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Played by Amritha who has 25 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Teketa Llew
Teketa gets attacked by an angry wolverine.


Partly Cloudy — Current Temperature: 72° F/22° C

A snarl erupted through the forest, breaking a setting otherwise dominated by peace; birdcalls and life seemed to pause for a moment as the angry growl reverberated for a moment, then fell totally silent. A hesitant second later, daily noises resumed.

Teketa wished he could say his life returned to normal at that very moment as well. Unfortunately, the black wolf had found himself in a predicament. He wasn't entirely certain how he managed to get himself caught in these situations, but alas he was in a place where all he could do was remain quick on his feet and hope for the best. The dark canid found himself in a small clearing. The forest floor here was mainly dirt but for the orange glisten of those pine needles that had been pressed into the clearing by wind or other creatures. A tree, fallen long ago, crossed the clearing and a peculiar stone angled nearby. The fallen log was the only thing separating the wolf from another smaller animal...

The animal which bared its sharp fangs at Teketa and bristled. The wolf looked like he was walking on eggshells, but he refused to back down... as did the smaller, fiercer mustelid. The source of their dispute was draped over the log, its body limp and bloodless: a deer. It was young, small enough for one animal to take down... who had taken it down, though? Such a question might occur to one who witnessed the scene. Teketa bristled no less than the wolverine, but appeared a little hesitant to engage in any sort of combat. On the other hand... Teketa's determination might very well be because he brought the deer down. After months of rehabilitation and careful use of his damaged foreleg, he'd hunted something decently-sized and now he was being threatened by a wolverine!

The creature may have been smaller, but its willingness to strike at the wolf was alarming... so now they were at a standstill. It appeared Teketa may have already tussled some with the creature (he was missing a patch or two of fur along his shoulders) but he still didn't want to back off. The wolf growled softly... and the wolverine practically roared in return. Teketa shifted his weight... and the wolverine lunged, launching itself over the deer and log toward the wolf. Teketa met the flying animal with fangs bared; he rolled once with the force of the little animal's momentum, but ended up on top when the roll finished. His fangs flashed, seeking flesh under fur... but so did the wolverine. Teketa heard it's teeth click dangerously close to his ear before the wolf manage to get a hold of the other's scruff. With some force, he tossed the animal away from him then leapt - putting the log between himself and his attacker again. Teketa's eyes glittered dangerously... he didn't want to back down. This was his kill.

Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
Saw this was lonely and decided to jump in. <3

When she had been having a recent discussion with a loner that had come about her lands, Nina had decided to take another visit to the Cedarwood Forest. The fact that Grizzly Hollow had once resided there and she had not heard much of them since the war, she had decided to make her way towards the area to try and figure out what had been going on. Eventually, she had arrived to where she had been sure that the borders had been, and the long faded scents that remained gave off the complete impression that they were all gone; just like the whispers that the trees provided. Disappointed that the pack was not there, but pleased to know that she had come out here for some much needed information, she had started back towards home, longingly glancing in the direction that Whisper Caverns and Willow Ridge were in. The Secret Woodlands alpha truly did want to see Sloane again…she missed her best friend, but now that she was leading a pack, she knew she had other responsibilities.

She did not expect these things to be interrupted by another creature though, but one moment she was in peace and then she next she turned a corner and an ugly looking wolverine stood there, baring its fangs at a log, it seemed like. Fear instantly crossed through her, worry causing her brows to crease. The Healer had not fought since she had gotten attacked by Ash, which was over a year ago and the thought made her sick. Since her recovery, her leg had healed, though if she ended up twisting it the wrong way or landing too hard on it, she would end up being served with a complete course of pain. She figured she might as well do something though, before the wolverine decided to notice her. Moving stealthily through the trees and bushes, she waited until she was close enough to the animal and leapt for it, landing on its back and aiming for the back of its throat. Unfortunately, the wolverine was strong enough and pulled away, whirling around and slashing her cheek in the process. A menacing snarl escaped her muzzle before she clawed at its shoulder, giving it a few good marks before it backed away from her and next to the log. Baring her canines at the animal, she waited for the next move.

It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by TABs who has 837 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Narimé Lagina

Grudgingly the silver wolf had left her pups with her female subordinates in order to stretch her legs and maybe hunt a little. It had been before the sun rose that she left the den to stretch and pad around. Her nose already began noting the smells of her pack mates and of the creatures living around their home. Nari had run into Teketa's scent on her way out of the territory. His scent was mixed with the packs and Sloanes smell which reassured her that the stranger wasn't exactly a stranger. Well he's a stranger to me, but Sloane accepted him so... Her thoughts had garnered a type of curiosity about the new wolf. Wanting to meet the new male Narimé put her tracking skills to the test and trailed his somewhat stale scent throughout the morning.

Her little voyage took the young alpha north first into the sticky muddy marsh with it's cattail reeds and red winged black birds called home. Then she lost it for a few minutes as his trail led through the water which masked his scent. Nari found herself running along the edge of Cedarwood forest's bank trying to pick up Teketa's smell once more. It took her another five minutes to find the trail farther up into the forest and from there she set off further into the tall cedar trees.

