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Midnight At Full Speed — Wild Cherry Orchard 
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Played by Mimi who has 313 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Maksim Baranski
  Maksim lay on the ground, the remainders of a hare carcass between his legs and the moon above his head. He'd dug at the little creature's burrow earlier that night, snapped it up quick as a flash and broke the poor thing's neck. Still, the death of one gave life to another and, whilst it wasn't the most filling of meals for such a large male, it would have to suffice. His salmon-hued tongue traced his black lips, lapping at the little blood that remained upon his face. He desired a larger kill, of course, as a lean little hare could only do so much. Hunting was a perk of pack life, something he had not experienced properly since his departure from home. Why had the Baranski boy left? He wanted a legacy to be forged in his own name. He knew his throne would always be waiting for him back at Tall Trees but he saw much more honour in building himself up to be an alpha.

  Relic Lore was where he found himself. A few days travel and he had decided to set up a den within the Cherry Orchard. It was by a large field so there was ample opportunity to find a light snack, like the hare , and he was certain he saw deer tracks. Not that he'd take them on alone, mind you. Even a gargantuan beast like Maksim couldn't take down a deer single handed and it would be absolutely stupid of him to even try.

  Slowly, he stood up and turned away from what remained of the hare kill - best to leave that to the ravens - and strode off. Best to scout out the area a little bit more, hopefully find some other form of life other than food ... still, he was about ninety-nine percent sure there were other wolves around. Prey only meant predators, after all. If another showed their face, perhaos he could ask about this land? Being a lone wolf on unknown territory might potentially spell disaster at some point. Were there packs? Did they have healthy numbers? The earthen hued beast most certainly hoped that this was the case; even a male of Maksim's size and alignment couldn't stand the vulnerability of being alone.

(This post was last modified: Apr 29, 2013, 12:23 AM by Maksim.)

we are shining in the rising sun, as we are floating in the blue
Played by Littlewing who has 44 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Itai Sole
More exploring. It seemed endless, but if she wanted to find the right pack, it's what she would have to do. Itai stumbles across the naked cherry trees, and decides to venture through them. Why not? She was curious as to where it would lead her... or to whom it would lead her to. Fortunately, she was traveling on a full stomach, so food was not on her mind for once.

As she pads through the moonlit trees, her mind begins to wander. She imagines the trees covered in greenery, bearing the small red fruits she has only seen a few times before. Where she hailed from, cherry trees were extremely rare. Itai pauses for a moment now, taking in a deep breath through her nostrils. Someone was here. Her pause turned into a freeze; she barely moves. Ears attempt to pick up sound, but she doesn't find anything suspicious. Nearby, an owl hoots, and she resumes her walking.

The moon's pale face shines down upon the trees, creating an eerie scene. The branches outreach into the air, as if they were begging for spring to arrive. These trees would provide great shade on a sunny day. Smiling softly to herself, Itai doesn't realize she walks closer and closer to another lone wolf. Within minutes, a massive figure enters her vision, and her first thought is bear. With her light brown eyes widening, she shrinks back, rump hitting the trunk of a tree. After she releases a pained grunt, she slinks behind some trees, watching carefully.

(This post was last modified: Mar 27, 2013, 06:11 PM by Itai.)
Played by Mimi who has 313 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Maksim Baranski
  Maksim had walked right across another wolf's view without even knowing it! Perhaps he should have been paying more attention to his surroundings rather than wondering where his paws were to take him first, how far he should venture from his current den site. He certainly should've been keeping an eye out for other wolves rather than thinking about what to ask when he encountered one. However, simply walking in front of her wasn't what pulled him out of his buzzing thoughts. No, the first thing to do that was a soft grunt. The second was the scent of another; unfamiliar, just like the land. Both seemed to come at once and he couldn't help but wonder 'is someone hurt'? Maksim wasn't the most caring fellow but if someone was, in fact, injured he couldn't just leave them. His ears swiveled first and, then, his entire body turned. Green eyes darted betwixt the trees and it wasn't long until he spied the wolf.

