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Played by Melorama who has 101 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
Anouke Khasekhemre
Dated for the 17th :)
@Neith <3

Blackberry bushes. Wide open spaces. Tall grass. No scent of other wolves.

Those were all of the things that Anouke took note of. Lifting up his dark muzzle from the blackberry bush that he had been sniffing (it had no blackberries) the Young Hellion glanced behind his bulky form to his sister, who was more feminine than him, but had the build of a guardian. Her cream coloured coat with black highlights along her spine, through her tail and around her face was almost completely the opposite of himself. He had dark brown fur on his upper side that faded to a creamy brown underneath his belly. His whole head was black that faded to a brown on his neck, and his right front leg was completely white from the knee downwards; his three other paws were all white too.

Sniffing the air with his raised, black muzzle, the Young Hellion briefly watched a rabbit hop from one blackberry bush to another, as if trying to find something to nibble on that wasn’t grass. ”The scenery looks different than it was just a few days ago.” His voice was cold, yet also with the hint of softness that it always had when he spoke to his sister. Few words were usually spoken by the Young Hellion, unless if there was a reason for more to be said, which most of the time there wasn’t.

Giving his sister a soft nudge against her shoulder with his dark muzzle, the hint of a smile tugged at the corners of his lips, but it stayed like that. He hadn’t smiled in almost a year. The thought of his family dead, and Neith dying still haunted him to this day, and probably would forever. He couldn’t live without her, and if she died, he didn’t know what he would do.

306 Words

I do it because I can,
I can because I want to,
I want to because you made me.
Played by Becca who has 9 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Neith Khasekhemre
@Anouke slight PP <3

Neith walked close to her brother Anouke but not right next to him. Her tail held a soft wag to it. Though her face was emotionless she had been feeling like something was missing. Had it been the death of the family? Or the possibility that she might never find love? Whatever it was she was going crazy thinking about it. Sniffing the air she was looking for any other wolves. None seemed to be around. A good and bad thing. They way they lived was off of others, but it was also a bad thing because that meant that they might not find shelter.

The nudge of her brother snapped her out of her thoughts. Playfully she tackled her brother and pinned him. A bark escaped her chest and was right in Anoukes' face. Jumping off of him her expression turned serious. "Anouke, I think we should split up and scout out the area. You know I can always find you when we need to meet up again." she gave him a nudge on the chin and kept walking forward.

The scent of an animal not to far away was caught by her nose. Following the scent she flicked her tail for her brother to follow. "Shall we hunt before we depart?" Neith could tell there was a few hares near. Just enough for them to snack on before going their separate ways. Crouching down she saw one hare run by from the black berry bushes. A devious smile was on her face. A whole family must be by, whether they will be in the bushes or in the open. She could smell them all. Neiths' tail raised up so that her brother Anouke could watch her. As soon as one tried to run past her she dashed (with any energy she could) before snapping it's back in her powerful jaws.

Hearing the pop of the bones was wonderful thing to her. But feeling the warm blood run down her throat from the puncture wound in the hares back was even better. Holding it in her mouth she tried to speak to Anouke "Why don't you give it a try?" though it sounded clear it was probably muffled by the hare that sat dead in her jaws. Neiths' tail was still held high over her back. Showing she was much more proud than her brother. For her size it was a wonder how she even managed to catch it.
Played by Melorama who has 101 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
Anouke Khasekhemre

He could tell something was up with his sister, but what it was, he didn’t know. From past experiences, he knew not to ask. She may bite or what she would say would be lost to him. It was barely a second after he gave her a nudge, but suddenly he was lying flat on his back with his sister standing upon him. She gave a bark right in his face before turning serious again and stepping off of him. This was usual behavior from her, so he didn’t think anything about it as he clambered to his large paws and gave his dark coat a quick shake to get loose any debris that may have caught in his fur.

He felt like he could just lallygag all day, but apparently his sister had other ideas. His black ears pricked at her words, but an almost bored expression came upon his face. There it was again. He did a mental face plant before looking at his sister, with one of his eyebrows raised. Sure, she could scouting out the area for a possible pack to destroy and play with to their hearts content. But he wanted to look around for any more victims to fool around with, whether it be their hearts or their minds.

As for her finding him, it was like he was a very bright light source and she was a moth. She could find him, even if miles separated him. But as for him finding her? Forget it. He had no sense of direction, and even if she stayed in one spot, he wouldn’t be able to find her. “You go scout for packs, I go look for more victims to terrorize.”

That was his usual reply when she spoke of wanting to scout ahead. It was true though. He always wandered around for a few days before following her and joining whatever pack she had found. That was when their inner devils were unlocked and hell was unleashed upon the pack. Usually they turned pack members against one another, or they played with their hearts, pretending that they liked them, but really, it was all just for fun. And for revenge.

