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When the Angels Sing — Drooping Willows 
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Played by TABs who has 170 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Tokino Lagina
A continuation of this thread --> http://relic-lore.net/showthread.php?tid=4911

what you don't know, won't hurt you
Tokino Lagina
what you can't see, won't blind you
This the place? Kino huffed as he leaned sideways balancing the added weight of the more injured woman upon his tense shoulder. She was heavier than he thought and the long walk from their hunting area made his already abused muscles scream in pain. The older male wanted nothing more than to simply drop himself and Minka onto the earth and rest. However according to her they had not made it to this Willow Ridge Packs border yet.

The pair of misfits had crossed a large expanse of willow forest in order to get this far. Kino was hard crossed not to tell the woman "that she was crazy!" or "The caverns would have been closer than this!" however he kept his mouth shut. Perhaps the only reason he kept his mouth shut was because the woman was baring more pain than he was. After walking next to her for so long the Lagina wolf knew that her hard time breathing was because her ribs were broken. What he had no idea was just how many were broken.

Well I damn hope these scents are a part of the borders we're searching for! He snarled in his head smelling the mingling scents of a pack only a few short feet in front of him. The gray man tipped his head up looking deep into the woods beyond searching for a trace of perhaps a guardian and an alpha checking on the borders. Don't look like anyone's here.. He growled under his breath just loud enough for Minka to hear.

(This post was last modified: Aug 21, 2013, 10:02 PM by Tokino.)

Played by Ghost who has 389 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Minka Lagina

Golden eyes raised from where they had been trained on the ground, concentrating on each step so as not to fall and worsen her injuries. Flicking around the woods of indistinguishable willows did little good, he was right in saying that there was no one around, at least that was allowing themselves to be seen. Leathery nose twitched as it took in the scents, strong and clearly marking the border of the territory, they had come as far as they could without invitation further. What normally would have taken them less than an hour had taken them several as they had struggled along, often times having to stop so Minka could fight off the pain. The slightest jolt had sent her cringing, making the world spin as the pain of her side overtook her for long moments at a time. The woman knew her ribs were probably broken, that's what the crack had been when the hoofs at hit her side, but she hoped against all odds that she was exaggerating, that within a couple weeks she would be fine again.

Slowly the huntress peeled herself off the males side, gasping in pain with the movement, not realizing just how much she had been supported by him. Her eyes squeezed shut and her jaw visibly clenched as she fought with herself from crying out, not wanting to seem any weaker than she already did. Finally the wave subsided and before giving it another chance the tawny woman raised her muzzle to the sky, calling for someone, anyone to come help them, the message was clear it was an emergency. Once more her howl was cut short in a muffled cry as the motion caused her lungs to expand into her sides, into the injury site.

Her hind leg still bled heavily whenever Minka added any pressure to it, so the female lay down, licking pitifully at her wounds though she knew it would not help. Her fur was stained and matted with her own blood, and the wound was deep, though luckily it had not harmed any tendons. The salty taste of her own fluids filled her mouth as she futilely tried to clean up the area, but the blood was still being replaced as fast as she could clean it. The woman's head swam with black dots and the world seemed to spin at a constant rate now, she had lost a lot of blood and without help soon she would surely die; she could only hope that the healer here would not turn them away.

Hoofs and Antlers Will Break My Bones
But Words Will Never Hurt Me
Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
Since this thread is based off the previous, quite older thread, I'm not sure about what has and has not happened in current events with Elettra. I know its before her injury but, I'm going to leave most events vague. XD

Her intentions this day was set to multi-tasking, scouting along the edges of her home within the Drooping Willows lands as well as seeking out some herbs that grew within the area that might do her some use. It is within her hunting that she hears the call of a wolf, feminine sounding in nature though she could not entirely pin point in with anyone she knew. The message was urgent and her silken black ears perked to the noise with wonder.
Her movements are brisk to heed the urgency of the call and yet still she approaches with a caution, her head leveled with her spine and her tail out straight behind her, ears back and her nose to the wind as she draws nearer to this part of her territories border. Throughout the spare woodland of willow trees, she could see a pair far ahead, a man of grey hues struggled for support of himself and a woman, breathing heavily along the green floor. The scent of blood is thick in this area, stirring a certain amount of adrenaline within her and she slows her pace, moving towards the pair with obvious distance. For the time being, she does not speak, merely makes her presence known before them. They were strangers to her an whatever familiar scent of the Cavern wolves they harbored was masked by the scent of blood.
Played by TABs who has 170 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Tokino Lagina
This is so late.. I'm sorry!

what you don't know, won't hurt you
Tokino Lagina
what you can't see, won't blind you
They rested at the border for a short time. One wolf leaning upon the other. His muscles were weary but Kino kept himself rigid looking for predators like bear who might go after an injured wolf. However the only thing that came to greet his nose was the scent of another canine. Turning his icy gaze to the right the gray man spotted the source of the scent. A weary looking black peppered gray female stood over the border that they had stopped at.

