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Come Away to the Water — Poison Path 
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Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon
Come away little lamb. Come away to the water.Give yourself so we might live anew. Come away little lamb. Come away to the slaughter. To the ones appointed to see this through. We are calling for you. We are coming for you.
-Come Away to the Water by Maroon Five feat Rozzi Crane

<a href='http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fZ7pWATs-rM' target='_blank'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fZ7pWATs-rM</a>

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/AthenaTable.png);background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 200px;padding-bottom: 20px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px; text-align:justify;">The world is a relentless place. Only the strong-willed and wise can survive the maelstrom of Mother Nature’s wrath. Anyone can survive the calm, serene downtimes, but it takes strength and courage to survive the world at its worst. The leader had survived three years of Mother Nature, overcoming a landslide, multiple fights, her father trying to kill her, raising cubs unexpectedly, and keeping a pack together. Athena’s strength, however, was at its breaking point.

Cold, wet tears fell from the dark sky, splashing against the flat slate of the lake’s surface. Surging winds wailed in frustration, whipping the surrounding trees like helpless ragdolls. The white body of the distressed leader sat willingly in the perilous storm, gazing out at her inherited domain. All emotion was drained from her body. Feelings and thoughts were diminished. Water soaked her ivory coat, dripping down from her muzzle and splattering against the earth in rhythmic thuds. Murky lake water lapped at her feet, encouraging her to take a step inside each wave’s wrath. Her heart told her no don’t do it, she could still make it through. While her mind, said yes, it would be easier this way. She wouldn’t have to go through the pain and frustration anymore. Life could go on without her. Naira could take back her place as leader. Poison Path wouldn’t be here anyway, if it wasn’t for the tawny woman. But her heart fought back. Poison Path wouldn’t still be here if it wasn’t for her. She had been the one that kept the pack together. She was the one who raised the future leaders of Poison Path. She had been the strong one. She had been the shoulder to lean on when they all disappeared. But what was she now – her mind questioned back.

What was she now? A proud leader, a loving mate, loyal friend, but the mother title was beginning to be questioned. When Bella and Datura find out Naira is indeed their actual mother, will they still accept her or will they leave her in the dust? Will Ava be left in dust as well? If she told them now, would they even understand? Would waiting till they were old enough to understand, even help? Or would they resent her for not telling them the truth? Athena had the questions, but what she didn’t have was the answers to them.

Everything that she’s accomplished could be ruined if her mind won. The dangerous waves continued to lap at her paws, her mind was chanting, “Just do it. Nobody will care that you’re gone. You’re useless anyway.” The voice started out as her own conscience but it turned into the taunting voice of her dead father. “They don’t need you. A failure should never be a leader.” The little voice grew stronger, her thoughts overshadowed by the talking demon. “How could you be so selfish? You’re only preventing them from becoming great.” Gritting her teeth together, she tried to shut him out, but he pushed through the wall. “Just do it. I dare you.” Growling in frustration and desperation, she cried unexpectedly. “Shut up! Just leave me alone!” She’d been hiding her exhaustion and her mind had become depressed once again. She didn’t think she had the will anymore. The voice had destroyed the last defense that she had, the last part of her strength that she still held dear. Her voice grew weak and turned into a whimper. “Please.”

But the world and her father’s voice was relentless. “Do it. Just kill yourself already and get it over with, Athena. Nobody will care.” The voice didn’t stop taunting her until the once proud leader took a step into the dangerous rage of the lake, considering the voice’s words. They would be better off without me, she decided to herself. The voice encouraged her, “That’s it. A little bit more,” egging her on. Another step. Then another until her belly was touching the wet surface, the waves lapping at her chest. The waves seemed to embrace her, loving and caring for her. She became blind. Her mind was winning; her heart was going to die.

Why was the world such a relentless place?
(This post was last modified: Oct 30, 2012, 09:30 PM by Athena.)
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by Bridget who has 109 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Tlarx Everfall
A bit of pp. Let me know if you'd like me to change it <3.

How long, how long must we sing this song? How long, how long....

