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great northern sigh — Lost Lake 
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Played by Kydnt who has 154 posts.
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Rais Rose
Early evening. Very cold, windy, lightly snowing.

http://i1081.photobucket.com/albums/j347/holdbacktherain/tables/raistab.png) bottom center no-repeat; background-color: #777b82;">
The snow swirled in a blinding display, white blurs against a dark grey sky. Gusts of frigid air raked across his shabby grey pelt, drawing shivers across his skin. The yearling's fur had thickened for winter but was barely enough to deal with the mountain climate, and his thinning, bony frame did little in the way of insulation. Luckily it wasn't snowing too badly yet, but the weather was really a secondary concern to what was plaguing his mind. It hadn't been a decision made lightly, to make the trek up the heights and to the hidden lake. He'd been here once before and knew a pack was nestled within one of the mountain's passes. He couldn't say much else about them, but he at least knew they wouldn't tear him apart on sight... He'd burned a few too many bridges with the River pack to go crawling to them for help. He could probably make it through the winter on his own, but he didn't want to bet his life on "probably". Sure, it would mean sacrificing some of his freedoms to join a pack, but death by starvation wasn't the type of liberation he was looking for.

Using memory to guide him, he wasn't entirely sure if he was on the right track with everything looking ever so slightly different from the snow. Clambering up what he remembered to be the final ridge before the basin, he was rewarded with a view of the lake. He took a deep breath, steeling his nerves and allowing himself the chance to back out. But he'd made his decision, and hopefully it would be the right one. Carefully he picked his way down to the lake's valley, stopping when he reached a barrier of scents. He tipped his head back, mist trailing from his parted jaws as he howled. He hoped one of the pack would heed his call, otherwise he'd have to make different plans. Or, he supposed if they were that inattentive he could just steal their food anyways. That hadn't worked out so well last time, though.

table by bryony
[Image: LoneCrow1.png]
Played by Siki who has 208 posts.
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Belladonna Calor
<blockquote>Covered in a layer of dusty snow which slowly thickened even as she sat there, Belladonna felt invisible as she hunched next to the lake, staring at the reflections in the icy-cold water as the wind made it ripple and shimmer. Her core temperature was dropping steadily, but it was not unbearable yet. Besides, the knowledge of a nearby warm den was enough to strengthen her resolve here and now, since there was nothing stopping her from breaking away at any point. Part of her wanted to see how long she could last out here with nothing but herself, the snow, and the lake for company.

Absorbed in her admirations, as she so often was, the long beckoning howl of a stranger did nothing more than to cause one of her ears to prick slightly in attentiveness. Even then, a few seconds passed before she realised how close it had been, and almost reluctantly moved her head towards it, some of the snow falling from her fur as she disturbed it. There was no mistake, it had been a call for the pack... Blinking away her meditations and coming back to the present, she stood, a few more soft flurries tumbling from her, and debated going back to the den and letting an adult deal with it. She knew that this happened sometimes, that wolves she didn't know would wander by and, occasionally, they joined the pack, made it stronger. Would this be one of those times?

It was not her place to turn away or accept any stranger, that was her mother and Tlarx's right. But if they were going to get another able body for the winter... maybe another friend... then could it hurt to look for herself?

Quietly she stole towards where the howl had originated from, keeping to the cover of trees and withered foliage, until she saw him, stood where she knew their borders to be. A queer excitement took hold of her as she pressed on, coming as close as she dared before meekly stepping into the open half a dozen metres away, ears forward and eyes bright with curiosity. He was all silvery, so pretty, and not really that much bigger than Bella herself, and even his frame was lean, like her, even though he had the subtle attributes of adulthood. But he was not that much older, she decided, and the thought of a similarly-aged companion was enough to perk her courage.

<b>"Hello?"</b> she greeted, trying not to be foolish, aware that her mother would be angry if she wasn't careful. Ash would be angry too, probably, if she got herself in trouble, but she didn't want to get into trouble anyway, so everything would be fine. Just in case, she had already mapped out an escape route if necessary, through the forest she knew better than herself. She was safe here.</blockquote>
[Image: sw_by_euphoriclies-d8zep8c.png]
Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
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Naira Tainn

It had come, and stayed, just as she knew it would. Already the chill seeped into her bones, despite her thick coat which she had inherited from her mother. She had travelled to the higher end of the territory, away from the lake so she could try and see the lands below through the thickening snow clouds. Parts of the earth down there were still green, still free from the white blanket that covered her domain. She couldn’t supress the small smile that made its way across her face.

