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Back and Forth — Bramble Falls 
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Played by Thea who has 52 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Ecco D'Oliva
          At least traversing over the woodland was easier than the mountainous regions to the far North; save for the prickle of fallen pine needles that would (annoyingly) remind Ecco there wasn't an easy break in life for her just yet. While the peaks of the previous mountain ranges were freezing, the dim and cool atmosphere of the woodland was a little more... refreshing. Mid-afternoon, it was partly cloudy but with a considerable amount of sunlight still attempting to break through the canopy barrier. The rays of light provided a vague guide to lead her South, and were quite beautiful in setting the ambience of the surrounding forest. Ecco cared less to admire Nature's gesture to her. Even with the musical tinker of water in the distance, the only reason her paw falls hurried in the direction was of thirst, not of taking pleasure in something that might have been so musical to the ears of a pack wolf.
          It was either Winter's cold or a second wave of Canine Distemper disease that would bring Ecco to her untimely demise. For weeks she knew it would only be a matter of time before some sort of pecking order would reach her, whether it was starvation, malnutrition, freezing to death, or some other horrendous disease. It was quite comical how Ecco was strangely numb to it all. The greatest asset one could have was freedom in this world, and yet… here she was, with all the freedom she cared for, and it was a freedom that was killing her slowly.
          Rushing to the shoreline of the Falls, the tranquil music picked up in tempo to a roar. This didn't sway the lone female, for she immediately began gulping as much water down as she could. When crossing the mountain range to the North, water was difficult to find; frozen over, or she resorted to chewing mounds of snow from the peaks to get her water source. This one was refreshing, and once she was done to where she could feel the cold weight of water in her stomach begin to stretch her walls (which made her shiver slightly), Ecco withdrew from the Falls. Water was the essence of life, more precious than prey. It helped keep her hunger down, helped keep her at bay until she sought the measly pathetic rodents scampering in the forest. Water was the only thing keeping her going at this point.
          Until all that water regurgitated, and Ecco threw it all back up from drinking it too fast. Breathing heavy, she stared blinking at the thrown up pile. Her stomach protested within her, and she closed her eyes, holding down another wave of force coming from within. Her legs started shaking.
          Can't catch a break, can you?
(This post was last modified: Nov 14, 2012, 04:40 PM by Ecco.)
Played by Jen who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sloane Thorben
Now that the decision had been made to head south to see Narime', Sloane was strangely nervous. He couldn't wait to see the silver fae again and could only hope that she had missed him as much as he'd missed her these many months. She had been but a child then and now she was nearly grown. They had both grown and matured and now he had in mind to ask her to become his mate in the spring and to start a new pack. If she would have him. If another hadn't won her heart in their lengthy separation. What would her answer be? Only time will tell, he thought with a resigned sigh.

He had left Nina, his friend and traveling companion for a bit and decided to visit Bramble Falls where he'd once rescued another fae in the water. Treena, if he remembered correctly. She'd overestimated her swimming abilities and had gotten caught in the current. He hoped that she was well and had steered clear of fast moving water since then. The beauty of the falls had appealed to him then and he thought to sooth his nerves there before heading south to discover which direction his future would take.

As he approached, he saw a young, slightly thin fae about the same age as his sweet Blue-Eyes frantically drinking from the pool of water near the falls. Her desperation was nearly tangible. The speed of her consumption apparently didn't agree with her stomach and she was promptly ill. The poor thing looked even worse and had a defeated air about her. Despite not knowing her, every protective bone in his large body woke up and he knew that he had to help her.

Taking care of others came naturally to the huge wolf, yet he knew that his size could be rather intimidating in itself. Approaching slowly, in as friendly a manner as possible, so as not to frighten her he asked, "Miss? Are you all right?" His voice was deep, yet soft and comforting and his bright amber eyes looked at her with concern.