His paws slapped the cold rocks before he touched down into the wet grasses. Rough paws were relieved to feel the cool water against them, but the droplets were freezing. The wind soon stirred, whipping waves of droplets at him. Thick fur took the blows well, but he wrinkled his face as the cold stung at his dark nose. Dark eyes narrowing, the large man felt his heart begin to race as a pale figure came into sight near the lake. Athena? With a tilt of his head, the wolf moved a few paces forth before pausing. Was it really her?

Shuffling forward once more, the wolf released a choked gasp as he watched his mate step into the lake. The waters were unsettled about her; they seemed to roar. "What the he-" Tlarx pressed his hind paws into the soil, pushing himself forward. Fear ripped at him; adrenaline began to flow. His ears pressed against his head and a sharp pain began to pang through his skull. The rain continued to sting at his face like little hornets. Growing numb, the wolf parted his jaws, deep voice yelling "Athena!!!!"

He felt himself slip on the wet grass, but he regained his balance instantly as he continued to spur towards his beloved. He began to huff heavily, breath steamy in the freezing air. It was taken away by the harsh winds just as soon as it was exhaled from his lungs. As he neared his woman, the wolf skid at the edge of the water, front paws splashing in. It was freezing. His heart pounded heavily within his chest, feeling as if it was to bust his ribcage wide open.

Jaws wide, he didn't even think. He leaped in at her, clamping himself around her nape. She was small; this was not difficult. The water splashed at his face, and he winced, nostrils widening desperately for air. Dark eyes closed as he jerked his head back, feeling her weight begin to come with him. He worked himself backwards now, almost stumbling a few times in the water before he felt the solid earth beneath his hind limbs.

He was like a living icicle. With his muscles shaking, he dragged her onto the shore, placing her down once only her tail remained in the water. Releasing her, he began to pant once more, frustration and fear like a whirlwind within him. He immediately lowered his head, pink toned tongue working at her face, then behind her ears. His own ears remained pressed down the whole time. After a few minutes, his voice was low and concerned "Athena...what were you doing??" He did not sound angry, no.... more so concerned and disappointed. His woman was stronger than this.

(This post was last modified: Nov 01, 2012, 07:50 PM by Tlarx.)
Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon
Do whatever you want with her attacking his face(: Let me know if you want me to change anything<3

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/AthenaTable.png);background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 200px;padding-bottom: 20px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px; text-align:justify;">Pain comes in two different forms, physical and emotional. It can be argued which one hurts the most, but both manage to affect each other in a way that can become unbearable for an individual. Pain can bring you down to your lowest, making you suffer through the unthinkable until you either rise above it or perish trying. Either way, it isn’t easy to go through alone.

Athena, however, felt no pain, physical nor emotional. Her heart had gone numb almost as if it was shutting her out for not choosing its way. The death-seeking waters oddly soothed her, allowing her to become unaware of what she was actually doing. Realization didn’t hit her until one of the dangerous waves swept her off her feet, pulling her underneath the water’s surface and dragging her within the unusually strong current. The rush of the cold water stole her breath away, leaving her gasping for air. She clawed at the ground, to try to control herself from going out any further within the turmoil. But, it wasn’t working. The lake’s deadly wrath was coming for her and she had no way to defend herself or stop it.

However, today wasn’t her day to go. Her guardian angel was on his way to save a poor soul from leaving the face of the Earth forever. This wasn’t his first time saving this particular damsel and it likely won’t be his last. The panic within her distracted her from feeling the initial grasp of her love. It was only when she felt the rocky bottom beneath her paws, did she notice the burly man’s grasp on her neck. Though, in her panicked and distressed state, the flash of white was confused for being her demented father not her devoted mate. So, she tried to get out of his grasp, her back claws frantically clawing at him. It was all useless though; he was just too strong for her. She had already lost all her strength fighting the waves by herself. However, she still had an ounce of fight left in her. Her neck twisted around along with her left paw and she tried one last thing. She clawed and snapped at his face, hoping that would get him off her.

