respect as he spotted the dark pelted woman that had summoned them all. He placed the fish next to her before padding to the side and seating himself. Spotting those who were familiar to him, he smiled kindly.

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Played by Hero who has 494 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Koda Reinier
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/KodaTable.png);background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 200px;padding-bottom: 20px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px; text-align:justify;">Koda was off on patrols again. Endless patrols kept his mind off of missing Nina for a while. She was gone, but he was still needed here. He owed his Lady the loyalty that he had pledged her so long ago. As long as she needed him by her side, he would stay, but his heart would forever be longing for his love, his sweet Nina.

Her summons came to him on the air, carried by invisible currents to his chocolate ears. A gathering. Time to put on his leader mantel and stand by Elettra's side. Had they been true mates, he would have known what the summons was about, but he was as much in the dark as the lowliest member of the pack. None of that mattered though and his long creamy legs carried him quickly to where all of the pack, save Kyrie were gathered.

There were so many new faces and he felt disappointment in himself for not knowing them. He had been a somewhat absentee leader and not nearly as involved with all of them as he had intended. He would need to remedy that he thought to himself as he approached his Lady. He gave looks of acknowledgement to those he passed, his carriage high and proud despite his thoughts. She and they deserved a strong and confident leader, not a love-sick pup. So he put on the mantel and greeted Elettra with an affectionate smile and a companionable nudge of his muzzle before he took his place at her side and looked over the area that was now burgeoning with Willow Ridge wolves.

With one last worried thought for the ethereal and gentle Kyrie, Koda took and micro step back with a single paw to indicate to Elettra that she should begin when she was ready, although his golden eyes scanned the surrounding trees once more looking for their last missing member.

[Image: btp_by_euphoriclies-d8zepdr.png]
Arla and Emma are the ish and made my pretties!
Koda will most likely always be accompanied by Chiron unless otherwise stated, or requested.

Played by Rachel who has 473 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Phineas Argyris
The sun had just escaped the day – night bringing with it an onslaught of darkness, though Phineas could tell already the night would be far clearer than many they had had; autumn crispness stole away his breath in the evening air, the promise of frost would soon cloak itself across the willows.

Elettra’s cry rose in to the night, and the ivory male glanced in the direction, his large figure stretched out across the soft moss of the ground. Without any more hesitation, the wolf rose to his paws, his figure beginning to weave through the plants and trees as he made his way to the called gathering. Uncertain what the dark Alpha desired in their presence, Phineas certainly wasn’t going to repay his debt to her by not attending.

He came upon the gathered wolves, fiery eyes taking each in with mild surprise. They were a quick group – eager to greet newcomers at the borders and eager to address their leader’s call within moments. Dipping his muzzle low in respect, the pale wolf had not forgotten he was closer to the bottom of the hierarchy; something which would change, if he had any say in it. Reclining to his haunches, the Argyris wolf waited quietly for the meeting to begin, noting the tawny male placed at her side. Assuming he was finally laying eyes upon Elettra’s mate, the pale wolf was intrigued by what this wolf would say.

Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
I'm going to give this a few days before I reply again. No one has to reply once more, now that everyone has shown up, but if you'd like, or your character has anything to say, feel free to do so! :D
Also, I'm going to say this is /before/ Angier comes to WR's boarders, as I had already wrote a bit about him for this meeting awhile back.