(This post was last modified: Jan 07, 2013, 02:47 AM by Sloane.)
Knight of Honor
Played by Thea who has 52 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Ecco D'Oliva
          Get a grip, girl. Her extinguished amber gaze lingered on the pile of water and bile saturating into the Earth before her. The bitter aftertaste of her gall remained strong on her tongue, and as much as she wanted to attempt to drink away the taste… her stomach protested otherwise to keep itself empty of any substance. Her gaze narrowed to the water again, debating to force herself to drink even if she regurgitated it all again. Battling with her subconscious, her sane mentality, and her physical actions all at once, the sudden presence of another individual caught her off guard. The immediate first impression of air surrounding the male was gentle, concerned. Ecco was caught off guard mentally, but her physical reaction didn't muster a jolt or a jump. Her body was too exhausted to even make a flinch.
          He was a large one, covered with agouti and tawny undertones. His bright eyes were like the tone of his voice when he addressed her: deep, soft, comforting to look into. There was something about him that was so reassuring that anyone could run to him, bury their tears in his downy fur, and be embraced by a large entity of sympathy and warmth. His own eyes were so reassuring of himself that Ecco looked away, down toward her lovely pile of throw up, embarrassed. There was no doubt the stress, exhaustion, and lack of life that shone in her amber eyes. Look at you, you're a mess. Hardly impressive in his presence, Ecco knew this wasn't a moment to be impressing any other wolves, but was embarrassed by the way she handled herself these past couple of months. The concern that shone in his gaze was genuine, and Ecco's ears narrowed against her skull. "N-No. No I'm… not." Pathetic. Her voice quivered, barely audible above a whisper. Her eyes were still turned away, as if showing submissiveness to him. Her nose didn't detect a peculiar scent about him, he smelled just like the timber and pine as she did.
Played by Jen who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sloane Thorben
The girl seemed to think about his words, somehow looking out of place, like she didn't fit her own skin. It was apparent that she hadn't been eating all that well and was on the edge of some kind of break down. For a moment, she looked at him as if he some kind of hero that she could run to and he felt warmth creep up his neck. When she finally answered that she was most certainly not fine, her few stuttering words were in the barest of whispers and she wouldn't meet his gaze any longer. Sloane's heart broke for her and he moved forward slowly so as not to make her uncomfortable. She didn't seem to be afraid of him in the least, but she was on the edge of a precipice and he didn't want to unintentionally push her over.

Wanting to distract her from her distress, he felt an introduction would be a good diversion. "My name is Sloane Thorben, Miss. It will be all right... I promise." He couldn't tell you what exactly he had promised, but he would not leave her in this state. Whatever she needed, he would help her with. He could give her comfort and protection. Food that she needed so desperately. Perhaps she needed Nina to tend to her, given her current state. Feelings of protectiveness for the young woman were strong in the russet male and he suddenly felt responsible for her, despite not even knowing the girl's name...

(This post was last modified: Jan 07, 2013, 02:46 AM by Sloane.)
Knight of Honor
Played by Thea who has 52 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Ecco D'Oliva
          While his eyes were concerned, the D'Oliva couldn't help but feel scrutinized under his gaze. Feeling him move closer, her figure naturally drew back into itself. It was clear there was no harm intended in his gesture. It had been many weeks since Ecco had been in contact with anyone at this close of a proximity. It was a feeling both longed for and... awkward. There was something about the aura of him, something about his presence that was a natural air of tranquility. He was someone anyone could naturally gravitate to for confidence. What a good soul... how could I be that fortunate?

          The bitter taste of bile reminded her of this reality, swallowing harshly. Addressing himself as Sloane Thorben, it was a name Ecco would never forget until her last breath. Ecco clung on to Sloane's proclamation of things turning out to be all right in the end. Sloane even promised this. The sureness of this promise was genuine and warm, and Ecco's subconscious wanted to challenge that statement. He's probably a loner like yourself, doesn't smell like a pack wolf. Why would he be so compromising about it if he has himself to worry about too? As much of a predicament Ecco was in (she put herself in it), Ecco didn't want to be a burden.

          Blinking, her head narrowed down, as if attempting to mask her eyes even more from his own. "I..." Ecco couldn't find it in her to speak. What could be said about this? There was a mixture of gratitude, hope, depression, guilt. "I... don't want to trouble you." More than anything, Ecco didn't want to endanger his life from a circumstance that was her fault from the start. She needed the help, but didn't want to make a drama or pity-party of herself at the same time.
Played by Jen who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sloane Thorben
Seeing her slight discomfit with his advance, he stopped and just looked at her curiously. He would do nothing to harm her or even to make her uncomfortable if he could help it. She seemed uncertain of him and even of herself and he wondered what had brought her to this unfortunate state. Then she spoke of not wanting to be a bother to him.

His cream and russet head rose and he let out a soft laugh. "Miss, you are no bother at all, don't you worry." He saw that she was still not feeling well, still evidenced by the pile in front of her. While there were indeed many things that he could do to help her, treating her health was not one of them. Once more, he was grateful that Nina was in his life. She was a dear friend and a talented healer to boot. She was answer here.

"My friend Nina, she's a wonderful soul and healer. I shall call for her and she'll know what to do to settle your stomach." He didn't give her the opportunity to turn down the help, quickly lifting his ruddy muzzle and giving a clear and confident call for Nina to come. In case she decided to object, possibly thinking that she would be a bother again, he changed to subject quickly.

