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Played by Whisper who has 125 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Spectre Slayer

She was nervous about that male she had met inside the borders, and had returned from hunting a little early. Spectre had wanted to see to it that the den site was okay. She still did not trust the male, and whether or not he joined the pack was not something she could do anything about. It was all down to the alphas, though she was confused as to why he seemed so attached to Anastasia. Wasn't she the mother of the pups? Sighing, Spectre trotted into the open area before the den and frowned, lifting her head to look around. She saw no one, and was not sure if they were out or simply sleeping. Frowning, the female moved to a corner of the clearing and stretched before she turned in a circle twice to lay down.

The intention to have a nap was given up for lost when she found a stick poking her in the side. Snarling out of irritation that was residual from her altercation with Beelzebub, she twisted and snapped her jaws around the stick, bringing it to rest between her front paws. After a moments consideration, Spectre closed her jaws once again around the stick and set to chewing on it. It gave her something to occupy herself, but also gave her an outlet for the frustration she felt towards the darker wolf. His words to the alpha, and his words to her were completely different. It gave her the impression that he was two faced, and she distrusted him simply on principle.

Word Count: 258
Played by Melorama who has 97 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Adsila Slayer
So sorry I made you wait Whisper! I was forced to go shopping (ugh) with my mom, and then we did other stuff and I only just got back :c

I don't judge people; it blurs out the center
Adsila Slayer
of my attention, my focus, myself

A growl that sounded more like a cat purring escaped from the young princesses maw as she pounced on the mouse. Her front paws landed on its back, pushing it down to the ground while it thrashed around; desperately trying to escape. A grin came upon her dainty face as she leaned her head down and poked at it with her dark muzzle. It smelled warm, like the grass under her feet, the brush surrounding her, like the forest. Nipping at it softly with her front teeth, she felt it struggle against her muzzle for a moment, before opening her jaws and biting down on its body. Not hard enough to kill it, just enough to make sure that it couldn't escape. She'd give the mouse to Karpos, and then they'd play with it.

Padding forwards at a trot, she weaved around bushes and trees, making her way over to the den. But just as she entered the clearing, a snarl rang out, but it sounded different than hers, much different. It sounded angered and frustrated. The snarl caused the young princess to let out a yawp and jump up into the air out of fright. The mouse fell out of her jaws and scampered away into the brush, and she turned her head to look at its disappearing body. A frown crossed her face and she turned to look at the wolf that had caused her to drop the mouse. Denim blue eyes fell upon a slightly blurry shape, her eyes sight was greatly improving, but everything was still a bit blurry so she couldn't see the very fine details.

A scowl came upon the young princesses face as she stared at the wolf, who was chewing on a stick, before her eyes searched across its body. Female. She had white fur, and was about the same size as her father. Ice blue eyes adorned her face, which had a light tan on the muzzle portion of her face. Huffing softly, Adsila walked forwards; her head held high and her tail slightly curled above her back.This wolf had caused her too lose the mouse she had been carrying, and she didn't like it at all.

Stopping a few paces in front of the white female, the young princess stared at her, before opening her jaws to speak. "I'm Adsila Slayer. Who're you?" Her tone was accusing, and not very kind. More snobbish and bossy than it would've been if Shade was around. But he wasn't here, and the white female made her drop the mouse that she was going to take to Karp so they could play with it. Staring at the white female's ice blue eyes with her own denim blue eyes, with her head still held high and her tail curled slightly above her back. She didn't need to show submission to this wolf, she was the princess of the pack. In fact, the white female would have to bow down to her and take orders without hesitation. With a sneer on her face, Adsila huffed softly, staring at the white female, waiting for her to speak.

521 Words

Played by Whisper who has 125 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Spectre Slayer

Spectre paused in the chewing of the unfortunate stick to look at the tiny pup that ventured to her in such an angry fashion. For a moment, she had a mental image of a banty rooster all fluffed up with feathers sticking everywhere and had to bite her lips to stifle the laugh at the ridiculous image. Instead, she looked towards the young child and tilted her head, hmm'ing thoughtfully. "There are many things that describe who we are.. What is it you wish to know of me? If it is simply a name, then you may call me Spectre. If it is more than that you wish to know, then I am one of the packs hunters.. Those that bring food to feed you and your sibling." She still held the stick firmly between her front paws, but her attention was now on the dark pelted slip of a pup standing before her.