They came - every single one of her pack mates accounted for, from her seconds, to her partnering leader whom yet again seemed to be showing his face, to their newest member, Guiness, who showed up firstly in the group, even to the Lowest of them all...There is a smile which dances in her eyes, grateful for them, proud that they had shown care in their arrival (even Kiche, to her surprise). Though upon her expression she is an iron maiden, a wolf of steel and all business, as she looks to them with indifference and an even line upon the features of her mug. She would dip her head in acknowledgement to each, a warning gaze to Kiche to keep in line, and a 'woof' to Narime to gain her attention to which after, she would tug her muzzle outwardly into the direction away from Kiche, to that the pair may separate immediately. To Kanosak's touch, she responds, boldly moving her nose along his torn muzzle until her nose meets with his exposed teeth. The new facial features if anything, would be a display of the wild, carnage that Willow Ridge held. In turn, she offers Sica her attention,still to his brief touch before she is torn away by the arrival of Reed, fish in jaws. She smirks wider, huffing a greeting at him both in his arrival and 'thanks' for the fish that was placed at her side, to be eaten in due time, surely. One of the last to arrive was Koda and, sad as it was to say, she was surprised to see his face. Though before her members she was cool and Koda was confidant amongst his followers whom, most did not even know he existed - most did not even know his name. Though no challenge had been called, even when her partnering leader and both her seconds seemed shy from the lands. Elettra was confidant in her rule and by the lack of fights over dominance as second or ruler, it seemed everyone was confidant in her, too. Alas, they had all arrived. She breaths in deep and out, shifting in her settlement upon the small rising of hill, so that there would be no ounce of question as to who was leading this gathering this falling day. And so very hungry was the moon to rise, pushing forth through the rays of blood red, so that it too glowed of wild fire.
”Since our founding, the pack has risen from it's six members full and with much to offer. Although I am sure most of you have met them, I would like to announce Shade, Skana, and Gabrielle as additional members to our pack, though not as young as a well paw-ful of you in our ranks. Kanosak, Sica, Phineas and Guiness are all newer additions – welcome them as your kin and part of the strength that holds Willow Ridge together.” She stays clear of mentioning Kiche, although he is the Lowest within the pack, he is within the pack none the less. Not truly one of them, but amongst them, as Skana had said. He has yet not gained equality amongst them and so does not get praised as they do.
"On to politics..." She breaths deep, the roar of her voice as dark and daunting as ever. “As for the other packs of Relic Lore...Though Swift River and Poison Path are the closest amongst us, I know little of them and they are of neutrality to us. Grizzly Hollow, however, I want to make clear to you all that I am by no means enemies of them, though keep a weary eye. My alliance extends only as far as to their lead female, as I was her former Second. Follows of Borden, however, are not welcome." If they did not understand whom Borden was, perhaps in time they may. After all, Sibyl had run off in near terror and Elettra was uncertain of what may become of this, not to mention with Kiche hauled up within her pack lands. If anything, she would have liked to warn her members that Borden, specifically, was not to be trusted, should they ever cross his path. “Alas, is the subject of Copper Rock Creek – it is no more." She pauses, not only allowing the name of 'Borden' to sink into their memories but the deep words of what she had lastly spoke. Her eyes shift for a brief instant in order to catch Koda's expression, granted his mate was living as a member of this pack. Though Elettra had gained this information from Nina and knew her to be fine, her plans were not Elettra's own to speak. "We were allies of sorts, having tended to their healer formerly, but with it's disband we are once more as our own. I have been informed of it's reasoning, that the formerly leaders, Ruiko and his mate, have packed up their children and moved on..." Explaining to the pack all of the information she had gained on the pack breaking up and why, she lets this settle still before mentioning a small other note, whilst on the political topic. ""As another small note: as some of you may have noticed in the past, there has been small bits of food found at our boarders. If you see this, as well as any clusters of medical herbs, don't hesitate to bring them back to the den. These our gifts, as I have a time ago formed an alliance with a man known as Angier Lyall. I have known him for quite a time and he currently resides in Swift River, or as far as I know, as I have not seen him in some time. However, I don't believe they are aware of this alliance as it does not extend to the whole of the pack. So, no word should be mentioned of it elsewhere." And with this, she stops, her attention scanning her members for a moment for any questions and comments on what has been said.
Played by Namara who has 438 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Shade Slayer
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/Shade-Table.png); background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top:335px; padding-bottom: 10px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px;">
”Since our founding, the pack has risen from it's six members full and with much to offer. Although I am sure most of you have met them, I would like to announce Shade, Skana, and Gabrielle as additional members to our pack, though not as young as a well paw-ful of you in our ranks. Kanosak, Sica, Phineas and Guiness are all newer additions – welcome them as your kin and part of the strength that holds Willow Ridge together. On to politics... As for the other packs of Relic Lore...Though Swift River and Poison Path are the closest amongst us, I know little of them and they are of neutrality to us. Grizzly Hollow, however, I want to make clear to you all that I am by no means enemies of them, though keep a weary eye. My alliance extends only as far as to their lead female, as I was her former Second. Follows of Borden, however, are not welcome. Alas, is the subject of Copper Rock Creek – it is no more. We were allies of sorts, having tended to their healer formerly, but with it's disband we are once more as our own. I have been informed of it's reasoning, that the formerly leaders, Ruiko and his mate, have packed up their children and moved on... As another small note: as some of you may have noticed in the past, there has been small bits of food found at our boarders. If you see this, as well as any clusters of medical herbs, don't hesitate to bring them back to the den. These our gifts, as I have a time ago formed an alliance with a man known as Angier Lyall. I have known him for quite a time and he currently resides in Swift River, or as far as I know, as I have not seen him in some time. However, I don't believe they are aware of this alliance as it does not extend to the whole of the pack. So, no word should be mentioned of it elsewhere."

