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Dried Fire — Fireweed Rise 
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Played by TABs who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Titan Thorben
This is dated 9/25/2013 just for timeline problems

Titan was interested in trying to find the very place his sister had ventured out to quite some time ago. The young wolf cub set his paws in between the direction that the sun rose and Willow Ridge territory that he knew lay someplace directly east of his mothers pack. The new territory in front of him would be what he looked around today. To try to find that fire flower filled field that his rusty sister had boasted of. If it isn't this way then tomorrow I'll look more in the direction the sun sets. Maybe it would be over there. Titan could imagine the bright yellow sun dipping onto a fiery field full of red flowers as it set. It was something that he had been wanting to see since his sister was scolded for looking around the Rise. I bet it looks prettiest when the sun is setting. the child wondered when he would be able to see that. Titan wasn't panning on staying out till night time. He was just trying to find the fiery place. Then he was planning on heading home before someone caught him so far away from the pack.

It was around noon time that Titan had found himself stepping through lower grasses and plants. It was as if the tall yellow grass had slowly disappeared from the area replaced by the shorter sticky plants. By this time Titan had grown tired and decided to stop in the middle of this shorter meadow. While looking down at his paws more closely Titan noticed the pieces of dark red that littered the ground beneath the short plants. Are these? Surprised by the dead flower petals on the ground Titan whipped his head around looking all over at the earth searching for one complete flower. He found one a few feet away. A plant that most of the flowers had died and fallen off of. However there was one late blooming flower still on the small scrap of vegetation. Peering closer at the flower, the dark Thorben smiled and let his tail wag.

"This has to be the place!" He looked over the pretty blood red flower still full of life only a few inches off of the ground. But there's only one.. She said the whole field was..filled with them. Titan wondered if his sister had been lying, and it took the boy a few minutes looking around at the dead flower petals under all of the other plants till he realized that there had been many flowers in this field. However most of them had all withered and died leaving only a few flowers here and there in the northernmost part of the rise.

"Awww... This is no fun. I wanted to see the field of fire flowers,but there's only one good one here." Titan spoke aloud not noticing any danger that might be lurking nearby. He was quite disappointed by the field which was already preparing itself for the oncoming fall.

Learn from these streets, it can be bleak,
Accept no defeat, surrender retreat...

Played by Selk who has 32 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Lyr breathed slowly but deeply into the earth, her eyes closed to better pick up the scents. The soil and the dried stalks beneath her feet told her winter was coming, but not all was lost for this field. Although tough and brittle, the dried flowers would do well to help with colds. She made a mental note to come back to this place as she sorted with her paws through the flowers. First she needed a winter den... She muttered to herself as she thought about her plans for winter. The field, having once been so alive lay flat and from her position she could see all around her. She felt very exposed, but confident in being able to spot anyone who dared approach her.

When she did one of her routine scans on the horizon, she spotted a small lumpy figure trotting through the plants. He was searching the ground, exclaiming something exciting to himself. A smile crossed her lips as she watched him. So young... It crossed her mind to say hi to him and whoever was looking after him, but after searching the forest's edge beyond the field she realized the pup must have been alone. The motherly part of her was worried that he might get picked up by a bird of prey, but the stronger, girlish part to her soul was excited. Memories of sneaking out flooded her memories - everyone had once been young and rebellious. With these thoughts on her mind she began to walk long strides towards him.

He smelt like pack and she tried to keep her distance, remembering to be polite. She didn't need other wolves closing in on her like she was a criminal. "Awww... This is no fun. I wanted to see the field of fire flowers,but there's only one good one here."

She laughed. "Only one good one?" She bent to the earth and inhaled again until her nose found the smaller flowers, bright and growing strong now that the taller plants had died off. "Look, child," she motioned with her head to the ground, "the earth is alive with flowers." Delicately she pulled a small yellow plant from its place and pressed a nail to its petals. Slowly a pine smell took the air as the petals were bruised. "And within those flowers lie many mysteries..." Her brow cocked at him, waiting to see if he was interested in hearing more.
Played by TABs who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Titan Thorben
The dark childs body jerked sideways when a feminine voice interrupted his thoughts. His ebony muzzle swung upwards with a warning growl to the stranger while Titan's blue eyes looked over the gray woman who stood a number of tail lengths away. At first the young Thorben thought his silver furred mother had caught up with him. However after gazing at the stranger with a shocked expression on his face Titan could see that this femme was not his tall mother. The gray woman had somewhat the same colored coat but her eyes were much different. His blue orbs were mesmerized by the green and gold eyes that this she wolf held.