She knew that the pups belonged to the alphas of the pack, but still didn't see them as ranked above her. She was, after all at least two years their senior if not more. She assumed herself to be an adult, as she seemed to have stopped growing, so that put her at least two years old. Spectre let ice blue eyes roam over the hide of the small creature, gauging her health with a satisfied smile. She was at least in good health physically, though her attitude left little to the imagination. She was entitled by being the offspring of the packs leaders. It had Spectre wondering if she had once been that way - an entitled young banty rooster crowing her might to those that might listen. Everyone was the offspring of their pack alphas at one point, right? Well.. most everyone.

"What are you doing all by yourself?" Where was the pup sitter that was to care for them while their parents were away? She was not quite sure what to make of the rude little female, and part of her wanted very much to show the child that she really held no power over the older female. However, without knowing much more about the child, she did not want to do something to the child that would result in her ejection from the pack.

Word Count: 380
Played by Melorama who has 97 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Adsila Slayer
I loled hardcore at the rooster part xD

I don't judge people; it blurs out the center
Adsila Slayer
of my attention, my focus, myself

Adsila saw the white female pause her chewing and turn her white head to look at her and the young princess stared defiantly back at the female. She had no need to be afraid, this wolf wouldn't dare hurt her in case Shade was nearby. Then there would be a big chance of her being kicked out of the pack, and no wolf wanted that to happen. She watched as the white female tilted her head slightly to the side, humming something before she spoke in what sounded like a riddle. Adsila was still young, and when a wolf spoke using big words and long sentences it was sometimes hard for her to understand what they were saying. In this case, she only caught bits of what the white female was saying. "....What is it you wish to know....call me Spectre....one of the packs hunters....food to feed you and your sibling." Shaking her head slightly and wrinkling her nose, the young princess tried to comprehend all that the white female, no, Spectre, had said. Something about being a hunter and catching food for her and Karp. That still didn't mean that she would forgive Spectre for making her lose the mouse, only time could make the grudge go away.

The young princess saw Spectre study her, and held her head up high, making her look regal and like a true princess. She saw a satisfied smile appear on the white female's face, and let a grin come upon her own face. It seemed that Spectre approved of her, or so she thought. Thoughts could be deceiving, especially for a pup like her which valued herself above any rule and did whatever she wanted whenever she wanted to. She was a princess after all, and princesses get whatever they want, or there would be consequences.

At the white female's words that questioned what she was doing by herself, Adsila huffed. She could be by herself, as long as she didn't stray too far from the den, which she hadn't. It was dangerous to be out of hearing distance. But she didn't need this wolf to worry about her, she didn't need constant nagging on what to do and what not to do. It was bad enough that her father did it, but not every wolf in the pack needed to do it.

Staring at Spectre with a hard look, the young princess had a scowl on her face as she spoke. "I hunted a maouse and was gowing to bring it to Karp so we could play with it. But wehen you made that sound it scarded me and I dropeded the maouse." Her tone was once again accusing, after all, Spectre had made her drop the mouse, so it was right for Adsila to be annoyed at her, right?

450 Words

Played by Whisper who has 125 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Spectre Slayer

The pup spoke, and Spectre forced herself to refrain from saying something biting, adjusting her paw so the stick lay in a different, more comfortable angle across her other leg. The child spoke of being forced to drop the mouse, and she chuckled, shaking her head before she placed the stick to the side and rested her jaw on her left ankle. The female made sure her head was tilted to see the pup, fixing one Ice blue eye on her. With the lack of a pup sitter, she assumed the position upon herself to make sure the alphas daughter was kept safe. Spectre heaved a sigh, aiming to blow the exhalation of air right towards the up. Maybe she intended to send her toppling over, or to instil her scent on the young thing.

"Well, that makes you quite the accomplished hunter.. Catching Mice. A child as strong as yourself should be able to catch another mouse." She smirked, wondering if the girl would wander off and go find herself another mouse. The female flicked an ear as a fly landed on the tip and dislodged the annoying thing. When she finished suggesting that the child go hunt herself another mouse, she lifted her head and yawned, feeling her jaw crack as she did so. "I could help you be a better hunter.. So you can impress your parents with your catches." Spectre doubted that the child would catch more than mice at her age, but she might manage a chipmunk.. or a young bird.

Word Count: 255
Played by Melorama who has 97 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Adsila Slayer
I don't judge people; it blurs out the center
Adsila Slayer
of my attention, my focus, myself

When Adsila told the white female about her dropping the mouse, she heard her laugh. Did she just laugh at her? Clenching her jaw, the young princess forced herself to not make a sound. She hated being ridiculed by anyone but Father and Karp, and anyone who did she automatically didn't like. It made her feel insecure, unwanted, unloved, and she hated feeling that way. Denim blue eyes were fixed on the white female's ice blue eye that was staring directly at her, almost as if she was supervising her. She didn't need to be watched constantly, didn't they get that? They thought that she couldn't look after herself, but she could. After all, she caught a mouse, didn't that mean anything to them?

