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This Is [Not A] One Night Stand — Drooping Willows 
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Played by becuffin who has 233 posts.
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Valiant Morino
http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c58/becuffin/Val-1.jpg) bottom no-repeat; background-color: #2d6385;">

He should have been by sooner, but Valiant Morino was a free spirit. Hard to tie to one place or one plan without a stronger will to bind him to it. So, as was his way, he hardly realised his destination until he arrived among the swaying branches of the willows, the earth still showing clearly beneath their umbrella like canopies, while the rest was blanketed in white. Well while I’m in town...

A cocky smirk plastered itself on his face. It had been a while since he had met the svelte girl in the meadow, too preoccupied to even get her name. But she had been in his thoughts. Often.

It seemed in his old age, the man was growing soft.

Dipping his nose to the ground, he sought her scent. He wasn’t a stranger to this game, and was far wiser than to go tipping his nose to the sky to call for her. He was not some lover-boy here to romance her the old fashioned way. No, he was a rogue through and through. A cassanova here to steal her heart away right under her mates nose. It had been far too long since he had had this much fun.

As the scents grew thicker, he roamed as closely as a casual passer by would, and drew away. With any luck, she would catch his scent and recognise that he was where the party was at, and would find him.

All he had to do was be patient.

code by bryony
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Played by Abbie who has 106 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rosealia Slayer
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/RoseTable-2.png); background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top:200px; padding-bottom: 10px; padding-left: 10px; padding-right: 10px;">
The slender little lady had not been lurking far. She held a ridiculously obese hare in her jaws, feeling lucky that she had successfully caught the rodent before it went into hibernation. Her paws were wet with the frost on the ground. It had probably lightly snowed last night, but the sun ate it up; it melted away as she stepped forward. The grass crunched under her cream paws. The easily spooked Rosealia Slayer perked her ears and leaped over a rock gracefully. She stopped in mid-walk, one paw up in the ear. Her bright amber eyes darted around, and her fur bristled unhappily.

She bolted towards a weeping willow. Her tail stuck straight up in the air as her paws skidded over the large roots of the tree submerged in the cold mud. Stumbling, the young fae sheepishly sprinted towards the protection of some wild bushes. In a rush to get away from whoever seemed to be nearby, Rose fell into the free spirit that was her secret love. Her body backed up and she bumped her side into a log, knocking her out of breath for once. She panted, her sweet breath smelling of elk and squirrel along with the scent that the willows gave off.

Her amber eyes glittered up fearfully at the intruder. The humerous looking shape before her was a sight for sore eyes. The man had the same tawny and silvery fur and fluffed out hairs. He was handsomer in the light than in the dark, that she had to admit. Her heart involuntarily raced in her chest. What was his name again? She wished to greet him, to say something, but she held no nametag for this man that fogged her thoughts more than he should. "Oh...erm..It's nice to see you here. In Willow Ridge territory." Rose dipped her head, standing up, backing away, and shaking her slightly muddy pelt off. She really did wish she could look better around him.

(This post was last modified: Nov 30, 2012, 01:05 AM by Rosealia.)
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Played by becuffin who has 233 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Valiant Morino
http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c58/becuffin/Val-1.jpg) bottom no-repeat; background-color: #2d6385;">

The object of his fleeting affections charged him unexpectedly before reeling to wind herself against a twisted and gnarled log, forgotten by time itself. She looked on him with fear, and a handsomely arched brow was the response he offered her. Did she really think he was going to harm her?

Well, to any more than her reputation at least.

He quietly chuckled at her polite words and disheveled appearance. She was a hard worker from the looks of it, nobody could deny that, unlike he, who tended to take a much more lax approach to his role amongst the pack that had allowed him back into their warm embrace - the scent of cedar soaking into his very pores. There was no denying the scent he now carried, laced strongly of Borden, for those who would recognise it, and the more pleasant (to his mind at least) aroma that simply was Jayse.

Not to miss the opportunity again, to at least put a name to her pretty little face, Valiant, ever the gentleman, took it upon himself to begin with the introductions that should have been made on their last encounter. “Valiant.” Pure, simple, painless.

Of course there were far less honourable intentions behind his visit to the heavily patrolled domain that was ruled over by the dark queen herself, but he was far enough from pack borders to not draw too much attention to himself, or her, or whatever may pass between them on this lovely late autumn day.

code by bryony
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Played by Abbie who has 106 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rosealia Slayer
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/RoseTable-2.png); background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top:200px; padding-bottom: 10px; padding-left: 10px; padding-right: 10px;">
Rosealia flicked a brown ear and eyed the male. He was, of course, kind enough to save her from ruining herself with nervous words. Her tail swished calmly as leaves fell to the ground, crispy with the cool air. Her yellow orbs watched him as he spoke his name. "Valiant." What a name. Her head turned to look at a bird, and she spared enough time in doing this to think of her next response. Of course, she wouldn't tell him her name yet. She barely knew the guy. Her ears fell to her head and she smiled sheepishly, turning her head to look at him. "That's an unusual name, ya know?"

She murmured to him, stretching out. She didn't care that her fur was a bit dirty now. It didn't matter to her, and she skipped to another subject now. "So, what brings you to Willow Ridge?" She inquired, smirking at him with a raised, questioning eyebrow. She had shaken off her fall into the ancient log by now.

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