  He squinted in order to see them better. The colour of lion tawny with a grey overcoat draped over the top, like a blanet of ash and smoke. At least that's what he presumed they looked like - sometimes you could mistake colours when they were saturated in dappled moonlight. They were smaller than Maksim, a much more slender frame which led him to believe that the wolf was, in fact, a female. He wondered briefly is she was trying to hide behind such a spindly bunch of trees with their branches naked and brown. He trudged through the thin remainders of snow on the ground, his breath visible in the form of curling, white condensation. It was rather cold, after all. "Miss," he addressed her, coming to a halt a few yards from where she stood, "are you hurt?"

  He wanted to get closer to make sure that she was okay but he was trying his best to come across as respectful; he was certain she saw him before he saw her and wondered if she'd stumbled from the shock of seeing another. Tripped, maybe? Walked into something? He wasn't some big, bad wolf who had come to gobble her up in the middle of the night.

we are shining in the rising sun, as we are floating in the blue
Played by Littlewing who has 44 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Itai Sole
The bear turns now, and comes toward her. She crouches down instinctively to make herself as small as possible. Her heavy breathing begins to soften as a voice sounds through the night air. She could understand him- he wasn't a bear! Feeling relief wash over her body, Itai allows herself to rise back up. Following that was an overwhelming sensation of embarrassment. "Err... I'm fine...thank you." She looks at her paws for a moment, attempting to gather her thoughts together.

Well, it would be better if she would be honest. The wolf before her would probably have a laugh. "The moonlight can play tricks on one's eyes," she starts with a nod, "I thought you were a bear..." A sheepish smile lingers on her ebon lips, but it soon fully appears. Her ears flatten temporarily as she awaits his response. "Foolish, I know. I've just..."

She stops now, thinking before she speaks. She didn't want to be a chatterbox. This wolf's intentions were unknown to her, after all. Feeling her muscles tighten, Itai finishes her sentence, "I've just been wandering around these lands for awhile. It has becoming most tiring." It was the truth. She felt a bit of pressure relieve itself from her mind as soon as she had finished her sentence. Silently, Itai wonders if the massive wolf before her was doing the same. He smelled rather bland, so she figured he wasn't with anyone else.

Played by Mimi who has 313 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Maksim Baranski
  She seemed sheepish and shy - or was that embarrassment? -, as if the male had caught her doing something that perhaps she shouldn't have been doing. At least she confirmed she was okay, it meant the male could ease up a little bit. Her gaze is dropped to the ground and she continues, Maksim opting to stay silent until she finished. What she says, however, takes him by surprise and he's not entirely sure if he should take it was a compliment or some innocent insult; she thought he was a bear. Her ears flatten and a brief, quiet chuckle escapes the male. "Whilst I cannot commend you on your eyesight in the darkness, miss," he begins with a shake of his head, "I can commend you on your decision to hide from what could have possibly been a bear."

  She hadn't settled into a pack yet? Most peculiar. Maksim furrowed his brow a little and questioned her. "You have been here for a while, yet you have not found a pack? Could I ask why?" This was far from promising. Were there no packs around? It worried him a little. He might have to travel further than he intended to. It may be a good idea to get a meal bigger than a rabbit if that was the case. The male did not like the loner lifestyle. He was born a prince, for goodness sake! Pack life was in his blood. He needed to be a part of something or he'd go mad with boredom. As much as he might not like to admit it, he'd be pretty lonely too.

  It suddenly hit him that he had not exchanged names with this female. He puffed his chest out a little bit, do his name some honour and all that. Head held high he introduced himself. "My name is Maksim Baranski." Prince of the Tall Trees pack! ... Well, ex-Prince. Maybe he'd best just leave that part out. "Could I inquire as to what your name is?" There was a time when he knew the names of everyone he spoke to but his pack life was far behind him and he was sure he had forgotten many of the names he once loved. His mentor? Pack herbalist? The betas?