Prodding Minka softly Kino painfully lifted himself to his paws and dipped his head in submission and greeting to the pack wolf beyond the border. I'm guessing your either a guard, second, or alpha. Either way we mean no harm... Obviously by our looks. He adverted his gaze while speaking to the woman.

This here's Minka and I'm Tokino Lagina of Whisper Caverns. He gave their names only because Minka had said that this other pack was an ally of their own. Normally he would have been more weary of telling a stranger his own name.

Look ma'am. We were hunting nearby. An well.. a bull elk did this. She needs treatment bad. He was growing a little desperate to help Minka who's blood was already staining a small patch of his own coat. Thouh his own wound was open to the air it had in fact stopped bleeding already. As long as he didn't do anything strenuous the gray man would get off lucky without and bad bleeding unlike his new friend.

(This post was last modified: Sep 01, 2013, 07:36 PM by Tokino.)

Played by Ghost who has 389 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Minka Lagina
so sorry everyone!

Through the mask of the scent of her own blood Minka smelled the approach of another, and the scent stood strongly on the borders, this woman had to be high ranked within the pack. The fae had never heard the name of the leader of Willow Ridge, and she had no idea that this was lady Elettra that stood silently before her now. Even so the huntress remembered her manners and struggled to a standing position, just so that she could bow down and show her respect. The change in blood flow caused the woman's ears to fill with the sound of what could have been a rushing river and her cinnamon legs buckled beneath her. Catching herself just before she hit the ground Minka lowered herself cautiously the rest of the way. Golden orbs raised to look towards the dark lady before them, though they avoided eye contact appropriately as Tokino briefly explained their situation.

Struggling to take in a deep breath the woman inserted her own piece, "Please, we wish no burden on you or the pack.....your territory was much closer than our own and our own healer is very inexperienced." Minka felt that the explanation was needed, otherwise it would seem odd that the wolves would choose to come to a neighboring pack for help instead of their own, especially since they did technically have a healer of their own. This was a partial truth of course, if being completely honest the fae did not trust SImaea, not after the cruel prank that was played one her. Though the woman knew that she was probably being foolish, part of her still feared that the younger wolf did not take her duties serious enough for an emergency situation. This was the part of her that took over in these situations, fight or flight, and the woman was obviously in no condition to fight with Simaea, and so she had chosen to take flight to a different pack for refuge.

fate hasn't finished
with you yet
Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
She listens to them, silent for the time being as she was before whilst the male explained himself and then the female, struggling to stand from the wound she had been given by the bull's horn, further went on. After a moment, Elettra shifted, taking but a step closer towards the injured pair. "And how then, may your healer learn if you leave her no room for practice?" She speaks, an invisible brow lifting as she looks at them hard in question. The young woman spoke of them wishing not to be of any burden to them, but the truth of the matter was - they were. This would take time out of her day, much of it. Just getting the woman into a secure location, as well as taking the time to gather what she needed for the girl, mixing it together and applying, only to be left to retrieve more. Healing someone was never a simple task just as border patrol took your day away and hunting too much needed energy. They were allies of hers and for this, they were lucky. Elettra did not have the resources to take for every wolf within Relic Lore, though the allies which made up the pack of Whisper Cavern had been true to her. Narime had personally come to her time and time before to deliver food (as the exceptional hunter she was) in replace for the herbs and time Elettra had given her members.
The woman is silent for a time before a sight graces parted grey-hued lips and she huffs there after before speaking once more. "Tokino. I would like for your to help me lead her within the pack borders. There is a small cache of herbs nearby that may be of use..." Though the supply there was nothing compared to what she might have within the Storage den at the foothills of the mountains, or the Infirmary within the heart of her home, these locations were much further and time was of the essence. Once Minka was stable, her blood stopped and her wounds covered in a poultice, she may relocate. This was all a matter which Elettra could speak to Minka of it time, but for now Elettra was lucky enough @Angier had set it upon himself to leave some herbs within the caches in various location. "Then leave." She further directs. Though she had not spoken her name or clarified her position within the pack, perhaps it would be further guessed due to her demanding nature. "Go to Whisper Caverns and inform them. Minka will be able to return after a few days rest but it will take much more time then that to fully heal. After the worst is passed, I'm sure your young healer can handle the rest..." Now, she comes to Minka's side sharp and swiftly, moving to stand along the opposite of the one Tokino had taken up, ready to guide them within her home.