Shade looked at her in surprise of these words. Copper Rock Creek disbanded? Border, Grizzly Hollow's leader was not to be trusted? He feared for his sisters safety when it came to this matter. "Is Borden dangerous Elettra? Not only to us, but to his own pack?" He asked respectfully, if it was Shadowstorm in danger, he would not want her to be there. No, not there, if anything, she could come here or go to Nina again and explain how she was wrong for her actions. If Borden was dangerous, he would not let Shadowstorm near the Hollow. No matter how many friends she had on her side.

His face in genuine concern, his ears perked up at the rest of the news. Guiness, he knew him. He gave a small, polite nod to the male who had once snapped at him for 'meaning to attack' him and his sister. Even though he had just come across them in the meadow. He wondered where she was now, Tempest, last he'd seen the fae, she was with her brother. Did they go they're separate ways? He knew how hard it was to know that his sibling was in a different pack. It made him wonder. He looked around the clearing, this was the full pack. There were so many different wolves here. He counted 13 or 14. That was many wolves. Even that piece of roadkill Kiche showed up. This surprised Shade, though if Kiche proved that he was worthy of Shade's respect, he'd be able to earn it. But did he want to earn it? Most don't want to earn the respect of someone with many mistakes in they're present, past, and future to come. So in a way, he respected Kiche's want for penance to those he had done wrong.

(This post was last modified: Oct 27, 2012, 03:39 AM by Shade.)
[Image: pinepride7_zps7a552c31.png][Image: ShadeSig_zps8e8a9e64.png~original]
Played by TABs who has 837 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Narimé Lagina
http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/291/b/a/naritabletwo_by_terra_anne-d5i6qdf.jpg) top center no-repeat #02345e; outline: 5px solid #003377; border: 1px solid #fff;" valign="top">
The yung girls attention was turned to Elettra when the proud woman gave her a little warning of sorts. Nari noticed the dark womans head pointing her more towards her other packmates and the yearling was curious about this. Having caught her breath now Narimé moved away from Kiche though unsure of why her alpha wanted her away from the torn up male. He didn't seem like he was any threat to her, especially while he had that almost terrified looking expression.

Just before walking away she whispered over her shoulder to the thin male.<b style="color:#FFFFFF">"My name is Narimé just so you know.." Then she padded lazily towards Guiness deciding to sit by him. With a second nod greeting the Thorben male Nari sat down about a foot to his left then turned her attention back to Elettra.

