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Brother, where art thou
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Played by Rachel who has 119 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nios Tainn
Mirren and Nios had separated for a bit – not out of anything but the soft lull that the swarthy male felt when he roamed the lands of copper rock creek, and the need he felt to remain, if even just a bit longer than his brother had. His tawny littermate went ahead without him, and Nios had affirmed he would follow within a few days.. even if they stretched out to be a bit longer than that.

The day he finally coaxed himself to leave his father’s old lands had been a cloudy one – the bright blue of the sky had washed a sense of accomplishment over Nios before, but now it remained an illuminated grey. The yearling knew that despite his ache for his old birthplace, he could not survive there alone, and with a moo that rang as sour as the heavens above, the ebony male began to trace his brother’s stale scent, now almost faded among the foliage from the rain and paths of other creatures.

Hindered by the need to backtrack constantly, the swarthy boy found himself confidant that he had finally found Mirren, and as the scent of a pack border came tom him, he felt his ears flatten to his skull. Irked slightly that his brother had chosen a pack without his input, the swarthy boy gave a low grunt, attempting to relax his muscles before sitting down respectfully at the borders. As important as Mirren was to him.. he was uncertain how well he would take to a strange pack.

'cause its home, but it's gone

Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok

Considering the goings on within the pack recently, Nina did not mind the constant border runs, to her it felt good to have finally gotten out of the clingy den which she had been in for so long. Her children, she was sure, were long about their way, looking for other things to do to get themselves into trouble, though Ashton seemed to be turning into the responsible one and having a greater sense of right and wrong than the rest. She did not mind though, it was like having her brother with her, only much younger. She hadn’t really been expecting any movements by the borders, especially with her recent discovery of Mirren Tainn coming back into the Lore. He had been the only thing that had disturbed her borders since the bobcat, that she knew of, so when she came to the borders to see a similar looking wolf around the same age as Mirren, her mind immediately jumped. Though the coat had changed slightly, the Tainn eye color was blandly obvious when looking at the male and he seemed to be trying to figure something out. She could recognize him almost anywhere though for once she had saved him…from drowning. It had been a dramatic experience and she had reinjured herself that day, but it had been worth it, for she had saved the young man’s life.

It was why when staring at him, slightly shocked to see him sitting, a respectable ways away from her borders, that she couldn’t help the question that slipped out of her lips before she could stop them, "Nios?" She approached slightly closer, her golden brown head tilted slightly to the side as she took in the yearling in front of her. Nina wanted to be sure before she jumped in excitement or sigh in relief, but she forced herself to breathe before she collapsed of deprivation of oxygen and passed out. Out of instinct her tail swayed high above her back and her chin lifted slightly, making herself look much taller with her posture. She honestly did not want to, but it was so common for her to do such a thing now that it was second nature and she no longer had to think about submitting or lowering herself to the ground in front of anyone. She knew that now facing the boy, that she was sure was Nios, she was quite curious with the response that she was going to receive.

It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Ghoff who has 312 posts.
No Rank
Hollow Nite
Ever since the bobcat Hollow had been taking it easy. Until today, though he didn't know that Nina had already been patrolling the border. Hollow moved at a jog, the skin across his wound felt tight. One misstep and he was sure he would bleed again. The dark Guardian ignored the thought and continued his trek, there was no time for doubt anymore, Hollow would have to get his paws moving and beat the injury. No stupid feline would ever get the better of Hollow Nite. But he was surprised to round a bend and see a stranger speaking to Nina. So with a very careful neutralization of his face he strode steadily into the open and stood next to Nina keeping his head below hers.

She may have known who he was but Hollow certainly didn't. So he kept himself held calm. Nina seemed at ease and so would he mirror that as he second. "Hello there I am Hollow Nite, Guardian of Secret Woodlands and you are?." Hollow spoke with no malice only awe placed on the word 'guardian' for Hollow was still in shock for the title. But it felt good to say it to someone at last. The dark male kept a diplomatic stance, there was no threat in his voice or posture. If this wolf perceived any then he would adjust, Nina seemed to know something at the moment he didn't judging by the excited light in her eye. Hollow couldn't help but wonder exactly what that was.

Played by Rachel who has 119 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nios Tainn
His name was spoken – his eyes drifted up to catch view of an achingly familiar face. The swarthy wolf remained motionless for that moment, his eyes studying her, placing the pieces of the puzzle he had left behind. Of course he had never expected to come across Nina, nor any of the previous members of the Creek pack.. and yet fate seemed to have lured him here to her doorstep, if only in search for his brother.

“Nina,” he allowed the words to slip past his tainted lips, feeling a small smile press to his jowls, though it quickly faded. Uncertain now of what her thoughts were of him, the youth slowly lifted himself to a standing position, keeping his tail low and his muzzle more closely placed to the ground in submission. It was such a pose he had never witnessed Ruiko hold in his life, though one he himself was very familiar with. “.. Do you live here?” It was a hesitant question – one that seemed obvious in its answer as he acutely became aware at that moment that her scent was littered across the entire border.

His jaws opened once more to question of his brother’s whereabouts when another ebony form slipped up to the side of the she-wolf who had once looked after him as a cub. He blinked his bright eyes, taking in the figure of the wolf who was not much older than him.. but certainly respected enough to hold a title, as he so gave it on introduction. A flicker of annoyance swept through him at this interruption, but he swallowed this, his figure remaining low. “Nios Tainn,” he answered simply, his eyes drifting back and forth between the two now.