He barely heard the womans first words while staring (what could be called rudely or taken as a compliment) at Lyr's face. Instead when the sounds came out of her mouth all he could do was shrink downwards in submission knowing that this other wolf could be scary and "dangerous" as father sometimes referred to lone wolves as. Then as he listened closer and shoved his blue eyes to the ground where Lyr pointed to something with her paw, Titan finally fully understood the womans words.

Mysteries? In Flowers? H... How? He wondered quietly pulling his eyes back up to the woman while still tense cowering over the flowers. A sweet scent hit his nose which pulled the pups attention back to another flower that the woman stood upon. A bright yellow flower which held his gaze for a few moments before returning them to Lyr's face.

"H..How are there mysteries in flowers? Flowers are just smelly things aren't they?" Titan puffed out his chest and forced himself out of the submissive position trying to look brave. How was he supposed to eventually take a role as guardian if he was scared of strangers all the time?

The scent of the flower tugged at his nose. Many plants had smelled strange to him. Including the one's Simaea liked to bring back to the cave den. Not that the pup knew of medicinal plants yet. He only knew that she had quite a large store of smelly plants hidden someplace within the cave.

Learn from these streets, it can be bleak,
Accept no defeat, surrender retreat...

Played by Selk who has 32 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
The boy stared at her, looking a little dumbstruck. His submission was obvious and made Lyr curious. What was it about loners that instilled such fear in others? Lyr smiled at him, wondering what sorts of thought were running through his head. It was hard for her to remember what sorts of thoughts she'd had when she was young. Trauma had wrapped those memories in the shadows of her mind. Remembering this gave her a pang of sadness, and this made her face lose muscle tone - her smile wiped right out.

She focused on those little bright eyes and his words, and soon felt the numbness slip away. "The world is full of mysteries!" she responded to him. A light rumble came from dark clouds on the horizon. "The mystery of the weather," she murmured as she watched the darkness unfold, thinking of the boy's mother. She would probably be looking for him. "The mystery of a stranger," she said idly before looking back to him, her smile returned to her lovely face. "Flowers are no different. It's said that if a boy gives a girl a giant blazing star flower she'll love him forever," she said with wide eyes before looking down to the fragrant flower beneath her. "This plant is called arnica. Make a poultice of its juices and you'll soothe even the worst of sprains. But lick your paws afterwards and your insides will bleed you dry," she said darkly.

A curious expression came over her mismatched eyes. Perhaps she shouldn't have said that - she didn't want to give the poor little thing nightmares... However he would learn sooner or later of death and its part in life. Better it be by a stranger than by experience. "A strange world we live in..." she muttered to herself, stepping off the plant to prevent it from burning her paw pads.
Played by TABs who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Titan Thorben
He listened quietly as the gray woman spoke. She wasn't at all growly or snarly like a "dangerous" animal or loner might be. No instead his body was calmed by her soothing voice. His small ebony banner relaxed some sliding from between his legs to hovering over the ground behind the child. Though he kept himself standing upright no longer worrying about looking intimidating to the stranger. He watched her cautiously still noticing the clouds when she spoke of the weather. Ever since Nari had moved him and his siblings Titan did not like being outside when bad weather came around. The clouds reminded him all the more that he had to get back home soon.

"A mystery like the strangers name?" He asked still wondering who this lady was who sported such a kind demeanor. "My name is Titan Thorben of Whisper Caverns pack." He stated his name still waiting for the woman to give her own. However now the child held his head high proud of the pack he was born in. The dark lad was slowly losing that tenseness from earlier after being surprised by the newcomer.

Instead that trademark curiosity won over Titan who gazed down at the yellow flower. The composite flower had a cluster of long smooth shaped leaves at the base.

