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Just one cherry, play again. — Spectral Woods 
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Played by Pinn who has 210 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Capella Destae
<b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#5A2850;">

Capella had never really realized how unfortunate she was before today. The sun's rays were beating down on her thick coat, and she couldn't help but curse her parentage. At this point last year her pelt hadn't filled in yet, allowing the cool breeze to circulate around her. This year however, she was feeling the effects of her arctic heritage. Her energy was already drained from the heat, and it wasn't even midday yet. Suppressing a groan, she continued moving forward. There was still food to be caught, but of course that would require running, and she wasn't sure if her body could handle it. The fear of overheating was already overpowering, and she knew that there wouldn't be a hunt today. Deciding to wait for the sun to pass before she began tracking, the fae set off in search of a shady tree.

Though the trip would be longer than she would have preferred, the sunny eyed girl knew of a perfect tree close to the edge of the woods. Her stubborn mind wouldn't settle for anything less, and so she had to go there. Capella's trip was relatively uneventful, but she did notice a lack of animals littering the forest floor. Usually game was plentiful, but not today. She figured the other creatures had the same idea as her, and were sheltering themselves from the heat. It almost made her feel better about the fact that she was slacking on her duties.

Dandelion eyes fell onto the tree she planned on lounging under. Picking up her pace, she crossed into the shadows and the relief was almost immediate. She was going to have to get used to moving around in the sun like this, but today would not be that day. For now, she chose to lay down on the cool grass and watch the world around her.

[Image: capell2_zps67b76aeb.png]

Lovely table, and signature by Arla <3

Played by Sickboy who has 27 posts.
Inactive V. Yearling
ILL Grey
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Even in the somber shade of the tree canopy, sunbeams pierced through and cascaded on the ground, sending spotlights across the forest floor. " What a troublesome place. " Ill thought quietly to himself. He had been traveling for a while, days in fact, and as the new terrain grew on him the more he started to hate it. Even though the thin coat around his body allowed cool air to flow, the black color that encased him made the warm weather feel like a greenhouse. The shadows provided little comfort as the male jumped from spotlight to spotlight trying to escape the heat.

The trip was defiantly worth it. After days of wandering meadows and fields that exposed him, strange woods that left him uneasy, it finally felt nice to be confident for once. But he had to get out of the heat, the leaping and sprinting was doing a number on the paws and soon his body would overheat. Tongue hanging lazily out of the loner's mouth, he came to a abrupt stop and surveyed the area. Taking a deep breath, nostrils filled with the scent of someone else but...the dark male wasn't exactly sure from where. In unfamiliar territory branches wove together in puzzling patterns so strange that it made Ill's head spin. Slowing the confidence drained out of him.

The honey eyed wolf brought himself low to the ground. Stalking the undergrowth wasn't really his thing, but with a potential enemy in the area really made his back hair quiver. Silently he stepped forward.

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NOTES : whew

(This post was last modified: Jun 21, 2013, 07:48 PM by Ill.)
Played by Pinn who has 210 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Capella Destae
<b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#5A2850;">

A slight breeze tore through the heat, filtering it's way through her coat. Inhaling deeply, she smelled something rather off. The scent of a male, presumable alone, radiated on the breeze. The first thing that came to her mind was the wolf that had threatened the puppies and her hair began to raise. This rogue was too close to their home, and she had to stop him before he reached the den. Disregarding the heat, she stood with her mouth closed. Another breath told her of his position and she broke out into a run.

As his perfume grew stronger she slowed down considerably. Speeding up on him would likely have caused a fight, and she didn't want it to come with that. Her knowledge of the landscape came in handy as she moved through the trees effortlessly. She knew every dip of the land, and each obstacle that crossed her path. Nearing the new wolf pulled to a stop. Only then did the heat become apparent once more, forcing her tongue out of her mouth. The male looked to be rather healthy, which could only mean that he was considerably good at hunting; A fact that put her on high alert as she understood the danger of an unknown being. If he were to attack she was out here all alone. Any call she made for her little family would go unanswered for minutes, and that was definitely long enough for him to instill any damage he wanted.

Stepping forward from the undergrowth she spoke to him, eyes resting on his posture. He seemed to be on the defensive, which didn't ease her worry. <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#5A2850;">"Hello there sir, are you lost?" She allowed her head to fall, protecting her throat, and her tail to remain neutral. Her ears did not fall back on her head though, as she was not submitting. Rather, she planned on ensuring he wouldn't come close to the cubs. If it ended in a fight, then so be it, as she would protect her little group with her life.

