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Played by Whisper who has 125 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Spectre Slayer
OOC: It's oaky :)

She smiled at the pup seemed to truly grasp the information she had wanted to impart. The female lowered her head and nosed the haunch of meat. "Then ignore my scent and focus on the scent of the meat, Adsilla. When you are ready, take a seat, and I will return shortly. I would like to see how well you track." When the onyx pelted pup sat, Spectre clasped her jaws firmly around the hunk of meat and turned, jogging off. She lowered her head, dragging the meat against the ground - to leave a clear trail for the girl to follow. One might think that the child would just follow Spectre's scent, but she knew that was likely to be the case, and allowed her scent and the smell of the meat haunch to run the same path.. Until she came to a small pile of rocks. The female dragged the haunch of meat past the rock pile, making a few winding turns around some trees, then backtracked over her own trail to bury the meat in the pile of rocks.

Once finished, she trotted back to where she had left Adsilla, never having gone far enough away from the small female so she would not have been able to reach her if danger had arisen. A smile graced her face as she returned, her tail wagging. "Now..I would like you to find the meat. When you do, we will go hunt up something small.. but first, show me how you shine, Adsilla." She had confidence in the young pup, and intended to follow her every step of the way as she tried to find the meat.

Word Count: 277
Played by Melorama who has 97 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Adsila Slayer
So sorry for the long wait! Had no internet, still don’t have proper internet :c

I don't judge people; it blurs out the center
Adsila Slayer
of my attention, my focus, myself

The young princess sat on her haunches, grinning. It would be easy to not follow Spectre’s trail, seeing as the scent of the meat was much stronger than her pack’s scent. But it would be hard to actually find the chunk of meat, wherever her new friend would bury it. Eager eyes watched as Spectre dragged the meat away into the forest. She wanted to follow her, but Adsila forced herself to stay in a seated position until she returned.

Lifting up her muzzle, Adsila sniffed the air. She could easily pick up Spectre’s scent, and the meat. It didn’t seem like a long time until she returned, smiling and wagging her tail. The young princess leaped to her feet and bounded in circles as Spectre spoke. They would actually hunt something! But….only if she found it.

Briefly looking behind her, she grinned. ”Don’t worreh Spectre. I will findeh it.” Taking off with a leap, Adsila ran with her muzzle practically touching the ground. She intended to find that chunk of meat, one way or another. To prove to herself and Spectre that she had the makings of a hunter, and a good leader.

It was hard to decipher Spectre’s scent from the meat, but they were both going the same way. Her tail was straight up in the air, and her ears were pricked. She could feel the excitement coursing through her veins as she followed the scent trail.

As she came upon a small pile of rocks, her paws came to a halt and she frowned. The scent seemed very strong, but the trail was leading away from the rocks. Looking back at Spectre briefly, Adsila continued following the trail. Her mind was still growing, and she had been told to follow the scent trail. If she was older, then she most likely would have checked the rocks first.

The trail continued through the forest; winding through trees, and then backtracking over a previous trail and to the pile of rocks. Grinning to herself, Adsila sniffed around the rocks, searching for where Spectre had either hidden or buried the chunk of meat. But to no avail, the young princess couldn’t find where it was buried, but she knew it was there. Stepping back, she looked over the rocks, trying to find anything that was out of the ordinary.

What caught her eyes was some rocks to the side that seemed to have been moved recently, and she darted forward. Her paws scrabbled against the hard surface of the rocks as she attempted to move them out of the way. They moved to the side as she moved them out of the way, and there it was. Turning to face Spectre, the young princess bounded around her in circles with a large grin on her face. ”I fownd it! I fownd it!”