"Ewww.. Who would want to be with a girl!" He let his nose roll up into a mock snarl. Malia had always been annoying and as much as he loved his sister the young Thorben male would gladly be hanging with the males of the pack than with the females. Though this attitude would likely change as Titan ages.

"What's a poultice?" Titan was about to overwhelm the woman with questions. Then the ebony coated child waited for the gray wolfs answer before asking his third question.

"If that flower helps with pain then would nurse Simaea like it if I brought her some?" He intercepted the womans speech before she spoke of the danger of eating it. "Oh.. That's not good. How do you carry it back then without getting sick?" He asked looking from the plant to Lyr wondering how to take the plant back to the caverns without accidentally eating any.

Learn from these streets, it can be bleak,
Accept no defeat, surrender retreat...

Played by Selk who has 32 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Lyr gave him a look, impressed at his banter. "Precisely," she murmured, a wry smile on her face. "My name is Titan Thorben of Whisper Caverns pack." He said this very proudly and Lyr nodded sagely as if she knew much of this pack - truly she had no idea. Whisper Caverns sounded like a curious place, why had she never heard of it before? "And I am Lyr-of-no-allegience," she declared. "It is an honour to meet you, Titan Thorben. You sound like you like your pack well enough, who leads and where is it located?" she asked idly, as if she asked this of pack wolves all the time... and as if she wasn't curious at all.

"Ewww.. Who would want to be with a girl!" he squealed and Lyr cackled. Some day she swore she'd find her love and prayed this feisty young boy - Titan, would find his own mate. And perhaps when he did he'd remember the star flower so big and bright to dazzle his lady. She thought of telling him to enjoy his youth, but decided against it. She didn't want to come off as patronizing - he was a good boy, and didn't need to be talked down to as other pups did.

She still held her smile as she answered his question. "A poultice is a concoction - a mixture. It usually is applied to the external wound directly." Lyr was surprised he hadn't passed out in boredom yet.

"If that flower helps with pain then would nurse Simaea like it if I brought her some?" Lyr carefully considered this as he posed to her the problem of carrying it back. So Whisper Caverns had a nurse named Simaea? Interesting title. Probably a healer of sorts. "It helps to wrap it up in a big leaf. Just make sure the leaf isn't poisonous too!" she joked. "Simaea would definitely be happy if you brought it to her if there's anyone sick with sprains and bruises. Does that sound like anyone in your pack?" she probed gently.
Played by TABs who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Titan Thorben
Titan tipped his head to the side while Lyr of no place asked about his pack. He wasn't sure if his mother would mind him telling even a nice lone wolf where their pack was. Besides he barely knew the way back himself. Titan would have to follow his own scent trail back in order to get to the border again.

"My mom and dad Narimé and Sloane Thorben lead the pack. Our family lives in the top part of a big meadow. But our meadow doesn't have pretty flowers like these." His answer might not have had enough information for the gray she wolf to know the location he was describing. However the young pup also pointed with his tail in the direction he had last come from.

However the young boy couldn't see what was so funny with his own "girl-hating" comment. He bit his lip while looking at the woman trying to wait for her to stop laughing at him. Titan did not like it when other wolves made fun of him in any way. Though he happily took in the womans words when she did address him again about the definition of a poultice. Titan almost understood the explanation. At least he would remember it for later then ask his family what it really meant.

A dark fluffy tail swept back and forth as Lyr spoke approvingly of him taking the flowers back. Oh maybe Simaea might want these! His thoughts turned to the two white wolves who had disappeared from the cave. Athena and Aphrodite. He knew that Aphie's mom had been hurt and that his family had taken care of her for a little while. He thought that it might be helpful if he brought the herbs back in case someone else got hurt doing their work. All the boy wanted was to be helpful to those around him.

"There was someone who had been hurt, but she left us. I think uncle Tokino was hurt too but it was a big scratch over his back. Will this flower help the scratch too?" Titan asked while stepping forward and looking for any large leaves that he could use to carry the yellow "arnica" flowers in.

Learn from these streets, it can be bleak,
Accept no defeat, surrender retreat...

