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Headache.. — Lost Lake 
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Played by TABs who has 51 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Terra Anne

With a slow pace the gray and rust young female plodded back up the mountain. After finding herself in a pack of wolves territory Anne had been scared out of her wits. She didn't want to go back down to the forest. She felt more at ease in the mountains where she could see everything around her. Under the forest canopy Terra had no clue who was hiding under the millions of shadows cast by the hundreds of trees. She did not want to be surprised or lost again. Besides, it wasn't easy to get lost on a mountain right?

Climbing her way back up she noted each of the dead tall grasses that poked through the thinly snow covered rocks. Most of the snow up here never stuck because the wind would sweep it all away. What the wolf was more worried about was the ice that would likely cover the rocks under the thin film of snow.

Abies concolor...Galium galium..Fescue scabrella...Rosa nutkana... She named the plats that poked through the ice and snow wedged between boulders upon the mountain. So long as I don't run into another Canis lupus I'll be fine. She tried to sound hopeful. But her empty belly said nothing. The fact that she hadn't felt her stomach rumble for the past week told her that something was very wrong. She denied the fact that all the wolf could see along her sides were ribs. Instead she told herself that she could go a few more days without food. No. No I can't.. But am I supposed to eat?

Nothing came to her mind as Anne padded around willy nilly not giving a damn where she was going. It wasn't like she had a place to go out there in the mountains. Shivering constantly Terra thought about the wolves she had already met. Most of them had not attacked her. Even though she had previously thought that they would. Most of them had been strange, mysterious, and foreign to the girl, but they never harmed her. At least until she ran into a packs territory.But they were just protecting their land.. Which of course I never even noticed that I had crossed it.. Don't they have a flag or something to mark where the border is? She was still a pup in some ways. Not knowing that wolves used scent to mark borders. Then in other ways she was an adult. Like the way the young woman was piecing together that some wolves would not hurt you as long as you be nice to them.

Maybe next time I meet a wolf I will try to be nice to them. I won't run.. Running hasn't gotten me far. Besides. I need to ask them where a human road is.. She thought quietly just as Anne came to the edge of some ragged looking mix of pitch, white, scrub, and red pines. The she wolf never realized that she had been treading on a downwards slope for the past hour.

Pausing and looking below at the tiny inlet where the mountains formed a hollow Anne's tail wagged a bit as she spotted what looked like a lake. But it's still so far away... her tail stopped wagging as Terra gazed at the lake calculating the distance to it.

She never noticed the wolf scent that had once again crept up on her.


(This post was last modified: Jan 08, 2013, 06:34 AM by Anne.)
Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon
Running her border patrol, her right leg screamed in protest. However, as much as her body told her to go back and rest, she wouldn’t allow it. She needed to finish her border run and then she would allow herself to go rest in her den for the rest of the day. Being the Leader, she needed to set an example for the others even though they already knew exactly what to do. But, Athena still wanted to be strong for her pack, to show no weakness in front of them. It was rare to see raw emotion from Athena. To see it was an honor in itself because that meant she trusted you.

However, the trip home was going to be delayed. The wafting scent of another, drifted into the Queen’s nostrils. A deep growl rumbled through her chest as her fiery eyes scanned for the loner. She never liked loners; the scar underneath her eye was an excellent example of a very loony one that had trespassed onto her territory. Ruling over lands wasn’t an easy business.

Her fiery eyes soon spotted the figure. The loner had just exited the confines of the forest that surrounded the Lake and the girl stood gazing at the Lake below her. Athena was amazed to see that the girl was a mirror image of Naira, their coats identical, but their sizes were different. Her head and tail rose dominantly as she came closer to the female. Her fiery eyes roved over the girl, observing her in every way. “Do you have a purpose here?” She asked in a stern, but friendly tone. She could tell that the girl had been alone for some time by the way her ribs clearly protruded from her sides. The girl wouldn’t last long through the winter that was certain.
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by TABs who has 51 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Terra Anne

Anne was pretty sure it would take a few hours to reach the lake below her if she started at a good trot now. Wind buffetted her rust and gray fur along her spine sending a chill down her back as the young wolf stood there gazing at the landscape. Her neck fur prickled as a feeling overcame the girl. She felt as though she was being watched. Ducking her gray black and tan head Anne looked back and forth from her right to her left for danger.

Shivering a top the stoney hill Anne finally turned half around and twisted her head back to look behind her. The form of a snowy white figure stared back at her with blazing eyes and almost immediately Anne felt her legs wobble. Anxiety crept into her heart and the womans tail slipped right up between her legs.

Anne was lucky her body still knew the right thing to do even if her mind did not. She did not know that being submissive was the right thing to do here, but her intincts immediately lowered her body and pulled her tail to her belly in a clear submissive pose.

N..no..noo running away right.. A..Anne? Just be..nice.. She told herself and hoped to god the wolf wouldn't eat her. So far none of the wolves she had met wanted to eat her, and Anne was beginning to think that wild wolves eating strangers was a pups scary story to keep them from leaving the den. Still, Terra Anne did not want to be attacked by this wolf. She had to be as nice as possible, and try not to look like a scared wuss..

"I...I'm looking for my home.." She spoke truthfully not knowing that the wolf was a pack leader. Anne had no idea what was going to happen next. "My name is Terra Anne." She swallowed hard then gave the white wolf a nervous smile.