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Rette Mich — Poison Path 
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Played by Tokio who has 10 posts.
Inactive IV. Scout
Stratovarius Qannik Arrluk
665 Words.
  • Upon his arrival to Ruins of Wildwood Strato had not ventured far beyond Cedarwood Forest where he had found an abandoned den during a bought of exploration and decided to promptly make it his temporary home. Having grown up in a pack atmosphere he knew himself well enough to know that soon enough, while he enjoyed his new and obvious freedoms, he would grow to miss it. To miss the comfort that borders provided, the knowledge that he was not really alone. Though other might not miss him, and would not be left wanting without ever knowing him, he found that sure enough he missed the company that others could provide him. After filling his stomach with a quick, this time rather clean, snack, sure to lick the excess blood off of ebon lips, sharp and fierce eyes that burned much colder than his fathers’ with their silvered, icy blue irises Strato had set off to continue in his search for that new beginning he had left Kodiak Woods to find. Traveling to new and foreign lands was all well and good, but how could he start anew without having a place to truly call home, a pack that he belonged to. Though Stratovarius Arrluk, like his father and uncle before him (a.k.a The Dark Twins), did not exactly fancy the idea of courting laws and obedience, the vulgar teenager knew that he would, should he wish to have a home, do what he was told. He could be a kiss-up when he felt it suited him to be, though there was never a guarantee, never a promise that he could do it without a sassy, cynical comment; and he was almost always crude and vulgar. He was what his father was because that was how he had been raised. His manners were rusty if not nearly nonexistent and like his father, he was shorted the silver-tongued talent of his uncle Sinaaq.

    The early afternoon was partially cloudy and a little warmer than the past couple of days had been, giving him a small twinge of hope that Spring was not too far off. He had been born on the coldest day in the blackest night in the dead middle of winter and he hated Winter, having gotten his fair share of it’s barren landscape as if the land had been touched by death itself and icy touch. Spring was supposed to represent resurrection so the land could resurrect itself any day now, the world could warm up and would hear no complaint from Strato. His wandering brought him closer to borders, their scent like a neon sign warning him that he was coming upon them being carried on the soft breeze that blew, tousling silky, charcoal colored fur, dusted lightly with cinnamon and rust colored guard hairs in it’s reach as it skimmed along the strong curve of his spine. Muzzle lifted to sniff lightly at the air, his steps ceasing when he was a respectful distance from them. He had many options when it came down to packs he’d heard from a kindly loner who had yearned to share his knowledge with the vulgar, but bluntly and cruelly honest (which the elder had told him point blank was his only redeeming quality to him) teenager, but it was from the rough synopsis’ of the packs that Strato had arranged them into a mental list starting with the ones that sounded the most promising to suit him, down. He had headed in the direction the old male had pointed him to Poison Path but only time would tell if he had, indeed, found the pack he sought.

    After a moment or two, Strato let out a short, to the point howl, stating that he was curious about joining before letting it end. There was never any point beating around the bush and the Arrluk teen wasn’t one to play games. He had a purpose and determination would see that it was fulfilled.

Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon
scars remind us who we are

Her exploring would soon come to a dramatic end once her belly swelled with her growing children. This sacrifice was a hard one, but it was a sacrifice that she had to make in order to give life to her children. She should be taking every opportunity to satisfy her wanderlust, but today the warm weather rooted her down by her lake. Lounging lazily on her pedestal besides the shore of the lake, Athena lied on her side with her front paws hanging off the edge. Her fiery eyes were closed as she soaked up the sun that peaked through the clouds in the sky. She could lie here forever if she could, but with the title of leader, you can’t really lounge around all day and every day. And just as she was getting even more comfortable on her pedestal, a rogue’s howl rang through the air, summoning Poison Path leaders. His call suggested that he was interested in joining. Gracefully leaping off her pedestal, she began to make her way towards the nomad.

As she came upon the rogue, her tail curled tightly over her back and her head rose regally while her fiery eyes overlooked the wanderer. At first glance, the boy looked almost like Rhysis, her enemy upon the mountain, but the cinnamon and red hairs that dusted the top set him apart. His silvery blue again reminded her of the dog that was her neighbor. She just had to hope this man was nothing like her ex-leader. The unknown boy was a respectful distance from the borders which brought pleased her. He had some brains at least. Her snowy body stopped on her side of the borders, her graceful voice breaking the silence between them. “Who are you.” No point in chit-chat.

|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by Tokio who has 10 posts.
Inactive IV. Scout
Stratovarius Qannik Arrluk
542 Words.
  • It was always a satisfying thing, when a leader wasted little to no time seeking to aid those inquiring and their borders. It meant that they were attentive and unwilling to let anyone be they a messenger, or a loner seeking acceptance such as himself, to be left unattended at their doorstep. Swiftness was always an admirable quality in a leader, or so Strato had always believed. It was no contest that everyone sought different traits in their leaders -- and Strato was no different. The ivory woman’s approach brought fleeting thoughts of Desdemona to the forefront of his mind which had fled as quickly as they had danced there. He did not look directly at the pale woman, who from the way she walked, her posture gave way her status of leader. Such things did not go unnoticed by Strato and appropriately he diverted his eyes, lowering them in the society expected form of submission as his head dipped low. While his abilities as a kiss-up could be astounding and surprising in their own rights, he had no intentions of pretending to be something and accordingly someone he wasn’t. Strato had always strove to be honest. It could cost him a position within the pack, or someone might see it was a trait with good intentions however blunt it might be.