The young princess wrinkled her nose when Spectre heaved a sigh in her direction, blowing out hot air from her mouth that smelled of the stick she had been eating. Apparently, the white female didn't care how she acted around her, and thought she could do what she wanted. Adsila's shoulder hair bristled slightly with anger, didn't Spectre have any manners? But never mind that, she'd overlook that part as if it never happened. Dark furred ears pricked as the white female praised her for her good hunting skills. That was unusual, first she acts all high and mighty, and then she becomes all friendly, or friendlier than she had been.

But as soon as Spectre finished speaking, a smirk came upon her face and the young princess held a puzzled look on her face. The white female was confusing her, was she doing it on purpose? Looking into Spectre's face with denim blue eyes, Adsila spoke in a confident voice. "It took meh a long time to findses that maouse. They're not heiding everywehere, y'know." She sniffed as she finished speaking, Spectre should know that mice were hard to find in the Fen, especially because she was an adult and adults knew "everything".

But as soon as Spectre tempted her by saying that she could help the young princess to become a better hunter she let out an excited squeak before she could stop it. Clenching her jaw, she stared up at the white female. Would she really teach her? No, she wouldn't. Adults always had something to do, unless of course they were pup sitting, which Spectre definitely wasn't. But maybe she could ask. Looking shyly at the white female, Adsila unclenched her jaw and spoke hesitantly. "R-really?"

414 Words

Played by Whisper who has 125 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Spectre Slayer

The reaction of the young female had her biting back another chuckle. Spectre imagined the child was gearing herself up for a tidy little hissy fit, based on what she had seen of the Pitch Pine pup so far. however, when Adsilla showed such disbelief at her offer to teach her about hunting, the pale lady nodded her head in response. "I am more than interested in showing you how to hunt..." A short silence stretched before she smiled, getting to her feet and shaking herself to free herself from the dirt she had been laying in. "actually...how about we start now?"

Spectre started towards the edge of the clearing, knowing where she had stashed a kill from the day before, intending to use it as a training guide. Ice blue eyes shifted to glance at the child, to see if she would indeed follow. "Tell me, how did you go about hunting your mouse? how did you find it?" While she walked, Spectre tried to entice the girl into following, and striking up a conversation with her. She wanted to find out what base skills Adsilla had already. The kill was the remains of a decent sized sow, hidden under a layer of dirt and some leaves. She was certain that the scent was mostly masked by the ground covering, but with luck, she would be able to use the carcass to teach her a bit about tracking, help to hone her nose..and the ability to sift through other scents.

Word Count: 250
(This post was last modified: Jul 17, 2013, 07:46 PM by Spectre.)
Played by Melorama who has 97 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Adsila Slayer
A slight PP, wasn't sure if they stopped or continued walking. Just tell if it needs to be changed :)

I don't judge people; it blurs out the center
Adsila Slayer
of my attention, my focus, myself

When Spectre told the young princess that she was interested in showing her how to hunt, her body started quivering with excitement. She had always wanted to learn how to hunt without making any noise like the adults did, and now the white female was going to show her! Her denim blue eyes watched for a few moments as Spectre started towards the edge of the clearing, before she herself scrambled after the white female. Her dark, fluffy tail was waving in the air and she had a large grin on her face as she followed Spectre to who knows where, maybe a training area?

Ice blue eyes set into a white face looked back at her trailing darker form, almost like they were making sure that she was following. Who did they think she was? Of course she was going to follow if hunting or something interesting was involved. Huffing softly, the young princess ran to catch up with Spectre's larger frame, so that she was walking almost side by side with her. A thoughtful look crossed Adsila's face when the white female asked her how she caught the mouse, and there was a few moments of silence before she spoke.

"Wehell, the maouse was eeting somefing on the grownd, and I was boreded, so I jumpeded on it and caughted it." A large grin was on her face as the young princess spoke, even Karp wouldn't be able to catch a mouse. But then again, it had been in a ditch and covered under some leaves, so it would've only been able to hear her. She was silent, and deadly, just like a hunter should be, what she hoped to be someday, and strived to be when she was older. Following Spectre, the young princess wondered where they were going, but just then they stopped as they came upon a mound of leaves, dirt, and something else.