She buried her toes deep, scratching at the frozen ground beneath and she turned her face to the wind, breathing in the cold air deeply until she could feel an ache in her lungs, and she listened closely. Rhysis was still down there somewhere. Her eyes closed as the towering trees of the Wildwood flitted behind her eyelids. A fallen tree, the sound of the River so close… Why hadn’t she been there yet? But her thoughts were interrupted as a foreign howl pierced the air and her heart began to thunder in her chest.

Her children were down there somewhere.

She was flying, before she knew it. Wide, webbed paws sending her shooting down to the lake where she was sure the howl had come from. Her breath was blowing in billowing clouds as she finally neared the stranger and… Bella. She froze in her tracks. Instinct was screaming at her to rip, and tear, and roll in what was left, but there was a distance between them and the boy was yet to move towards her. She approached, stiffly, unable to lower the ridge of fur that stood along her spine, but managing to keep her teeth concealed, amber eyes all but burning holes in the wolf that looked so like her sister.

She didn’t need to ask why he was here, there was only one reason he would be so close. So she would wait, and watch. This was no longer her decision to make.

[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Kydnt who has 154 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rais Rose
http://i1081.photobucket.com/albums/j347/holdbacktherain/tables/raistab.png) bottom center no-repeat; background-color: #777b82;">
Now he wasn't sure whether it was the cold or his nerves that were making him shiver. His future survival depended on this, and having to just stand around, waiting, to see if someone would show made him anxious. Thankfully, it seemed he wouldn't have long to wait. His ears pointed towards the delicate sound of crunching snow and his eyes roved over and past the surrounding trees. A small brown wolf emerged just a bit away, no, not just small, but a kid. But "just a kid" wasn't enough to settle his nerves, since children were often accompanied by their protective pack. Adults seemed to take everything so damn seriously. He hadn't even hurt Rissa, but he'd probably never get to see her again.

He stared silently for a moment, the usual idle fidgeting of his body held still with tension. The girl gave him a simple, unsure greeting, pulling him back into things. He responded with a delayed wag of his tail. <b style="color:#494b4f">"Hey there," he said with a smile, though the expression looked distracted, distant. While friends were great, what he really needed right now was a pack. But he didn't want to get into any trouble with said pack before even meeting them.

<b style="color:#494b4f">"Are your parents around?" Just as the question left his mouth, a hurried pace met his ears, the susurrus of shifting snow heralding what could only be the arrival of an adult. He just seemed to have the worst luck. Rais flinched, his head turning to face the wolf as his body scrunched defensively. A tawny female, or more accurately, what could only be "mother bear", had come in defense of her cub. Rais eyes became two wide orange disks, his tufted ears folded down and tail tucked under him. Not this again! Did everyone think he ate puppies for breakfast or something?

She didn't attack, much to his relief. Aggression was evident in her hackles, her stiff stance, the way she moved forward to protect. Rais didn't like to grovel, but knew it was probably the right thing to do here. He lowered himself to the ground, his chin brushing the snow. <b style="color:#494b4f">"I'm just looking for a pack..."

table by bryony
[Image: LoneCrow1.png]
Played by Siki who has 208 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Belladonna Calor
<blockquote>Why was he so distracted? Maybe she should have stayed away and let her mother or Tlarx deal with it. She didn't want to get in anybody's way, that hadn't been her intention. Was it so out of form for her to want to meet a potential new friend? He had called for their leaders, so he was joining, right? So he couldn't be an enemy or anything, otherwise he wouldn't be here. But despite all that...

She relaxed a little when his tail finally moved, and he returned the greeting, absentminded though it was. He was probably on the look out for someone with more authority. That was fine, she didn't mind keeping him company in the meantime. When he asked after her parents, which she thought a perfectly acceptable question, she opened her mouth to reply - only to hear somebody approaching anyway. Thinking it might be her mother, she stayed quiet and glanced in the direction of the newcomer.

