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Weary Feet — Hush Meadow 
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Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 142 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Erebos Argyris

It hadn’t been hard for Erebos to leave. After all, his loyalty had always lay with his brother and while slowly coming to grips with the initial disappointment of their abandonment, all had become crystal clear from the day Desdemona’s cubs left the den. Thorne had stepped into shoes that didn’t belong to him and there were no ties obligating him to look after the bastard cubs. The silvered wolf had been the first to take his leave in a similar fashion to his oldest brother - without a word to his siblings. If they had any sense they would do the same, but they kept a very different code to him and he knew obligation would hold them longer than he cared to endure.

For a time he had wandered the lands about the Asphodel Meadows, finding very little to hold his interest and quickly growing bored with loner life. It was by chance he stumbled across the ghost of a fading scent... his brother had passed by - not recently, but he had been in the area. It was enough to spurn the chaotic male on a wild goose chase. With little but a faded scent and a general direction he had set out, initially with every intention of dragging his brother home, to kill the cubs that were not his and force the usurper from their home... Later, simply for the sake of familial company. Having spent his whole life surrounded by his siblings Erebos did not deal with loneliness well.

It had taken months for him reach this place, arriving more hollow sided than lanky. Trademark lopsided smirk painted to his lips he began to pick his way across what he could only assume would be some sort of meadow once the snows melted, his orange eyes searching for his perfectly orchestrated opportunity to start again.

Played by Ariel who has 4 posts.
Amari made her way to the meadow grumbling, "Well who needs them anyway? Good for nothing's..." She ranted. Once again for the five hundredth time she was talking to herself about her former pack.

Her birthplace more specifically, three years old and already out. She could stop ranting about it because she couldn't shake the pain it caused her. She had always known she wasn't wanted there even as a pup. She was too noisy she was too selfish she should care about others more. She wasn't kind, she was rude, she was this and she was that. Overall she didn't meet her mother's expectations for a proper obedient member of the pack. She did what suited her, if she could somehow get something out of doing something she would do it. She would be falsely meek and quick about it too. But if she had to do something just for the sake of it? Forget it she was out of there. That loyalty factor must have skipped her or something, though she felt others should feel some sort of loyalty towards her she felt realitively nothing of the kind towards them. That was just they way she was. It probably didn't help that she was a small pretty wolf with silky coal black fur, and intense devciving eyes.
Anything and everything she did was either impulsive or planned. She liked the feeling of being unpredictable and clever it made her feel unqiue; it made her feel special.

Silent now but deep in thought Amari, her next paw step landed one of her paws down a rodent hole in the uneven floor of the frozen meadow. She cursed, cloaing in a heap. "Stupid, darn, why I ought to..." She snarled to herfelf as she tugged her paws loose. Finally freeing it Amari inspected it hoping for no injury. Her paw looked to be fine and she tested it further by walking on it. It was sound and Amari continued on her way. Not really knowing what direction she was headed in, she just hoped it lead her to another wolf and preferablely a pack.
The real reason Amari left her pack or rather was forced out was when she stupidly decided to challenge her mother for the rank of alphess. Amari miserably failed being chased out with the snarls and growls of her kin. She'd been wandering ever since it happened. At first being a lone wolf had a bit of a thrill to it. Freedom was tied to everything she got to follow her own rules be her own boss but after a couple of weeks she had finally understood why it was called a lone wolf. She felt that calling for another wolf for some type of company she had been denied for so long and so decided to end her wandering and set out for a pack or a wolf, whichever came first.

Amari lifted her nose to the sky trying to catch a scent on the breeze, her ears pricked and listening to the sounds around her. She did indeed smell a wolf as well as see one. It was a large silver male, he seemed to be focusing intently on something, though what that something was Amari didn't have the slightest clue and nor did she care. She hesitantly started in his direction, he was much bigger than she was...much, much bigger.
(This post was last modified: Mar 05, 2013, 02:47 AM by Amari.)
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 142 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Erebos Argyris

The heavy noise of somebody stumbling and the curses that followed bought a smirk to the silver wolf’s face, an ear flicking in the general direction of the distress but not yet turning to take in the sight for himself. Her feminine voice was enough to give her away. His mind conjured the image of a girl, small and pale with wounded pride clear on her face, slinking towards the big strong male. When he finally bought himself to look, what met his burning eyes was not entirely far from what he had imagined. Instead of pale she was dark, and it was with caution that she approached him instead of wounded pride. Well. It was close enough. The smirk was still painted to his face and he watched her move, apparently unaffected by her little tumble.

"Have a nice trip?" He questioned, humour dancing in his eyes and matching the jovial tone with which he asked. It was not that he was malicious, or that he meant to be an arse, more that he didn’t care if he was. After all, what did a little loner girl have to offer him? What had drawn her towards his position looking out into the lands beyond? He guessed he would find out soon enough. She drew nearer with every step.

Played by Ariel who has 4 posts.
Amari snorted at his comment. Have a nice trip? Really? She swore some males just had no manners, but then again neither did she. Manners were only for the prissy pack wolves and thanks to her mother she no longer belonged there in this world. She eyed the large silver male, she summed up two things either he was an utter and complete asshole or he didn't see her as a threat. The threat part was understandable she was mostly all bark since she didn't have much physical strength to back it up. It must be her curse or something she was thinking. Done analyzing the male for now she decided to speak, her expression guarded.
"Maybe I did maybe I didn't, but how would you know? You didn't see I didn't see you watching." 'Mainly because I wasn't aware there was another wolf around' she thought. "Perhaps you heard, smart alack? Now with that in the past who are you? I'm Amari." Her tone held no friendliness to it nor did it sound hostile it was completely bland; mono-toned.