    The woman leader’s voice was graceful as it fell from her lips, her words spoken in a familiarity that he recognized. She required his name in a way that was not flowery or subtle. She was as blunt and as straight to the point as one who knew Strato could expect him to be. Immediately, he admired her for it. Though modesty had never been one of his strong suits, he couldn’t help his small smirk as his eyes lifted ever so slightly so he wasn’t staring at the dirt beneath her paws. It felt indefinitely rude not to look completely at her when he spoke -- likely because he often looked in others’ faces when speaking to them regardless of who they said they were -- but he stopped himself from looking at hers. While he did not wish to masquerade, to put out anything that was dishonest he also knew that he needed to be careful. That he needed to not let his attitude and his unabashed, abrasiveness cost him a potential home. If he did then everything so far would have been in vain, a waste. “Stratovarius,” His name flowed roughly off his tongue which was as smooth as his words ever were. Teeth caught the teen’s bottom lip and he worried it absently, how he might worry a bone had he had one available to him. “I like Strato, more.” He was used to communicating in the languages of the North, German and Inuit. Having never been graced with the silver-tongue of his uncle words did not come easily to him to begin with, his tongue often feeling like lead in his mouth, unwilling to move that way that the words demanded.

    In such respects he was too much like Cikuq. He fell silent after giving her his name, not bothering to repeat his intentions for he did not wish to sound entirely redundant.

Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ash Hervok

He had finally returned from his trip from making an alliance with his own and now he was trying to get back into the swing in things, which involved him mostly laying on his ass and trying to regain his strength, but even now with his duties lying over his shoulder he had to fight to stay awake. The constant reminder inside his head that he was going insane, hearing the voice that he never thought he would hear again, and wishing now that it would go away and not plaque his thoughts constantly. A call from the borders for the leaders caught his attention and he moved sluggishly, his thoughts moving to the protection of Athena. The muscles in his shoulder flexed at every movement, his large form moving effortlessly through the shadows. Things were now getting slightly easier for him, since other things had finally calmed down a bit.

When he arrived, his White Queen was already near the loner, a boy, who seemed to be at least a respectable ways away from their borders. At least he had enough sense not to test them. He had just arrived as the question passed through Athena’s lips and quickly, Ash took a place by her side, raising his tail a fraction but not feeling like making his rank clear. His lady was here anyways and she was going to take care of this loner. If anything, Ash did take a protective step in front of the woman, his mossy green eyes evaluating the male in front of him. He was merrily a boy, a boy that Ash could easily take down if need be. Twitching his ears, he remained silent awaiting the answer from the new man that stood before them.

I think I've finally seen the light..in you.
Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon
scars remind us who we are

The young boy was respectful in his submission which again pleased the white queen. She never made another gravel at her feet for a place in her home, unless their attitude reflected that they needed a good lesson. If the rogue was respectful and showed enough submission for her liking, they would most likely get a place in her home. He answered her question respectively and she gave an understanding nod in his direction. “I am Athena, leader of Poison Path.” Her fiery eyes looked over the young boy once against noticing the size of his stature now. He would indeed grow into a large man if she was correct about his youth. Poison Path had an attraction to large males since all the males in her ranks were massive. Kamota was the only one that wasn’t up to par with the others, but he had gone missing recently. Namara was her massive female at her side, so that left Navar and Athena to be the only “normal” sized wolves. However, another large male wouldn’t hurt.

Letting her rump fall to the ground, she looked over him once again mentally trying to figure out what type of skill he could bring to her pack. By his size, he would most likely become a Guardian, but she already had many of those. Perhaps, he could give her some insight about himself that could possibly lead to another role. “Do you have any skills that could be of use to me?” She inquired, her amber eyes searching his body for any other clues. Hunter seemed out of the question with his massive size. He wouldn’t be fast enough. Perhaps, his mind would give her answers. It wasn't long before her Ash showed up by her side. A smile graced her ebony lips and she reached over to greet him with a nudge on his cheek before she turned back to the young male before them.