Perhaps ironically, it was Naira who showed up, and the restrained ferocity in her approach took Bella aback. Why was she being so hostile? He had called, he was being polite, he hadn't done anything wrong that she could see... Taking a cautious step towards Naira, for comfort and protection, she kept an eye on the stranger and smiled at him, trying to let him know that he wouldn't be met with only snarls and angry people.

Another part of her was slightly worried that it had been Naira to appear, though. Bella was aware of Naira's ranking, and though Bella herself rarely paid much mind to where each wolf stood with each other (mostly because she was too young to fit into the hierarchy herself and felt more like a free spirit, equals with all and simultaneously their inferior due to her age) she knew that it wasn't really Naira's place to make any decision regarding this stranger, not unless he was causing trouble. Which he wasn't!

Worried for Naira and the pretty loner both, Bella waited for the arrival of her mother - of Athena, that was - with growing impatience, not wanting the situation to get any more awkward.</blockquote>
[Image: sw_by_euphoriclies-d8zep8c.png]
Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
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Athena Moon
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/AthenaTable.png);background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 200px;padding-bottom: 20px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px; text-align:justify;">Today, the white woman took up her duties with border patrol, her participation had been lacking in that area lately. After rounding around the lake and taking a small detour in the Heights, she stopped in the mountain for a little break before she made her way back towards the den. The snow was getting thicker up in the mountain and soon it’ll be much harder to ascent and even harder to find prey for the cache. However, Poison Path was strong; they’d make it through, as long as everyone was on board. The breeze gently blew through her fur as she gazed out across the land around her. It felt good to be able to see everything around, not being confined in the forest was a welcoming feeling to her. The mountain had always been her home and that’s where she’s determined to stay.

As she started to make her way down towards the den, a howl pierced through the lands, calling for the poisoned wolves. The voice was unfamiliar, so her pace quickened. The Lake came into view as well as the strong scent of Bella and Naira nearby as well as the stranger’s. Her fiery eyes searched for the three of them, she finally spotted them back towards the surrounding forest.

The white Leader quickly closed the distance between them, her body taking in a dominant stance when she saw her little Bella by the stranger. Fiery eyes roved over the newcomer as she came up besides Bella, but not before glancing over at Naira. Her body language was evident towards the young boy. Do not mess with the girl. However, she had caught the last of the boy’s words. That’s when she recognized the voice. She had met the yearling in the Heights a few months ago. He had seemed like an innocent young lad, but everyone can change. “Rais. Come to seek out a pack, huh? What could you offer to us in return, young man?”
(This post was last modified: Nov 21, 2012, 02:06 AM by Athena.)
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ash Hervok
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/AshTable2.png); background-position:bottom center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top:10px; padding-bottom: 215px; padding-left: 10px; padding-right: 10px;">

Ever since the leaving of his beloved he had been desperately trying to get back on track with pack life. Bella had helped plenty, but even he knew he couldn’t spend every last second watching over her, the borders were just as important. Today it would seem he would be doing just what he had been longing to do, mark some of the borders. On the east side of the land, everything seemed to be peaceful and he loyally marked the borders, his nose twitching, searching for any sign of loners. None would seem to be of a bother of him today…as of yet. His large paws made a loop back towards where he would sleep, until a jarring howl split the air.

His head swung in the direction of the call, the voice familiar, yet not at the same time. It wasn’t someone from within the pack who was calling for a leader…or group. His large frame started towards the area, his bulk pushing him forward. When he arrived the gathered did not surprise him. Though his attitude did change when he saw little Bella close to Rais…and well, Naira. It did not take him long to see some of the resemblance between Naira and Bella…yet he wasn’t sure if the pup knew yet, and so he kept his mouth shut. His head dipped towards his alpha female in respect before he shot a look at Naira. His paw steps landed over Bella, his frame easily covering her from the other male.

The first time they had met Ash had thought him weird, his opinion still did not change, and that was why now, he was towering over Bella his head teaching down to lick the top of her head before he looked back up, his muscles tense ready to leap if need be. He would protect the pup and his lady without second thought if he had to. His green eyes stared at the male, observing his every move. Ash did not growl though, for he did not want to test Athena’s limits. As of now the male hadn’t down anything to make Ash hostile, but if he made one wrong move…the large brute would not hesitate.

