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Solo Flight... — Whisper Marsh 
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Played by Jen who has 71 posts.
Inactive VII. Subordinate
Tempest Thorben
<blockquote>Tempest's step was sure and strong as she headed north from the lagoon into the soft cool ground of Whisper Marsh. The encounter with the two young women had gone well enough, although the only new information that she'd gained about Sloane had been that the small black and white fae had met him some time ago. Unconcerned with the lack of current information, Tempest knew to head northward, so that was what she was doing.

The brief times that she'd been of searching for Sloane without Guiness had felt completely different than this trip. She had known that he was near and all she would have to do was call and he'd be right there. Not this time. He was now a member of Willow Ridge and had more responsibilities than just looking after her. It wasn't that she needed a bodyguard or anything, that's just what he'd always been to her. Fierce, loyal, utterly protective and they shared an <span class='word'>agape</span> love like she'd never known with another. They would die for each other and now, for the first time in well over a year, he wouldn't have her back. A slight shiver traveled her spine at the thought, but she took a deep cleansing breath and shook it off.

She was a strong and confident woman. She could certainly take care of herself, she was just very used to his nearly silent, ever present ... <i>presence. </i> With a sigh and a chuckle at her own foolishness, the large russet female continued on her way, enjoying the freshness of the area as she traveled. She would give it a couple of hours, catch a bite to eat and settle in for the night. Hopefully, she'd find Sloane soon and be on her way back to Willow Ridge and Guiness with happy tidings. </blockquote>

The Calm in the Storm
Played by Sam who has 10 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Theodor Brown
<b>OOC:</b> First thought: "You a strong independent woman who don't need no man."

http://i50.tinypic.com/20gecgg.jpg); background-color: black; background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat; padding-bottom: 500px; border-radius: 40px; -moz-border-radius: 40px;">
Being on the trek ‘home’ after the encounters of various individuals, it was safe to say Theodor Brown knew a bit about what he was talking about now. He knew there were a good handful of packs in the area and part of a forest called the Wildwood had been burned to the ground in the past. It was more than what a newcomer could say. Cheeky grin planted on his lips, the lad plopped along as if he were a pup pretending to be an Alpha. Of course, being a large adult male built alike a behemoth, this act looked silly rather than puppy cute. Theodor, however, was someone who wasn’t keen on caring what he looked like. He lived for himself in such situations. As a child, it wasn’t strange to find him rolling in the muck.
His legs stretched out, head and tail held high whilst his chest puffed out proudly. No one was hopefully around, however, to see the giant slip. Plummeting downwards, he landed safely on his bump, staring at the culprits – his own paws – in question of injury. They didn’t appear harmed in any manner. Raising his right foreleg and stretching it back to the ground, it seemed fine. He repeated this for his left foreleg, and then leaned forward, stretching each of his hindquarters as he stood. So far, so good. If there was any strain, he’d feel it in the morning. For now, he’d be light on his paws with frequent breaks. Head nodding in silent agreement, he gave his coat a shake. His eyes blinking open only to stare directly in front of him – nevertheless a good distance away.
There was a woman… one marked with the typical Timber markings. Without thought, Theo greeted her with a short bark and a friendly smile. His posture was neutral with a wagging tail.
table by sam · stock from dawnthieves.de
Played by Jen who has 71 posts.
Inactive VII. Subordinate
Tempest Thorben
Lol! no, she doesn't, she's just used to having Guiness around! :P

<blockquote>The marsh was a bit wetter land than she was used to, but the soft cool ground was a nice change from the hard dusty land that she and Guiness had traveled through to get to relic-lore. Every now and then a cool breeze would comb through her fur and she would shiver slightly, glad that her winter coat had already begun to thicken nicely. It wouldn't be long before cold was the norm and banks of pristine white snow would be everywhere. Tempest both loved and hated the snow. She had many fond memories of playing in it with her birth pack mates as a young fae, but it put a damper on both hunting and the fishing that she loved. Thoughts of being in a warm den with a dozen other wolves over the harsh winter brought a smile to her face though. This winter would be different than last, to be sure.

She'd been traveling for a bit and her muscles were warming up pleasantly. She was feeling invigorated with the prospect of finding Sloane soon as she breathed deeply of the fresh air and detected the slight scent of rabbit. While she debated whether or not to hunt earlier than planned a bark broke the silence. She whirled around to face a large male wolf. Before she could even register that he was in a neutral stance and showing all signs of friendliness, she reacted. The dark memories of her past had her instinctively snarling, white fangs gleaming in the sun, hackles raised and tail high over her back. She was a fierce and beautiful warrior, amber eyes blazing and russet fur looking like living flame in the sunlight.</blockquote>
The Calm in the Storm
Played by Sam who has 10 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Theodor Brown
http://i50.tinypic.com/20gecgg.jpg); background-color: black; background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat; padding-bottom: 480px; border-radius: 40px; -moz-border-radius: 40px;">
To be truthful, Theodor didn’t expect much from this encounter, perhaps a short greeting and then, they’d be on their ways again. He had recently had his fill on a conversation – though if this woman was friendly or interesting in demeanor, Theo would of course, hang around to learn more about her. He never had too many friends. Mud slicking on his white peppered paws, the large male continued to remain neutral in posture, a gentle grin continually curled on his grey lips and his tail swayed slowly behind him. That was… until she turned, facing him in which alit Theodor’s own amber eyes with evident delight. He, however, was greeted with a snarl displaying white stained teeth.
Tail drooping, his smile turned into an apologetic one. His ears momentarily flicking back to announce that he wasn’t a threat. Theodor assumed that he had startled her, nothing more. Anyone whom was startled would react in a similar manner, especially those whom didn’t appreciate the surprise. “Sorry, miss, didn’t mean t’scare ya.” His deep husky voice was sincere, hoping that the woman would ease whatever tension she’d felt.
table by sam · stock from dawnthieves.de
Played by Jen who has 71 posts.
Inactive VII. Subordinate
Tempest Thorben
<blockquote>Long moments passed before Tempest realized the change in the male before her. His smile, which she finally noticed, went from friendly to apologetic and his ears and tail lowered. He seemed saddened by her extreme reaction and this, more than anything, caused her to calm herself. Had he reacted with anger or even attitude, she would still be on the defensive. But his mild manner and crestfallen look brought her out of her instinctively defensive stance. Her lips smoothed and her snarl faded away, although her head and tail remained high and she could only bring herself to lower her hackles about half way. She was not on the defensive any longer, but she was still alone with a large strange male and was far from at ease.

After appraising him silently for a few more moments, she felt calm enough to address him civilly. He had apologized for scaring her, after all. She owed him the same consideration. <b>"I'm sorry as well, for reacting so strongly. You just caught me off guard."</b> Her bright eyes took in his large size, yet friendly demeanor and she told herself that he was not the rogue that had attacked her so long ago. It seemed that she might be forever scarred from the encounter and every lone male that she was to meet would pay the price for that devil's folly.

Tempest decided that it might be better to just act as if the tense encounter had never happened and put her manners and upbringing to good use. Clearing her throat lightly, she took a small cleansing breath and introduced herself. <b>"Hello, I am Tempest Thorben."</b> Her voice was feminine, yet strong and sure, sounding of a confidence that wasn't fully hers again, just yet. </blockquote>
The Calm in the Storm