Spectral Woods!
Hmm.. Is that a new territory I see in the Vale of Secrets region..?
BWP Wrap-Up
Okay, guys! This is a brief message that the Boardwide Plot should be concluding over the next few weeks! This means that the Aniwaya Woods pack is on its way out and plots and threads should be wrapped up, or started and finished swiftly! This isn't an announcement to pressure anyone, just know that soon, the Aniwaya pack will be disbanded and the characters left to the demise of their players. ;)
To continue with land discovery, it has been decided that a new territory will open every week until all are revealed. If you have a plot/territory discovery thread idea, please feel free to PM the Spirit of Wildwood account and we will set up the area you wish to discover and open the board up for such a thing to happen; after all, we want everyone to have a chance to be involved in this!