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a thousand times i tempted fate — Sierra Hills 
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Played by Tyrant who has 61 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Adonis Aquila
carry on, oh, little lonely prince
Adonis Aquila
Home. It was in his sights yet so far away. The glorious grey beast that stretched across the horizon was where he belonged. He knew it in his bones. In every fiber of his being.
Fuck. It was so far away. His paws ached from the days travel, having awoken before dawn and stopping only when he reached his destination atop the hill he now stood upon. The hills had been quite a climb, but what he needed was to scope the land so it had been worth the effort, despite how drained he felt.

Barely a young man, Adonis had already lived through so much, lies, deceit, love and hate, secrets hidden from him, death and loss and now the feeling of complete defeat as he contemplated the journey before him. It would not be easy, for he was a young and relatively inexperienced wolf. He might have learned a variety of lessons in life but nothing had prepared him to being left out in the wilderness, alone, unprotected and completely and utterly lost.

This hadn't been the plan of course. When he agreed to a "macho hunting trip to cheer him up" with Valiant he had been excited and saw light at the end of the dark tunnel he had fallen into when he had learned his best friend, Ryvet, had left the lands. He felt grown up and ready to take on the world, pushed aside his feelings of sadness at the loss of his friend and tried his best to think positive and made sure he would rub it in Datura's face when he returned. The golden boy would hate that he was left out.
Of course, finding out that the male leader of the Nomad's was coming with them did put a downer on the entire trip, but he was grateful to just be wanted and that he would have something to do other than mope about. The three of them had travelled in relative calm and good spirits, whilst the dark leader preferred to keep to himself, Valiant enthralled him with humorous tales of his life and the many females who he swore to this day still pined for him and his fluffy buns. The days and nights merged into one and he found with each step he took further away from his troubles, the lighter his shoulders felt.

In the present, the dark prince took a look over his shoulder, narrowing his eyes to see better in the fading sunlight to the shadows all around him. The same, gut churning response was all he got when he noted that the wolf he now knew to be his father and Valiant were not standing there, egging him on or just keeping watch as they had but days before. His stomach rolled as it thought back to the last time he had seen them. One moment they were dozing beneath the sun, his father scolding Valiant for being somewhat retarded, the usual really, the next they were surrounded by a rather savage pack of wolves who did not hesitate to attack first and ask questions later.
Adonis had never seen a battle. Sure, he had wanted one up on the mountains when he wished to see the White Witch fall, but witnessing one so close was not as glorious as the stories made out. There were no heroes, only pain and suffering- storytime would never be the same again.
The wolf he now called his father charged alongside Valiant into the fray, allowing him the distraction he needed to slip away unharmed. He had run, as fast as his long legs would allow him without looking back, like a coward. That's what he was. A spineless, yellow bellied coward. He had left them there alone, two wolves against who knew how many, out numbered without a hope in the world of making it out of there. He ran. Ran until he collapsed from sheer exhaustion, his legs refusing to move another inch and the gut wrenching sobs that broke from his chest into the night, until his throat was so dry he could barely catch his breath. Night had fallen by that time and all around him the sounds of the dark dwellers crowed. He had lain awake the entire night, his ears straining and nose quivering, trying his hardest to catch a hint that his pack members would be with him soon... but they never came to find him.

The guilt ate him from the inside. He felt an utter coward, leaving them to whatever doom they met. Of course, his clever brain told him he would have been no aid - he was a young wolf, inexperienced and would only have gotten in the way, but it brought him no comfort and he fought most days to turn off the gift of intelligence that he had been blessed with. Instead, he closed down from the world and relied on his gut instinct and feelings alone in order to make it through.
He had remained in the area where he fell for days, hoping they would come to him, but they did not. He lost count of how many nights he had waited before he had given up hope and headed back to his home atop the great mountain to deliver the news to his mother. A long, tedious journey made worse by his own, sorrowful, angry company. He was not looking forward to going home.