473 Words

Played by Whisper who has 125 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Spectre Slayer

"Well done, Adsila." Spectre's voice held a real pride for the young pup as she dug up the haunch. "You are quite the accomplished hunter." She smiled at Adsila and lowered her head, her tail wagging animatedly over her back as she watched the child. "Would you like to bring a badger or something back to your father and brother? To show them how well you hunt?" While hiding the meat for the child, Spectre had caught a scent of a badger - and it was fairly fresh, so she anticipated being able to capture the thing. Though, doing so with the child in tow was bound to be hard. THough not impossible. After all, Spectre knew that she would let Adsila find the thing, and 'oust' it herself.

"Of course, we will have to find one before you can hunt it.. But do you know about badgers, Adsila?" Did she know of their sharp teeth and deceivingly agile bodies? To a grown wolf, the agility of a badger was of no consequence, but to a pup who was still learning her own coordination, it might signal the end of the hunt. Or worse, if the thing got its teeth into Adsila's hide. That was something that Spectre intended to avoid at all costs if she could manage to do so. After all, she did not want Shade angry at her for causing harm to his daughter, after she had promised him she would keep the girl safe from that exact harm.

Word Count: 252
Played by Melorama who has 97 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Adsila Slayer
Extremely sorry for the long wait Whisper! Had no muse :c

I don't judge people; it blurs out the center
Adsila Slayer
of my attention, my focus, myself

A grin graced Adsila’s features when she heard the pride in Spectre’s voice. For once, she had accomplished something other than recognizing family or learning to walk and run. She had actually followed the scent and dug up a chunk of meat! There was no way that Karp would be able to do that. An excited yip issued forth from her tiny jaws when the white female asked is she wanted to bring a badger back to her father and brother. Did Spectre really have to ask that? Because every single time that answer would be yes, yes and yes!

Grinning, the Young Princess sprang to her feet once again and looked at Spectre. “Would I?” Her voice had a very enthusiastic and excited tone to it, not suppressing her feelings at all. Her tail swayed back and forth so it rapped against her sides, but she didn’t care.

Her grin fell slightly at Spectre’s query of what a badger was. What was a badger anyway? Looking curiously at the white female, her tail slowed down until it was almost still, and she chewed her lips slightly. “Wehell….Bagers are big, men furry things. Right?” Her voice was slightly uncertain, but if she had Spectre with her, nothing could harm her.

Adsila stared at the white female for a few seconds before she span around and padded forward a few steps before looking back over her shoulder. “C’mon! Let us goeh finds that bager!” She didn’t care if they were bigger than her. After all, she had Spectre with her. The Young Princess imagined the looks of astonishment on her father and brothers’ faces when they saw that she and Spectre had caught a badger.

Grinning again, she lowered her muzzle to the ground and began searching for the trail of a badger. But just as she lowered it, Adsila stopped suddenly and lifted up her head to stare at Spectre again. Opening her jaws, she spoke in a soft voice. “What does a bager smell like?”

336 Words

(This post was last modified: Sep 30, 2013, 01:14 AM by Adsila.)

Played by Whisper who has 125 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Spectre Slayer

The child asked what Badgers smelled like, And Spectre chuckled, thinking the answer over in silence. "Well, I suppose you could say that they smell kind of rotten. They do not eat as well as we do.. they're less picky, but it does not make them any less delicious for us to eat." She led the child back towards the smell of the badger, her paws hovering just over the recent trail it had made. "Badgers live underground in dens. They are extremely cranky when disturbed, so we will have to be careful about how we approach this one. If it is in its home, that is."

Ice blue eyes looked towards the dark pelted pup with a warm affection as she lowered her head and snuffled along the ground to figure out which direction their prey had gone towards. There it was, headed North, away from them. Without giving the direction away, Spectre lifted her head and looked towards Adsila with a warm smile. "How about you track it to its den? Then when we find it, we will decide how to get it out and take it back home." The pitch pine female wanted to let the young girl have as much experience as she could with the hunt, but not enough that it would bring her to harm. As she waited for Adsila to begin tracking the fuzzy thing, she remained in silence, watching the world around them for any possible dangers to the young canine at her side.

Word Count: 252