Played by Selk who has 32 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
ooc: pardon the wait! lots of studying xP

"Will this flower help the scratch too?" It seemed Lyr was dealing with an heir. This was proving to be an interesting meeting. Part of her was glad to have gotten some info about a nearby pack but the other part was simply enjoying the child's company. Lyr didn't imagine she would have pups one day but they always made her feel happy. Although to be in the company of someone so high on the pack totem pole... Perhaps now was the time to become nervous? She anxiously glancing to the edge of the field where the pup's scent came from. As if the sky was answering her prayers, she felt a drop of water on her pelt. The storm clouds were far enough, but soon the water would fall faster.

"If your uncle had such a large scratch, there was probably other herbs used on him... I'm sure your nurse would have a good stock of arnica already." It had occurred to Lyr that putting a potentially toxic herb near the mouth of a child - a prince - was not the smartest of ideas. She decided it would be best to steer him away from the strongly scented flower. "But it is good of you to be helpful. Remember to always respect healers, for those who know how to revive the body also know how to destroy it."

"Winter is coming. Perhaps your nurse could something for the colds your pack will catch? Do you know what we can use here that is good for colds?" She asked with an animated quirk of her brow, briefly allowing her eyes to glance over at the edge of the dead field where skunkbush plants were growing densely. Then she shifted her gaze back to him and waited to see if he caught on.
(This post was last modified: Sep 30, 2013, 11:00 PM by Lyr.)
Played by TABs who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Titan Thorben
Whether Lyr knew it or not Titan was planning on taking a number of the arnica plants back with him. Even as she tried to warn him not to take the plant the dark lad was thinking up a way to transport the yellow flowers without really touching them. He had remembered seeing large leaves on the earth within the sheltered part of Whisper Caverns little forest. I can come back later with a big leaf and collect the yellow arnica flowers with my claws like she did. Then put them in the middle of the leaf and pick it up somehow. Titan hadn't quite grasped the idea of closing the leaf over the flowers yet and biting the ends in order to grip it. However it would not take the sly child long to figure it out if he put his time into it.

Shaking himself out of the idea making day dream the young Thorben caught the tag end of Lyr's, "....good of you to be helpful. Remember to always respect healers, for those who know how to revive the body also know how to destroy it...." Her words scared him a little. He knew what death was. Like sleeping forever. Eternal rest. No more fun or eating, play fights, or exploring. Just eternal blackness. Or at least that was how he imagined it being. Titan did not want that. The young man wondered how healers could cause death when their job was to heal.

Her next question brought his full attention to the gray woman. Something for colds? He wondered what other plants that were around that could help for a cold.

"How many plants are there that can help wolves with injuries?" He piped up not knowing where to look even though Lyr was trying to make it obvious to the boy. "oh..and wolves who're sick?" Titan added quickly realizing that the woman had spoken of a plant that could help a cold too. Though the child's blue eyes soon drifted to the sky where the clouds were beginning to release a slow misting of rain.

Learn from these streets, it can be bleak,
Accept no defeat, surrender retreat...

Played by Selk who has 32 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
"How many plants are there that can help wolves with injuries?" He asked sweetly, his mind wandering but staying on topic. It seemed to interest him, what she talked about. This surprised her... When she was young she had wanted nothing to do with memorizing herbs... Of course she had no choice then. She considered whether he was just being courteous; if so, he was a very polite lad. She would humor him.

"Like wolves in a pack, everything serves its purpose. So too is it with the wild." Some of the masters of the craft of healing she had met along her life believed all plants were capable of great powers. Usually these wolves were old crones driven mad by their own powers. Sometimes Lyr worried she too would turn into a witch someday. "What purpose do you plan on serving in your pack?" she asked.

She watched him shift his attention to the sky and so too did she. Rain broke through the clouds and Lyr breathed in the sweet scent of the field that blossomed with the sprinkling of water. Lyr frowned. "You're mother must be missing your absence," she said stiffly.

When she looked back to the child she realized how formal she sounded. Goodness. No wonder she thought she might become a witch! Her solemn expression turned into a grin. "Now if I was your mother I'd have a heart attack if my boy came home all muddy," she said mischievously before dropping to the earth and rolling around, "so you better not get caught by..." she stood and shook out her coat.

Every strand stuck out off her skin in tufts and her eyes got a treacherous look. "The MUD MONSTER!" She roared playfully before taking a light but quick swipe at his clean face.