(This post was last modified: Apr 01, 2013, 04:14 PM by Athena.)
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by Tokio who has 10 posts.
Inactive IV. Scout
Stratovarius Qannik Arrluk
480 Words.
  • The ivory woman introduced herself, after he gave her his name as she’d asked of him, as Athena, leader of Poison Path. Confirming two facts that he’d been left to suspect. He’d found Poison Path and she was a leader. Strato nodded simply to show that he understood, choosing not to vocalize. He supposed he could have said something along the lines of ‘it’s a pleasure’ but he was never one for the conventional niceties that were often not meant. Icy blue eyes caught the motion of her the ivory leader settling down upon her rump, and in response Strato raised his eyes a hair, staring at her nose as opposed to her face. He didn’t want her to think that he wasn’t listening to him. Ears thrust forward as she posed her question to him. Guardian was the first thing that came to the forefront of his mind because it was what Cikuq had trained him to be. It was what he was built for, else he would have been willowy like any other Arrluk male. Except he wasn’t. He was broad and stocky, his presence commanding and masculine even in his boyhood. But it was not his only useful skill. He was not well suited for medic, finding all the plants, cures and poisons to be confusing and had given up when Sinaaq had attempted to teach him. “I am built for Guardian,” It was obvious and there was no sense in trying to pretend otherwise. “My father taught me what he knew. My mother…she was a Scout.” He told the ivory woman openly. Thoughts of Pandora filled Strato’s mind, memories of different scouting ventures she had invited him upon -- the only time he’d truly gotten to spend with her.

    “It is something I can too see myself doing. I am not unwilling to learn.” Strato was young and adaptable. Though most of his ways were solidly set he was not unwilling to learn how to become a Scout if Athena felt they needed that more than they did a Guardian. Or Advisor -- not that he particularly considered that a good job for him -- or whatever they needed. Possibly except medic only because he had tired once and had failed at learning it. His mind was not programmed to learn all the intricate and delicate matters that the role of Medic required. Nostrils flared to subtly inhale the scent of the male that joined Athena’s side, though the teen spared him a glance only to assume that he too, was a leader. There was something protective about the way he stood a little in front of the Athena, which would have been amusing considering Strato had no ill intentions, but dip of head in acknowledgement was given nonetheless before attention turned back to Athena awaiting what verdict she had to hand down to him.

(This post was last modified: Apr 01, 2013, 04:48 PM by Strato.)
Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon
This is after her fight with Rhysis, so her new scar across her muzzle will be there.(: Annd, I’m just going to reply Lightning if you don’t mind. Ash wouldn’t say much anyway(unless he goes all talkative on us:P)
scars remind us who we are

Her first thought was confirmed when he announced that he was indeed built for a Guardian, even though she already guessed this. But, then he went on and her options for him grew larger when he mentioned scout. Poison Path has never had a scout before, but she could perhaps use him to scout out Rhysis and Naira’s newly formed group of mutts. Their last rendezvous had left Athena pissed off and one cache less. She was determined to get them back for their disrespectful adventure, but she had to find them first. And Strato could help her with that. If he agreed to become a scout for her and if it didn’t please him in a way that a Guardian title would, she’d allow him to take the Guardian title if it suited him better. However, since he looked new to the Lore, he would be almost perfect for the job. ”If you are unwilling to learn, I would like to give you the title of Scout,” she answered, her fiery eyes glancing over at Ash’s emerald ones to see what his reaction was. Athena couldn’t see why he would disagree, but if he did, she’d want to know.

”However, if that title does not suit you, I will allow you to take the Guardian title. If you do in fact would rather have the Guardian title, this here is Ash, my lead Guardian.” If there was anyone could take the trophy as being the greatest Guardian, Ash would take it in a heartbeat. She could count on Ash to be there every time. He was truly her supporting beam that kept her up, but she was gradually weaning off him. Her life wasn’t as devastating as it had been. There was a light at the end of the tunnel and she was getting closer and closer every moment. New lives were growing in her stomach, which gave her new hope. New hope for the future.

|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ash Hervok

He had not expected to be interested in what the loner had to say, as he had never been quite interested, though he had listened, just in case something that was said would benefit him later. With Ash, he either liked you or he did not like you. Unfortunately, for many of the new members, they fit into the later category. He was intently listening to what the man had to say though, a spark of interest lighting within his mossy green orbs when he heard of the man’s interest in becoming their Scout. A small grin twitched at the corners of his lips briefly, before any sign of emotions that crossed his face disappeared as soon as it had come. His Guardian mask in play, he turned to Athena, watching the interest cross her own face as he spoke to him. When she looked towards him, he gave a quick nod of his head in acceptance to her choice of letting the yearling join their ranks.

Flicking his tail, he tilted his head slightly as his named was mentioned and nodded his head towards their new member, his deep voice booming towards him, "Greetings." He then remained his silent self, as was he by the borders, his brown ears twitching back towards where Athena was standing, waiting for her final orders to him. He was use to her telling him to do the usual, which he was perfectly fine with, but perhaps today they would be doing something a tad bit different, he had no clue. To add on to that fact, now that she was expecting, he wouldn’t be surprised if she went to sweet and innocent to insane and bitchy. He found it easy just to keep at a safe but close enough distance just to keep himself safe from harms way as well. Hormonal females were sometimes just plain old aggravating.

I think I've finally seen the light..in you.