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Played by Grey who has 258 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Late Morning; Overcast; 73° F/23° C

For the past two weeks Mapplethorpe had been away just long enough so that the markers he usually kept pungent and strong just barely faded away. Given that there was the possibility of rain, it was with perfect timing that the grizzled man returned to the face of Mount Dire. Training Taima and grooming her with the lessons he had seen his sisters excel in had been one hell of a ride. Tufts of his fur stuck up in places where they shouldn't have and where the young Lyall had bitten him in defiance at the base of his right ear still looked fresh aside from the spots of matted brown fur along the side of his head. The next time Datura's mate even dared to bare her teeth Mapplethorpe was certain he would be well-prepared; everything now, however, was perfectly fine. During their short trek back to pack territory, the yearling had profusely apologized and put to light the confession that she had never really acted in such a way in the face of a superior. Had it not been for the rather obvious explanation of hormones, Taima Lyall would have found herself abandoned in the heart of the Red Fern Forest.

The yellow-eyed man had watched her trot away though before he began to make his rounds about the territory he had missed. Wherever @Naira and @Chulyin had stepped, he, too, planted his muddied paws into their tracks. There were many dominant males here, he knew, but to those coming upon Nomads Pass shouldn't be allowed to even assume that there were barely any brutes around to protect the female leader, the Queen, who often patrolled her borders. As far as Mapplethorpe was concerned, he was the one who would and should be feared; and, it was with every scent gland in his body - his rump, his ears, and cheeks - that he possessively marked over wherever his beloved and her knight came in contact with a number of inconspicuous landmarks.

To any passerby it was now apparent that the other sovereign of the Mountain of Dire had come home.

(This post was last modified: Sep 08, 2013, 05:09 AM by Mapplethorpe.)
Played by Taco who has 6 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Braite DeForge
Braite knew nothing of cages, but had she the knowledge she would have likened the rattle in her head to the cold clank of such an impenetrable hold. Far from hollow, the noise ooccupied her entirely. She could even feel its cold chill from the neck up.

However, in willful defiance the yearling quickly shook herself. Now was not the time to submit to cowardice -no matter the justifiction. So, in that moment of clarified resolve she stiffened her jaw and swept the stars from her eyes. With a few residual tremors she put her nose back into the small wind. Holding her inward breath she was again surmounted by the possessive scent of the wolf up ahead. Swallowing his vigor as she hesitated one final time, thereafter she buckled her brow and advanced -leaving her resistance behind.

Although the drag in her brain was quickly reborn. Every fiber in her being begged her to turn around -to cancel this possible sacrifice of her jeweled soverignty. But louder than it was the image of her brother's satisfaction when she had accepted the terms of his agrement. Besides it would only be for a little while...Somewhat sedated by this reassurance, Braite continued her procession without further delay. Of course it was still with all of the joy of a funeral -but she hadn't romised Lowen her enthusiasm. Only my compliance ....my freedom

Ok so Braite was just butt hurt about a promise that she no longer wished to keep, but few could judge her when she finally made it to the spot where the dappled wolf was. Holding herself back at a distance where much personal space remained, she made a noise to gather the male's attention and then went about lowering herself. And it hurt -it all hurt in her brain. And she could feel her outlander privileges departing from her. But as she sprawled across the welcome mat of Nomad's Pass she put all of that beside her.
(This post was last modified: Sep 16, 2013, 07:50 PM by Braite.)
Played by Grey who has 258 posts.
Inactive Deceased
The sudden noise that Mapplethorpe assumed to be another canine brought his golden eyes from the trees in the distance to the forest and stony pathways at his back. It made his eyes narrow in concern and, immediately upon seeing a pile of ashen fur, he approached the stranger. His tail rose up and though his ears didn't point forward in hostility, he growled at the submissive rogue.

Female. Young. Possibly conflicted. Everything that the Naira's equal had picked up from the girl that had stretched herself out just beyond his refurbished markers told him that she had wanted his attention, that it had probably taken a bit of nerve on her part to present herself in such a way. He eyed her rather expectantly, a snort sounding from his nostrils as he looked her over for the third time. By the looks of her - her size and build - and by scent alone, it occurred to him that this girl was roughly Taima's age. His muzzle wrinkled up at the realization, goodness help him if this one was about to give him a bite on his other ear... But first...

"What do you want?" he demanded, his barks slipping easily through his throat. "Why're you here?" His hackles rose as he prowled over to her right side, making his body parallel to hers while he peered into her face. Then, all too abruptly, his voice became as smooth as the anfractuous river that slithered through the heart of Nomads Pass, "Did you follow us? Why?"

