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Strength of the Hunters — Thicket of Secrets 
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Played by Namara who has 231 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ashanti "Celestina" Aranna

Ashanti nodded to Nina, a smile on her face, though her face hid her griefs over her sister's disappearance. She still had this yearning suspicion that her sister was in trouble. What if her aunt had found her, what if her sister was taken, what if she was threatened? Ashanti would never know the price her sister had paid for her own freedom. She refused to believe that Isen had abandoned her. She listened as Sloane explained his plan to her. "There is a small herd of elk to the east of here, in Blackberry Fields. If we hurry we can take up the trail and fell and elk to fill our food cache. I don't think that I need to remind everyone how important this hunt is this time of year. So when we get there everyone must play their part to a 'T'. Does everyone understand?" She grinned, she could do this.

Ashanti followed Sloane at that same pace he had. To conserve energy, to keep up and move slowly to cover ground, but she would need her energy. She had a family to hunt for and she could not fail. Her pawsteps hit with thuds, she was a bit of a klutz, despite her healing capabilities. She couldn't wait to sink her teeth into some elk and taste the raw meat. She was truly excited. She continued following, glancing at Nina and Iopah as she walked. They were all her family. She was with her true family.

[Image: Ashanti-greysig02.png]
Played by Ghoff who has 312 posts.
No Rank
Hollow Nite
"There is a small herd of elk to the east of here, in Blackberry Fields. If we hurry we can take up the trail and fell and elk to fill our food cache. I don't think that I need to remind everyone how important this hunt is this time of year. So when we get there everyone must play their part to a 'T'. Does everyone understand?" Hollow was lucky, at Sloane's word he was able to gain control of his attention. It was time for him to begin to truly serve his pack properly. His muscles tensed and his senses sharpened. The cold air became an irrelevant fact, the young wolf was a tuned in now. Completely attentive towards Sloane and Nina.

Hollow began to wonder what his part would be, he would certainly enjoy the chase, but he wasn't the fastest wolf in the forest this was a sure thing. Like Sloane he too had missed out on many small rabbits due to speed. The dark young wolf was in a state of total suspense now, because this would also be a chance to take down prey along side his leaders, to show his stuff as it were. Adrenaline began to pump into his veins and his energy began to focus even more so. The forest once again rushed in around him as it had the day he offered himself to Nina's pack. The scents and sounds became sharper, clearer than anything else. This was what it was like to be ready.

As Sloane rose to his paws Hollow felt a rush of pride as he twisted his head around and gazed at his pack mates in turn nodding his head to each. He was certainly proud to call them family, all of them. Even though he still wanted to be near Azariah he knew he had to make sure he could best serve the pack, so he moved farther away from her. I must talk to her soon he thought, though now was not the time. Stealing one last glance at the golden she wolf he steeled himself and fixed his eyes directly on his leaders
(This post was last modified: Feb 10, 2013, 06:40 AM by Hollow.)
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
Assuming everyone else is following...there is no posting order now and no set posting date, but if I feel as though this is dragging I will continue on.


It didn’t take long for Sloane to decide to speak before turning and heading towards the herd of elk he had discovered. The alpha walked by his side, happy to have her pack tailing behind them. When she had first entered Relic Lore she had never though of herself being an alpha, or creating a pack for that matter. She had just simply wanted to fit in and be able to help the injured and sick. Even though she was still doing so, on top of that, she was also leading now. It was an odd sensation, and somehow she could see how if she could let leadership get to her head how good it would feel…but Nina knew that the best feeling one could get was one of devotion, trust, and companionship. That was what the Woodlands wolves shared. Even if they did have secrets, they were shared among one another and were not to be spoken of out of pack borders. Their business was solely theirs alone…unless it involved Willow Ridge in some way. The leadess still owed much to Elettra and she would gladly pay her back as much as she could.