The gray female remembered the last time she had been in this territory. It felt like so long ago to her and Nari wondered whether there would be any of those Grizzly Hollow wolves about to try and chase her from their hunting grounds. So far the young mother had not come upon any pack wolf scents a part from Teketa's which had grown much stronger.

I'm close...

Though she was still tracking him it was her ears that caught the sounds of battle nearby which showed Narimé the way. It sounds like a fight! Instant worry for her unknown subordinate rang through her heart and the silver wolf propelled herself forward towards the ruckus.

What greeted her was the sight of two wolves parallel to each other with a large space in between them, the scent of a fresh kill, and of some other animal she did not know. Her blue gaze turned towards the animal in the middle. She had never seen something smaller than them act so brave. Or stupid. Then again I wouldn't want to be bitten by those teeth.. She noted the canines in its long jaws and allowed her fur to bristle outwards making the gray wolf look much larger. It was clear to her now that the wolves, her subordinate and surprisingly Nina, were trying to chase off this...thing.

"Get out of here!" She spat at the black and white striped animal as it hissed turning around looking at each of its canine opponents. A gurgling cough-like growl escaped the wolverines lips as it false charged at Nari then backed itself up turning every which way to keep track of the three wolves.

Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok

The Secret Woodlands alpha was bemused when the wolf that had first been fighting the wolverine fled away from the scene, almost as if leaving Narimé and Nina to completely fend for themselves. She was not sure about the other mother but it definitely infuriated the golden beauty to the point when she saw the creature come towards her friend’s mate, she immediately stood up, seeing the way the wolverine’s neck tilted to the side. If she hadn’t been a Healer she probably wouldn’t have known that the tilt of its head was all she needed to get the wolverine to show her a weakness. As soon as the thing started to back away, Nina launched herself at the opening, her jaws opened wide as they closed around the flesh of the wolverine’s neck, biting down as hard as she could and hearing the satisfying crunch of the windpipe. She backed away almost immediately, reveling in the sight of the predator laying before her and dying slowly, bleeding out and loss of air finally being too much and the jerked movements stopped.

Nina had never been one for violence, but when one of her loved ones or someone close to her was going to get hurt, and then it was a completely different story. If needed, the young Healer could easily turn into a monster, tearing apart everything that got in her way, just like her brother. Turning back towards the Whisper Cavern’s alpha, dipping her head in respect for the woman before returning right back to business, "Do you have any injuries?" The golden brown woman rolled her own shoulder, grimacing slightly at the pain that went through it. The nasty scratch that the wolverine gave her would definitely give her problems if she did not patch it up soon, but as a Healer it was always her duty to put her patients ahead of her, and if need be, Narimé would be one of them.

It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by TABs who has 837 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Narimé Lagina

Narime kept a careful eye on the wolverine as it swung its head around glaring at the wolves. Its fur was bristling just the same as her own as their eyes locked. She saw an immense anger in the animals gaze as if it knew that its time was up. Nari spotted the flash of dark fur to her right and saw the dark male run for it. He's not going to help us? When we were trying to help him? Narime growled deep in disapproval then turned her angered eyes back onto the wolverine keeping its attention on her.

Nina then jumped forward spotting her chance to kill the beast. Barking and growling at the wolverine just as Nina gripped its neck in her deadly teeth, Nari's tail began to wag once the light began to die from the creatures eyes. They had won without his help.

Once her excitement died down the silver woman finally found herself able to sit and lick her chest fur. In the end Nari hadn't done too much to help either, but at least she had stayed to try and help. As for the stranger male who bore her mates acceptance scent Nari wondered if Sloane had made a good choice in him.

Nina's voice brought Nari out of her annoyed mood. "Ah no I'm fine thank you!" She gave the woman a smile though her face was tainted with worry. How was the young mother to trust the other wolf to protect her territory and her young if he couldn't even protect his meal?

"I don't want to see that male as a coward for I have not met him yet to truly know who he is. Maybe... just maybe he was just frightened.By that thing and maybe our presence.. Maybe... That's why he ran off and didn't help." She had to find some good in him, something to believe that her mate had made a good choice in the dark wolf.

"Nina... How are you? Are you okay? I mean I just got here and you've been fighting this thing for a little while right? Glancing down at the dead predator at Nina's feet the young woman wondered what the thing was even called. She had not seen one of these animals before.

"What is this thing anyway?"

Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok

She felt slightly better knowing that her best friend’s mate was not injured and smiled politely at the female as she went off about how the man she had just seen run off had been accepted into her pack, but it seemed as though something had gone amidst. Shrugging but then cringing at the pain that shot through her shoulder, she spoke calmly to the woman, "You have to give him a chance, Narimé. One key component in being an alpha is patience and understanding…along with communication. It’s good to understand what’s going on before you make an immediate decision." Her thought was coherent and actually made sense. Her only hope was that the young woman in front of her understood what she was saying. Nina’s thoughts were taken away from her when Narimé asked of her concern for her. Shaking her head with another polite smile, she replied, "Yeah, no biggy, nothing I can’t patch up in a few minutes. Herb finding would help much though." And there she was again, she her confused way of talking.