From atop the apex of the highest hill, he looked towards the place he called home. His brilliant blue eyes focused across the vast tree tops that seperated him from his mother, his brother and pack mates. He was further than he had first thought, he must have wandered in circles for days now, a mixture of hunger and sorrow screwing with his inner compass. Already he was feeling the effects of his limited hunting skills, scavaging left overs and taking down the smallest of prey was a painful reminder of the life he had suffered when it was just he and his mother against the world - a place he had vowed never to find himself again, yet here he was, thinning, weary and miserable. That brief moment of happiness he had found when his home was together, his mother was happy, his brother was a dork but at least he had someone to play with and the cherry on the icing had been to find his father, though the guy gave him the creeps, it was nice to at least know the truth and made him feel a little more comfortable knowing that the darkness inside him was more than just a coincidence, but that his very blood was laced with poison. Not that it mattered now; he'd most likely never see the guy again. "Shit..." he breathed as he realised he was at least another week away from reaching home. A trip he still was not sure he wanted to make. After all, when he returned he would have to tell his mother the news about what happened and he could not bare to make her cry- he might have toughened up on the outside with the mask he had forged to cover up the hurt inside him, but he was pretty sure that seeing his mother sad would tear down his shield and leave him a quivering mess once more.

He had no other option though, home was the only place he had left and he had to make it back. One step at a time.
With a final glance at the direction he had to go, and noting any significant features to ensure he was on the right path, he turned and slipped back down into the belly of the hills, sticking close to the shadows where he would melt inside his black fur into nothing. He moved like a ghost across the world, his legs long and light, his gait steady yet not quite as confident as his fathers, his head lowered, nose on the move forever searching for danger in the world because let's face it - he didn't have much luck in life and no doubt he'd soon run into another monster hiding just around the corner.
Played by becuffin who has 20 posts.
Inactive IV. Yearling
Lily Aquila
in time you'll show me what you're made of
Lily Aquila
but I'd be lying if this wasn't a test, So get your shit right or I'll give you an f

To refer to the small (usually) white wolf as a monster could be seen as laughable under almost any circumstances. Her small stature, juvenile demeanor and the apparent skip in her step as she made her way across the red slashed hills was spritely, her mismatched eyes shining in the fading light. A persistent itch along her spine had sent the girl to her back in a cloud of dust and now her pristine coat was splotched with red dust, only further adding to the perception that this wolf was far too young to truly be out on her own. But out on her own she was.

There was no apparent purpose to her steps, wandering this way and that, her nose twitching to take in the unfamiliar scents as her eyes darted wildly from side to side, her tongue lolling happily from her mouth as she turned her nose to the gradually fading light. It was about this time that her mother would begin to get ready for a final hunt before bed. A burst of laughter left her chest at the thought. Routine was for old wolves and pack wolves and she was neither yet! Clambering noisily up a steep incline to see the land below more clearly, she was oblivious to the young dark wolf nearby and threw back her head in a howl of joyous defiance. She was young, she was free and nobody could stop her! If she wanted to prowl all night then prowl she would and if she wanted to sleep the day away she would do that too. Nobody would be able to tell her otherwise.

☽ ✦ ☾
template made by GINNYSAURUS. of RPG-D.
Played by Tyrant who has 61 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Adonis Aquila
i'll wrap my hands around your neck so tight with...
Adonis Aquila
The terrain was so simple to navigate, so very different from the rocky ledges he had climbed daily not too long ago and he made quick progress as he clambered down from the perch he had previously stood atop. The ground beneath his paws was soft here, not quite grass but more soothing to the paws than the course stone he was used to- his paws were enjoying the relief despite the unfortunate circumstances, what with him being completely lost and alone and all that. He might have taken more enjoyment from his time away from the mountains had he been returning with his two missing pack mates, but the dark cloud that normally hung above his head was currently in the clutches of a ferocious storm and there was little light left in his mind these days.

