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there's a girl out there who calls herself venus — Bramble Falls 
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Played by Bloo who has 15 posts.
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Romanis Riordae
There was nothing fancy about Romanis’ departure from the burial site of Desra Tantamount. Without visible inspiration she had simply arisen from her spot and drifted towards some unknown but presumably distant other. Bothering not even to look back for one final goodbye, she had simply cast her nose into the wind and assumed a general direction. All of the mourning was out of her system and with its eviction came the full resurrection of her characteristically resolute nature. She needed to satisfy her most basic needs with the greatest of urgency. Chief amongst these was the requirement of a new partner. Funny, how such a thing had trumped the now rotten hunger in the gut but it was true. Rome had lived long enough as a loner to learn patience and acceptance when it came to starvation, but no amount of living could ever cure her heart of its basic nature –at least not entirely.

Of course her first thought was to find the trail of the male –the one who had come to her in her time of need and romanced her with his bare presence. Thinking of him in the very moment, a small smile crept upon her lips although she did try her best to keep it at bay. As much as she liked him, there was also something about him which she loathed. That being his ability to make her want after his persona as opposed to the simple husk of his being –and perhaps to any other wolf the difference was indivisible but for Romanis Riordae it was exceptionally clear. She certainly didn’t want to find herself in a situation where she was pining after a single someone –hell the fact that she desired anyone was horrible enough. Imagine a life lived with such attachment where she couldn’t simply move on after a small amount of mourning. No what she longed for was the cold distance that had been between herself and the now deceased Desra Tantamount –and nothing more.

Shaking her head free of the male’s image with that final thought, medium ears flopped slightly before they were brought upright again. Just where was she going again? Casting her lantern gaze out and about, the elder yearling was less than surprised to find little of interest or general recognition. Like so many other places through which she had breezed, this one was foreign and beyond her generic concern of avoiding boarders there was no greater idea with which she directed herself though life. So perhaps she would evacuate the region entirely and start off somewhere incredibly new. It was an option.

Tricked though was she by the distant whisper of water –another one of her immediate needs. Placing a pin in her previous thoughts, the leggy creature was automatic in advancing towards the delectable sound. Yet approaching with due caution as the distance became ever shorter, it was with a snaking head and owlish eyes that the Riordae emerged on the edge of a bubbling pool. Dipping her head only after a full moment of nervous gazing about, it was still with quick and mostly superficial licks that she slaked her long starved thirst.

Holding her head above the water instead of raising it back up in full, for an instant she peered at the mangled thing that was her reflection. Nose, ears, eyes and fur –they were all there but it was what Romanis didn’t see that eventually caused her to turn away. Tucking her tail in closer, she was remiss to acknowledge a sudden chill in the evening air.