Turning her attention back on the mother, she wagged her tail behind her, the question coming to her lips without her stopping them, "Your children? How are they?" Nina had assumed that Sloane was going to start his own family with Narimé and her scent only confirmed as much. At her question though, the golden woman arched an eyebrow. She was sure she remembered that the young woman specialized in hunting and it came as a mystery to her as to how she did not know what the animal was. Then Nina remembered how young the Caverns alpha was. Clearing her throat, she replied with ease, "That is a wolverine. Be careful though…those things could easy transmit disease and it usually is awfully noticeable so it shouldn’t be hard to tell what is and isn’t."

It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by TABs who has 837 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Narimé Lagina

Narimé listened nodding to Nina's words. Everything about even being a leader was overwhelming the younger mother which caused her to lose some of the patience she used to have so much of. Nina was right, I just have to talk to him once I get the chance to. Nari told herself quietly while closing her eyes and heaving a great sigh.

Her silver ears flicked towards Nina gaining Narimé attention once more with her soothing voice. The Secret Woodlands wolf asked about how her pups were doing. This question set the silver girls tail wagging again and taking her mind off of the troubling new recruit.

"They are wonderful! Malia causes trouble and acts every part the princess, Yuka is getting stronger every day! I think he's the smartest of the three, and the first born Titan is so big I think he'll be just as large as his daddy. I just can't believe how fast it's all going. They were only little balls of fuzz at my belly one moment and now they are running around causing trouble for everyone." Narimé's face lightens up revealing a happy smile along with her hopeful glittering blue eyes. "I just hope they listen to us and stay out of trouble." Nari chuckled remembering how worried she had been when Malia had gone off to Fireweed Rise on her own.

"Malia is the one I'm most worried about. She's already dodged babysitters and ran off on me into Fireweed Rise once. I'm worried one of these times someone or something is going to hurt her." The silver wolf shrugged trying to hide the worry that forged itself upon her gray brow. "I'm just lucky some of my friends found her and stopped her from going further out. " She wondered if Nina had any problems with her own pups going out on adventures.

Looking towards the newly named "wolverine" Nari lodged the image and scent into her mind so that she would remember it later if one appeared near her territory.

Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok

The Woodlands woman listened attentively to every word that Narimé had to say, nodding her head when such action was appropriate and giving all of her attention to the woman in front of her. Sloane’s lover had definitely grown much since the first time they had met and she felt that perhaps she would grow into the roll. She was happy that everything was well though and couldn’t help but offer her services to the woman if she did ever end up needing her help…as a Healer. Clearing her throat, she spoke clearly, heavy articulation on her words, "Well, if you ever need my assistance when it comes to any ones health you know where to find me." Letting a kind smile break across her face she nodded towards Narimé glancing quickly up at the sky before looking back towards the Whisper Caverns lady, "I actually must be going now. I’m sure my family will be expecting me soon. Until next time, Lady Narimé." Nina addressed the woman with her formal title before giving her a bow and starting on her way home.

She winced with every step she took due to her stinging wound. It wasn’t too bad of a cut but it hurt enough to cause her pain every time she moved. Eventually she came upon a place where her herbs were found and she quickly patched herself up, leaving as many herbs as she could for the packs around her. It was only polite of her to take what she needed and not waste anything that the land had to give others. She had learned long ago that her health was just as important as those of her patients and so, she figured it was in her best interest to try and get well as soon as possible. She took her time going home and it definitely went without saying that it was going to take her longer to get home than it took for her to go on her little trip.

It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by TABs who has 837 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Narimé Lagina
Let's finish this off shall we? Exit from you and we archive. :D
EDIT: and OMG I cried while rereading this. I realized how true Nari's worries about Malia were!

Narime nodded knowing that Nina was probably one of the best healers in the land. Though the silver she wolf herself knew of one other who could match the Reinier womans skills. A thought crossed Nari's mind as she wondered which wolf, between Nina and Elettra, was the better or more experienced healer. The young woman thought about how the pair of she wolves could perform some kind of contest to see who would win, but of course the leaders of Willow Ridge and Secret woodlands wouldn't have enough time for that. Perhaps neither healer would ever find out who was the better doctor between the two.

"Please excuse me when I say that I hope I don't have to meet you for help with the health of my little ones. I hope they stay healthy instead. "

She answered back giving Nina a curt nod and a warm smile before she let a yawn overtake her.

Nari hadn't realized how much time she had taken from @Nina for a simple chatting session. As the woodlands alpha quickly mentioned that she had to go Narime couldn't help but shrug a farewell to Nina with a sheepish grin plastered onto her sweet face. She hadn't meant to keep the green eyed mother away form her pack for so long.

"I'm sorry Nina, please go and say hello to your children for me."

She backed away hurriedly before casting one last glance to Nina as she left. Then Nari followed suit, turning the other direction and heading to her own home.
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