The alpha spoke about many things all at once. It was clear to Nari that there were a lot of things to be discussed at this meeting. The elegant black leader spoke about three packs which Nari was familiar with. Poison Path Pack (she couldn't be more thankful to them for what they'd done), Swift River ( she knew many of their members and thought them proud but kind wolves), and Grizzly Hollow. Narimé had only met a few wolves from the hollow and didn't really know what to make of the pack as a whole. She'd met a grumpy old man named Follko, a tiny skittish female named Sibyl, and two of the packs pups who had wondered far outside of their home territory. Unfortunately those few wolves that the youth had met didn't give her any idea of what the pack was like. Plus Elettra warned them of Borden. Narimé didn't know who Borden was but appearantly the guy was not a good wolf.

She listened intently as Shade spoke up echoing her thoughts on the Borden and Grizzly Hollow topic. She had not known that Elettra was a former member of Grizzly Hollow so the girl trusted her alpha's dicision on who was good or bad within that pack.

When Nari heard about Copper Rock Creek pack she was stunned. She knew afew members from that pack, Nina and Pakuna. Where were they going to live now?<b style="color:#FFFFFF">"What's going to happen with Nina?" She spoke worried for her friend. On accident Narimé switched her gaze to Koda thinking that he might better know what would happen to the healer (whom she believed was his mate). While Nina was being nursed in the Willow Ridge den Nari had thechance to meet her and talk for a while. Unfortunately she'd learned a bit too much information from the injured healer who was high on a bit too many herbs.

The young wolf turned her attention back to the female alpha and nodded as Elettra spoke to the pack about recieving the "gifts" of food or herbs that might be found at the borders. Whoever was giving them the stuff must be a former friend of Elettra or someone in the pack. Narimé wondered if the gift giver would perhaps show at the borders and try to join. Then she looked around at the huge number of wolves in the clearing. There wasn't any more room for more members she realized. Maybe more females but not males.

She nodded again at the dark womans words. No word of the man and his gifts should be uttered to any of her friends in Swift River. She wondered why but kept her mouth shut. Perhaps the male wasn't supposed to be giving them food and herbs she reasoned to herself and continued listeneing quietly.

Played by Bridget who has 62 posts.
Inactive III. Hunter
Reed Acoy
The red man took in a deep breath as Elettra began to speak. She began by introducing the newest wolves of the pack. Taking note of each face, Reed knew he'd have to speak to and get to know each wolf. With a stoic face, the man shifted a bit, breathing out. His ears twitched as the dark coated leadess went deeper into the latest news. Disbandment of Copper Rock Creek. How curious.

Without a spoken word,Reed nodded his head to her words before some of the pack mates began to speak up. It was a mix of both questions and introductions- passing of names. He remained silent; to him, there was no time for such right now. He would just listen for the time being.

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Played by Sarah who has 290 posts.
Inactive No Rank
One by one they arrived. Most of them paid him no attention, but from several he received blatant stares and snarls. It was as if they knew instinctively that he was not one of them, that he was worthless. Among their pack mates, the hierarchy was more relaxed. Those who weren't Elettra or second seemed not to care about who was above or below them. But they knew and they cared when it came to Kiche. But there was no fight left in the red man, and he lowered his eyes and sank farther down into the ground, hoping that they would just forget about them and go on with their lives. More than anything he wanted Elettra to get on with the meeting so that he could get away from all these wolves that made him so nervous.

A breathless question tore him from his reverie. "<i>Who're you?</i>"

So taken a back by a voice so near, the red man balked, his head snapping towards the sound. There she lay only feet away from him: silver and young, panting in the dust. Distrust and confusion churned in his stomach as his eyes scorched her strange little smile warily. Instinctively he felt that this was a trap... That no one would want to talk to him, no one would need to talk to him. This one just wanted to get him in trouble. Shaking his head in a violent <i>no</i>, the big ginger saint turned away from the girl and her stupid trap. It wasn't long before she gave up on her terrible game, and he felt her get up and heard her move away. But not before giving him her name. <i> Narimé</i> What good was it to know her name? What was he supposed to do with her name?

What game was she playing with him?

