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i'm breathing in the chemicals — Spectral Woods 
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Played by Nova who has 443 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Anastasia Starklen
private for nanook/tokio :D <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#EC487E;"> <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#3F7240;">
You’ve gotten lost, she thought to herself idly as she walked amongst the Woods finding that nothing seemed very familiar. Geographically she was not far from where she and Nineteen had their den, but she had traveled pretty far southeast of Spectral Woods and the sun was close to setting in the horizon. She needed to get home but could she make it? Anastasia had allowed herself to scout East of their temporary quarters and was exhausted; she needed to rest and wasn’t sure how much longer she could continue walking.
A yawn emerged on queue and she scolded herself immediately. Cerulean eyes gazed upwards at the stars as they appeared, the moon just lifting into the sky. Yes, she was going to be really late to get home—would Nineteen be okay if she found a place here? She would be back early in the morning… just as she tried to push herself forward she felt herself stumble to the ground. There were dangers out here both to her and the currently alone yearling. She didn’t mind being alone by herself and sacrificing her to danger but he needed to be protected.
Just going to close my eyes for a few minutes, which seemed like a great idea so that she could be refreshed and continue the journey. Only that those few minutes turned into an hour at best, the sounds around her forcing her into nightmares and fooling her of the reality she had stepped foot into.

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Played by Tokio who has 17 posts.
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Sparta Atlantis Nanook Kesuk
Words. 745

Breath came from leathery black nostrils in a steady rhythm as the exiled DiSarinno (former) Prince neared the trees that formed a sort of fortress-esque wall that began what he had heard locals call Spectral Woods. It was the rumors that he had heard regarding these woods that had lured Nanook to it, frightened whispers spoken upon quick tongues of the few loners he had remained civil enough with to speak too. Oft, he did not return the courtesy of giving his name and though he did not forget their faces, nor the names bestowed to them, he did not particularly hold such things in high regard disconcerting most of it as invaluable. His powerful allies (and likewise enemies) would lie within the borders of the different packs dotted along Relic Lore, not in some scraggly loner. He heard all sorts of strange tales, most of ghosts. Hauntings. Nanook did not put much in store when it came to paranormal activity. He had yet to see, or hear, or have any sort of interaction with any corporeal being that had once lived but had since left their physical body. He could not imagine what might make a soul to decide to chain and bind themselves to the realm of the living -- and knew that when he passed, someday, he would move on. To Elysium was his ultimate goal, or maybe a special spot upon Olympus…though the darkening chaos in his mind hissed a very different tune, that he would be thrown to the deepest pits of Tartarus to rot with the Titans. Though, having came from a culturally divided family, his father devotedly following the Greek Gods of myth, while his mother held no outstanding religious view Nanook, unlike Olympia, had remained upon neutral ground when it came to things such as ‘religion’. Willing enough to…listen, if not to believe.

Nanook picked his way through the woods, the fog twining and caressing the stocks of his legs where it twined. If it were a living thing capable of hindering him beyond sight and senses, it would have constricted his legs and tripped him long ago. Fierce eyes of liquid gold cut through the deception, forcibly pushing against the sense of disorientation that the fog was giving him. His situation was not helped that he was wholly unfamiliar with these woods. Weariness crept upon Nanook, causing smoky ivory hackles to bristle in warning to…well no one since he was rather alone. It made him feel better, being alert, being on edge. While it meant, likely, looked paranoid, it caused him to be ready for whatever tricks that these woods decided to play upon him. Ears lowered to lay at half mast atop his skull, angelic face impassive as he picked his way through the trees, occasionally pausing to lower his muzzle to the ground, inhaling the alien scents around him, the wisps of something that was, while foreign, was wolf. Female, if the fog that hovered over him was not simply playing with his senses. On a whim, perhaps a momentary lapse in good judgment, he followed the trail, the scent getting stronger with each stride he took. The fog nearly concealed her, and in such Nanook came startlingly close into running into her, catching and halting himself at the last moment, taking cautionary steps back unsure if she were a friend or a foe, and she appeared to be sleeping, at that, he did not wish to be quite so close as he woke her. She had the scent of another upon her though, something he did not pick up at first, and eyes scanned the blue colored surroundings about them, furiously looking for any signs that she was not alone. Nanook was not a major fan of surprises.

She was covered in a coat of ivory, that much he could tell, and appeared smaller than him, though that could have easily been a trick for she was slumbering on the ground and the fog was working to hide her from view. Something about this felt too…fairytale-ish for Nanook. Damsel in distress slumbering in the dark woods, and he stumble along. Whether he had the reprising role of Prince Charming or the Evil step-mother (er, brother or something in his case) was entirely unknown. When he was a good (safe) distance from her, Nanook chuffed at her, the sound breaking the eerie silence around them, hoping it was enough to stir her.