She padded in silence, along with the rest of her pack, her side occasionally bumping into the side of Sloane. The two shared a bond that only best friends could share with one another. It was almost stronger than the connection between mates…..almost. Communication was not needed through words, but simply through a single glance that would convey a thousand of them. Nina and Sloane knew when they needed each other and if they found the need to, they would consult one another on the issue, but they both knew not to push. It was why Nina was thankful for Sloane agreeing to be her partner until Koda could step up…and now the golden woman wasn’t sure if Koda would be able to stand by her side. She had heard no current news on her mate and this, she feared, could be a downfall to her future plans. None the less she was thankful…extremely thankful that Sloane had thought not to ask her. What she had built up would not be able to stay if Koda were to be mentioned and deep inside Sloane, Nina was sure he knew that.

It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Namara who has 231 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ashanti "Celestina" Aranna
Ashanti was just behind Nina, her eyes full of sweetness and happiness. She was also hiding her sorrows. "Nina, later can I talk to you about my sister. I think something happened to her." She whispered to her leader. She simply had no other explanation, her eyes were full of worry now. Her tail still tucked up against her stomach, she kept it that way a majority of the time. Occasionally, when times called for it, she curled in in dominance or she let it sway. She thought about how she had once been, she had once went and just messed with the heads of many men, one time she pushed them so far that they attacked her.

Her ears were perked up, listening for any signs they were close to where the elk actually was. Her eyes darting form side to side. Her nose scenting around occasionally, she always noted how strong the scent was. The mid-afternoon sun beat down on them, it was hard to believe how organized the pack was as it was just created. She already had a place that she stored her herbs. Ecco had helped her find it. She'd helped her packmate out back when they were loners so in return, Ecco had helped her find a place for them. they found a nice little cave that worked out well.

In her own perspective, her thoughts were mashed and jumbled. One minute she thought one thing, and then the next she was on a completely different topic. The snow crunched lightly as she attempted to step lightly. There was more she could be doing, but this hunt was important. This hunt was the first hunt and it was going to create the cache. This was life, hunting to stay alive, this was life, healing and guarding. this was life, a pack and a family.

[Image: Ashanti-greysig02.png]
Played by Thea who has 52 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Ecco D'Oliva
          Ecco remained at the back of the pack gathering for the hunt, only exchanging gleaming looks of acknowledgment to those she recognized. The leaders and the higher ups would be the ones to speak and coordinate. It had been many moons since the D'Oliva effectively collaborated with an entire pack unit for hunting. Her confidence level in this was non-existant, to be frank. While this was an opportunity that would begin the process of getting meat on her bones, Ecco had nothing except agility to provide for this hunt. She was still much too weak, her muscles withered away, and still possessed the figure of a straggled lone wolf. Ecco didn't want to risk making a calculative error with anything in tracking the elk herd, so Ecco remained a little farther away from the group than usual, just for the sake of means in back up if there was a chase to ensue.

          Though her energy was depleted, this didn't stop her from tracking with the pack toward their first hunting as a family unit. Her confidence might have been low in herself, but that didn't prevent the dark female from being happy in the moment. Her heart was already racing with adrenaline, excitement dancing in her amber gaze. The noise and commotion of pack hunting was always an exciting moment, and something to celebrate with hunting as one large family of one another. Ecco was interested to see what skills the others possessed at this time (for she knew there were some like her who suffered the consequences of being alone), and interested to see how the overall dynamics of their pack hunt would work. There was no doubt put in Nina and Sloane's control of this, for she followed her leaders diligently, keeping her shoulders hunched and neck low, moving swiftly on her pads in the direction of the elk.