He looked at the young woman, gave her a little half-grin and asked, "When your tummy isn't on the rampage, do you like fish?" Moving around her, he made his way to the water's edge and peered into the depths. After a moment, the glint of silver caught his eye and he smiled with satisfaction. He wasn't as talented as his older sister, Tempest, had been at fishing, but he could manage. Sloane waded into the water and turned to face her on the shore, holding perfectly still and waiting patiently for the fish to forget that he didn't belong there and start swimming around his long creamy legs.

While he stood in the chilly water, seeming to ignore the flashes of silver, he tipped his head to the side and asked, "May I ask your name, Miss?" Then, without warning, his head plunged into the water for a few long seconds and then popped up with a medium sized fish in his maw, which he tossed toward her, far onto the shore. All without moving a single paw.

(This post was last modified: Jan 07, 2013, 02:46 AM by Sloane.)
Knight of Honor
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/NinaTable.png); background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 312px; padding-bottom: 20px; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px; text-align:justify;"> Her long journey was not yet coming close to its ending, and yet she felt the pull to not stray too far away from her partner for a short time being. She was just making her way towards the Drooping Willows to find her mate and to speak to him of the new changes that were to come. Her paw steps were steady though, clearly showing that she was in no rush to get anywhere. It was not before long before a friend of hers called for her. Lifting her head in the general direction in which he was in. Her pace changed and her body turned in the direction of which she was called. Normally her friends didn’t call for her unless it held utmost importance, or if they just wanted to see her. This was no longer the case, and she was sure it was something much more serious.

She traveled in silence, her pace much more urgent now that a friend had summoned her. It did not take her long to get to the lake of Bramble Falls, the place where she had assumed she had been called from given the sense of direction. When she arrived her posture remained upright and stiff, showing no signs of emotion, her face blank as she stared on ahead at her large friend. Her ears were pricked forward and her tail in a slightly high position, a question in her one good eye. Was there a certain reason why she was- It hit the lady then, the awful reek of bile almost causing Nina’s nose to wrinkle. She knew automatically that Sloane was not the cause for the problem, he was not ill, she smelt nothing wrong with him. It might have also had to do with the fact that he was still in the water from the small lake.

Her good eye then silently surveyed the area, stopping on the female wolf standing over a large fish. The urge to help the young child caused a rush of adrenaline to race through her veins, though it soon vanished with wishful thinking. It might not be help that they were going to ask her for, perhaps something else, but just keeping so in mind, her head raised, tilting back towards Sloane slightly, her now large voice carrying over the water towards him. "You called? What have you summoned me for?" Her words were delicate and kind as she directed them at the large brown brute, her eye watching him in amusement, while he stood there with his pelt soaking in the probably cold water.

It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Thea who has 52 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Ecco D'Oliva
          Sloane assured her there was no issue with him taking time out of his travels to offer assistance. Glancing back down at the freshly saturated pile of bile again (the chunks of what litter prey Ecco previously digested before a little more profound now), Ecco still evaded looking into his gentle eyes, but upon the corner of her muzzle there was a tiny, insignificant smile of gratitude making its way upon her dark facade. It was the least gesture she could make to show the D'Oliva understood Sloane's willingness to assist her. Ecco would be a fool to still doubt the genuine nature of Sloane's presence to help her, and so felt her guard thaw itself. Her head looked up now, and her smile of appreciation was more apparent to see.

          Until there was a falter in her smile. Call for her? Nina? Did her nose betray her? Sloane smelled like the pine and forest as she did, there was no particular scent upon him that indicated affiliation with a pack. Well, Sloane did say friend and not pack mate, but was a little wary of meeting somebody else who she didn't know in a state that she was in right now. Ecco was more than embarrassed enough by her presence in front of Sloane, and wasn't comfortable with the idea of another (especially a female) coming to see the sorry state she was in. It's help, you damn fool. Keep your mouth shut and go with it. Are you seriously going to be stubborn about it? Ecco was about to say something when a deep and vocalized howl erupted from Sloane's throat, calling to the healer he spoke of in high regard. There was a sigh that blew from her muzzle, and then her head nodded somberly. The call was made, it was done.

          Sloane wandered over to the shoreline of water, tossing her back a question of having a taste of fish. Fish didn't sound appetizing like a nice warm and bloodied Caribou tendon, but it was better nourishment than skinny chipmunks. Plus, fish was actually what Ecco grew up on. "That was mostly what we... I mean, I, ate back North." Ecco responded quietly, giving a somber line of a half-hearted grin. What she seen next was the quickest mechanism of fishing she seen from a wolf since her home, when Sloane successfully wrangled up one from the river and tossed it her way. The fish flopped madly, Ecco taking a step back and widening her eyes. In the same moment, Sloane asked her of her name. "Ecco." She stated blatant, more focused on the struggling of the fish suffocated by oxygen out of water. Secretly, Ecco was rather impressed by Sloane's fishing skill. Not many wolves in these Southern lands held the skill of those in the far North.