She made sure to keep just enough distance between them so she would have a chance to run, attack or defend if needed. She didn't like her chances against such a large wolf. But her mind was already forming very interesting plans of their own. What if she befriended this wolf? It looked to be a challenge for he looked like he could very well take care of himself without others, but it would be to her advantage to travel with another wolf. Especially one bigger than her, it would be in her favor to have another wolf around for security, safety and another pair of eyes keeping watch. Yes, she liked this idea. He could very well be of use to her. But what use she could be to him? She wondered, she shoved that thought away not having an answer to it yet. She hated half thought out plans. Perhaps she would just wing it.
(This post was last modified: Mar 05, 2013, 02:46 AM by Amari.)
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 142 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Erebos Argyris

The stumble had been clear enough, the heavy thud of a falling body, though softened by the snowy terrain was a dead give away and he couldn’t help but snort at her apparent indignation. He would have to have been both deaf and dumb to miss the telltale signs any honed predator was instinctively able to discern.

As the words began to tumble from her lips, his desire to listen waned, heavy head swinging away from the girl enough to keep her in his peripheries, more as an act of caution than one of acknowledgment. This one liked to run her mouth, he could feel a headache coming on already. Amari. Was that so? Well he didn’t feel like sharing his own name just yet, a casual disinterested flick of his ear conveying as much.

Fiery eyes continued to scan the lands below, his stance showing complete disinterest in the small girl who had drawn close, but stayed far enough away to flee if need be. So she wasn’t entirely out of her mind. Perhaps it was loneliness that had drawn her near... "What is it you want Amari?" Her name rolled off his tongue deliciously, laced with the smirk that marred his face. The words could be taken any number of ways, the way she chose to interpret them would speak more of what made her tick than whatever rant she may care to go off on next.

Played by Ariel who has 4 posts.
"What is it you want Amari?"

Her ear twitched in annoyance, this male was going to be one hard shell to crack...but at least he got to the point skipping the formalities all together. She had to remember lone wolves weren't confined to manners like pack ones were. "Companionship." She said carefully watching his expression and movements. "I've grown a bit tired of wandering around on my own and have been on the lookout for others for some time now. Your the first wolf I've come across."

An idea popped into Amari's head; she remembered him looking around for something not too long ago. Maybe she could exchange companionship for helping him out? It was really the only thing she could think of at the moment. "I saw you looking for something earlier, if I offer to help you find it could I exchange it for your company?" She asked a bit hopeful. And offering him a smile, she felt in her heart that the male would turn her offer down flat. But no matter, if he did she would still follow him, though more discreetly.
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 142 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Erebos Argyris

A smile cracked his face at her offer of help. Were all wolves in this place so helpful and selfless? If so, he was sure there was fun to be had at anyone’s expense but his own. But no, she wasn’t selfless, she had motives, a fact that was mildly reassuring to the silvered wolf. So not all the world had gone mad then. Something, someone what difference did it make? He wasn’t sure if he would remain in these lands, or whether he would continue on, depending on the slowly strengthening trail of his brother, but two wolves always had better luck hunting than one and it was with entirely selfish reasoning that he looked the girl up and down once more, his fiery eyes taking on a slightly less mirthful expression.

"I suppose an extra set of eyes wouldn’t hurt..." he pondered aloud. As long as she didn’t start expecting him to throw himself in front of bears or into rivers to save her, she might prove useful. He would never pretend to be a knight in shining armor like his brothers liked to play, no. He had always been more rougish, a knife in the dark, selfish schemer that he was.

He missed the predictability of being surrounded by his siblings. He missed the comfort of regular meals. Phineas had always provided that with the absence of his parents and so it was Phineas that he sought. "Erebos." He finally introduced himself. The finality of his introduction delivering his verdict. He would keep her around for now, if she didn’t find his bluntness off-putting enough to change her mind then he would explain to her their quarry. Although he hardly imagined that large white wolves with burning eyes were a rarity, it would be a start. The winds were picking up and the sun was getting low, it would be time to find a place for the night soon.

Played by Ariel who has 4 posts.
Amari eyed Embros with a bit of suspicion. To her he gave in to quickly, she'd expected to start listing off the many reasons she could help or whatever...when he just agreed. A thought kept nagging her; what was his motive?
She tossed the thought, content that he agreed to her offer in the first place. She walked closer, the weariness that she carried before beginning to disappear. "Great, so where we heading, Embros?"
She suspected that he would tell her what exactly she should be looking for when they got moving.
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 142 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Erebos Argyris
Finishing up with Ere here, if you would like to post once more we should have enough to claim LP.

So where are we heading Embros? he ignored the mispronunciation of his name, a twisting of his lips the only indication of any discomfort at her tone. He imagined it wouldn’t be the first time he would question his decision to allow the girl to follow along. "I’m looking for my brother." he finally admitted. "His name is Phineas. Pretty sure he’s around here somewhere... He’s large and white, a bit of cinnamon and silver mixed in but far paler than I." It should be enough of a description for the girl to go off, for now anyway.

His eyes continued to rove over the land below wondering if any direction was really better than any other. Finally resting his eyes on a wooded area to the east he nodded in its direction. "That seems as good a direction as any." he said with a small sigh as he began to walk forwards. Assuming she would follow him, if companionship was truly what she sought.