          Seeing as how her purpose in this hunt would be for chasing purposes only, Ecco licked her salivating jaws eagerly, eyes focused intently ahead on her leader's moves, as well as her ears attentive and her paw falls swift and quick upon the Earth. Her stomach was straining for the taste of fresh flesh, it had been much too long since a worthy meal had been sought, and Ecco could only contain the hunger frenzy that welled within for so long. She knew they all must have felt it too, and Ecco knew this hunt could turn out successful with many hungry jaws to feed.
Played by Kashikoi who has 182 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
The hunt in his mind was progressing slower than he had hoped. He was used to only three wolves at the most hunting with him. Right now however they had to drag along the whole pack, sure the extra numbers made it easier to take down more prey but it also took much more time to organize the group. He looked up to the front of the group where the two Alphas’ were leading the group. He put his trust into these two and he would show his dedication during this soon to be hunt. As he padded along he looked at each and everyone around him, was this something that would happen often? He knew that breeding season was around the corner so the extra food would be a must.

He gave a light sigh as he gave his thick coat a firm shake, he shouldn’t be worrying about breeding season anyways. Sure he was old enough now but there was still the matter of him being him. Every so often he would tip his snout to the sky and scent the air trying to pick up a faint smell of deer or elk. His body yearned to run in excitement yet his mind kept reminding him to save his strength for when he would be steering the prey back to the pack to be taken down. That was his job before and most likely still was, he was too small to take down the prey but definitely fast enough to keep up with them.
With death comes life and with life comes hope.
Played by Jen who has 55 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Azariah Phoenix
Azariah did her best to keep up with all that was going on, but she was barely a member and the only wolves that she knew were Sloane, Hollow and Nina. Even them, she barely knew. Determined not to let her new pack down, she kept her mouth closed aside from the polite murmur or nod as others gave her curious looks and greetings. Her golden tail hung between her hind legs and her head was carried low. She was new and fairly small and the last thing that she wanted to do was get on anyone's bad side. Therefore, she drifted to the outer edges of the group, but kept her attention on the leaders, calmly awaiting instruction.

Although she knew exactly what the leaders were about to say, Azariah hung on every word. She was a pariah in her old pack and had not been allowed to closely interact with the rest of the pack for fear that her strange illness might be contagious. Solarra and she had never hunted together as a unit, so this would be a first for her entirely. She had hidden in the shadows when hunts were being planned and she knew the basics of a pack hunt. Smaller, faster wolves gave chase, larger, slower wolves were the take down power and the ones in between went where they were needed. She wasn't sure if she fell into the first or last category, but she guessed that she would be assigned to chase.

As Sloane called for the group to move out and led the group of wolves back the way that they'd just come she figured that she'd find out soon enough. Although she stayed to the outside and trailed somewhat towards the back of the group she found her gaze kept falling on a certain dark furred yearling and she blushed beneath her golden coat as they traveled.
Destiny leads and I follow...for I am Destiny's Child
Played by Emma who has 530 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Iopah Reinier
It was strange for Iopah to be so close to the front of the procession. She had never been in such a position before. Hunts under Kavic and Kaya had been a very disjointed affair. Iopah could not recall one that had been lead by either of her former alphas. Disjointed was an apt description for their rule in general. Everything had rapidly fallen apart in their absence. Iopah remember her anger in which wolves had turned on each other. The feeling of teeth at her own shoulder. She grimaced at the memory, then turned her thoughts towards her parents pack. She would always miss them. As time wore on those hunts were increasingly fruitless. Her parents would guide them with all the dignity they could muster, whilst Kele and Io brought up the rear with her siblings. What she wouldn't give to have him by her side now. He head turned to the right, finding only the thickets. A slight sigh left her lips.

She continued in silence, letting the soft noises of her pack sooth her. Time she hoped would ease her ghosts; Distance certainly hadn't. Iopah's head lifted, recognizing the edge of the thickets. She could not see the elk, but they were on the breeze. She hesitated, looking to Sloane. He seemed to be in command on this hunt. Her gold gaze met his briefly before sliding away. It was up to him to direct the hunt. Iopah waited patiently, pale ears trained on the fields beyond.
Played by Jen who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sloane Thorben
Their ragtag pack followed behind and from time to time Sloane wondered what went through their minds. Although he didn't show it, he was a ball of nerves. This would be his first major pack hunt ever, but he couldn't let on or the others would lose faith in his ability to guide them in this hunt. Luckily he was intelligent and he thought through the strengths and weaknesses of each wolf as they went. Most he had to make an educated guess, but he felt fairly confident with his plan by the time they neared the small herd of Elk.