Realizing it was probably best to put that silver wolf and her traps out of his mind, Kiche occupied himself with surveying the collected members. There were a lot. He recognized none of them. When at last the thirteenth wolf arrived to complete a pack that was far larger than Kiche was accustomed to, the black lady began to speak.

It was easy for him to hold his tongue.

At least it was at first.

Names were of no consequence to him. Not Narimé's, not Shade's, and certainly none of the other ones... although one sounded fairly familiar. The names of other packs mattered to him even less. Swift River he had never heard of, although unbeknownst to him, he had been there once along the borders; and Poison Path sounded just as alien and frightening. Why a pack would have a name such as <i>Poison Path</i> did not sit well with Kiche. It reeked of voodoo... even if... even if he didn't believe in voodoo anymore.

But his disinterest could only last so long.

As his justice spoke the words, "<i>Grizzly Hollow</i>," Kiche's ears twitched and swiveled forward. The Hollow was where his home was, his <i>real</i> home. It had been Elettra's once, too... And by the way she spoke of their alliance with Jaysyek, it was clear that part of her heart still lived in the Cedarwood — the part that loved Jayse regardless of the distance and disagreement. Elettra's loyalty was enough to break the poor saint's heart, and he ached as he watched amongst her cluster of wolves.

"<i>— Followers of Borden, however, are not welcome.</i>"

The dying coals kindling in his heart erupted into an inferno. <i>Borden</i>. Borden was his liege, his lord, his God... and this Elettra knew very well. But this was her domain, and these were her rules. With great care, he tucked Borden back into his secret heart. It would only have to be for awhile.

As for Copper Rock Creek, the name sparked only infinitesimal recognition or interest. He had been there once, hadn't he? They smelled bad. Especially that wolf Kanosak. Kanosak. <i>Oh</i>. The realization echoed dumbly inside the empty cavern of his skull. What was Kanosak doing here then? Was it because the creek wolves had disbanded? That they had meant little to the saint who had lived in the Hollow during most of his time in the Lore. None of the other wolves or packs had mattered much.

The next bit of her speech about herbs lore and little gifts on the border was equally uninteresting to Kiche, who was unsure if he was ready to reevaluate his feelings on Elettra's dark practice. His interest might have waned completely if not for one name — one name that did matter. <i>Lyall</i>. Lyall was Borden's name... Borden and Jaysyek's family name. Who was this stranger who left gifts for Elettra, who came wearing his lords name? It wasn't one of the children, because Kiche knew all their names, he had them written in his heart. <i>Prosper, Hocus, Trisden, Arlette, Theodore, Ryker, Ryvet, Calla, and Taima...</i> Angier was not one of them. A burning curiosity was lit in his soul... and he had to know. What was the connection between this Angier and his Borden? Between Angier and Elettra?

Before he had chance to weave any theories in the silence that followed Elettra's speech, Shade broke in, questioning the threat of Borden to the Ridge and to the Hollow. A faint crease appeared on his scarred, red muzzle. None of these wolves knew Borden. Elettra didn't even know Borden. Kiche felt as if he alone knew Borden... he knew that he was a good soul, a worthy soul... He had sinned, but he was trying. He... he was like Kiche. Perhaps that was what Kiche loved so much in his man: that his lord's trials and doubt reflected his own. Borden was a danger to no one, but it was not Kiche's place to speak. With great effort, the saint of the Hollow swallowed his frustration and emptied his head and his heart. <i>I am not here to defend Borden, I am here to defend my own soul against my devils. I must not get sidetracked.</i> But secretly he waited for Elettra with an interest keen and impatient.
[Image: Kiche-porcisig2.jpg]
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Played by Lightning who has 136 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Guiness Thorben
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/GuinessTable.png); background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 200px; padding-bottom: 15px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px;">
He sat silently as he waited for other to arrive. Not too soon after he arrived did a few others, though unfamiliar to him he made sure to member their faces for future reference. When Shade and Narimé finally arrived he was glad to see some familiar faces. Along with some of the members who had greeted him when he had first joined the pack. It wasn’t often that one would see a pack as large as the one right now in one land with other packs residing in it. Though he had not heard of any other packs quite yet, he was still stunned at how large the pack was in general. . .many males were here, all above him. Except for one. . .and Guiness had quietly tilted his head back to look at the loner behind all of the pack members, the one of who Elettra had directed Narimé away from. He tensed in that moment, restraining himself from shoving the female away from the other wolf that was laying yards away from him. Instead, he firmly closed his eyes and brought his massive head back towards the direction of the Archer.