Played by Nova who has 443 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Anastasia Starklen
<b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#EC487E;"> <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#3F7240;">
Sleeping willfully the pristine princess simply bathed in dreams, concerning herself with only the good. The environment she had slept upon hadn’t given her dark dreams, somehow, though they were beginning to sink in. The bright sunshine of her dreams began to melt away and darken with clouds, burning through the canopy was a full moon. Whispers amongst the trees caused her to wake in her dream, scampering through the woods trying to follow the light wherever it had gone.
As she turned around to continue chasing the suns bright dance she was greeted with large, open eyes that looked right through her—those eyes that she feared, she knew who it was and a sound she interpreted as a growl interrupted the child air. How had he gotten here? Luckily the second that she turned to flee, she awoke with a start and within seconds of panting she realized that there was someone rather close and jumped up with a start. Ana swallowed, breathing rapidly as she felt the desire to run from whomever it was that had startled her. The stranger didn’t resemble the male of her nightmare but she remained still; after all, what could he be staring at her for.
For a few moments she simply stood there in front of him, avoiding eye contact just as she had taught Nineteen. This could be a wolf that desired to be properly respect even amongst neutral lands so she couldn’t sacrifice her well-being by doing one foolish act of stupidity. So, she simply waited until he said something to her or left her to her own nightmares.

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Played by Tokio who has 17 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sparta Atlantis Nanook Kesuk
Words. 580

Nanook had found that there was always darkness, even in the light. The sun chased it away from the earth like clockwork every time it rose, yet, even the light could not entirely diminish the shadows. They lingered, under the canopy of trees above, even they, the living had shadows. The dark, Nanook had always assumed, was very well versed at being patient. Though the sun might have shown, if not momentarily obscured by drifting clouds every now and then, in these thick and veiled woods it struggled to keep much of a presence at all. The woodland itself seemed illuminated on it’s own though by what means Nanook could not ascertain. Skeptical still, of the supposed ‘spirits’ he had yet to stumble across -- all he had been meant with was disorienting fog which had less to do with the paranormal and more to do with mother nature. Whilst others spoke of the chills that slithered up their spine like icy fingers Nanook felt humid as opposed to cold. They were the tales of old wives, spun to discourage their hell spawn from wandering off, for Nanook could not dispute that it would be easy to find oneself lost within this place. Golden eyes sparked when the female stirred, and Nanook took another step back, the bracken that littered the forest floor, making noise beneath the pressure of his weight though was quickly swallowed by the dense fog. Perhaps that was where the “ghost” stories spawned from. It would be easy to move almost soundlessly through these woods.

Each movement she made was carefully watched and accordingly analyzed by the Darkling prince as she jumped up, abruptly, causing the Prince to watch her with head lowered, muzzle positioned to protect his throat should she feel the (not so) absurd need to attack him. Ears slung to the sides before resting at half mast atop his skull as she panted, the noise unmistakable. For a few moments they stood there, her avoiding eye contact in a way that left Nanook assume he was in charge of this conversation and as the position of power was gleefully taken back by Nanook, he relaxed his previously tense stance, if only by a little. He was still, for whatever it was worth, weary of her. Trust did not come easy to Nanook. It was a thing to be earned not freely given. That was how one tended to get stabbed in the back. If they were willing to earn it they would not become so quickly turncoat, if they did not want to earn it than they did not deserve it and were better off not being near him to begin with, Nanook had reasoned. It became quickly apparent that she had no intentions of breaking the silence that had formed between them so Nanook took that as his cue to either leave or speak. Head canted ever-so-slightly to the side. “Don‘t you know that it‘s not safe to fall asleep in such a dark, veiled place?” Nanook inquired, his words soft so as to not give the impression that he might be the monster he hinted so subtly at. Leathery nostrils flared to inhale her scent with curiosity, once more, attempting to commit it to memory.

“Pardon my lack of manners, I am Nanook.” The teenager offered her with a simple, slight dip of his crown. It appeared the manners of the high bred, Princeling were not, entirely snuffed out.

Played by Nova who has 443 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Anastasia Starklen
<3 <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#EC487E;"> <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#3F7240;">
In the time that she spent looking in his direction she couldn’t help but sense the fear in her building. Though he didn’t smell like he lingered in this territory permanently, XIX has given her reason to believe that some of the wolves here weren’t so friendly. Who was to say that this one wasn’t just like the one her friend had come across? It occurred to her that he likely wouldn’t attack her when he lowered his muzzle in front of throat in case she were to attack him. Well, that was highly unlikely. Anastasia attack someone? Right…
Still the male didn’t speak nor did he move from his location, he was stationary. It was her plan to simply wait until he left her alone before she turned tail and darted off from this strange snafu. Instead, he spoke. Clearly to her, not to anyone else and was advising her by telling her that it wasn’t safe to sleep where she had laid. <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#EC487E;">“I… I was on my way home and I… dozed, I guess.” She tried desperately to speak coherently but in her distracted, sleep-bound state she wasn’t really sure what to tell him. Anastasia was a fair distance from her den and she was so exhausted, she didn’t think she could travel anymore.
Nanook, he had manners. Enough to say ‘pardon’ which she didn’t think she had ever heard of in her birthpack. Usually there were no manners unless speaking to an Alpha. <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#EC487E;">“I’m Ana, or Anastasia. Whichever you prefer.” Or both, really. She usually to anything that remotely defined her—princess, for instance. A name she had been mocked with when she was younger for a brief period.

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