[Image: capell2_zps67b76aeb.png]

Lovely table, and signature by Arla <3

Played by Sickboy who has 27 posts.
Inactive V. Yearling
ILL Grey
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The second his front paw touched the ground, the young male's coat felt soaked to the bone once more. Though it wasn't raining like before, every hair layering his back danced on end; nerve endings electrified sending shivers from neck to tail. Why had it suddenly felt like bad energy floated around the air? Though misty, the forest didn't look so intimidating when he had first traveled in, but the more the ominous feeling set in the more Ill regretted his brave decision. " I really need to lose this anxiety. " he thought.

Her scent hit the ashen wolf like a wave and before he knew it he was being spoken too. His head started to spin and looking up Ill finally saw company that so deathly caught him off guard. " Wh..Wha..What? " stuttered words trailed out. She said something about forest and lost but anxiety sent shocks up his spine while he was too lost in thought to hear. How long had he been standing her talking to himself? Glancing up gave him some hope, she was defiantly calm with the situation so it was unlikely he'd get his ass handed to him in this situation. He hoped.

Straightening up a little gave the toxic atmosphere a better feeling, but only a little. He meant no harm, now to try to talk his way out of hostility. " I'm sorry..I didn't hear you at first. I'm Ill....and you are? ". The amber eyed wolf let his head tilt slightly, tail down, then took a step back for safety. What would happen now was up in the air.

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NOTES : whew

(This post was last modified: Jun 18, 2013, 08:31 PM by Ill.)
Played by Pinn who has 210 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Capella Destae
<b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#5A2850;">

The male seemed to be a little startled, and possibly anxious, which wasn't a surprise to her. When strangers first made their way into the woods they could feel what she was already used to. It was the eerie way your hair stood on end, and the strange shapes that dance across your line of vision. Newcomers wouldn't know about the spirits inhabiting the forests; Nor the fact that the forest itself seemed to play tricks on you. It was definitely not an ideal place unless you were to make your home here, and if she was being honest, not even then did things get much better.

Turning her attention back to the honey eyed male, she spoke. <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#5A2850;">"No worries, I'm Capella. It's a pleasure to meet you. I was just wondering if you were lost. These woods have a way of turning you around before you even know it." Her tone was light, yet her body language remained cautious. She wouldn't be able to relax until she was sure of his intentions, and that they had nothing to do with the two bundles resting back in the den.

Her head matched his in the tilt, as she awaited his answer. Although it was in her nature to trust those around her until they proved themselves unworthy, her previous encounter had left her shaken. Capella reminded herself that he might simply be passing through, and forced her tail to sway back and fourth gently. Although the heat continued to beat down on her, she did her best to ignore it, but it wasn't doing too much good.

(This post was last modified: Jun 18, 2013, 08:37 PM by Capella.)
[Image: capell2_zps67b76aeb.png]

Lovely table, and signature by Arla <3

Played by Sickboy who has 27 posts.
Inactive V. Yearling
ILL Grey
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" No worries, I'm Capella. It's a pleasure to meet you. I was just wondering if you were lost. These woods have a way of turning you around before you even know it. "

Finally, the electric jolts which plagued his nape subsided and Ill felt the knot growing sickly in his stomach loosen. This was the first other wolf he had met outside his family, so friendly, which reminded him of the sweet, sweet brother he left behind. Guilt creep-ed from the dark corners of his head, immediately he regretted making that connection. Squinting, eyes met with the cruel sun gazing on the both of them. Would the heat ever subside?

Stepping back again, Ill's body finally met with the slightly cool shade of the unknown tree in back of him. All of this vegetation was strange, not knowing the names of any of them made him feel more of a loner then he already was. Meeting her eyes he hoped that his retreating behavior didn't make him seem frail or afraid, he simply could not take the heat much longer. Feeling ready, he began to speak once more, " I would rather not admit it but I'm extremely lost. I didn't mean to intrude it's just there is no way to escape this heat and I thought... " his eyes broke contact and started to wander, " ...I'm just looking for a place to stay. "

" Jeez, I have the social skills of a buzzard. " he winced, " Why don't I give up now? "

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(This post was last modified: Jun 18, 2013, 08:31 PM by Ill.)
Played by Pinn who has 210 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Capella Destae
<b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#5A2850;">

His eyes met her own, and she had a flashback of her first meeting with Lachesis. The pear eyed male had done the same thing that the wolf in front of her had done. Had she been any other wolf, his eye contact would have evoked anger, but she was alright with it, so long as he made no aggressive movements toward her. Capella had always been pretty laid back when it came to things such as posture, but that might change when they actually claimed land. As of now he had as much a right to be here as she did.