A bubble of laughter and a happy call caused him to pause in his steps. On instinct he lowered himself to the floor, using whatever shadow he could find to camouflage himself from whoever or whatever had made such a loud noise. Logic told him it was the sensible thing to do, hide away until you could assess the situation, but the darkness that was wrapping around his heart with every beat scolded him for being such a coward. As ever he was torn, fighting against his darker side, yet as it happened more often than not these days, the blackness within him won. Shaking himself off, he stood as tall as he could muster (which was a pretty lofty height thanks to daddy's genes) and ruffled his thick black coat free of dust and debris he had collected when he dropped to the ground. With his ears perked forwards and relying heavily on his only good eye, he followed the invisible path of musical notes the voice had left behind.

Rounding a large clump of vegetation he spotted her. A lone female, dirty and aloof, grinning from ear to ear at nothing and no one. His nose told him she was alone, though he would not let his guard down, he had learnt that lesson the hard way. Satisfied she was no threat to him, for her stature was small and wiry and her scent was just her own and not that of a pack, he was quite happy to slip back into the shadows and be on his way. At least, that was the plan until his gaze caught sight of her eyes. From a distance he knew they were mismatched, much the same as Ryvet's had been... perhaps she was a family member? Perhaps she might know where his friend had gone? A heavy thud of his heart beat with anticipation, urging him forward from his hiding place to call her out. "Hey!" he called to her, his voice unwavering as it might have been before thanks to the emotional mask he now wore. His appearance was that of authority now, not that of a coward as he had once been and it had taken him some time to master how to stand and move just like his father. On the outside he was a proud, perhaps not quite yet powerful wolf but the potential was there... inside he was pissing his pants and doing his best to hold down his small rodent dinner with nerves at talking to a stranger.
Played by becuffin who has 20 posts.
Inactive IV. Yearling
Lily Aquila
in time you'll show me what you're made of
Lily Aquila
but I'd be lying if this wasn't a test, So get your shit right or I'll give you an f

The voice came from nowhere, ceasing the wagging of her tail momentarily before her eyes fell on the tall, dark young wolf. Her heart began to pound excitedly. She had never met a wolf her own age, especially not another loner before! She had met strangers, yes, but they were all so old, and none of them had such enchanting eyes... almost like the stranger half of her left eye, blue... Her tail resumed it’s thrashing from side to side, even faster than before rising over her spine like a proud banner - completely oblivious to the messages she may be sending.

Who was this stranger? At least he didn’t seem afraid. “Hey!” she responded, foolishly bounding across the distance between. Her stance playful but boisterous as her face came close to the strangers almost crashing against his nose before she slipped down his flank, her nostrils flaring as she took in more of his scent. She pulled along side the much taller young man like an under-socialised dog at the park, her head by his hind legs as his was hers. She never had siblings and her mother had been over indulgent of her exuberance. She didn’t know any better.

“I’m Lily, who are you?” she questioned innocently. Perhaps once they got past the formalities they could go for a run, or maybe hunt. They both appeared to be a bit on the scrawnier side for their adventures.

☽ ✦ ☾
template made by GINNYSAURUS. of RPG-D.
Played by Tyrant who has 61 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Adonis Aquila
i'll wrap my hands around your neck so tight with...
Adonis Aquila
The instinct to run hit him like a smack to the face, but he held his ground and his composure, stilling the shaking he felt on the inside. The white girl turned without hesitation and bounded in his direction. Although she did not appear aggressive, or in fact much older than himself, he couldn't help but recall the attack on his pack mates - it had started in a similar fashion. A somewhat docile wolf skipping up to them before the ambush lay waste to their trip and possibly to their lives. He couldn't be too careful; he considered himself gullible and therefore weak, having trusted that no harm would ever come to him again now that he had his family by his side - how very wrong he had been; so far because of his family he suffered a life changing optical injury, had spent most of his childhood half starved, exhausted and lonely, brought to a pack he hated and then to top off the icing on the cake he had his newly found father taken before his very eyes and had been abandoned out in the wilderness. Family might mean a lot to him, but they sure could be a pain in the ass. Maybe going back to them wasn't such a good idea... It was a thought he wouldn't entertain. He had promised his mother he would always care for and protect her and he was a wolf of his word. He would return to her and live (and most likely die) alongside her forever more. Now that Ryvet was gone, he had little other reason to leave his homelands ever again.