When Neith suggested that they hunt before separating, he shrugged. “Sure.” Once again, his answer was short. He only spoke things that he needed to, and never spoke a word more than he had to. His bright amber gaze watched as Neith crouched down, awaiting for a rabbit to run by her. It was only a few moments before one attempted to dash by her, but it was too slow. Her jaws clamped around its furry body, swiftly killing it. He knew that there was no way he would be able to do that. She had more flexibility and speed than him, and could catch a rabbit or hare from time to time. But him? It was rare for him to catch something small like that.

At her muffled words of “Why don’t you give it a try?” he gave a small shake of his head, but then sighed and shuffled forwards at a walk. He may as well try. After all, he could get lucky. Crouching down about a foot away from the hares and rabbits that were bounding around, he couldn’t quite get himself low enough to hide fully in the tall grass, but it sufficed.

They shot past him at very fast speeds, and even though each time they went right by his muzzle, whenever he attempted to clamp his jaws around its furry body, he always just managed to miss. A few times his teeth snagged on their tails, but he couldn’t get a proper hold and they ran free past him.

After what seemed like an age, Anouke suddenly sprang to his feet, sending the small animals scurrying away, before resuming their playful behavior a few meters away. He snorted and turned away, to stare at Neith before shaking his head. “Can’t quite get them. They’re too fast for me.” His words were soft, yet full of volume. It frustrated him when he couldn’t do something that someone else could. But she had always been the better hunter, although he was usually better at fighting. It was all in the genetics that they had, and sadly for him, he lacked the hunting gene.

724 Words

I do it because I can,
I can because I want to,
I want to because you made me.
(This post was last modified: Sep 22, 2013, 03:04 AM by Anouke.)
Played by Becca who has 9 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Neith Khasekhemre
Neith couldn't help but hold her head and tail high. "You only need a bit more work. Maybe one day you can be like me." it was obvious she was teasing her brother. Trotting towards him Neith dropped the rabbit to her brothers' paws. "Take it I'm not hungry anyways and I can always catch more." dropping her tail and head she sat down. Nudging her brother to eat the rabbit as if he had a choice anyways. Her white paws padded a few feet away from her brother as she sniffed the area. Faint scents of loners caught her nose "Well you will have some luck with the victims all I'm smelling is loners." a evil smile formed on her face.

Neiths' eyes started to scan over the area. Firey orbs found there way to bright amber ones. Anouke had the eyes of their father while she held the eyes of their mother. Truly Neith had always been a bit jealous of her brother. Anouke had the unique appearance while she had a normal appearance. "How come your the unique one?" she puffed her chest up to reach the leavel he was at. Neiths' shoulders seemed to be pushed forward. "You always manage to draw others to yourself. With your white leg and three white paws. Your fighter build and charm. You know Anouke, maybe I can find my own place for once. I'll make my own name here and you make your name here."

Her eyes drifted off into the area and she turned as if to walk away. Yet she didn't Neith only walked away ten feet or so before siting down by a bunch of blackberry bushes.
Played by Melorama who has 101 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
Anouke Khasekhemre

The Young Hellion’s black ears threatened to flatten at Neith’s words, even though they were said in a teasing tone. Both of them knew that he was just too bulky and slow to catch a rabbit, hare or anything that was quick. But he could take down a deer easily, if he had help that it. His sister’s quickness was needed to herd the deer towards him where he and another would be waiting for the final attack. But if it was a young doe he could take it down by himself.

Looking at his sister through slightly narrowed eyes, Anouke twitched his ear as she dropped the rabbit at his paws, but didn’t move. He was accustomed to this, but never really liked taking it, as she was the one who had caught it, not him. He hadn’t moved an inch until Neith dropped to her haunches and nudged him with her muzzle to ear the rabbit. As if he the choice. Either he ate it, or she too it from him and ate it herself.

Mentally shrugging, Anouke stared at his sister for just a moment before eating the rabbit. It was still warm, and was delicious. His bright amber eyes spotted his sister padding a few feet away from him; her muzzle up in the air as if she was smelling for something. He had just finished eating when she spoke again, and the corners of his lips twitched up in the beginnings of a smile, though it didn’t fully make it on his face.

Sighing softly to himself, the Young Hellion got up from his haunches and stood to his full height before giving a quick shake of his dark pelt. His sister’s words rang out into the air and his eyes sought out hers. He groaned inwardly at her jealous words of "How come your the unique one?" and splayed his ears to the side. He had heard her ramble on about how he was unique and she was common so many times he felt as if he could recite it off by heart.