          It appeared Nina, the soulful healer, arrived. Tawny, with surprisingly one brilliant emerald eye that made Ecco look back down again in a submissive gesture. Embarrassing... Nina asked Sloane what he summoned her for, and Ecco decided to not say a word, let Sloane do the talking for her. One paw reached out to stomp over the flopping fish, stilling it beneath her pad. The gills puffed in and out in aggravation, the oxygen that gave the wolves' life suffocating the fish. Ecco stilled the fish, as if it was causing a disturbance for Sloane and Nina to speak about this circumstance.
Played by Jen who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sloane Thorben
He couldn't help another small smile at her indecision. Apparently, he'd made the right call in giving her no real choice in the matter of him calling for Nina. It was clear that she would have declined, but given her state of health a healer was exactly what she needed. Her discomfort with another wolf could easily be overcome, but whatever ailed her, maybe not.

She seemed a bit shocked when he threw a fish her way and watched it flop about on the ground before her, almost as if she didn't know what to do with it, despite her earlier words. Then she finally snapped out of it and graced him with her name, Ecco. "A lovely name," he answered gallantly.

Just as the words left his mouth, Nina arrived, looking proud and strong. A feeling of deep affection filled him at the sight of her. She had overcome so much and yet held onto her kindness. A kindness that showed through in the tone of her words, even as she looked nearly unreadable. He knew her better than anyone, except perhaps her mate, and her stoic front was just that, a front. She had a heart as big as an ocean.

"Hello, Nina! Thank you for coming so quickly! This young lady is Ecco and she seems to be in need of your tender touch." He tipped his head in the direction of the unsavory pile before the girl. Little more needed to be said, for Nina would see for herself the state of malnutrition that plagued the young woman. Ecco, he gave an encouraging smile and said, "Ecco, this in Nina, the best healer and friend that I know!"

With introductions done, Sloane finally felt the cold seeping in and he gave a mighty shake, sending water flying in all directions. Fortunately, he was far enough from shore that the ladies were spared a dousing. Unfortunately for him, the action poofed his wet fur straight out from his body and he now looked like a fluffy red teddy bear with a lopsided grin.

(This post was last modified: Jan 07, 2013, 02:46 AM by Sloane.)
Knight of Honor
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok

It didn’t take the two long to notice her as she directed her attention to Sloane, though her eye never straying too far away from the other female. She repeatedly eyed the pile of bile in front of her and Nina silently swallowed, watching in curiosity as she stilled the fish with her paw. A respectful gesture that the healer thought of regardless and to those who knew her well enough the flash of interest that passed through her eye, though quickly vanished, would not go unnoticed. Her ears were pricked, waiting for her partner’s response as she saw a small dip in the other’s head.

When Sloane responded to her, Nina’s head turned towards him, direct on making eye contact with the other male. Nodding her head at the situation, she watched as the other male shook out his fur and the golden girl snorted softly in amusement before nodding towards the female, Ecco. "It‘s a pleasure to meet you. I should be back soon. I have the perfect thing for a little tummy rumble," her words were laced with kindness, hoping that the other female would relax at her words.

Just as soon as the words were clipped off, Nina’s paws worked against the ground towards the patch of ginger which she knew was nearby. Twitching her ears, she smiled as her nose lifted into the air, her paws carrying her quickly through the brambles. As the scent become stronger, Nina’s tracking instincts became apparent and they instantly took over and she was quickly lead to where the patch of ginger was.

Now that winter was slowly approaching, the patches were getting less plentiful, and Nina knew that the more she collected right now would benefit better than in the future, but none the less, Elettra’s pack was close, and she would leave some for the other leader’s pack, just in case she might need it in the future. Quickly gathering some of the stems she rushed back towards the gathered, not much time passing since when she had first arrived. With a small twitch of her ears she arrived in the area, her pace slowing considerably.

Her tail waved behind her slowly as she approached Ecco, leaving the ginger in front of her. She then spoke, her voice advising and instructing, "Eat one of the roots, and then leave the rest for another time. If your symptoms don’t improve eat another and repeat the process by each sunrise. " She then stepped away from the female her head tilting back to her massive friend, "I assume you have been doing well then?"

It seems when you're around, my life is complete.