When he turned back around to look at her, another was standing by her side, though clearly behind her, and he could only assume that the male to be the alpha’s mate, though it seemed as though he was letting her take control, perhaps he wasn’t a talker. . .much like himself, though when things needed to be taken care of. . .they were going to be taken care of. When he felt a body mass beside him he turned his head briefly to take in the small creatures features. It was young Narimé once again, coming to bring him company. His nose bumped her cheek lightly in greeting before turning back towards Elettra, waiting for her words to greet his ears. When they started, he quietly studied her, taking in notice of how she did things with a pack so large.

When Elettra first started speaking he noted the complete confidence in her voice, though the words she spoke were foreign. All of the things spoken were just words and names spoken, safe Shade’s and his own. As she moved on, he finally took notes on the names in his mind. There were other packs within the lore. . .he would make sure to look out for them, just in case Elettra needed him to do something later in life. Grizzly Hollow. . .danger. Enemy. . . Though the next words that were spoken brought a wave of nausea to his stomach. Copper Rock Creek disbanded?? He didn’t even know of the pack and yet it drew a stab of pain down his spine. His ear flickered slightly as Narimé spoke of another wolf, of whom he did not know, and looked at her briefly as she turned her head to look at another. He followed her gaze and narrowed his eyes slightly. Why was she looking at the alpha male? Wasn’t Elettra the one with the answers at the moment? Though he was quite curious as to why this one wolf was brought up, had she been the alpha female of the pack?
Pillar of Strength
Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
Another few days and then I will post on the last two topics for the meeting.