With a flick of his ear he studied her, gauging her closing distance with his good eye as she made no attempt to stop at a comfortable distance, but instead darted right up into his flank and began to sniff him all over. It wasn't a strange custom, but it made him feel very uncomfortable all the same and he found his lean legs almost tripping over themselves as he took several paces to the side to create some distance between them. Further silence fell from him as he noted her name, but was unable to pull his gaze away from the now mis-matched eyes which he saw so clearly. The sight of them caused his stomach to lurch, of images of his pale, strange-eyed puppy friend to bounce around his brain. Though they were not the same colour, he was unable to process anything other than she must be related to his long lost friend in some way. Crazy as she was, he had to learn more about her.

"I'm Adonis." he replied, not feeling uncomfortable from the silence he had caused between them, more so eager to find out what he wanted and get the hell out of here. "I'm a friend of Ryvet." he added, hoping to see a flash of recognisation on her features as he dropped the name.
Played by becuffin who has 20 posts.
Inactive IV. Yearling
Lily Aquila

She didn't pursue as the strange boy moved away. That would be rude, but she did allow her tail to fall lower than her spine so as to appear... well less exuberant than she had been. Restlessly she shifted from paw to paw as the boy stared at her... rather stupidly really. She bit her tongue however and kept on smiling. Perhaps she was the strange one? After all, she never had anyone her own age to relate to before.

Finally he broke the silence between them, introducing himself as Adonis - a friend of Ryvet. Who was Ryvet? Was he some great and powerful warlord? A handsome king? Some great hero? She giggled at all the possibilities of just who this Ryvet person could be before she couldn't contain herself anymore. "I'm Lily!" she blurted out finally half a giggle as she bowed down playfully, ready to throw herself at this strange dark boy at the first sign of an him accepting an invitation to her game.

"I'm not from around here, and I don't have any friends yet..." She added as an after thought. "I've never met a wolf my own age before." she added slightly more shyly, her back still bowed and ready to pounce. She had made up her mind that like it or not, Adonis would be her friend and play her game. There would be plenty of time to talk once she had burned off some of her excess energy, with little thought given to how the poor boy's state could very mean that he was far too exhausted to join in willingly.

and we don't know what left
but we feel it's coming back soon
Played by Tyrant who has 61 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Adonis Aquila
i'll wrap my hands around your neck so tight with...
Adonis Aquila
Her giggle was pleasant enough. The old him would have found himself smiling at her carefree nature, but the darkness that had consumed him found it irritating more than endearing. She was just a child, in adolescent clothing. Everything seemed to be a joke to her, from the way she moved to the smile on her face - clearly she had no idea what life was actually about. If she did, she wouldn't be so freakin' happy all the time.
He felt his ears lowering flat against his skull, the first outward sign of his annoyance, but he kept his cool and waited for her to reply. Her name was a little interesting; from what he understood of his life he had once had a sister called Lily, but she was dead now. He knew nothing more about her, only a passing name; another faceless character in the drama that had been his life so far.
Her bow had him taking another step back. Her intention was clear; from the smile on her face to the wagging of her tail. She wanted to play. Silly girl, didn't she know that playing with a stranger was dangerous? Yeah sure, playing could be fun and the best moment of his life had been playing with Ryvet, rolling around, running as fast as his legs might carry him until he felt he was flying, but play was for puppies. He didn't have time for play, he had to get home and tell his mother what had happened, show Datura just what eating your vegetables could do for you when he pounded on him a little, oh and meet his new siblings - a task he was not looking forward to. No, he certainly didn't have time to play.

The news that she was new to the area dampened his spirits to no end. Already she was annoying him, but now that she wasn't much use to him he could feel himself getting agitated. His once cool demeanor had melted away on the hunting trip - the weeks of torment, pranks and "male bonding" having rewired his brain completely. "A pity." he replied before he took yet another clear step back, hoping his message was being received that he was not the type to play any more. "Sorry to have disturbed you then, but I must be going." he added in his husky tones. He would not disclose why he had to leave, or where he was going. He didn't need her stalking him and if she were to turn on him he didn't need to give away the secret location of his homelands- a secret he would take to his grave.