(This post was last modified: Dec 18, 2013, 11:35 PM by Maksim.)

we are shining in the rising sun, as we are floating in the blue
Played by Littlewing who has 44 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Itai Sole
Itai listens to the large wolf's words. He had an interesting way of speaking- he was quite proper. Her ears flick at some of his words, and then she frowns ever so slightly. " Itai Sole" she says. With her face now stoic, she shrugs "I'm currently wandering the lands and meeting a few packs... then I'll go from there." It sounded odd to tell another wolf about what she was doing in such a blunt manner. Her tail is now lowered as she tries to relax.

"Thus far I only know of one pack south of here." She recalls the Swift River wolf who hunted rabbits with her. This brightens her up a bit, and helps her to loosen up. "It seems as if there are several, though. It's a bit like walking on eggshells around here." She goes to take a slight step forward, and winces slightly as she moves her hind legs. Her rump was sore from hitting the tree trunk. With a small sigh, she looks back to Maksim.

"Mind me asking how long you've been here?" Itai was a more casual speaker when first meeting a wolf, but she began to open up more with this one. Though she felt intimidated at first, she figured out it was his size that had sent her into a bit of a whir. None of the wolves where she came from had ever grown to that size. After he spoke, though, she had decided she was safe. It was only decided when she had finally relaxed.

Played by Mimi who has 313 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Maksim Baranski
  Maksim nodded slowly as he listened to the girl talk. She introduced herself as Itai Sole and the man bowed his head at this new found information. "Nice to meet you." He had a name to a face which was always good. Aah, she was in the same boat as he was then! Travelling around, seeing what she could find out. He stands proud yet, despite it not being as obvious as Itai, relaxed. She knew only of one pack herself but had, apparently, heard that there were many which was grand news! It was reassuring to know there was at least one functioning. He watches her wince as she steps forwards and slowly tilts his head to the side. Something was sore from ... whatever it was she did before she was alerted to the fact he wasn't a huge, drooling beast.

  When she questioned how long he had been about, he peered at the sky as if trying to count. After a few brief seconds of wondering, he lowered his head. "Three or four days. I plan to travel south, however, and see what I can find down there. Maybe see which of these many packs I can find." A day or two - maybe more - seemed like a nice time frame before moving on to whatever direction he decided next (that is, if he decided to move on at all). "If you don't mind me asking, Miss Itai, are you feeling okay? I couldn't help but notice your apparent wince." Maksim would feel somewhat guilty if she was in pain from him waltzing in front of her and consequently startling the poor girl. Whilst it wasn't necessarily his fault that she'd mistaken him for a bear, he wasn't about to be a utter child about it and blame her for being ditzy or clumsy. Did he smell like bear? He certainly hoped not. Maksim could not stand the stink of the brutish creatures.

we are shining in the rising sun, as we are floating in the blue
Played by Littlewing who has 44 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Itai Sole
Sorry it took me so long <3. Been very busy!

Her eyes watch him in the moonlight as he speaks. She nods at his answer as to how long he has been here. A day or two longer than her, it seemed. She scents the night air before looking at him, and lowering herself in embarassment. "I'm fine, thank you." Her voice is soft, and she bites her tongue. Itai takes in a breath, then explains "When I saw you, and thought you were a bear, I tried to back up..." She now rolls her eyes in a playful manner "I backed up into this tree." Well, that was embarassing, but oh well. He'd likely get a chuckle out of that.

"Sorry I thought you were a bear. I hope I didn't insult you." She tilts her head to the right in a curious manner. She grows silent, attempting to think of words for conversation. Itai raises her head up toward the waning moonlight "What a lovely night" she says. "I do enjoy traveling under the cover of darkness. It is less troublesome that way." With a grin, Itai titters "Aside from mistaking your identity just a moment ago."