She awaits, silently, patiently for her members, though she does not have to wait long, not at all, as they slowly begin to question. Shade is first, the third male in her group, highest directly under her second and her leading male, yet one man whom seemed to be around more then the both of them combined, at least until very recently upon Reed and Koda's seemingly 'return'. She shakes her head swiftly to Shade's questioning, to shut down his concerning thoughts, though very much unaware of his sister's living there. So by this, she speaks truthful, her attention never straying to Kiche as she says this for any words that she says here, she says as boldly and up front as anything else. It would be the very same things she would speak to Borden's face directly. ”No, no. It is not like that. Borden is not an evil man and would not intentionally harm his members...but he is a foolish man who had made a horrible decision. One which cost him the life of two of his sons. Its this ill mistake which employs me to not trust his choices and so, I bring this warning to all of you.” Perhaps Grizzly Hollow was easy to forgive this, to tug it away and forget like it was a bad member. But this was something Elettra would not so easily do. Jaysyek had meant much to her and so, as did her children, eah one of their lives a means to their future. She had viciously protected them, even after their death so one could only be left to assume how strongly she would protect her own, should this ever become.
Secondly, was Narime, eager to know of Nina's well being as her attention shift between both Elettra and Koda, hoping for ether of them to be informative. Elettra took a moment in clearing her throat, happy to address the young woman's question. Though Nina was not one of their own, there was an obvious connection between she and the members of this pack. Hopefully, should she be successful in creating a pack of her own, they would be allies as they had previously discussed, plans which Elettra would keep secret until Nina was ready to tell everyone. After all, there was no use getting excited over a pack that had yet the members of leading male to make it. "Its only been a few days since I had seen Nina, whom informed me of the Creek wolves split. She is doing well and the remaining wolves of the former pack are still figuring out what they may do." Which all was true, it was just that Elettra left the part of forming a new pack out of it.
Silence falls once more between her members, which all looked to her in wonder, in confidence and a happiness in where they were, savor upon the face of Kiche. Oddly enough, seeing how he had begged entrance due to him wanting to be here so badly. Though she did not let her irritation rise for him. She remained proud and stern, certain of her placement amongst her members by pride in herself and pride in them. And so without further ado, she continued: "This, everyone, is Kiche." She would be left to pause there, the intensity of her silver gaze to land upon the male, hard and cold where it stayed for but a moment before flickering to her members. She awaited their reactions, the own reading of their gaze which would certainly fall upon the battered and wounded male. Perhaps just by their stares alone, he would turn and flee, which if he did, Elettra would be left with little care other then not holding the time to give him the proper ounces of beating which he deserved. After a moment, she addressed her large crowd once more. "I had asked Skana to give word around the pack of this male, though if you have not been given the message, here is it now: He is our Lowest, and in the worse possible way of being low. He has begged entrance into this pack to right the wrongs he has committed by the wrath of my very self. He is here for punishment, for penance, and this alone." She speaks, hoping that each member would understand that by this, he was not here as a regular member of this pack and did not live with them by the same means. Far too much detail was placed into the reason of him being here and why Elettra had taken the burden. It was her own suffering in a life before Willow Ridge, much of which had been disclosed to Skana herself in which, others were free to ask of her if they wished but this meeting was not the proper time for story-telling. ”I have made it certain that he knows his boundaries in this pack though if he gets out of line, feel free to place him back in it. He is not to eat from our caches and he is not allowed anywhere near the pack den.” She need not mention them to be weary of him, for her words alone should be enough to anyone to understand that if a man was here for punishment due to his wrongs, he was of ability to do wrong yet still. ”Do keep in mind however, we are not heathens...” And here, her attention tosses to Kiche by the use of the very word which he had so deemed her and others many times before. ”And do not torment others for no reason. I, however, have much reason. He is not your beating post, he is mine.” Her words are final as her attention burns still down upon Kiche, huddled far on the outskirts of this meeting, before her attention lifts, another deep breath, and on to another topic.
"As all of you know, the flooding had taken it's toll on us. We were lucky no one was injured or sick from this and I had hoped to avoid floods by placing the den on higher ground, more towards the mountain chain. Our den is nearly reformed though I would like to continue the production of it's entrance - the ground shall slope downward, away from the mouth opening, so that no more can the water rush into it as it did before. This is nearly finished and with it, a flood will likely not occur as it had before. However, the Infirmary inside the den had been lost with much of its supplies. I have taken the time to rebuild and with Kyrie's help, much supplies have been regained before everything started dying off due to winter rolling in. If any of you know of any herbal plants feel free to collect as you see fit and bring them to the Infirmary, which is the underground dug out to the back of the den." She pauses on this in thought. She enjoyed going out in search of supplies when she was not going the leader work of accepting new members and making sure everyone was doing their duties and being in line in the pack. With plenty of guardians, she would have more time for this hobby now that the pack was quite full and there was little room for new membership. However, Winter was pushing close and having lost much supplies, she wanted to get as much as she could get over the colder season. "Kiche." She speaks his name casually, but with cold mockery. "Though you may not eat with us, or sleep with us, you are still in my home, hunting from my territories prey and pissing on my land. Though a true pack role could not be expected of you, you will do your part. It is now your duty to build the pack's back-up storage for its herbs. Should something happen in the den again, I don't want all lost..." Much as it had been before. And, should something happen, tragic, herbs may be needed and having a separate storage elsewhere seemed fitting. "Take up a location within the territory, east of here towards the mountains on higher ground and begin, then report back to me when you've discovered a fitting location." She was not asking him to do this, she was telling him and it was as simple as this. He had come here for punishment in order to repent for the wrong he had done in the past but not only this, but to make himself have some sort of worth - create a worth, as he had mentioned. If he was going to do this, it was going to be by working within the pack as everyone else was to work and perhaps in this way he would gain favor amongst Elettra's members and in turn, gain favor by her.