The moment her fiery eyes met his milk chocolate ones, did her blind rage subside and she finally realized who had a hold of her. She expected to see the ice, cold blue eyes of her father, but soothing chocolate eyes met her panicked orbs instead. Her body instantly went limb, allowing him to carry her the rest of the way onto the shore without her fighting him anymore along the way. Once he set her down, she didn’t move; her body and heart were too cold to. The pain was beginning to work its way back into her. This time it was even worse than before.

Guilt, shame, anger, and sadness drove their way into her veins once again, pounding her with forces of emotion. The only thing that she could think of was her trying to harm her beloved when he was only trying to save her from killing herself. Her head suddenly lifted up to try to get a look at his face. She prayed her claws didn’t cause too much damage. But she wasn’t able to see his face; her body wasn’t in the right position to easily twist around. His gentle grooming gave her heart a flicker of warmth against the cold hard stone that is her heart now. Her heart may never be the same. Coldness replaced her once warm, loving heart. Athena wasn’t the same woman anymore.

The gentle rumble of her love’s voice brought her back to the surface of reality. What was she doing? She didn’t even know herself. All she knew was that there was another way, an easier way for everyone else. “He was here. Telling me to just give up. To let everyone live on without me. He told me they’d be better off.” She didn’t know if he’d realize who she was talking about, everything was just coming out without her really understanding what she was saying. “He was right. I am just preventing Poison Path from becoming greater than ever before. I shouldn’t be their leader, I’m not strong enough. They have their true leader back, she came back for them. They don’t need me anymore.” Athena was truly defeated. She was just another poor soul full of pain that might never leave.
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by Bridget who has 109 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Tlarx Everfall
Poor Athena </3

When Tlarx stole her away from the waters, he felt an annoying stinging sensation at his flesh. His woman scratched at her, and her head turned, teeth coming toward his face. Bringing his head back in a reeling action, he was able to just avoid her fangs. She did snap upon a few whiskers, though, but such did not bother him. After dragging her upon the shore and grooming her, he tended to his own wounds. Small scratches- nothing serious. He was to visit Chantille later, just to avoid getting a possible infection.

He listened to her words now, and he could not believe what he was hearing. Disappointment fluttered aimlessly through his heart like a trapped butterfly. The wings of said butterfly withered away and the insect fell as the last words echoed through his mind "They don't need me anymore." Feeling himself lurch forth, he nuzzled at his mate. "Do I know you?" He asked, teasing lightly- an attempt at shedding light upon the situation.

"You see... the Athena I know... she is brilliant. She may be small, but she has one hell of a personality. She is strong both mentally and physically. There is no obstacle she cannot overcome. I am proud to call her my mate. Athena Everfall; she is a wondrous wolf, I must say." His eyes were soft on her; his heart yearning for her regular self to return. "Would you care to give her back? Her pack needs her. Just because this Naira wolf has returned, does not mean.... shit, honestly." He grunted at the thought of the now lowest wolf. The ex-leadess. She left on her own; that was her problem.

"I need my Athena to keep this pack going strong. We are an unbreakable pair. Poison Path is ours." He held still now, face sincere yet serious as he gazed at his mate.

Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon
Realization hit her like a brick wall. Why was she acting like this? How could she put Tlarx through this? He deserved better. He certainly didn’t deserve this. He didn’t deserve having to deal with all her crazy outbursts and meltdowns. Tlarx had to think of her as a wacked psychopath. However, as his deep rumbling voice interrupted her thoughts, she was deemed wrong by all means. With every description that her love described, her heart melted until it was a soupy love-struck mess. Her frantic fiery eyes softened and her tense muscles began to crumble into her mate’s arms. She needed him more than ever even if he didn’t need her.

“I’m so sorry,” she breathed, her fiery eyes searching his face for forgiveness. For now on, she pledged to never put Tlarx through this again. He deserved better, better than her foolish self. “You don’t deserve this.” He was the strong one in their relationship, always having to pick her back up onto her feet. What has she done for him? Nothing, nothing at all. She tried not to take him for granted, because someday he could decide to leave her and picking herself back up onto her feet would get harder and harder every time. Her ears folded back onto her head and her eyes fell to the ground. She was ashamed and defeated; however, the beating of her heart grew stronger and stronger.
(This post was last modified: Dec 17, 2012, 09:45 PM by Athena.)
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||