"I would rather not admit it but I'm extremely lost. I didn't mean to intrude it's just there is no way to escape this heat and I thought... " Another lost soul wandering through the woods. Once again, the situation felt familiar to her, and she couldn't help but like this loner a little more. At least now she would make sure to pass a fair judgement on him. Not all wolves could be so bad, right? Not to mention he might end up being one of her friends, just as Lach had done. If you never tried, then you would never know, or she thought so at any rate.

Sunny eyes looked upon him as he spoke again. So he was looking for a place to stay? She couldn't help but smile a little brighter. The fae had just the thing for someone who was thinking about joining a pack. Her little group was growing even stronger now, and though they had lost Rosealia, she found solace in the fact that those around her were here to stay. <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#5A2850;">"If you are in need of a place to stay for the night, then I am sure my little family wouldn't mind so long as you stayed away from the camp. If you were looking for a home, then I could offer you that. The small group of rogues I live with and I are planning on claiming land toward the south." Her eyed brightened as she spoke to him, excited at the prospect of a new member.

(This post was last modified: Jun 18, 2013, 08:38 PM by Capella.)
[Image: capell2_zps67b76aeb.png]

Lovely table, and signature by Arla <3

Played by Sickboy who has 27 posts.
Inactive V. Yearling
ILL Grey
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Joy flooded through the poor male's bones like warm spring water. This had been his first encounter and it had gone so smoothly that he began to doubt if this was really reality. Why was she so nice to him? He was neither blood nor friend, they have known each other for not even a couple minutes and she was already asking to be one of their own. This was a drastic change then the cold, unwelcoming den he had once called home. How other wolves could be so nice put out a fire that had been burning in his heart that had been there since the very beginning.

Slowly, the tail that had hung low in fear began a slow wag. This was his first friend and the fear of losing her tugged at the nerves in his head. " That would be... " he paused, taking in a sharp breath, " ...amazing. I've just been so alone. " He didn't want to seem like he was submitting so easily, but the happiness that rippled through his pelt was giving him away easily.

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Played by Pinn who has 210 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Capella Destae
<b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#5A2850;">

She watched as his tail began to sway back and fourth. The joy that seemed to be filling him, entered her as well. Taking in those who needed a home was something she would likely do for the rest of her life, as it gave her some fulfillment. Maybe that was her purpose after all. Helping those who were lost, in any sense of the word, find homes where they could feel love, and hope; Just as she had found with Shade. Speaking of which, she planned on calling him now, but decided that she had ought to learn a bit about him first. There would be no sense in wasting Shade's time if this male didn't seem fit enough for her pack. They certainly couldn't take in a rogue who was going to be a danger to the pups.

Once again she let her eyes meet his, not to challenge him, but rather to speak as equals. The smile on her lips remained as she listened to him speak. He seemed to be the same as she did before she met up with Shade. He was lost, alone, and unhappy. What brought him to this point was unknown to her, and so she needed to find out. <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#5A2850;">"Where are you from?" She asked in hopes he would tell her a bit about his past, or at the very least, what brought him to the woods. Honestly, she was curious about him. Maybe it was because he reminded her a bit of Lach, or the fact that he seemed as though he had been alone for some time now. Her inquisitive mind continued running through the possibilities, as she awaited an answer.

[Image: capell2_zps67b76aeb.png]

Lovely table, and signature by Arla <3

Played by Sickboy who has 27 posts.
Inactive V. Yearling
ILL Grey
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She seemed to be warming up to him, or at least he thought. What he lacked in social skills always seemed to make a situation worse then it already was. The shuddering, the twitching of head from side to side. He was a wreck and he knew it. Telling her his story, his whole story, seemed like a death wish. The awkward stares and rejection imagined swam around in his brain at the thought of the words poring out of of his shaking jowls. No, she was on a need to know basis...and she didn't need to know.

Just as he began to open his mouth a sharp current snapped through and in-between the trees, rushing past him and racing to the heavens. Relief, for a brief moment the heat subsided and he finally felt comfortable. Raising a leg for a itch to cure the anxiety, he tried again. " I'm from a ash forest far from here. " he began, starting to think where he exactly came from first. " I lived with my brothers but...I had to leave for reasons, " eyes began to shift again, " My brother Able is all I know, I'm not sure if I had parents. I know that I'm never going back so I tried to put space between me and them. I do not think they'll find me here, I just need to start a life of my own. " He cut himself off, the awkwardness of his voice was starting to get to him. " I haven't seen anything like this place before in my life, I was hoping if I traveled farther north I would run into someone who would help me. ".

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(This post was last modified: Jun 19, 2013, 12:41 AM by Ill.)