What was it? Looking curiously up at the white female, Adsila waited for a few moments before cautiously moving forward and poking it with her muzzle. It was sort of squishy, like a pile of leaves that could be jumped into. Looking back at Spectre, the young princess cocked her head to the left before speaking in a curious tone. "What is it?"

382 Words

Played by Whisper who has 125 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Spectre Slayer

Spectre smiled at the young pup as she nosed the pile of leaves and shifted to sit on her haunches, to draw her tail around her paws. "Hunting is not all about chasing and capturing your prey. There is a lot more to it than just that...What do you think happens when we are unable to finish our meal? It is a waste to leave it for the racoons and coyotes to eat." She remembered the coyote she had found lurking around the elk kill from a few weeks past and cautiously looked around, attempting to see if they were being watched. "This is where I've hidden the remains of the pig I caught yesterday..By covering her in leaves and dirt, her scent is hidden from scavengers, and I am able to return to finish her off at my leisure.. Or use her as a training aid." The female got up and pawed away some of the leaves, digging until she could grasp the hog by her haunch and drag her out..

With the carcass now lying in the dirt, Spectre once again turned her gaze towards Adsila, a small smile curving her muzzle. "Remember to stash the remains of your kills, or you will not have anything to eat the next day.. Food stashed this way is only safe to eat for three days.. after that I leave it for the earth to eat...Too many maggots to be palatable." She lowered her head and grasped the hogs hind leg, twisting her head viciously to wrench the piece from the remains, lowering it to her paws when she was done. "You will not be able to eat a meal if you are unable to find it. If you ever find yourself in a bind, look for mounds of leaves, or earth that appears disturbed.. You may get lucky and be able to enjoy the rewards of someone else's hunt.. Now.." She nosed the leg towards Adsila, Deciding that it was a small enough item that it would be easy to carry and leave a scent trail in a hurry. "You found your mouse by sight...I want to see how you can follow your nose..You are familiar with my smell, right?"

Word Count: 369
Played by Melorama who has 97 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Adsila Slayer
Long post is long....What can I say? She writes herself xD
And so sorry for the long wait! Been busy with second term and starting to pack b/c I'm gonna be moving houses soon :3

I don't judge people; it blurs out the center
Adsila Slayer
of my attention, my focus, myself

As Spectre spoke again, the young princess cocked her head slightly to the left. She couldn't understand all of what the white female was saying, but understood enough to know what she was talking about. But why wasn't hunting all about chasing and capturing your prey? Wasn't that the point of hunting? Well, with the exception of eating it. A confused look came upon Adsila's face as she turned to look backwards at Spectre, her mind still attempting to sort through what she had said. One sentence stuck in her mind, and she turned briefly to look back at the pile of leaves.

"What do you think happens when we are unable to finish our meal?"

Her brows furrowed slightly as she thought about it, before her jaws opened and she spoke almost hesitantly. "We....We boory it?" At least that's what she thought they did. After all, the pile of leaves wasn't just a pile of leaves. There must be something under it, like a deer. But who knows? She may be wrong, and Spectre could just be testing her. Looking back at the white female curiosity struck through the young princess as she saw her look around.

A grin appeared on Adsila's face when Spectre told her that she had buried a pig under the leaves. She had been right, and was proud of it. As the white female spoke, Adsila stored all of the information in her brain. She wanted to remember all of this so that she could surprise Karp with her knowledge, and maybe even father. Also, when she was old enough to hunt things bigger than a mouse, she would know how to make sure only she knew where it was.

The young princess listened eagerly at what Spectre had to say. There had be no other time that she was this focused, but she really wanted to learn how to hunt properly. Her dark furred, fluffy tail swayed back and forth furiously at Spectre's next words. She would make sure to stash her food away, as starving was a very bad thing. But at the white female's last word, she cocked her head to the side. "What does pell-u-t'bul mean?" The young princess was sure that she had said it correctly, but wasn't sure, and looked up at Spectre with an almost confused look. What did palatable mean?

But she didn't have any time to think about that as the white female wrenched the pig's leg off; setting it down on the ground. Her confused look turned into an excited look, and she felt her body quiver. Would Spectre take her hunting for something bigger than a mouse? Adsila's muzzle lowered to the ground as the white female nosed the piece of leg towards her, and she poked it with her nose before looking back up with denim blue eyes as she heard her speak. "Now. You found your mouse by sight...I want to see how you can follow your nose..You are familiar with my smell, right?" The young princess nodded eagerly, she could know it was Spectre from miles away. Her tail resumed its wagging, and a happy smile came upon her face as she nodded and spoke. "Uh-hu!"

502 Words