Played by Taco who has 6 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Braite DeForge
The instant that his probing gaze found her, Braite threw her own elsewhere. Glaring through the mundane details to her left, she focused intently on the sound of his approach. Like most it was effortlessly graceful, but beyond that Braite sensed a difference. For although she was obviously ignorant to his exact rank it wasn't hard to surmise that he was well above the rest. The wolf imposed a force not unlike his cologne and it was with this understanding that the usually despotic yearling accepted his tacit superiority.

Besides she hadn't advanced upon his home to start any sort of disturbance. On the contrary she wished to make friendly with him and his comrades. Blinking in quick succession she corrected her thoughts. She had come here on behalf of her brother's desires for camaraderie -not her own.Being that she herself was sometimes confused by the dynamics of her intentions, Braite wondered how the male might recieve them. Aligning her eventual response as he closed the distant between them, she quickly found her ideas inebriated by his proximity. He was just so close. Too close for the born outlander...Likewise the internal clamor resumed, and the female could only display the most basic examples of her surrender. If only Reldt could see her now, the mighty princess Braite slain without resistance.

With her belly touching rough soil, her eyes aimed sideways and a small wave in her tail, Braite licked her lips nervously before finally speaking. "My name is Braite DeForge... I have come here on behalf of my brother Lowen. We've been loners all of our lives -along with our sister Reldt- and he's finally persuaded us to join up with a pack. But I am responsible for its selection..." as she lay there B had the revelation that her supposed power hadn't amounted to very much at all. Perhaps that was why Lowen had agreed to her terms so willingly -the clever devil!

But there would be plenty of time to punish her littermate for his percieved ruse -along with disciplining the ever wayward Reldt. For now the mini queen only had to remain focused... and against the reeking ground.
(This post was last modified: Sep 16, 2013, 07:48 PM by Braite.)
Played by Grey who has 258 posts.
Inactive Deceased
She did well to look away; if she hadn't, Mapplethorpe had been certain that she might have left his borders with a tip of an ear missing or a very shallow wound along a shoulder blade that hurt and kept reopening for as long as she traveled. He gave a curt snort, his sense of confidence and power growing larger every second she kept low to the ground at his feet. Her tail still wagged but it was apparent that she was visibly nervous. She gave him her name, then her purpose for being there, and then the very reason that told him why she had bothered to ensnare his attention.

Responsible for its selection? The Advisor's glare fully smoothed out and his interest piqued. At least, it seemed, she was honest; and, due to that fact alone Mapplethorpe fluidly backed away from her. Had the sun shone done on the Mountain of Dire that day, his shadow would have draped over her and cast her face in its shade; it would have also set a temporary halo behind the grizzled man's head, rendering him into quite a magnificent sight to behold despite the state of his pelt.

"Who do you think we are?" he asked with heavy tones still weighing down his voice. "Do you think the wolves of Relic Lore allow rogues like you to shop around? To look for a place to call home?" He shrugged and the fire in his amber eyes, if she dared to look up into his masked face, seemed to intensify. As much as he wanted to descend upon her again, he kept his distance. He and Taima had given each other a number of physical and verbal showdowns while they had been briefly away from home, and Mapplethorpe was not keen on starting anything, especially if she was already this apprehensive.

"You're here now," he stated clearly, a bark beneath his words hinting at the next sentence that was to come from his lips. "You will be one of us." Upon second glance, he noticed the singular notch in her left ear and his rigid stance relaxed. Someone, some time ago, had already given her a harsh lesson and, for once, Mapplethorpe found that he could not terrorize the girl further into the grips of the fear that already had her by the scruff. "Any sign of defiance and I will send you running," he warned. "Leave now or stand up... No wolf who calls these lands home and heeds the Empress of the Pass crumbles from the fearfulness or passiveness you bear."

(This post was last modified: Sep 17, 2013, 12:00 AM by Mapplethorpe.)
Played by Taco who has 6 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Braite DeForge
For the entirety of her existence, Braite had supressed her littermate siblings. Whether in play or serious contest she had never allowed them even the slightest notion of equality. Where she had learned this passion was unclear, but in the given moment inheritance seemed to be ruled out as a probable source. After all, what truly autonomous individual would permit themselves to fold so hopelessly!? And in the face of their foremost fears at that.

It was enough to sicken the usually proud yearling, but the severity of the moment provided an unlikely cure. Surely death would be hers should she choose to suddenly display her underlying valiance. Thus she kept it to herself -for the most part. When the male required an answer she straightened out her voice and offered words much more resolved than her initial ones. "I don't think anything, I came here to gather an opinion...," it was true -honesty was hers to a precarious fault. At least this was a fact about herself which she could not deny. Of course she was naturally tempted to steal a glance at the male to comprehend his reception of her integrity but she ultimately decided against the dare. Surely he would make his hatred known should his emotions towards her develope that way.

It was amazing really the things that B was learning about herself as she hugged the foreign land. For starters she was definitely unsure about this whole promise business but also the general topic of submission. How in the world were some able to generate such smallness on a daily basis? Although she had at least gained some minor appreciation for pack wolves who were able to avoid the chore. After all, she could hardly imagine the dominant male sacrificing his neck to anyone.