(This post was last modified: Nov 21, 2012, 06:36 PM by Ash.)
I think I've finally seen the light..in you.
Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
Sorry it's so short!

http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c58/becuffin/hold.jpg) bottom no-repeat; background-color: #301e4e;">

As her daughter shifted closer she relaxed, her hackles finally laying flat along her spine. She could see the wolf before her connecting the dots, but she did not make a move to prevent it from happening. It was bound to come out eventually. No doubt the next few weeks would be ridiculously confusing for the small wolf. For a moment, she almost hoped he would say something... but it would tear her daughters world apart. She was torn between what was good and what was right. So she remained silent.

When Athena approached, she dropped her tail a little, and flicked her ears back. She knew she should have done more, wandered over and greeted her properly even, but she refused to move from her daughters side, and in the presence of a loner, it hardly mattered in her eyes. She listened closely as it seemed Athena had met the young waif before, but shortly after that, Ash approached. She was still uncertain about the large man, and she hovered somewhere between distrust and gratitude as he moved to stand over her daughter. Either way, he was the closest wolf to her, and she gave him a welcoming bump of her nose against his jaw before focusing back on the stranger, interested to hear what one so young could offer them with the quick onset of winter.

code by bryony
(This post was last modified: Dec 11, 2012, 07:24 AM by Naira.)
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Kydnt who has 154 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rais Rose
http://i1081.photobucket.com/albums/j347/holdbacktherain/tables/raistab.png) bottom center no-repeat; background-color: #777b82;">
Like a wraith materializing a white wolf appeared in the snow brushed landscape. Rais cautioned a small smile in the white wolf's direction, recognizing Athena from the Heights for the most part, though the marks below her eye were definitely new. He realized that he had also previously met the bulky male that had approached to hover over the cub. Though his brief relationship with the two wolves wasn't anything close, he hoped the mutual recognition would earn him some points here. It seemed even that wasn't enough, as ironically he still felt like a criminal, even though he was on his best behavior today.

He straightened up a little as Athena spoke, though not by much. He kept his body crouched low and ears and tail respectfully lowered. He meant no one any harm and held his body in place to prove this. As to what he had to offer, that was a good question. Rais supposed he did have a skill set, though it was one more conducive to life as a rogue than pack living. He couldn't very well say that his skills were in catching squirrels and scenting old carcasses and forgotten caches from miles away, then stealing it out from right under somebody's nose... He didn't think the pack had much need for stolen, rotten deer, and Rais didn't think he wanted to eat any more carrion in his life anyways. He was a great liar, but he really couldn't tell them his best skill was deception. But... He could just tell them a lie, couldn't he? Or rather, somewhat of a half truth. <b style="color:#494b4f">"Yes, Lady Athena. I've had my fill of seeing the lands, I'm just looking for a place to call home now." He said with a dip of his already lowered head. <b style="color:#494b4f">"Well, I'm pretty handy at tracking and hunting. Can't say I'm much of a fighter, though."

table by bryony
[Image: LoneCrow1.png]
Played by Siki who has 208 posts.
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Belladonna Calor
<blockquote>It was a relief to have her mother appear so promptly. It meant that Bella didn't have to worry about the situation, and it was always good to have less to worry about. She reached forward to offer her mother a lick to the cheek as Athena came to stand near her. Any concerns she had regarding her own safety were pretty much dissolved by the fact that both her mother and Naira were stood so close, obviously with some intent to show protection, and Bella was grateful for it... though it was a little silly. She wasn't a tiny girl anymore, and this pretty stranger was hardly here to hurt her.

Her mother seemed to know the young wolf - Rais? A pretty name for a pretty wolf! - and Bella listened, curious but polite. When Ash arrived, though, and very blatantly stood guard over her, she could not help but roll her eyes. Honestly, you'd think that the silver wolf was a monster... Maybe she had been right after all, and she really did have no place here. She should have ignored the call and just waited for the aftermath, whether that was another pack member or not. Her being here just got everyone on edge. Oh, she would feel bad if he was turned away just because she had let her curiosity get the better of her. She knew better for next time, though, she decided as Rais began to answer Poison Path's leader. She wouldn't butt in again.</blockquote>
[Image: sw_by_euphoriclies-d8zep8c.png]