'cause its home, but it's gone

Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok

As soon as it was clear that the boy in front of her was the little pup that she had saved a little more than a year ago, she wanted to rush over and embrace him, but much like she had when she had found out about Mirren’s whereabouts, she stayed where she was. She could feel her heart pounding heavily in her chest, threatening to break out. He had grown much bigger since the last time she had seen him, much like Mirren, and she couldn’t help the ghost of a smile that played on her lips at his submission. If they would have stayed…Nina might have been in a position similar to his and bowing down to the Prince of the Creek, but such a thing would never happen for her. At his question, she was just about to open her mouth to respond when her loyal Guardian showed up, making it known that he was a protector of the lands, which was not all that needed considering that Nios was no threat to them. She ignored it though and listened as the young boy introduced himself to Hollow, something that she was glad went smoothly.

Feeling that now was the right time to answer the question that had been addressed to her, she spoke in calm tones, "Yes…I rule these lands. Your brother has recently joined us and he was going to set out to find you soon… How are you, Nios?" Even if they weren’t blood related at one time Nios and Nina had been family and once someone was family, even after a betrayal, they would still be family. Nina had sacrificed her own safety for Nios once and she was sure that if it came down to it, she would save him all over again. She had definitely been hurt when the Tainns had left, but Nios had not had any control over what he could do at the time, but now he was developing into a young man and he could start making some of his own choices, though she was curious as to why both Nios and Mirren had both strayed so far from their parents. If something had happened Nina had not been informed by Mirren, but she knew it was not her place to pry on such personal information. So she kept her thoughts to herself.

It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Ghoff who has 312 posts.
No Rank
Hollow Nite
I feel like my post is crap XD

Hollow remained silent as both Nios and Nina spoke. It became clear that something distant was happening, something of relevance, of importance. Hollow had no idea the relation Nina held with the newest member of Secret Woodlands and his brother here at the border. The dark male wore a near emotionless mask, just a blank face with a hint of softness in his eyes that belied how he felt now. Hollow was actually quite happy to have the younger male's brother in the pack already. It meant that this one would have all the more reason to join as well, Nina clearly knew who they were which meant whatever she said about them would be true.

Hollow's mind wandered to every small detail in the area, the sounds of insects, birds and other fauna. The scent of the flora, a strange pungent scent told the the guardian that there were herbs nearby, what they were Hollow didn't know but he was certain that Azariah would want to know. Hollow shook off his thoughts for moment and focused on the two before him. Hollow decided once more to interject but this time in a much more friendly way, "I am unsure of how long the two of you have been separated, but I'd like for you to know he is doing well." As Hollow spoke he made a mental not to seek Mirren out soon and properly meet him, though it would be even better if Nina decided to take Nios in as well. For if she did this Hollow would be more than happy to bring the two together and get to know them properly.

Played by Rachel who has 119 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nios Tainn
His eyes shifted between the two – bright amber studying mismatched aqua and green only briefly before settling upon his superior’s cheeks. His recollection of the gentle woman before him had never included a blind eye, but whether that was a fate that happened after the Tainn’s departure or before, he would never ask – she seemed to fare well, and in the end, he found this alone pleased him greatly.

Upon the tawny regal’s question addressed to him, he found himself quiet for a moment, uncertain how to fully answer. He was homesick – the moment his ebony paws trailed away from Copper Rock Creek he had felt an emptiness swell in his chest. But winter approached, and the need for survival was an instinct he was unable to ignore, and so he searched for Mirren, hoping to reunite so they could figure out what to do next.

Except Mirren had apparently already decided what he had wanted to do with little consultation to Nios.

Hollow’s words drew his attention, though he did not respond directly. Had his brother been injured or unwell, he imagined the two before him would have told him such as it was – his only assumption was that Mirren was perfectly fine. And perfectly selfish.

“We’ve only been separated a couple of weeks,” he offered, his tone slow as he chose his words carefully. “I’m a bit miffed he chose a pack without letting me know.. we had decided to travel together.” He gave a flick of his tail, feeling his muscles tense. It wasn’t that he was upset at Mirren’s choice – merely his selfishness.

'cause its home, but it's gone

Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok

When Hollow added his own words into the mix, Nina quietly accepted them, not saying anything else and awaiting the yearling’s answer. It was true that Nina had a stronger connection with Nios than the rest of the Tainn siblings…at least on her part it had been. Nina had saved Nios’ life on more than one occasion and had grown quite use to the young male. She had probably spent more time with him than the rest of the Tainns too. When their questions were answered, she couldn’t help the tinge of disappointment she felt. At least he had found his brother and he knew where he was. Clearing her throat, she spoke calmly and evenly, "I’m sorry to hear that…if you would like…you may join Secret Woodlands as well. We are all family here."

On the outside she was composed, but on the inside she was begging Nios to make his residence here with them. It wasn’t just for the fact that he pack needed more male members, but simply due to where she had missed him. He had not had a say in leaving when they had and truthfully if Ruiko and Aeylen were to show up one day it would be hard for her to look them in the eyes and tell them to walk away. Nina still cared for her former alphas along with their offspring and she would never do anything to harm their well being. Holding her breath, she awaited the answer she desperately wanted.

It seems when you're around, my life is complete.