Looking at Neith, Anouke made no decision to move, and neither did his sister, though she did puff out her chest so that she seemed to be level with him, her shoulders were also pushed forwards. Sighing again at his sister’s crazy antics, he listened as she spoke in an almost frustrated voice about why he was better than her. The Young Hellion twitched his right ear to face Neith –which had a triangle-shaped nick taken out of it from a tooth- while his left stayed in its normal pricked position. He often kept one ear out for any wolves that may stumble by; a defensive thing really, while the other listened attentively to whichever wolf he was interacting with. In this case, it was his sister.

He waited until she had finished speaking, and watched her as she turned as if to walk away, yet as always, just sat down a couple of feet away. Padding forwards, Anouke walked up to his sister and sat down on her right, about a foot away. He stared at her for a few seconds before speaking himself. “We are all unique in our own ways. Me? It’s all in my looks. And as for drawing others to me, I tend to compliment them before striking like a cobra. You know me, I can’t help myself.” At this, he moved closer until they were almost side-by-side, and nudged her gently on the shoulder with his dark muzzle. “Yes, that is true. But I can’t hunt like you. Without your skills, I’d have starved by now. Now, charm? It’s the way I act around others. I just pretend to be interested in them, and that’s why they all like me. To an extent of course.”

His lips twitched again, but still, he didn’t smile. “But you also have unique qualities too. For instance: You can get your way out of anything by using your good looks and charms. You’ve always been able to get out of tricky situations, but at times I tend to not get away with things and then you have to rescue me.” The Young Hellion stopped talking and waited patiently for his sister to reply, if she would. He could never be sure what she would do. It was unnerving at times.

732 Words

I do it because I can,
I can because I want to,
I want to because you made me.
Played by Becca who has 9 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Neith Khasekhemre
(@Anouke Sorry about the delay D:)

Neith didn't say a word at all. All she could manage to do was lean against her brother. The silence between them felt good. Usually she would've been blabbering away but this time she just bit her tongue and let it go. Anouke was always right. He always had been sense they were young. Yet she never listened to him. Maybe if she had listened to him she wouldn't be this way. But that was just the fighter in her. To never give up on her own opinions. If she did such then it meant she lost the mental battle. Possibly Neith could try and stop being so hard headed. Just try though, if she didn't like being non-hard headed then she would go back to being her hard headed self.

Without a fuss she sighed. This time she would be different. Change things up, confuse her brother a bit. "Your right, you've always been right. I'm just a hard headed, fighting, hell- raising wolf. Nothing more and nothing less. But you are just the same brother." That was it. Neith had just lost the mental battle. She had been winning for so long but something told her to draw a white flag. To surrender. There truly was no need for her to be taunting with her brother. Yes he may have had the unique looks but she had the smarts and wits. Which in her opinion was better then looks.

Slowly standing she reached out to her brother and nudged him on the shoulder. "You better not let some lesser individual beat you out there on the trails. You know how I am when I found out you lost against someone in a fight" Neith let out a laugh yet she was also being serious. As she had a habit of seeming like she was joking when she was truly being dead serious.
Played by Melorama who has 101 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
Anouke Khasekhemre

I do it because I can, I can because I want to,
Anouke Kasekhemre
I want to because you made me.

The Young Hellion could sense that his sister was thinking very deeply, as if fighting a mental battle. She was silent for about a minute, and he looked around at their surroundings. It had long been learnt that should he ever disrupt the silence when she was thinking, the outcome was never good. As he heard her sigh, his ears pricked as he turned his dark face to look at her, his bright amber eyes staring into her bright orange eyes.

But when she spoke, he stared at her, an incredulous look on his handsome face. Staring warily at his sister, he leaned ever so slightly away from her, unsure of what trick she was playing on him. That wasn’t her usual answer, and whenever something changed, he was wary of it. The change in her answer meant that she had lost the mental battle, and he knew that was something she never wanted to do. She had just raised the white flag in a sign of surrender.

He didn’t know what to say, but to say nothing at all at her sudden change of heart would be very destructive, and there was no way he would let that happen. “Yes, I am the same as you are. But your fighting spirit makes you into the wolf you are.” Smooth and simple, easy. He didn’t want to question her sudden change, as she may take it the wrong way, which would also be very bad.

His bright amber eyes saw her form stand up and felt a soft nudge on his dark shoulder, and when she spoke the corners of his lips twitched up slightly in the beginnings of a smirk. He heard her laugh, but it was in a serious tone, he knew that she meant business. “Don’t worry, I won’t let them.” Now standing up, the Young Hellion looked upwards at the sky, where the sun was slowly sinking. It would be night soon, and they would then part ways: Neith to scout out a suitable pack, and him to meet new, unsuspecting wolves before he would rejoin her.

Oh, it was fun to be a Hell-raising wolf.

360 Words