Calling a halt to the group he indicated the prey to those that might not yet have spied them. As he looked over the group of six elk he didn't see one that was obviously sick or injured so that unfortunately eliminated an easy target for the eight wolves present. They only lacked one member, @Durai. It was possible that the other male might yet catch up with them, but he wasn't going to wait for him. As the group of wolves watched in silence a small break was afforded them. One of the elk had moved off a short distance from the others. She was healthy and in her prime, but now it would be easier to separate her fully and drive her into their trap.

He looked back at the group surrounding him and gave them a confident grin. "All right, here's the plan. See that one cow that has moved away from the rest? She's our target. Four of you will run her this way and the rest or us will be ready for the take down. Runners will need to harass her and wear her out. She needs to be fairly done in by the time the rest of us come in because she is in her prime." He paused for a moment to glance at Nina. She was leader besides him, but he knew that she was unsure of her abilities right now and he didn't want her getting hurt or re-injuring her leg. She appeared to be fine with him taking charge for the moment so he continued.

With a nod at her he said, "Nina, Ecco you two take one flank as chasers. Kashi and Azariah you take the other. Iopah and Hollow, you two attack together and Ashanti, you are with me in the attack. Any questions?" He had tried to pair everyone off to complement one another and leave no weak spots. He did his best to balance it all out and with teamwork and a big dash of luck, soon they would all feast on their hard-won prize!

Knight of Honor
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
Again still, no posting order. <3

For once, she was not use to traveling in a large band tightly formed together. Sure, she was use to traveling with one or two wolves or being in a territory with many wolves, but traveling in a tight formation kind of irked her inner cords in a way. She trusted the wolves around her, save one, considering she had just met the female, but otherwise she was comfortable with the rest of the wolves around her. As they traveled on in silence, Nina heard young Ashanti come up on her blind side, and almost instant reflex caused her to pad to the other side of her to protect her blind side as her head turned towards her friend, listening to what she had to say. Her green orb stared at the female hard as her question penetrated her mind. Isen…the deserter. As much as it pained Nina knowing that this too had hurt Ashanti, all she could do was hum quietly, affirming her answer to the yearling. They would talk, but now would not be the time to do so.

Her lengthy body soon caught up to Sloane, quietly walking by his side as they traveled quickly through the brush, their pelts a sore thumb in the white land surrounding them all. Finally, they all came to a stop and Sloane looked over them all, seemingly considering his thoughts before he addressed them. His green eye looked towards the herd, disappointed to see that none of them seemed to be injured or ill, which was surprising considering the season. She did not complain though and listened to the doe that Sloane had singled out and the direct orders. Apparently, her partner had other plans for her though. Instead of hunting with Kashi by her side, it seemed that today her partner would be Ecco. She had no problem with the woman, but she was not as familiar with her hunting habits as she was with the man’s own.

She supposed it was never too late to get to know another’s abilities though, and so, with Kashi, Azariah, Ecco, and Nina lined up, the pairs on two opposite sides. When the woman was sure she held her subordinate’s attention she instantly gave the signal and they were off. Her paws were flying against the ground, her fur blowing back as a sharp, vicious bark escaped her muzzle. The herd took off, the doe that was separated from the rest of the group branching off in a different direction, just as their pack had wanted it to. Her veins burst with adrenaline as she ran after the doe, her speed boosting her forward, her fangs glistening in the setting sun. She had made sure that their prey was not on her blind side, but in the same instant, it gave her past injured leg an opportunity to get hurt. She hoped her other pack mates were either close with her or ahead, but either way, when she came closer to the elk, her jaws snapped at its sides in a feeble attempt to slow it down. Now, it was up to the attacking team to take down the large animal.

It seems when you're around, my life is complete.