As she closes her jaws, the wolf grows self-conscious. Had she been talking too much? Technically, no. A loner's life lacked a lot of social interactions, and even a wolf such as herself grew lonely on occassion. It was always nice to carry out conversation, even with a stranger. It gave her a bit of motivation to continue searching for others, and eventually place herself within a pack.

Played by Mimi who has 313 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Maksim Baranski
Sincerest apologies for taking equally as long to post this reply! I hadn't seen your reply.

Maksim held back the soft chuckle that came with her explanation of the slight wince she displayed. The only sign of amusement was the soft shaking of his enormous shoulders. Had she insulted Maksim with the bear thing? Maksim had seen bears many times and they were much larger than he was. Then again, he'd only seen grizzly bears and, whilst he had heard about black bears encroaching on the territory belonging to his home pack, Tall Trees, he'd never actually seen one. Regardless, the large wolf had decided on a response to the apology Itai had made and shook his head. "No offense was taken, miss." He was somewhat proud, oddly, that someone mistook him for a bear. He knew he was big and bulky and, whilst Maksim knew it wasn't something to brag about, those muscles of his packed quite a lot of power. Maybe not as powerful as a bear but oh well.

Lifting his head to the sky, the Baranski stared at the twinkling white dots. He often wondered what stars were made of. His mother told him, a long time ago, that they were made of the souls of deceased alphas and that trees were their followers. The alphas stayed in the skies to watch over their pack mates. Still, he was too old for such silly fairy tales now. "Whilst it's a beautiful time to travel, Itai, it is also dangerous. But I'm positive that, if you keep your wits about you, you'll be fine." Returning his gaze to Itai, Maksim sat and tilted his big head. "Where do you plan to travel next? North? South? East? West? I'm not sure what's out there but there's definitely a pack waiting for a new wolf to find their border."

Conversation for a lone wolf could go many ways. It had once ended in a scuffle for Maksim Baranski, one he won as he was much larger than the wolf who sprung on him. He was glad Itai wasn't some wolf in lamb's clothing. Still, he did his best to keep his guard up whilst he was among strangers; it would be stupid not to. Then again, he didn't really want to stand around and make idle chit chat as a lone wolf. He'd much prefer a conversation to occur when he could introduce himself with 'my name is Maksim Baranski, I belong to the Insert Name Here pack'.

(This post was last modified: Dec 18, 2013, 11:36 PM by Maksim.)

we are shining in the rising sun, as we are floating in the blue
Played by Littlewing who has 44 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Itai Sole
Itai shrugs lightly. "I'm not really sure where I'm going to go next. One day it's North, the next, East." The corner of her mouth twitches at her indecisiveness. It was true, though. She didn't really have a whole plan mapped out within her mind. She did whatever she felt like, on her own agenda. With a continuing gander at the large wolf, Itai wonders where this wolf originated from. He was so cordial- she felt quite comfortable around him. There was no reason to be tense, and so she was far from that marker.

Her ears are pricked upward now as her eyes raise to the moon. "Whatever seems right for the day, I suppose." She meant to think that, but it slipped from her throat and came out in voice. Not that Maksim would mind anyway, but she didn't want to blabber on and on. It was nice to have the company, though. She missed being around others. Though to find herself a pack, she would have to leave this lovely fellow whom she had thought was a bear on first sight.

"Exploring is nice, but I am ready to settle. It doesn't seem there are many wolves who wander through these trees." With a look around, Itai feels an emptiness. It seemed the area was mainly dominated by prey species rather than predators. The dusted wolf begins to knead her paws into the thawing earth's surface. She needed to move about. "Well, Maksim," she starts, looking at him "I should be on my way once more... I don't mean to cut our conversation short, of course..." her face flushes with warmth "I do hope I see you again. You are a very polite man." She smiles now, her eyes lighting up within the glow of the moon.

(This post was last modified: Apr 23, 2013, 05:25 PM by Itai.)