By the time that the stranger spoke again, Braite's supports had begun to ache. Her large paws had started to tingle with an odd warmth while the sensation in her legs was more like a slow sear. However, Braite was distracted from all of this by the male's implication. What -she was accepted!? There was no hiding the bewilderment on her face, especially when it soured to dissapointment. She had obviously failed to explain herself. That wasn't what she wanted. She was hardly ready. Losing her focus to this sudden blunder, Braite brought herself to full height. The process was gradual considering her general discomfort but when it finally happened so too was a measure of her vim restored.

Still, she avoided eye contact with the wolf and maintained the same unexciting tone while speaking. "As I told you before... it's a matter of selection. We've only just arrived in this region and I need to ascertain the best fit for the three of us... before deciding." Something told her that her ideas would not be well received but then again Braite didn't feel responsible for that. It was her truth and she wasn't about to shove it away just because the male was big and his lands intimidating. Although in turn she could only hope that he found something about her true courage admirable.
Played by Grey who has 258 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Mapplethorpe watched as she rose up, expecting her to unleash a selection of grateful sentiments; what came out instead was the same flat tone of voice, partially hinting at him that he had been mistaken. Mistaken. Really now, how often was Mapplethorpe mistaken? He might have been impulsive, yes, but to risk the chance that this yearling could possibly spread word of his pack's existence and location was something he was not keen on.

Sure, she might have just arrived - it was apparent just by the scent of her pelt - but he was not ready to let her go. It might not have been her fault but it had just happened that she had come here... first. "You will not find a better fit," he tried convincing her, speaking to the side of her pale face. "There are packs out there who are run by tyrants, who abuse their youth to shape and mold them, who loan out their yearlings for degrading favors... who cannibalize their own members for the means of survival..." He managed to keep a twisted smile from showing on his maw. "Trust me, DeForge," he crooned, his tone bordering on a sickly sweet and endearing tone. Though his tail still stood up like a battle standard at his back, he slowly came around to look upon the fullness her face. A slight dip of his muzzle dared her again to look back at him, even for just a second so that he could truly see her.

"Walk away from me now and I will withdraw my offer," he continued calmly as he stood still before her, his voice a tad too fluent. "I will gladly take you and your brother and sister in; in return for your loyalty, I will fill your bellies and provide you with purposeful employment. Now, how often are you offered such an opportunity as this?" His golden eyes raked up and down her figure now, searching for any hint or sign in her body language that would tell him she would accept.

A part of him wondered if he was being too rash... too spontaneous to a point that it was highly uncharacteristic. Another part was convinced that he had received quite a gift. If he could manage to recruit this young lady, then perhaps she could help him in teaching Taima a lesson or two, seeing as it seemed as though they were quite close in age. "Are your siblings near?" he asked quietly. "Must I convince them too? Winter will be here before you know it, and the chill in the air nearly penetrates down to the skin without the right resources."

Played by Taco who has 6 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Braite DeForge
Regardless of any impending consequences, in the immediate thereafter Braite felt a certain way about herself. It was a feeling which had been frustrating elusive for her brief time within the Lore, and thus her enjoyment of it was full. She felt empowered. Of course, the clout she felt was different from that of the male before her -entirely. But it was the kind that she personally preferred. It was somewhere between the wildness of not caring and the responsibility of decision making. Not the sort of thing that one could easily summarize to another, but as the wolf began again Braite thought that someplace in his own youth he had likely delighted in the same bittersweet angst.

Of course, it came as a pleasant surprise to the young DeForge when the stranger neglected to slay her for her words. Even so she was troubled not to flinch when he did just as much to frighten her with a nightmarish account of her other would be alternatives. Apparently they were everything that she had ever thought of established packs -corrupt. At this revelation the thickest vein within her neck began to pulse harder, although its efforts remained hidden beneath her suddenly warmer fur. And to think that this is what Lowen wants!? What he wants to waste my kindness on... Her spoiled thoughts deserved a snort, but B knew better than to breathe such a contemptuous noise before the wolf. Besides, she had shared enough of her weaknesses before him already -how unfortunate would it be if all he thought of her was negative? Especially if she were to take him up on his offer...

While she had no knowledge to challenge his claims towards the surrounding families, Braite was equipped with a short rejoinder for his next description. "Never," she admitted but notably with much more color than ever before. Recalling the numerous packs that had given chase to them since their descent from the mountain, B was easily able to transfer their hateful faces to those of the wicked wolves that the agouti male had previously described. It was in this instant that her heart quickly accepted his words as the truth and set about internalizing them.

Of course, this all spoke to the whiter wolf's inexperience in the world. Who would ever believe such a dramatic characterization of an entire populace? A young girl that had been raised upon a rural mountaintop -that's who! After all, what reason did she have to disbelieve the first kindly face that she had met? It was with much care that Braite finally adjusted her head to make a full on glance at the mischievous fellow. Doing so rather quickly the first time, she gathered only the general aspects of his complexion. However, after what felt like a simple pause she dared herself again, and this time settled her eyes on his capable jawline.

The subsequent feeling that came to the female was a powerful romance of envy. He was just as strong as her other senses had lead her to believe. Yet she wondered again if this was what she wanted... To live in place wherein she was actually forced to share her understanding of respect with others. Wouldn't she be happier amidst a flock of sheep among whom she was the only actual wolf? After all, the latter would likely only feel as though it was an extension of her current situation. Although...if I wanted more of the same then... I would've never left the mountain.

It was difficult taking on so much serious thought when B's initial intentions had only been to ascertain generic answers from the male. But fate had a funny way about things, and Braite was no match for it's braided mysteries. Accepting this with the grain of salt it left on her tongue Braite looked away quickly before turning back with a new expression of acceptance. For as much as she loved her freedom the small town girl could not decline the obvious. In spite of her wishes to drag out the process, her interest had been ensnared by the dangerosly clever wolf. It was a defeat which she would learn to accept in due time.

"My siblings do not need convincing... they do as I say,"pale ears turned forward as Braite offered this version of the truth. She wasn't trying to sound cold or even bad ass, it was just an established fact amongst them. "But you -what should I call you?" Of course she could have ended it all with some generic confirmation and superior title for the male. But that wasn't Braite's way and furthermore she doubted that it would be anytime soon.
(This post was last modified: Sep 17, 2013, 06:00 PM by Braite.)
Played by Grey who has 258 posts.
Inactive Deceased
"My siblings do not need convincing... they do as I say," she had said, and somewhere in the back of Mapplethorpe's skull, memories of his past life at home stirred. "But you -what should I call you?" Had it not been for her question, the Advisor might not have ever returned to the present, nearly consumed by the memory of his sister Cezanne, the most pushy and irritating individual he could ever recall meeting his life. They do as I say... He let out a small snort, as if the action alone had helped clear his head a little. Things were different now, he had to mentally remind himself, and these days he was more than confident that he was the one who was calling all the shots now. He was {still} Naira's Advisor, after all.

"Mapplethorpe," he revealed, taking in the woman's full figure now as he focused his gaze on her, sizing her up and assessing what her heritage had passed down to her. "But 'Sir' will suffice." His black-tipped tail swayed slightly in the air. Taima, he knew, was just about as tall as he was; and, to think this yearling of a girl had yet to reach fully maturity left him assured that she would make an excellent addition to Nomads Pass. Perhaps @Naira would even praise him for such a find. "So you will stay then?" he asked, a brow slightly raised on his forehead. Parts of him seemed to relax now; his ears edged back, his weight shifted from his right side to his left, and the curve in his tail eased up in a high wag. But, he did not step back or advance forward, knowing full well that the first impression he had made on Braite DeForge was exactly the image he had had in mind. "Because if so, you will be required to take a vow that is not easily broken. Are you ready?"

Played by Taco who has 6 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Braite DeForge
Left to chance, Braite never would have envisioned a tortured past for the robust male. In due time she was likely to discover that such juvenile trauma was commonplace, but for the time being her opinions were based solely upon personal experience. Furthermore the wolf had more than arisen from the cinders of his sister's abuse. So for the time being, the young wolf remained ignorant in her imaginings. Fluttering her ears somewhat as the tension between them softened, Braite tried to get a handle on her present emotions. To say the very least her initial encounter within the Lore had been terribly eventful.

A shallow thought came to mind as B wondered what her minion siblings would think of the place. Would they admire the scenery? Or would they be too frightened by the image of the noble wolf to even notice? Yes, it was common for the young DeForge to bully Reldt and Lowen even in her reveries. But it was all the fault of their genes, Reldt and Lowen had simply been unfortunate in which parent they most matched. However, Braite's lapse in attention was a short falter as she was swiftly back in tune with the yet nameless creature. Yet that specific detail was quickly rectified when his smooth voice offered a satisfying answer. Allowing the exotic word to roll round in her brain, B was prepared to say it herself when he offered a sardonic warning. Reeling her head back slightly, she was unable to mask the smirk that had unexpectedly formed. For within her mountainous homelands B had scarcely submitted herself to her own mother past a certain age. So to have... Mapplethorpe hounding her so was both invigorating and maddening.

But through all of her mood swings and resolutions it seemed downright silly for Braite to buck now. No, she would sort out her autonomous feelings with lesser beings soon enough, and thus she would consent yet again. Throwing her bright eyes sideways for an instant, Braite would eventually bring them back with a small slant. They were ready for this. "Yes."